Vixion Warfare

By VixionWarfare

153 0 1

The evil Doctor Zowce is conquering the universe, and it's up to one College Freshman to stop the Mad scienti... More

Vixion Warfare: Chapter 1
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 2
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 3
Vixion Warfare Chapter 4
Vixion Warfare Chapter 5
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 6
Vixion Warfare Chapter 7
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 8
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 9
Vixion Warfare Chapter 10
Vixion Warfare Chapter 11
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 12
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 13
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 15
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 16
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 17
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 18
Vixion Warfare Chapter 19
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 20
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 21
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 22
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 23
Vixion Warfare Chapter 24
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 25
Vixion Warfare Chapter 26
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 27
Vixion Warfare: Chapter 28

Vixion Warfare : Chapter 14

4 0 0
By VixionWarfare

Klaus, A-Ross, Cedric and Felicia were cruising the galaxy looking for the Tomboy. "Fuck! where could it be!?? It shouldn't be so hard to miss! it's a giant Space Station the size of a fucking country! it should be ...uh??? between the edge of The Wayward Slim Jim System.....and a god damn ....geez... where oh where.... WOAH!" they had found it.  there it was, a giant horde of space ships begging to be taken in because of the war. "God damn! I haven't even seen this Tomboy thing and I already know this is a bad idea!" said A-Ross. Cedric and Klaus had a plan. they would probably just go over the traffic. there was only one layer of it anyway... but then... once they got to the Tomboy which was a 3 hour trip that to Klaus seemed more than that (like ... waaay more. Space is like that) but once Felicia controlled the Tightvoy Butcher Gun and piloted it to the porting bay of the Tomboy, She noticed something waiting for her in the fucking porting bay and by god who was it?

It was a robot version of Malloy! he began to speak a strange tongue. "oooh!" said Cedric "please to meet you! I'm Cedric, and.... kid what's your name again?" the Robot Malloy foster was merely a security device. "Oh. my mistake." said Felicia, she then got out a hologram out of her Uniwatch, with the Supremacy symbol on it. the robot Malloy Foster told them to carry on. but what was already going to be a bit of a disturbance for Klaus, was that people from around the universe were waiting for Zowce and his army to show up infront of the entire Tomboy. he saw people stroking their weapons, cleaning them to a reflective shine with Damp cloths, they thought they were the Angels of DEATH they wanted Zowce killed. the Tomboy was filled with crying mothers, People who had nowhere to go but the Tomboy itself. and it became clear to Klaus: he had to fight the war. Felicia saw a small sort of feeling of Judgement in her presence. like how there were Theromutes everywhere and they all looked like they had something on their mind: Blood. but it wasn't her blood she knew they were after... it was the fucking Kassera army they were ready to suck blood from. Klaus and Felicia were going on to the top section of the Tomboy. seeing that there was a Study. a Study where the only person who would ever be in charge of such an idea would have been, "Klaus, what is this place!?" the Study had a fire place and taxidermized animal heads above it. it had all kinds of books. from every wall from left to right. 

"don't bother me." said a voice. it was a strange voice.... it may have been any voice, but Klaus and Felicia were looking for the voice for  3 minutes until they found the source. it was a pre recorded Hologram of Lord Crawnlaxz before going to a catacombic state. "I.... have had enough people not listening to me for one life time, thank you." Klaus looked at Felicia...."who are you?" "listen, any questions you ask as to who I am, where I'm from or what happened to me... it doesn't matter ...." Klaus asked again "who are you!?" "First of all, my name is Terressa Crawnlaxz." the hologram sighed. "it was not so long ago that I wanted to do this entire project that cost millions of Crontars, and now.... it's my turn to step up and say.... I failed to protect the Vixion..... and ....I'm sorry. but if I get any forgiveness I don't expect it. I might be knocking on Wood for all I care." Klaus went up to Lord Crawnlaxz and tried to touch her hand.... "don't! it's a hologram!" the Lord Crawnlaxz Hologram glitched out thanks to Klaus trying to reach up and touch her hand. or rather the hologram variant of her claws. Lord Crawnlaxz had been in the Hospital for about 2 months at the time, and her pre recorded hologram was merely a parting gift to the masses. nobody even knew she made the recording to be frank, and yet....Klaus was curious about Lord Crawnlaxz.

He even tried to look on the giant computer for information about The Memphiles. of course it had  no monitor, and was just a cheap gimmick like a Museum control panel with buttons and switches. nothing fancy. "is this important  to the plot!?" asked Felicia, Deliberately breaking the fourth wall.  Klaus looked on the computer... he saw a button that said "Activate". the machine began to speak. 

"Hello, World. " it began. "Welcome to the Vix-i-on Research Enrichment Center. ask any question you have and prepare to be answered in the most meaningful way possible." Klaus backed up and was in awe. "whhoooo said that!? " "What would you like to know?" asked the computer. Klaus pressed the first thing he could find. "The Vixion Supremacy, founded in 2281, the Vixion Supremacy was a small indifferent rebellion made soul purposely to Destroy the Evil Doctor Longevitis Zowce's Army." Felicia and Klaus started to feel hesitant. he pressed the next button.

"The Tysten Renaissance. A strange phenomenon with the Vixion whereby the entire Vixion people are to use the power of the Tysten .......a Clairvoyance Magic to fight their battles Once again... only with the help of one..." the voice began to sound sterile and robotic "KLAUS EAGERMINE..." it stopped using that voice "to destroy the enemy, and bring the peace."

"I'm scared. what should we do?"  Felicia tried to  look for a small book for the purposes of opening up a secret passage way... but Klaus couldn't stop with the computer despite all fear. "The Tomboy.... A Sanctuary for all manner of Victims of the war..... Where nothing can go-!" pardon the Westworld Parody, but the Computer began to fizz up and die with sparks flying everywhere! "I'm too Chicken Shit to press anything else!" "well, whoever lives here must have some sort of secret passage way! some kind of Skeletons in his or her closet!" yelled Felicia! Cedric barged in with half his face blown off. he had a weird Voice Modulation problem and sounded like Kermit the Frog instead of his notable modest cop voice! "well," he said "that means you would have to go through all that trouble!" Felicia started to freak out! she was sweating like a fucking monkey in a Jailcell! "Cedric! what HAaAaAaAaaaAaaaaaaAAAPENED!?" he screamed in sheer horror! meanwhile, Derek heard rumble sounds coming from everywhere. "Amy?" said Derek... Amy was changing and getting her make up done. "what is it, Derek?" Derek stopped for a  minute... "If this is gonna involve that damn Contact sound effect one more time I'm gonna scream..." Derek poked out his antennae further to the side. She began to hear it, it was the Rumbling of various Enemy ships going into Warp Speed all at once zooming up into their vicinity! "Derek, you're right! whatever that Rumbling is It doesn't appear to be of any convenience!"

Klaus got out his Cerestaff and strafed to the side of the wall next to the fucking Study's door. "hey where's your ass going?" said Cedric, his speech modulation starting to deteriorate as time went.  but soon enough .... he heard the sound of the most cringe inducing kind... The Kassera were climbing the Exterior of the Tomboy with pick axes!  and they weren't the Only ones there, either! some had invaded the entire Tomboy itself and were shooting the place up! Derek had barricaded the door to the room, and meanwhile, as Klaus was looking for Kassera to fight, he heard them in the air ducts... Klaus started to get all wery of his surroundings, but he knew they wouldn't just find the place without first being sent in by a ship...unless Zowce was there! "Klaus!" yelled Felicia ! "there are Kassera everywhere! why are you just strafing the walls like Solid Snake!?" Klaus rhaspberried. "Snakes can be Solid?" suddenly, the Kassera made it out of the Air Ducts and into the hallway Klaus was in. he blasted the Kassera with his staff. he began stabbing the Kassera in the face, and until he found a taller Kassera in his way, while the entire Tomboy went up in flames. The Restaurant Court was in shambles, the lobby and meeting halls were being raided for all they were worth, and Klaus began looking for the Feistiest Kassera he could point out. "Klaus!" "What is it this...tttiiiiiii-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Klaus couldn't believe it! it was Jasper with a melting face and eyes like white desolate flame. he was a hallucination Klaus was having from too much stress!

"Klaaaaaaaaaaaaaaus... you didn't save us! you didn't win! how could you!?" Klaus was crawling backwards until finally he stopped tripping! "Klaus! are you alright?" "Uncle Jasper! I'm sorry..." he had Ghibli Steven Universe tears coming out of his Eyes....Klaus had been hugged by the Real Jasper, covering him in his cape. Malloy, on other hand was having some issues with the fire power to fight the Kassera. "We have soldiers, don't we? what are they doing!? trying to make sense of those fucking robot copies of mine, get the best Soldiers you can out in the field!" "but....Mr. Foster!...SIR... There are no Kassera coming from ships! we don't even know if there really is a fucking Armada." "Well let's confirm nor deny." said Malloy. giant La Restriction Drones began to come in forwards toward  the Tomboy. Klaus was sweating like crazy and Cedric was being a bit unbalanced. Zowce on the other hand was ready to take his Martial Arts Red Shark ship into the battle, and it was taking forever for it to go through warp speed, and during that time, Rick was putting on his suit. the helmet? check. the weapons and such? double check. All of it. Check, check, check. he was ready... "Zowce..." "yes, Rick? Thy Fine Henchman?" "I need to reconsider, I mean.... I looked up to you, and...I think..... Well, I want to beat the crap out of him, and....I can be very toxic... but because I want to murder him, I can't help but think I'm a horrible person all because I ...Well, " Zowce asked what he was saying. Rick was having second thoughts. "Well, man up...." said Zowce. "no time for fairy Tales right now! This is a Situation where you must nut the fuck up! NTFU! and daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn good since you can get this chance now to destroy this Eagermine-!" 

"HE'S ONE OF MY FRIENDS!" Zowce stopped for a minute, his nerves at a stance. "what? you're friends with... first of all, you joined me to be a killing machine! not a Puss Whore! and if you want to be anywhere in this job of professional Agency!" ...Rick was at a loss for words and wanted to know what Zowce  was at. "yes?" "drink this. it's a tonic for people to lose all moral values."  "bottoms up!" yelled Rick. his suit got tighter and he became a bit more ...well? he was laughing like a hyena! "Perfect, my child...." he finally made it to the Tomboy! "go, my pretty! and kill those who wronged me from which they wrought!" thunder began to take place in the nebulas. "IT'S ALIIIIIIIIIIIVE!" Once the ship had finally made it into the direct area of the Tomboy! The ship fired lasers at all kinds of Ships that were waiting to seek Asylum on the Station, but Klaus was seeing it with Jasper... "Enough with this! " Klaus jumped out of the Window like some Anime Superhero, and started to hack and dice everyone of the Kassera. Felicia tried to carry Cedric in her arms.... but what was even more serious was that the Supremacy soldiers were losing all their best men! Klaus was almost at the bottom of the Tomboy, but he was enraged at this point! "Where the hell did they get those pick axes!?" he said through clenched teeth. His Cerestaff was getting stronger the more he used it! he was finally about to just get to Zowce and stick it to him! 


Time slowed down.... and everything seemed to slow down like a Cinematic Experience you'd see at the Matinee. he saw Zowce, he saw Rick, and he Saw the remaining Kassera and Drones.....  he could see it all... he stood and hopped upon many of the destroying Space ships. and eventually, he got to the Red Shark Ship. "I don't get it. they're making it too easy." "Well, Klaus Eagermine." said Jasper. he was astro projecting himself into Klaus's mind. 

"Klaus, don't be scared....lots of us Mabasoru warriors have this ability to slow down time. didn't you read chapter 74 of section A24B2221 of The Veteran's Journal? before becoming a Light Formation, be prepared to slow down time!" Iexaine and Maude were there too. "did you know that you are the first of a long line of Chosen 12!? they are known as... the Vixi-Dozen!" "Maude? what are you doing in this ...!? whatever's going on, I would love to see it in at least, well...could ya switch back the bloody time flow?" Zowce was marching up to Klaus slowly, until the last few seconds were starting to wind up, and things were about to speed up until things finally went to normal speed, and Jasper, Iexaine and Maude disappeared into nothingness. Zowce was slapping Klaus left and right, throwing him to the control panels, But during their Brawl, Rick came in. 

"it's been so long, old friend." he said in a very dark and condescending way. like he was the greater of two evils to Zowce. "R-Rick?" he walked up to Klaus slowly..... and had a giant wrist knife come out of his suit, and stabbed Klaus. 

but....even so, he couldn't be killed. he was the chosen one! and it didn't take a Genius to know the only reason he didn't die was because he had become Light Klaus; his Light Formation. 

"Stay back, he could be contaminated with something!" yelled Zowce... "back! back!" he yelled........ "I WILL END YOU!" 

Klaus had become all that the Prophecy had foretold him to be. "Longevitis Valentine Zowce, this War has brought great shame onto the Galaxy. if you do not cease I will have you sent to the Baron Wastelands of the last planets that ever were set in stone, and Rick...Rick Weltchetzki.... is this your fate? is this how you choose your life? a hitman for a Vixion with no morals or decency?"

Rick thought about it for a minute..... he looked down.. to the side .....

"I didn't go to University just so I could be bossed around by a Smurf!" Klaus was left with no choice. He held out his hand and readied a blast that would soon exterminate all remaining Kassera, Zowce himself, and the Drones in the circumference area. The Galaxy was saved. but both Rick and Cedric were dead, too. all Felicia heard after the "Saving private Ryan" sound and the white void.... was the sound of Klaus laughing..... Felicia was in Amy's Grandmother's house.  Amy and Derek had been mourning over the loss of Rick, and in all...things were at peace. 

But Klaus knew he couldn't go back to that dome. in fact, not only could he never do Music with the boys at Webcam head.... and his Uncle Jasper meant to get him involved with all kinds of events about Tysten. Hell! there was the Big Mabasoru Con coming up and it was all celebrating the very Come back of Tysten! but.... there was still much to be overcome from then on....and Klaus was about to find out just what kind of Entropy people were about to get on with from then on in. 

Klaus may live with his new found friends, but aside from Rick's death, Cedric's Death was far worse than anyone's. he was a respected arm of the law, but still... with people dead, Klaus may not have been the same since he saved the universe, 

he had yet to save more than just his own people, and how.



But as the Memphiles Aristocrat found himself at  a loss for his own winnings, he knew that he needed the Forever Tablet to conquest a journey of his own to destroy the universe. 

"It's not his responsibility's mine and that little punk I found."

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