If Only

By QuEeNafj

505 67 23

Love, lies, happiness, sadness. The third book of the Only You Series. More

Twenty Eight


12 2 1
By QuEeNafj


The next day..

"Alright babygirl. We are about to go take your brothers to spend the night with Daylen and pick up food" my dad said popping his head into the living room. I kinda wish I was going. I swear when I get back on my feet, imma go to my Papa's house. I will start being around my family more. I have to.

"Okay. Zion is supposed to come over if that's still okay"

"Yeah, your sister should be here shortly too" my mom said coming in. "If you need something before we get back, don't hesitate to call us" they said both kissing my cheeks.

"See you tomorrow sissy" Kareem said running in kissing my cheek.

"I love you Reem"

"I love you too" he said running out.

I took a deep breath looking at my phone seeing a text from Zion telling me he was here. Thankfully, my parents knew to leave the door unlocked because I can't be getting up and down.

"Zion.. I'm in here!" I yelled when I heard the door open. He didn't say anything, but he walked to where I was.

"Hey Zi"

"Oh now you wanna communicate with me" he said confusing me. I text this man pretty much every day. We just have casual conversations everyday.

"What do you mean?"

"Who the fuck is Quan and why was he over here yesterday?" Ummmmmmm.....

"How do you-" I didn't even finish my statement. It had to be Kaitlyn. Who else could it had been. First of all, that was not her business to tell. Like oh because I'm not somewhere kissing her cousin's ass, that must mean that I am trying to spend more time with Raymond.

"He's literally just a friend I met. I didn't want to be a fifth wheel to movie night" I said really looking at this man. He was being really weird. He hasn't sat down since he walked in.

"Wow" he said laughing. He started coming towards me with blood shot red eyes like he had been drinking or taking something. "You didn't wanna invite me?" he asked.

"I know you and Raymond have bad blood so I didn't-"

"Oh because he beat my ass in the hospital. I had a fractured arm and a concussion and no one seemed to care when I was being beat into the hard tile floor of that hospital" he said causing me to frown. "You don't care that I too was in that accident with you. I wasn't that bad off, but I was hurt as well"

"You never told-" I was cut off by a sting to my right cheek. He slapped me.

"I did tell you. When we texted I would tell you I had headaches because of the accident"

"I know. It's just-" I was cut off by yet another slap to the face. I don't know why my body wouldn't react or move or dodge the hits coming towards my face.

"It's just you don't care once again"

"Why are you hitting me?" I yelled as tears began to form in my eyes. I was shocked. He never gave off the vibe that he would hit a girl.

"I want you to feel the pain that I have felt for the past two months" he said beginning to punch me continuously. I tried to shield my face with the arm that wasn't trapped in a cast and sling.

I could not fathom the pain that was rushing throughout my body. He was punching me like I was a punching bag in a boxing ring. I tried to find some kind of strength deep within to fight back, but I couldn't. I needed somebody to help me.


"Damien imma call you back" I said walking into the house hearing screams and grunts. I paused dropping everything in my hand quietly and listened carefully so I know how to react. Is it some sexual grunts or something else?

Once I heard Heaven plead and beg whoever to stop I went to grab the vase that sat upon the dining room table. I ran into the living room knocking the person upside his head. He fell on the ground holding his head and I saw that it was Zion.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said kicking him in his groin area. "Hitting a female while she so defenseless" I said kicking him more. I wanted him dead. You don't come into someone's house and beat the shit out of them, but I needed him gone so that I could tend to my sister. I stopped and pulled him up.

"Get the fuck out" I said. He stumbled out of the house and I locked the door behind him. I grabbed my phone going back to Heaven. She sat there crying her eyes out as her busted lip bled and both eyes began to swell and form bruises.

"Don't call mom and dad. Just clean it and take me to my room please" she mumbled. I just stared at her. I know she got beat senseless, but she is definitely not stupid. I'm telling our parents as soon as they walk through the door.

"I'm calling Ray" I said calling him.

"Yeah Vaeh?" he said answering.

"Where are you?" I said looking down. Looking at her bruised face was making me want to burst in tears.

"My house with Kait. Wassup? What's wrong?"

"Can you come over alone? Hurry. It's Heaven"

"Vaeh. What the hell happened to her"


"Vaeh. If something is wrong-"

"I can't fucking explain. Just come now please" I yelled hanging up. I didn't mean to be so hostile. I didn't wanna tell him who did it while he with his gah damn cousin.

"Vaeh. I just want to die" she said crying.

"Don't say that Heaven" I said sitting beside her carefully leaning her head on me.

Five minutes or so later, I heard a knock on the door. I went to it seeing a stressed looking Raymond.

"What happened?"

"Before you go in there she looks bad. She is in a lot of pain and she's scared. Do not yell please" he didn't say anything as he went around me walking to the living room.


"Pookie" I said causing Heaven to look at me. Well.. kinda.. Her eyes were so swollen that it looked like she was squinting. Her face was starting to turn black and it was starting to swell. She had bruises all over her. My heart is literally in pieces.

I don't know what is worse.. When I saw her in the hospital bed after the accident, I wanted to immediately trade places with her. I couldn't let out a deep breath without wanting to cry. However, seeing her literally beat till she was black and blue is burning me inside. There is a huge flame that is igniting in me. It is mainly rage. Rage towards whoever would do something to her. I'm angry at myself. Even though I can't be with her, by her side twenty-four seven, I feel guilty for not being here for her.

The only person I can imagine has done this is Zion. Unless a stranger broke into this house and beat her it had to be him. She just mentioned that he was being weird around her, so maybe.. I don't know.

"It's not that bad. Don't tell mama and dad please" she said. Fuck that. I will kill whoever did it.

"Heaven I-" I began to say as I sat next to her. Tears began rolling down my face. Words couldn't began to come out of my mouth. Everything I was thinking about wouldn't cross my lips. "I'm sorry. I love you okay" she nodded crying into my chest. She winced as I pulled her into my lap.

"Imma make sure that whoever did this is dealt with in the worst way possible" she didn't say anything as she sniffed while I felt my shirt continuously get wet.

I don't know how much time passed but I had got Heaven to fall asleep in my arms. Her parents walked in after I'm sure Nevaeh told them what happened.

"Baby" ma said squatting down in front of me. "Raymond look at me" she said causing me to look in her eyes. They were watering.

"I cant leave her"

"I'm here. I got her" I nodded, but I couldn't let her go. I couldn't.

"Raymond. Nari got Heaven" I nodded and just looked at her sleeping.

"Its fine son, put her down. Meet me in the garage" pops said not even looking at her face for long. I carefully tried to put her down which caused her to squeeze me.

"Pook wake up. Your mama here" I said softly. She blinked her eyes open and immediately reached out for her mom. I took that opportunity to go to the garage.

"That muh fuckin Zion Boy. I swear on my daddy grave imma kill this bitch" He said pacing back and forth. Just hearing him say Zion's name made my blood boil.

"Pops. Lemme handle it. He hurt her way to many times" I said beginning to pace. "Heaven can't catch a fuckin break without something happening to her. She's a great girl. She doesn't do wrong by nobody" I said while tears fell down my face. I don't usually cry unless i'm pissed or highly upset. "I wasn't here to protect her again. How can I call myself a good bestfriend pops? How?" I yelled. He grabbed me and I just broke down.


I sat next to Heaven's hospital bed. Nevaeh laid beside her sleeping while holding her hand. Keenan and I decided to bring her here to make sure she didn't have any internal bleeding which she ended up having minor bleeding in her appendix region which they fixed. It wouldn't keep her down long though since it was laparoscopic. She has bruises everywhere and a blood vessel in her right eye was ruptured. They wanted to keep her over night tho which I was fine with. Keenan and Raymond were going down to the police station.

My baby. My Heaven. All of my kids are sweethearts but Heaven is just special. She literally is so nice to everyone. She has a pure heart. She is so thoughtful and loving, so how can something like this happen to her.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I got up to open it and it was Quan. Heaven told me about him last night when we got back from our night out with Kyndall and Kareem. That made me make a mental note to really spend more time with my kids. Keenan and I have been working on opening a kids play fun center here.

"Hi, I'm Quan. Damien called me saying Heaven was hurt bad. I was finishing a paper. My phone was on do not disturb. I woulda been here sooner" He said. "How is she?" he asked. So respectful and thoughtful.

"She's okay. I think she is very afraid. She is bruised up very bad and one of her eyes is bandaged because that boy busted a blood vessel in it and her appendix was removed. She's fine tho"

"Can I see her? I brought balloons" I am just now seeing about 20 balloons in his hand along with a big teddy bear.

"Yes. Come on in. I'm her mom, Anari" I said holding out my hand to shake his. He shook my hand, and I let him into the room and he walked to her side of the bed. There was a little space beside her and he sat down. I watched him interact with her.

"Stink. Why you doin this to me so soon?" He whispered but I heard him. "Imma make sure whoever did this is either in jail or in hell no in between. I promise Heaven Register" he said kissing her forehead.

"If she's up to it tomorrow, can you have her call me"

"Yes. I'll tell her you stopped by"

"Thank you" He said walking out the room.

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