family // bnha

By elisimone_

591K 20.6K 9.3K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


16.5K 548 170
By elisimone_

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙  ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

A girl with a huge green afro walked down the street. She had two kids on her hips and the third was sitting on her shoulders. It was times like this that she really appreciated her Quirk because it doesn't look like her boys would ever stop falling asleep on the way home. Luckily for her, they weighed nothing.

So, 15-year-old Eli carried 3, 6-year-olds with her. These 3 kids of course being Izuku and Hitoshi Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo, the kids going to little Katsuki's house after having yet another fun day at the park, followed by sandwiches she'd made at home.

Knocking on the familiar door for the 3rd time this week, she waited patiently for the familiar blonde woman to come and detach the blonde from her. 

And by detach, that means literally because Katsuki seemed to be unnaturally clingy when he slept. Eli never minded though believing that the boy was maybe affection deprived which wasn't much different than Hitoshi.

Like always, the door opened, revealing a smiling Mitsuki whose eyes yet again locked onto her son clinging onto the bigger greenette.

"Ah thank you again Midoriya-chan," the woman said but Eli just shook her head.

"Ah, please, just call me Eli! There are 3 Mido's here," she said with a small laugh.

The woman chuckled before nodding at the young teen. 5 minutes of declawing Katsuki later, Eli then began to walk home, her pace quick and steady as she pondered about their night.

She'd make dinner when they got home, but she wasn't sure if her mom was coming home, so she knew she'd have to have a bag ready for them if she wanted to go to work, which she had to.

It was a Saturday, meaning no school so she wasn't as stressed today. She had some homework, but she knew she could do it at her desk at work or the next morning before she got up the boys for breakfast.

After a 10-minute walk, they made it home with the boys waking up when they arrived at the building but remained in her arms until they entered their apartment. Setting them down, they stumbled before they made their way to the couch, climbing up and leaning against each other's backs.

She yawned before she began to walk to the kitchen.

Hitoshi and Izuku watched her warily, turning to each other with a nod before they jumped from the couch and made their way over to their sister.

She stood in front of them with her back turned her phone in her ear. She pulled it away with a sad sigh, looking at the words 'Call Failed' on her phone, setting her phone gently on the counter before she leaned over the sink with a tired sigh, rubbing her eyes as she did so.

She then felt 4 hands on her legs, making her look down to see her brother standing on either side with determined looks on their face.

"Nee-chan," Izu started.

"Hm, what is it? A dinner request?" she said, a kind smile still on her face.

That was the thing about Eli, her smiled were never forced because if she didn't want to smile, she wouldn't. The 2 boys knew that much, but still, they didn't like her eyes when she smiled.

They had bags since she was always tired, and Hitoshi and Izuku often found her asleep at her desk.

She wasn't physically tired because her Quirk was constantly pulling in energy so she didn't sleep as much as the average person anyway and when she did it wasn't the best. Mentally though, she was exhausted. Who wouldn't be though?

She was 15, with basically 2 kids.

Eli tried her best not to be upset at her mom because she desperately wanted to hold on to the dwindling mother-daughter relationship that was being ruined due to the lack of time.

And, she was trying her best right? To provide for them?

"No, we want you to take a nap," Hitoshi said. Her eyes widened at the request before bringing her hands up to pull her large afro into a high bun, twisting it so that it was even smaller.

"Hito, I have to make dinner, and then I have to go to work, I can't nap now," she told him sincerely. She smiled, a nap would be nice, but now wasn't the time.

"B-but, you're so tired," Izu said.

Eli was taken back by this, forgetting how perceptive kids could be before she sighed and nodded.

"Yea, I am, but I'd rather be tired than let you guys be hungry, c'mon, I'll make your favorite," she told them.

"B-but why? Why can't mama come and take care of us? You a-always do it," Hitoshi whined a bit.

"Mama is working baby. She's working really hard to provide for us, but she can't be here too often because of it," she told them before looking at Izuku who looked like he wanted to cry.

"Oh no, Izu baby, don't cry what's wrong?" she asked, her hand moving to hold his cheek softly, stroking his cheek his her thumb.

''I-it's just that you're always so tired, but you always do everything. You don't get mad when we bother you or break something, or need you when we're at school," Izuku wailed. She hugged him tightly and sighed softly at the emotional little green bean in her arms.

"W-when is it our turn to take care of you, Nee?" Hito asked, looking at her with his purple eyes, eyes that also looked seconds away from bursting into tears.

Then a small idea popped into her head. 

"You know how mama is a nurse right?" Eli asked, still crouched down looking at the two, watching as they nodded with teary eyes. 

"That means, she's busy saving people. She like Recovery Girl," she told them, smiling as she say them brighten up. 

"S-so, she's like a hero?" Izuku asked, and Eli nodded with a small smile. But, though they brightened up at the thought of their mom being a hero, Eli could still see the sadness in their eyes. 

"Okay, okay, how about this huh? Tomorrow, when Katsuki comes over, I'll sleep too when you guys take your nap," she offered.

The two boys looked at each other before they looked at me with a nod, their eyes still teary making her chuckle before she wiping them away.

"Now go wash up, I'm starting dinner," she told them. They nodded eagerly before going off to their room.

The boys entered their room a little happy that they convinced their sister to take at least one nap. They were worried about her, they saw how she zoned out whenever they went to the park.

Sometimes she'd even fall asleep there, and the 3 boys took turns playing and watching over her while the other 2 played nearby.

As they washed their hands, they heard knocking before what sounded like a door opening. They looked at each other curiously, continuing to wash up quickly before heading back to the living room, hand in hand.

Rounding the corner to the living room, they peek inside the living room, immediately met with something they never wanted to see. There Eli sat, sunken to her knees on the floor, her shoulders shaking violently.

"N-nee-chan?" Hito called out. Izuku stood next to him, paralyzed by fear as he stared at his sister on the floor, looking up to see the cops standing in the doorway. Hito's face twisted in anger.

"What did you do!?" Hito yelled out angrily, accidentally using his Quirk.

"Um-" one of the police officers tried, but he cut himself off as he was suddenly standing with a blank white look in his eye as the outside world around him faded away, his body relaxing subconsciously as his body seemed to now follow the instruction of another.

"What happened, why is she crying?" he asked again as he yanked his brother towards their sister, who finally turned to look at them.

"Your sister was just informed that your mother has passed in an accident related to a villain attack that blocked the roads. There was no one to stop the incoming cars, so they toppled onto each other," the police officer stated blandly.

"W-what?" Hito mumbled as he took a step closer to his sister.

The man coughed abruptly as he was suddenly thrown out of his trance-like state, a gasp escaping his mouth as he looked at the 3 heartbroken children in front of them.

Hitoshi and Izuku stared at the man with wide eyes and agape mouths as tears began to force their way out of their eyes. They looked at their sister, each of them now gripping some part of her shirt with their fists.

Eli tried to slow her breathing, she really did. She tried to reign in her quirk, she really tried. She glanced over, just to see the boy's feet, but all that did is make her shoulders shake even more.

Her vision blurred due to the onslaught of tears, and the choking feeling she felt in her throat. She wanted to throw up, but she held it in, gagging a bit as she slumped even further, her uneven breathing only seeming to worsen.

She let out a mixture of a cry and a scream, the hollow, empty feeling in her chest expanding, her breathing now going berserk. She saw her hands begin to glow, and she felt her hair begin to float. She panicked as she thought about her brothers so close to her, the power that coursed through her body suddenly halting.

In a battle of inner turmoil, Eli tugged and kept tugging on a neverending rope. With a strangled cry she pulled and pulled, her fist clenching the carpet beneath them, hearing her brothers crying in the distance, even if they were right next to her.

This fueled her. So, she tugged, pulled, and yanked the rope until her breathing finally slowed, and she finally laid on the floor with a pant, not even being able to spare a look at her beloved siblings before her eyes closed.

Guess she was getting that nap much earlier than planned.

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