Behind the mask | UA Traitor...

By Emo_kuma101

40.1K 1.1K 487

Y/N was adopted by all for one at a young age. You lost your parents in a fire after all might wasn't able to... More

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Thank you
Ending: Part 2


1.2K 43 13
By Emo_kuma101

We stumbled our way through the door and into the dark building. It was locked and the power was off. I boarded up the brocken door and looked around.
"There's stairs over there. If we head up there it will be harder for them to catch us." He was right but it would be hard to get him up those stairs.
"Ok then." I helped him up and started our way up the stairs. I was moving as fast as I could. I could hear the police screaming for us to exit the building with our hands up. Like hell that's happening. The sound of them attempting to knock down the door pulled me out of my thoughts. If I use my quirk now it'll be harder to defend myself and with Denki in the condition he is now it would be cruel to rely on him. The sound of glass smashing echoed up the stairs only moments later the building was lit up with a sort of orange light. Endeavour's hell flame. We were out of options, we no longer had a choice. I pulled Denki onto my back and sped up the stairs towards the roof. I felt my shirt grow wet as Denki's blood poured out of his wound. The police were not so far behind us but we still had a bit of time to form a plan. I slammed open the door as cold air blew on my face and hair. I rested Denki against the side of the railing causing him to wince in pain. He held his hand over his gunshot. I attempted to look over the safety railings but failed. I jumped up and sat on them looking down at the calm yet so chaotic city below us.
"Y/n what are you doing?" Denki asked reaching over to me. I ignored him staring at the red and blue lights below. They were some what calming, I shifted my gaze to the buildings. All the windows lit up by some sort of lighting. Whilst we were running people were going about their normal lives. Tucking in their kids reading them stories to help them sleep. I looked over to the UA dorms. So much chaos all in one night.
"Y/n." I glanced over to Denki. He was pointing at the door to the roof. I looked over to see Hawks there. Great.
"Did you kids forget I can fly?" God I hate his cocky voice. "Hey be careful kid, you might fall." He said taking a step towards us.
"Wouldn't be such a bad thing." I said turning back to the skyscrapers. I could hear his footsteps creep towards us. I glanced over at Denki to see him activating his quirk. He was shaking. I'm not sure if he's cold or if it's his quirk, what if he was gonna...
"Denki stop." I said simply. He hesitated for a second before listening. The door slammed open as the police stormed onto the roof. Their guns aimed at both of our heads. Then behind them entered Endeavour, Aizawa and All Might.
"Young Y/n get down." All might said. I started to laugh.
"You're funny All Might, making everyone think you care. I'm one of the most wanted villains in the world. Like you'd care." Denki slowly stood up his hand still over his wound.
"TAKE A STEP FOWARD AND WE WILL SHOOT!" The police screamed pointing all guns towards him. Denki took a step closer to me. No one shot. He jumped onto the railing and leaned into my ear.
"There's two ways out of this. We go with the police and get sent to jail for the rest of our lives or we..." He looked down to the ground below. I followed his gaze. I knew what he was thinking.
"The only bad part about option two is-"
"We die."
"Yeah." We sat in silence, the sound of the wind and the cars below surrounded the air. Denki jumped up balancing on the rail. Offering his hand down to me.
"Do you trust me Y/n?" He said with his same usual  cheerful smile. Despite everything he was still smiling.
"Of course."  I said grabbing his hand as he pulled me up and grabbed onto my waist. I stared deep into his golden eyes.
"I love you Y/n."
"I love you too Denki." He pulled me towards him as our lips joined together. He kissed me. I kissed him back wrapping my hands in his fluffy hair. I suddenly felt my body lean to the side and before I knew it I was tumbling through the dark night sky towards the concrete. I broke the kiss to check for any possible ways to survive this. Nothing. We were going to die. I looked at Denki. I wanted him to be the last thing I see. From the top of my eye I saw Hawks speeding towards us, reaching his hand out. I looked back at Denki and smiled softly.
"It's ok." He said hugging me even tighter. I rested my head in his chest. The smell of his colounge was comforting. He made me feel safe. I tightly shut my eyes as I felt ice cold water surround me. I felt myself being ripped away from Denki as the rapids thrashed me against the rocks. I tried to cry out in pain but the muddy water flowed into my mouth. I looked down at my arm to see it snapped in half as the water around it turned red. Ah fuck. I tried to push myself up to the surface but it was pointless. My chest started to burn as I attempted to scream for help. Nobody. Nobody was there. Wasn't Hawks chasing us? I scanned for any signs for his red wings. Nothing. I looked around in the river for Denki. Nothing. It was useless. There was no hope if being rescued. My chest begging for air. It was a pain I had never felt before. I was gonna drown. There was nothing I could do. The surface stared at me almost mockingly. It was right above me but it felt so far away. My eyes grew heavy as my body went limp. I stopped fighting the current. I was gonna die here. I saw a hand reach down into the river. I tried to reach it but I was too weak. Darkness surrounded me as my senses dulled.

Word count: 1081
Jesus I haven't posted in ages. Well here it is the grand finale.

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