family // bnha

By elisimone_

549K 19.4K 8K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


21.7K 662 247
By elisimone_

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙  ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

Eli stared at the carpet floor, the tall child resisting the urge to pick at the material under her feet. Instead, the 9-year-old just held on tightly to her baby brother. 

Looking down at him, she couldn't help but smile as a rush of warmth flooding her cheeks looking at him. He cooed, a small giggle coming from his lips as his chubby arms felt her face up and down.

They both had the same brilliant green eyes, yet Izuku's were brighter which made her smile. They both had green hair, but Eli's curls were tighter, with the same face full of freckles except for the fact that Izuku had a tan tint to his skin while Eli was simply brown. 

In all honesty, it's amazing that they look so similar, to begin with, especially since they were not full siblings. Actually, they weren't siblings at all, they were in fact cousins even if that fact didn't matter to the girl.

Eli was taken in 3 years ago by Hisashi and Inko when her mother, Inko's sister, and father died. She was 6 when it happened, and she couldn't really remember how and what happened to them, but she was happy to be away from them.

She calmed as the small fingers poked at her cheeks before grinning at the boy, pondering on whether or not he'd have an emotion-based quirk because even at 9 months old he was able to do just one, one little thing that would cheer her up.

Footsteps were heard, hard ones.

In a burst of panic, she moved as silently as she could in their shared room, quietly opening their closet door and closing it. She sat once more, crossing her legs as she continued to hold on to the small boy tightly.

"Wait, Hisashi, no please, don't leave!" she heard her mom yell as she cried.

Shuffling was heard from the room over, their parent room. She heard things fall, loudly, and strings of curses fly out of her Dad's mouth as things moved around. Her chest felt hollow hearing all the commotion, her breathing picking up.

Eli leaned her head back, it hitting the closet wall lightly making her tense before she realized that it was unlikely such a small thing was heard over their incessant yelling. Still, she tried to stay quiet, not wanting her or her brother to be caught up in whatever was going on now.

It wasn't long before hard footsteps were heard again, followed by a smack before the sound of a door slamming was heard.

She looked down at Izuku, who was still staring up at her with stars in his eyes, his smile easily rivaling the sun. This alone making tears begin to prick her eyes.

Hisashi was abusive, that much Eli knew, she'd even felt it once for goodness sake, though it was nowhere near as bad as what her mother did to her before she lived here. 

Though, he'd only gotten a small scratch on her at the time before Inko had lunged at him with a frying pan, striking him hard on the head.

Even if she couldn't protect herself, she still tried to at least protect her child.

Unfortunately, because she'd done this, Eli was then forced to watch as he beat Inko half to death. Inko, being who she is, used her Quirk repelling her instead of attracting to keep Eli away as it went on, hoping she'd turn and run back to Izuku, but no.

The 9-year-old girl who she's never seen cry thrashed and screamed, her nails digging into the kitchen floor in an attempt to help her mother. Had Eli not passed out from the stress of it all, she would've easily destroyed the kitchen.

It was no use, but soon it was over. But fortunately, Hizashi was rather lenient towards Eli after that.

Opening the closet hastily, she rushed to put baby Izu down before she was back in the closet to retrieve a small first-aid kit to check on her mom. The girl appeared behind a corner, hearing the small sobs that the woman let out. She frowned, pushing her hair from her face even if it didn't work before she walked over timidly.

The floor creaked alerting Inko. She snaps her neck to look at her making Eli freeze.

"Eli, baby, w-what is it honey?" Inko asked, not being able to stop the cracking in her voice.

Eli watched as the woman hastily dried her tears, and plastered on a fake smile. Though this was futile, and Inko knew it too. Inko's eyes were red and puffy from crying, her long green hair was a mess, and to make it worse her cheek was extremely red, and would more than likely bruise as well.

"Mama, you don't have to lie," she told her.

Inko's breath hitched, tears coming to her eyes once again. She knew the girl had always been perceptive and even if this situation was rather obvious she was still only 9. It scared her how mature the little girl was because she wanted her to just be a little girl, her little girl, that's it.

How quick the girl was to grab bandages and even clean her up if she wasn't able to, made her sick. Eli had tottered over to her mom, wrapping her arms around her tightly, listening to the muffled sobs that she released into her massive hair.

She didn't mind it and hugged her mother tightly, smiling lightly at the contact that she still wasn't all that used to but had come to rely on. And so Inko cried, and her daughter comforted her, silence filling the rest of the apartment building. 

Though this was different than their usual silence after he'd left, this one was peaceful.

Guilt raddled Inko's bones as she hugged her small child. She should've protected her further, should've made sure that Hisashi never touched her. 

But no, Inko pulled away from her daughter to look at the small bruises that littered her small wrists, and the bruise that had formed on Eli's small cheek.

Hisashi never came back after that.

[4 Years Later]

Eli held the bouncing boy's hand as she walked him to the park. She was 13 now, and he was 4, but still, their close relationship remained.

"And then, All Might came in and he was like BOOM, POW, and then..." Izuku continued on and on to his sister, she being the only one who never interrupted him when he went on like this. 

Eli listened like she always did, nodding, and smiling at the boy who looked at her with the same stars in his eyes.

"Ah, I can't wait to get my Quirk, and when I do, I'll be a hero just like All Might!" he cheered.

She smiled, hiding her small chuckle, stopping her feet from walking as she crouched down and ruffled his hair.

"I believe in you, honey. With or without a Quirk, you'll make an amazing hero Izu," she said before she gave him a small smile.

The boy shined even brighter, if that was even possible, his hands rushing forward, slicing through her large hair easily for his hand to hold her cheeks with a grin.

"Yeah, and then I can protect you like you protect me Nee-chan," he said, still sporting that impossible grin.

Eli's breath hitched at his words before a small smile came to her face and she nodded.

"I can't wait Izu. But, until then," she said as she'd lifted him abruptly and squeezed him to her, laughing at the sound of his squeals as she continued her trek to the park.

Izu wrapped up in her arms as he held onto her tightly, a content smile on his face the whole way there.

Even though he was only 4, Eli couldn't help the admiration she held for him. So young, and already wanted to be a hero. Granted, with how the world was, what child didn't want to be a hero?

But, Izuku had this spark in his eyes, one that Eli couldn't help but notice. One that she was determined to keep alive.

It's not like she wanted him to be a hero, actually, it was even the opposite. Being a hero was the last thing she wanted for him, but still, she encouraged him. Her fears for his safety weren't allowed to hinder his dreams and aspirations, so she made it a point to make sure he knew that she'd always support him.

Though, she still pondered the idea she had years ago about his quirk having something to do with emotions since he always made her feel better. One look and her bad days were good. Though she waited with Mama Inko for his quirk to reveal itself, that was if he had one.

Eli's quirk was simple, Kinetic Power. Her body absorbed kinetic energy, which meant that she was constantly storing and storing up strength and speed. With every step, every breath she took, every time she laughed or made any sort of motion, that energy was stored, even if it was just a little.

She was unbelievably strong to say the least, not that she completely realized such a thing. The thing was, neither she nor a doctor could tell her if she had a limit because it wasn't looking like she did.

Though as powerful as she was, all powers came with drawbacks and she wasn't absent from this. With a Quirk like hers, it was easy to hurt the people around her, so she found herself constantly reminding herself to gentle, especially when it came to her family.

She was also always at risk that she'd go past her physical limits if she wasn't careful, and there had been plenty of times she'd gotten angry and broken her fingers from clenching her hands together.

Soon, they'd arrived at the park, and Eli let him out of her arms.

"If you get hungry or need anything, I'm right over there okay?" she told him. He nodded with a smile, and she handed him his toy from her bag before he ran off to go play.

3 minutes...

3 minutes was all it took for Izuku to come bolting back to her, this time with a hand in his, and a worried look on his face.

Eli got up abruptly, pausing her sketch of a nearby flower to get up to look over the young boy who came barreling into her.

"Izu, what happened?" she asked him quickly, crouching down to look at both the boys that now stood in front of her.

"Nee- nee-chan, h-he's bleeding," he told her panting, an eager and desperate look on his face.

She looked over at the boy beside him, watching as Izu gestured to the little boy's knee and hand. Though she couldn't help but notice his tattered clothing, the dirt covering him, and the terrified expression on his face. Something in her ached as she looked at the lilac-haired boy before she painted on a small smile.

"Do you mind if I help you out there honey?" she asked.

His already wide eyes widened even further, and she watched as fat tears came down his face before he nodded.

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙  ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

Eli walked down the street, Izuku holding her hand, and the lilac-haired boy who they now knew was named Hitoshi Shinsou resting calmly on her hips. He was 4, like Izuku, and according to the boy, he didn't know where his parents were anymore. He'd told her that they didn't like his Quirk, so they sat him down here and told him to stay.

Eli looked at the boy as he breathed calmly against her neck, his purple hair sticking out under her large afro. Just looking at him made her want to cry. He sat at that park for 4 days.


How could no one, and absolutely no one notice the boy? 

He had bright purple hair for fucks sake!? 

She only sighed as she made her way to the nearest police station, her mind wandering to her mother, wondering if she made it home safe. Anger would do her no good, especially in a situation she had no control over.

Still, a burning feeling inside her stirred, a familiar one, but she only closed her eyes tightly, taking a couple of deep breaths before she was calm again.

Izuku stared up at his sister as she held the boy. It was exactly the way she held him so he smiled, understanding how comfortable his new friend was.

His sister was the best after all.

His feet began to hurt a bit as he walked, knowing he was walking further than they usually did for the sake of his new friend. Not wanting to worry his sister he just keep walking.

Eli's eyes left Shinso briefly, looking over Izuku, watching as he slyly tapped the top of his shoes against the ground as he walked to relieve the pressure.

She rolled her eyes before she let go of his hand. 

Izuku looked up at her, obviously offended, but this soon shifted as her body bent down and picked him up too, resting both boys on her hips. Due to this, the boy who was once asleep looked to see them both being carrying both boys.

"Y-you can put m-me down," he told her, his head dipping down a bit. She quirked an eyebrow looking at him, not that he could see it.

"Aren't you tired?" she questioned him. Shinso blushed at the worried look on the girl's face that he couldn't see too clearly but knew was there.

"B-but aren't I h-heavy?" he asked her.

She was nice to him, the 2nd nice person to offer him help, with the first being Izuku of course. He didn't want to upset her, not how he must've upset his parents.

"Don't worry Shi-chan, Eli-nee is super strong," Izuku told him. The boy was too confused to be flustered by the sudden nickname.

"Is that a part of your Quirk?" he asked next. Once more, she didn't have to answer and only nodded at him with a smile as Izuku began rambling on and on about her Quirk and how it worked.

As she watched the two boys chat excitedly about Quirks, which led to an even more exciting conversation about heroes. She inwardly sighed in relief at the smiles she saw on the two boys. 

They made it to the police station in no time, which led to them calling their mom, and a statement and questioning for Eli and Shinso.

Inko Midoriya bursts through the doors of the police station, looking frantically around her for her children. The woman was tired, having rushed over as fast as she could in worry of her kids. 

It wasn't long before she was directed by the man sitting at the desk to go towards the interrogation room that was being used to ask the kids some questions.

She'd gotten a call from her daughter telling her that Izuku had found a boy in the park, and had thoroughly explained to her what had happened with the little boy and how he was left at the park.

She thanked him quickly before speed walking to where he'd directed her. She turned a corner and her breath hitched at the sight. There her daughter sat smiling calmly and idly as watched the two boys chat.

A purple-haired boy sat on her daughters' lap, his face resting on her chest and his hand clutching on for dear life to her jacket as Izuku rambled on and on about his interest to which the other boy listened to intently.

Her daughter looked to her, and they both knew.

They couldn't leave this baby here.

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