The Grimm Swordsman

By lonegamer2020

29.7K 365 124

You are an old and powerful swordsman. You also happen to work for a certain someone but are forced away from... More

Grimm Classes
Combat Class
Walking Vale
Vale Docks
Sparring Match
Meeting Salem
Vale Breach
Exposing Ozpin
The End

Forever Fall Forest

1.3K 17 0
By lonegamer2020


Oobleck: "Yes prior to the commonly known Faunus War, humans were quite insist on centralizing the population of Menagerie. While this may feel like ancient history, it's important to note that these events are actually pretty recent with the repercussions still being felt today. Now have any among you been judged based on you Faunus traits?"

I look to see most of the Faunus in the room raise their hand with Velvet being among them.

Oobleck: "Dreadful. It's this kind of hate that gives birth to violence. Just look at the White Fang. Which of you can tell me what many people think was the defining moment in the Faunus War?"

Weiss: "The battle of Fort Brydon."

Oobleck: "Correct. And which of you can tell me the advantage that General Lagune and his forces had?"

Jaune: *grabs head* "Hey."

Oobleck: "Mr. Arc, thank you for your contribution. What is the answer?"

Jaune: "The answer is..." *looks at Pyrrha* "Binoculars!"

The class laughs at him while I face palm.

Oobleck: "Very funny. Cardin, perhaps you'd care to give us a serious answer?"

Cardin: "It's easier to train an animal rather than a human."

I glare at him but laugh seeing his lower body in a body cast.

Pyrrha: "That's very close minded of you."

Cardin: "What'd you say?"

Y/N: "Deaf and a racist, I almost feel bad for kicking your ass."

Pyrrha: "I have the answer Oobleck. It's night vision."

Blake: "The general was a fool. He thought he could ambush the Faunus in a time in which they had the upper hand. Maybe if he paid attention in class then he wouldn't have been remembered as a failure."

Cardin: "Why you-"

Oobleck: "Sit down Cardin!"

I laugh at him and head back to my dorm where I find Ruby reading the book I assigned her.

Y/N: "How goes it?"

Ruby: *lowers book* "Really good. I'm learning so much."

Y/N: "Just remember that it's just as good to have fighting experience as reading about fighting."

Ruby: "There's a lot more to fighting than I thought."

Y/N: "Don't worry, you'll understand it some day."

Ruby: "I hope so."

Y/N: *ruffles her hair* "Why don't you stop reading for today and use tomorrow to rest?"

Ruby: "Okay."

She sets the book down and heads back to her dorm to sleep. Meanwhile I head to my desk and add a few more chapters to my book. Upon sunrise I send the book to my editor to look over. After that I exit my dorm and head with the others to the Forest of Forever Fall.

Glynda: "Yes the forest is beautiful, but we're not here to go sight seeing. Your assignment for today is to gather one jar of red sap and give it to professor Peach. Be sure to stay by your teammates for this place is full of Grimm. At four o'clock meet back here."

I break off from everyone and head into the forest. I set my jar down to fill up when I hear a twig snap. I look to see an Ursa Major walking out of the tree line. It spots me and runs to me then rubs its head against my chest. I scratch behind its ear which makes it scratch its stomach.

I smile as it growls when I hear a womanly scream. I run to it and see Cardin getting tossed around. He's not even trying to defend himself instead he's just taking it like the bitch he is. I smile when Jaune decides to save him. He jumps to the Ursa Major but gets hit to the side. He tumbles onto his feet and looks at his scroll.

He sighs before running at the Ursa Major with his sword reeled back and shield set. The two opponents run at each other and deliver their attacks. However Jaune's shield is too low and won't protect him. I check my surroundings and upon seeing nothing I get on all fours and transform into a Sabyr.

3rd POV

The Sabyr Y/N runs at the Ursa Major and cuts its arm before it can come down on Jaune. The Ursa Major roars at Y/N as loud as it can which he responds to by roaring just as loud. While the two creatures engage in a roar off Ruby, Weiss and Pyrrha arrive and become shocked seeing a Sabyr and Ursa Major in the same place. Jaune collects himself and tries to run away. The Ursa Major spots him, breaks past Y/N and towards Jaune.

Pyrrha: "Look out Jaune!!!"

Jaune looks over his shoulder to see the Ursa Major about to swing its claws to end his life.

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