family // bnha

By elisimone_

591K 20.6K 9.3K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


16.9K 614 253
By elisimone_

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

3 boys stood crying altogether, a blonde woman and a brunette male trying to get them to stop. In the middle of them stood Katsuki, who had his head down, but his shoulders vibrated, indicating that he was indeed hurting. 

Hitoshi and Izuku couldn't stop crying. How were you supposed to stop crying? Their mother had died, and on top of that, their sister and caretaker is in the hospital. 

They were scared, scared of what would happen to their sister, and what would happen to all of them when she woke up. 

"You guys are so stupid," Katsuki spit out, his arms crossing as he said so. 

The sniffing halted a bit. 

"Katsuki, how could you say something like that," his mother said quickly, her hands reaching out to touch his shoulders but he shrugged her off before he lifted his head, showing his teary eyes before turning and looking at the brothers. 

"This is your sister, Eli. We know her, she... she's not gonna let anything happen to you guys," he said, mumbling the last part. 

'Us' is what he wanted to say. He wanted to be included in it, he wanted her to be his older sister too, so she was. Well in his book she was, not that he would ever admit it out loud. 

"K-Kacchan's r-right Toshi," Izuku said, his words skipping a bit as he tried to stop his cries. 

A doctor came in, making Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo instantly standing up straighter, looking at the doctor expectingly. 

"Eli Midoriya?" the doctor asked, watching as they nodded. 

"I'm not sure if you two know, but Ms.Midoriya has an extremely powerful Quirk, and honestly I'm very surprised she was able to reign in such power at such a young age especially after such an event..." the doctor told them, looking at the 3 boys sadly before looking back to the 2 adults. 

"I'm sorry, but could you elaborate?" Mitsuki asked. Come to think of it, the girl never really talked about her Quirk, Mitsuki honestly thought the girl was Quirkless like her brother before her son told her otherwise. 

"Her Quirk absorbs and turns kinetic energy into pure power. Kinetic energy is caused by movement, so every single moved she's made since her Quirk manifested has resulted in a certain amount of power being stored inside her body. Even if she were to fight, she would only get stronger because of all movement, even if her body was tired," the doctor explained. 

The two adults stared at the doctor in surprise, before they asked him to continue. 

"With such a strong Quirk, the damage that would be done to her surroundings is estimated to be catastrophic. It looks like since she was experiencing and feeling so much at once, her Quirk activated without her wanting it to. But to make sure no one got hurt, she pulled the power back in, and the force knocked her out," the doctor finished his explanation. 

"Do you know when she'll wake up?" a small voice asked. 

The doctor looked down to see the greenette looking at him, tears still in his eyes. He sighed, giving the boy a kind smile. 

"She already showing above-average brain activity for someone in her state, so we predict she'll wake up over the next 2 days," the doctor told him.

Even if it was a relatively short amount of time, Hitoshi couldn't help the ache in his chest at the thought of not seeing her smile for the next 2 days. He stilled, his hand reaching up to scratch his finger nervously. A hand reached to touch their shoulders, patting them lightly. 

"You two will stay with us until your sister wakes up. After that, your sister and I will figure everything out together okay," Masaru said, his wife nodding beside him, a sad smile playing on both of their lips. 

"C-can we visit tomorrow, a-after school?" Hito asked nervously. 

Izuku frowned at his brother moving to discreetly hold his hand, making him stop his scratching. 

"Of course Midoriya," Mitsuki told the boy with a small nod. 

"C'mon, we'll leave your sister to rest, and right after school we'll see how she's doing okay?" Masaru told them. They nodded, sniffing a bit, allowing the world around them to continue as the 3 of them waiting for the adults to be finished so that they could see Eli. 

The boys sprinted as fast as they could through the halls, receiving harsh glares and scowls as they did so, but none of them paid any attention as they found their way to Eli's hospital room. 

When they did, they slide the door open quickly, but none of them were prepared to lay eyes on a seemingly lifeless Eli who had bandages wrapped around their arms. 

Slowly, they made their way over to the bed, their noses just barely making it over the hospital mattress. She had tubes and needles connected to her, and honestly, it disgusted Hitoshi, having to watch her like that. 

This wasn't how she was supposed to be, she was supposed to be smiling, laughing as she twirled them around in their All Might onesies. 

She was supposed to be patting the sides of her bed so that he and his brother could slide in whenever they didn't want to sleep alone. She was supposed to be in the kitchen with them making dinner so that they could plan for their nap tomorrow. Tears pricked Hitoshi's eyes as he stared at her, his shaky hands clutching the bed sheets tightly. 

Izuku didn't know what to think. He knew Kacchan was right, that she'd never let anything happen to them, but that didn't stop the murderous rows of 'what ifs' that appeared in his head. He just reached over slowly, and held her hand, trying to stop himself as he felt like he could start crying all over again. 

What would they do without her? And what did she do to deserve this? To Izuku, Eli was the kindest spirit on the planet. She always had a smile on her face, her eyes would always sparkle when she lifted her hair to look at something clearly. 

She never complained, or at least he'd never seen her do that. Today was the first time he'd ever seen her cry. He didn't like it, she was supposed to be smiling, laughing, not this...

Katsuki felt a lot of things at the moment, but the one thing he could pinpoint was anger. He was angry, angry at the villain who started the attack in the first place, angry at the crash, angry at how he had to stand here and look at someone who... someone who cared about him. 

She never yelled at him, never hit him, and whenever all of them were together she always made sure that they were having fun offering ice cream or sandwiches. Not to mention how she held them. 

None of the boys could explain it, but sometimes it felt like a hug from her could cure it all, but they never voiced this, instead basked in the warmth that was Eli. Well was. 

They wanted her to wake up so badly. And it's only been 3 hours. 

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

When Eli opened her eyes, she was greeted with darkness. Sniffing the air, she could smell alcohol in the air, and hear the click, clack, and jingle of shoes and keys in the hallway. She'd remembered what happened, all of it, and she couldn't help the sudden pang in her chest at the loss of her mother. 

She desperately wanted to believe that she would go home, and her mom would nurse her back to health, but that was impossible now. Even though she knew that not much time had passed, the pain she felt from before was tiny compared to when she was told. 

Even though she's fainted, she couldn't help but be thankful for getting at least most of the feeling out of her system for now. 

With a sigh, she groaned as her body ached, feeling it trying to heal itself at a faster pace than normal. She stretched a bit, trying to work out her joints a bit but this all stopped when she heard and saw her door slide open. 

Looking over, she expected perhaps a doctor due to the increased beeping from her monitor signaling that she was now awake, but no. There stood a small child, clear confusion on his face as he looked around in confusion, his eyes stopping on the girl who sat on the bed not too far away from him. 

"Ah, I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong room," the little boy said, bowing at the girl. 

Reaching over to the table, she turned the light on. Turning back to the boy who looked at her with raised eyebrows at finally being able to see her clearly, he couldn't really with it being so dark and the windows being closed. 

"It's okay sweetheart," she told him. 

His eyes widened a bit at the name, and something in him moved, not being able to help the comfort he felt around the girl as he unconsciously took a step or two further. Looking at him again, she frowned as she saw the bandages that wrapped around the left side of his face. 

"What happened?" she couldn't help but ask quickly feeling bad as she saw how he flinched at the question. 

"No, sorry, sorry, you don't need to answer that," she told him quickly, waving her hands a bit. 

The boy was quiet for a bit before he shifted. 

"Mother was making tea..." he trailed off, his head falling from shame. 

Her eyes flashed red as she stared at the candy cane boy with wide eyes before she lifts her messy afro from her face, and looked at him closely. 

Still, unsure if it was intentional or not she blinked away her blistering anger. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at him, another pang hitting her. The same as what happened with the others. 

"I have one on my shoulder from my mom," she told him, making him snap her head in his direction. Was she like him?

"I-is that why you're here?" he asked. She noticed him shuffling closer but said nothing as she offered him a kind smile. 

"No, I... I just got really sad, so my Quirk activated itself. The only way to stop it was to knock myself out," she told him with a small chuckle, simplifying it as much as possible. The boy was still quiet but was now standing beside the bed. 

"Why were you sad?" he asked. There was a certain hesitation in his voice at asking a total stranger such a question, but his worries sank when he saw her smile again. 

"After my old mom died, I got to have a new one. She was really nice, and I loved her a lot, but... she's gone now," she choked out. 

The dual-haired boy looked at the girl sadly, trying to remember what he was supposed to do when there was someone around him that was sad. 

"But it's okay, everything will get better tomorrow," she said with a small smile covering up her once sad features. 

"Why will everything get better tomorrow?" he asked curiously yet again. 

"Because I think my brothers are coming to see me after school," she told him, pushing her hair back once again, only for it to fall right back in her face. He couldn't help the giggle that erupted from his mouth making her smile at him.

"How many brothers do you have?" he asked then, a little sparkle in his eyes as he looked up at me. 

"I have 2, well 3 little brothers. They're all 6," she told him, almost scolding herself for saying 2. She couldn't help it, she loved that little blond grenade, no matter how loud he was. The dual-haired boy smiled a bit. 

"I'm 6!" he told her happily. She grinned at him, watching as he began to open up a bit more.

"So what's your name?" she asked him. He smiled a bit up at her before responding. 

"Shoto Todoroki," he told her, his mood dampening just a little, but she caught it and spun it around. 

"Well I'm Eli Midoriya, it's nice to meet you Todo," she told him, a small smile still playing on her lips. He flushed at the sudden nickname before he went back to his normal state.

"Todo-kun, are you here by yourself?" she then asked. He looked at her curiously before he nodded with a shrug.

"Yeah. Father put Mother in a hospital, and my father is probably working. I don't know where my siblings are," he said softly, sadness underlying the casual tone in his voice. 

Another pang hit Eli's chest, her hand squeezing the spot that had just hurt a second ago before she gave him yet another kind smile. Still, she stared at him confused. It sounded like it was intentional, but the way he said it made him sound so sad. 

She was his mother so he was probably attached to her, but still, she wondered if something else had to have been going on. Still, though, she didn't want to push.

"Hey, do you want to stay and watch cartoons with me? I'm not really used to being by myself," she told him, a sheepish laugh leaving her mouth as she did so. 

"Cartoons?" he asked. She sucked in a breath, her eye twitching in irritation at the thought that this kid didn't know what a cartoon was. Instead, she chuckled, leaning over, much to her body's protest, and lifted the kid onto the bed. 

He kind of froze when she did that, causing her to look at him apologetically. 

"Ah, sorry Todo, it's just, I didn't want you to struggle to get on the bed," she said scratching the back of her neck softly. 

"...It's alright," he told her. She smiled and nodded before reaching and grabbing the remote to the TV installed on the wall. She flipped through channels, settling on a familiar show called Steven Universe that she knew she and her brothers enjoyed. 

She inwardly sighed at the thought of her brothers. 

What was she going to do? Where were they going to go, and who with? How do you just casually ask for housing for you and 2 children? 

And how do you prove you're capable of taking care of them at 15, almost 16 years old? She'd taken care of Izuku since he was born and Hitoshi just over 2 years, but who would believe a teenager they barely even know. 

She racked her brain, trying to figure out who would be the best person to talk to about their certain situation, her mind, and body already accepting that she may have to work even harder than before, but she was okay with that. 

No one else was going to do it, and she'd be damned if she left her boys. Especially upon the realization that the person she'd probably have to talk to wasn't a person at all. 

She looked down at the candy cane sitting criss-cross in front of her, utterly entranced by the colors on the screen as they talked about gems and love. A small smile came to her lips before she rolled her eyes at her luck. 

Izuku, Hitoshi, Katsuki, and little Shoto. 

4 little boys, she couldn't help but want to protect, she didn't know what it was, but she had her assumptions of course. The only care she'd ever received was from Mama Inko even if she was inconsistently present. 

She was no longer here to provide the little things like hugs and relaxing conversations on their small balcony whenever they got their hands on hot chocolate and her mom was off for the night. 

She wanted to be that for Toshi and Zuku, she wanted Katsuki to know that he could talk to her whenever he wanted, and Shoto. She couldn't help but chuckle, she'd only known him for roughly 20 minutes, but the ache was still there at the thought of someone hurting him.

No child should be treated as if they weren't a child. But then again, what would that mean about her? Technically she was still a child, and yet here we are. Eli was aware of this, a matter of fact she was aware of everything, what she now had to do, the entirety of their situation, all of it. 

She was aware that she was basically signing off the rest of her life to these kids. Well at least to Izu and Hito, but still. She knew that whatever went over these next couple of years, she was going to have to push herself to her limits to care for them, all of them if she has to. 

Somebody had already hurt Todo though. She didn't want to sit here and ponder a situation that she technically knew nothing about except for the fact a half-boiled child accidentally walked into her room. Rubbing the side of her face, she shook her head at the mountain of responsibilities she was creating in her head.

Should she do something about that? Why was it her responsibility again? Was it even? Still, her mind went over things millions of things at once, sorting out plans, living situations, bills, emancipation issues, legal guardian issues, babysitting issues, plans of getting a second job, and plans of swiping a planner from her school to ensure that throughout all this, she'd still have time to spend with the boys. 

Sighing she looked over to see her phone sitting beside her, picking it up to see a couple of missed calls from her boss. She called him back quickly, making Shoto look over at her. 

"Hello?" she heard her boss, Ren Suzuki, say over the phone. 

"Hey Suzuki-san," she said. 

"Eli?! Oh thank god, I was so worried. You're never late, and you never skip work, even with those 2 knuckleheads hooked to your side. Are you alright sweetie?" his gruff voice sounded relieved over the phone, which made her grow happy.

"I-I'm alright, I think I might just need a few days, it's been a lot... I-I promise to explain everything when I get back,"  she told him through the phone. 

"Don't worry about it little one, just take your time okay," he told her sincerely. She nodded to herself, quickly feeling stupid when she remembered she was on the phone.

"Yea, okay, thanks Suzuki-San," she told him. 

"I told you to just call me Ren," she grumbled. She laughs a bit before she used his preferred name. After exchanging goodbyes, she ended the call and immediately looked to see Todoroki staring at her. 

"Who was that?" he asked curiously, his head tilting to the side a bit. 

"My boss, I missed work today so I called so he wouldn't think I just didn't show up," she explained to the little boy, who sat in front of her, leaning in, intently listening to the things she said. 

"What do you do?" he asked. 

"Oh I'm an apprentice at a tattoo shop," she told him with a small smile. His eyes widened, sparkles settling in them which made Eli chuckle at his reaction. 

"But you're not an adult, what about school?" he asked. She just smiled at him. 

"I work and go to school," she told him. 

"Where do you go to school?" he asked. 

"Oh, I'm a 2nd year in the Support Course at U.A.," she told him watching as he gasped and his eyes sparkled even more. 

"No way!" he said making her laugh. 

"Yea, it's not as cool as the Hero Courses I guess, but I like what I do," she told him. 

"So you make support items for heroes in training?" he asked and she nodded again. 

"Do you by any chance want to be a hero?" she asked him. 

He nodded aggressively, his white and red hair flopping around in excitement making her chuckle, and a blush appeared on his cheeks as she reached forward and ruffled his hair a bit. A gesture that he was by no means used to at all.  

"I guess I'm surrounded by little heroes then," she told him. 

"Your brothers want to be heroes too?" he asked, a twinge of excitement going through him as he stared at the girl, a small smile on his lips as he did so. 

"Yea, and since you'll all be heroes one day, allow me to be your designated Support Item supplier," she said with a wide smile. 

He gasped loudly, almost falling and rolling off the bed if it wasn't for Eli catching him, the same smile on her face. He couldn't help but love the attention he was receiving.

His father was... well his father, and his mother couldn't even look at him without seeing his father. He never had the chance to actually bond with his siblings, even if he cared about them, which he did. 

This felt... nice. 

He didn't think it would be too bad if he stayed a little longer. 

Eli watched as the little boy who sat beside her began to doze off, his head soon falling onto her shoulder which made her let out a small giggle as her mind drifted off to her brothers. 

And so, silently, she made a promise to them, because she'd be fucking damned if their childhood was anything like her own. 

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