"Maze In The Mirror" āœ§A Kookm...

By kimyeontansmom30

61.3K 5.9K 3.8K

šŸā„ļøON HOLDā„ļøšŸ "I love you, Jimin hyung" Jungkook confessed nervously stretching his hand that was holding a... More

āœ§2. Why did I dream of him?āœ§
āœ§3. Rice Cakesāœ§
āœ§4. Turn of Eventsāœ§
āœ§5. Get Out!āœ§
āœ§6. Detentionāœ§
āœ§7. Buddies Talkāœ§
āœ§8. The Scriptsāœ§
āœ§9. The Sakura Kissāœ§
āœ§10. A Weird Man? āœ§
āœ§11. Found Him? āœ§
āœ§13.Planning a Trap?āœ§
āœ§14. Dangerous Salvationāœ§
āœ§15. The Start Of Eveāœ§
āœ§16. Finally!āœ§
āœ§17. The Proposal Dayāœ§
āœ§18. True Colours?āœ§
āœ§19. His Angerāœ§
āœ§20. What's Happening?āœ§
āœ§21. Pranks?āœ§
āœ§22. Friends Chatāœ§
āœ§23. Sister?āœ§
āœ§24. Make-out?āœ§
āœ§25. Not Normal?āœ§
āœ§26. True Faceāœ§
āœ§27. Make Me Your Wife!āœ§
āœ§28. Sibling's Babblingsāœ§
āœ§29.Unknown Person?āœ§
āœ§30. Fight!āœ§
āœ§31. Red-haired Man?āœ§
āœ§32. Jeonolous?āœ§
āœ§33. My Angelāœ§
āœ§34. He Knows?āœ§
āœ§35. The Soul Reaperāœ§
āœ§36. Visionsāœ§
āœ§37. It's Hot...?āœ§

āœ§1. An Angel!āœ§

2.6K 185 126
By kimyeontansmom30

Jungkook's P.O.V:-


Seoul University...

Hi! I am Jeon Jungkook, a 19years old boy doing my major in acting at this university, now I am standing behind a pillar...are you all curious about what am I doing behind a pillar? I am watching my crush talking with his friends,

You know my crush is a year older than me & he is not even in my department, he is in the business management department, I first saw him in the library, do you guys wanna know how I met him? It was a meeting that happens only in movies or dramas,

Let me tell you all the flashback...*Swirl* *Swirl* *Swirl* *Swirl* *Swirl* *Swirl* *Swirl**Swirl* *Swirl* *Swirl* *Swirl* *Swirl* *Swirl*

(A/N:- Yahhh! Stops swirling & tell us the flashback, already, Jk:- Aish! You don't even know how to start a flashback dramatically🤦🏻‍♂️, A/N:- You & your dramatic ass, my head is spinning with all your swirls😵! Start the fucking flashback or else I am gonna change the P.O.V😑! JK:- This peanut head😤! Alright, you get lost from here, I will start it! A/N:-🙄 *disappears*)

Flashback...3 days ago...

I am in the library & then I see a cute little male struggling to pull a book from higher shelf than his height, he then places a table & gets on it trying to reach the book but the table gets out of balance, I quickly run there to catch him before he falls on the floor,

By the time I approach him he loses his balance & is falling, it is all occurring in a slow-motion like a drama, I jump a little & wrap my left hand around his waist turning him & we fall together onto the floor him on the top of me while I am on the floor under him,

The impact when we fall lead to a loud 'Thud' sound, I slowly look at the small boy on top of me who squinted his eyes shut in fear, it's when I see, the boy looking like an angel with his disheveled blonde hair, cute little button nose, his faintly pink-tinted puffy cheeks, his plump pink rosy lips trembling lightly, his cute little fingers clutching onto my shirt, his slender petite tiny waist which is wrapped in my left hand,

He slightly opens his eyes, The moment his honey-brown orbs looking into my eyes, everything stopped for me, I can only hear his fast heartbeats which are in rhythm with my heartbeats, it's the moment I fall for him...I fall for him so hard that I know I am never gonna get up in this life.

"T-Thankyou!" He says with his angelic voice, I might have saved the country in my past life to hear such a sweet honey dripping voice, is this a dream? I look at him smiling while he tries to get up, but his hands slip & he falls onto my chest again bumping his nose to my collarbone,

"Ah," he shrieks & struggles to get up when I hold his waist a little tight & say, "Wait"

He looks at me with his brown orbs blinking while looking baffled, I then slowly get up still holding his waist & sit up straight making him sit on my lap, he is still holding onto my shirt with his tiny cute fingers,

"You can get up now," I say & he looks startled, blinking his eyes continuously he gets up & I too stand up but then his legs stumble & I catch him immediately, I am holding his thin slender waist again, & he is clutching onto my shirt again with his little fingers,

I am staring at his eyes without even blinking, a gush of cold wind passed by us & I see his plump pink lips trembling the second time of the day, those trembling lips of his making me lose my control, I want to capture those lips with mine but then I hear a throat-clearing sound,


I think he also heard it, he immediately gets up standing straight & runs away in speed of light, while I extend my arm in the air to stop him but couldn't,

"Ugh! I didn't even get to ask his name" I say & then suddenly my shoulder is surrounded by a hand & I look at the person, he is my best friend, Eunwoo,

"Aish! You, Idiot! Why did you make a sound? He ran away before I could ask his name" I say frowning at Eunwoo,

He chuckles shaking his head, "Don't worry, bro! This *shows me a book* I think it's his book" Eunwoo says smirking,

I immediately snatch the book from his hand & open it to see the name of my angel, I read the words, "Park Jimin, 3rd year in Business management"

"Oh my, he is our sunbae(senior), Kook!" Eunwoo says,

"Park Jimin...Jimin hyung" I say while smiling looking at the space where he disappeared,

"Kook, have you fallen for that pretty sunbae?" Eunwoo asks me while wiggling his eyebrows,

I punch him on his chest, "Yes, he is mine, so you better stay away from him," I say smirking at him,

"Already possessive, huh, bro? But if he is really Jimin sunbaenim, then I don't think you stand a chance" Eunwoo says making me frown at his words, then I ask, "Why?"

"Don't you know? Jimin sunbaenim is the talk of our university, he is known for his angelic looks, the guys who approached him are beaten to a pulp by his bodyguards, he is super rich, & you & I are super poor to even get close to him" Eunwoo says pouring water on all my dreams.

"So, what if he is rich, I-I will try...I just have to get close to him...then I will make him fall for me at any cost" I say half hesitatingly & half determinedly.

"Umm...get close to him? I will help you in that bro" Eunwoo says bumping his fist to my chest lightly & I smile at him, "Thanks bro"

That's the end of the flashback, & it's been three days since I met Jiminie hyung in the library, I am trying everything to get close to him but he is always surrounded by a group of nut heads, & when the uni is over he is then surrounded by his big muscle bodyguards who drives him home not leaving me a chance to approach him.

"Aish! Can't he be alone for just 5 mins," I sigh looking at him surrounded by his friends talking to him & he is smiling,

All these three days, I followed him everywhere in hopes of getting close to him, but I had no luck, the only thing is I got to know his several habits, The most adorable habit of his is...see

His eyes form crescent moons when he smiles angelically, and the other habit is he likes to cook sweets in the cafeteria, & distribute it to all his friends who drool over every pastry Jiminie hyung makes.

Ahh! When will I get to eat those heavenly pastries made by his little hands, sigh! All I am doing is look at him from far these past three days, but today, I am determined to approach him at any cost,

"Kook!" I hear a voice behind me & I know who it belongs to, it's my unfaithful friend Eunwoo, who said he will help me in approaching Jiminie hyung but didn't do anything after that,

I look back glaring at him, "Ugh! Why are you glaring at me like that, Kook?" Eunwoo asks me like he knows nothing,

This idiot, I chokehold him with my elbows, "Yah, Yah, leave me, Kook" He says struggling in my grip,

"Fucker, you said you will help me get close with Jiminie hyung but you are nowhere to be found after that," I say choking him more,

"Argh, Yah, release me or else I won't tell the information I got about sunbaenim to you," Eunwoo says & I immediately release him from my hold,

"What information? Tell me fast!" I say while he coughs & takes long breaths,

"Aish! Sunbaenim comes to the library every 3 days, & at that time he will be all alone cause he doesn't like anyone around when he is studying, so no one will be surrounding him when he is in the library, you know like last time," Eunwoo says making my eyes sparkle,

"Aigoo, Aigoo! Look at those big doe eyes sparkling, you look like a big puppy," Eunwoo says mocking me & I show my tongue mocking him in return,

"Then let's go," I say dragging Eunwoo with me to the library,

I & Eunwoo are in the library now, waiting for Jiminie hyung, I am a little nervous...

"Eunwoo, what should I say when I meet him?" I ask him walking here & there nervously,

"First, calm down & stop walking here & there, you have sunbaenim's book so go to him naturally & hand him the book saying that he left it behind that day, & start conversing with him, alright?" Eunwoo says taking Jiminie hyung's book from my bag & showing it to me.

"Yes, That's a good idea," I say taking the book from Eunwoo holding it tightly.

"Kook! Sunbae!" Eunwoo exclaims & I look back to see Jiminie hyung entering the library,

My heart is beating so fast as he is walking into the library, can I do it? I am so nervous that my palms are sweating, "Eunwoo I don't think I can approach him" I say scratching my nape & Eunwoo says, "Man up, Kook! You have to do this today or else you have to wait another 3 days to approach him"

That's right, I can't wait for another 3 days, I close my eyes & take a long breath to calm myself down & open my eyes when my breath hitches as I see Jiminie hyung in front of me while smiling.

Is this a dream? To confirm it I look beside me to ask Eunwoo but he is nowhere & I see him at the door of the library waving hands at me & showing his thumbs up then vanishes from my sight, that bastard!

"Hello" I hear Jiminie hyung's angelic voice & I look at him.

"H-Hi!" I utter, dammit! why am I stuttering?

"You are the one that saved me from falling that day, right?" Jiminie hyung asks me with his sweet honey dripping voice & I nod my head like a puppy.

He smiles wide & speaks, "Thank you & sorry for running away like that"

Oh my fucking god!! Did he just thanked me & apologized to me?? What an angel!!!

"Um...it's nothing, hyung," I say, Yesss! I didn't stutter.

"Hyung?" He asks with a question mark on his face,

"Ah! That, when you ran away that day, you left behind your book, & when I opened it, I saw your name & class, you are a 3rd-year student & I am a 2nd-year student so that's why I called you hyung,"

I say & he is still looking at me, did he get mad that I opened his book without his permission? Did he misunderstand me?

"Hyung, it's not that I stole your book or anything, that day you really left the book & I didn't mean to open it, my friend, Eunwoo that bastard opened it & I happened to look at it, I want to return it to you but you were always surrounded by many people, ah! it doesn't mean I stalked you every day, I didn't...I mean..." shit! I don't know anymore what am I talking about,

But then I hear an angelic sound, "Haha! Cute" Jiminie hyung says while giggling continuously,

UGH! My heart!! I got attacked by his cute giggle, AAAhhhh! His giggle...it should be illegal...

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

(A/N:- That's the first chap!!
Jungkook is totally whipped for Jimin🤭!!

Will Jungkook be able to get close to Jimin?? To know that...👀

Stay tuned😉!

Bye-bye Lovelies💜!

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