COTE A New Beginning

By Kouhai_D-chan

4.1K 197 93

During the 2nd inhabited island exam, an unimaginable situation happened that caused Kiyo to have amnesia??? ... More

Chapter 1: Memories
Chapter 3: Unfathomable

Chapter 2: Blending In (Rewritten)

1.4K 72 18
By Kouhai_D-chan

Kiyo POV

In the hospital room

After the commotion about my relationship with Karuizawa-san and why she's in my hospital room before everyone else, things finally started to calm down and the barrage of questions then got pointed towards me, many of my classmates surrounded me asking me multiple questions such as,

"How are you?"

"Can you remember me?"

"What happened that day?"

"Who did this to you?"


and many more. I honestly can't answer any of those except how I am. And my answer to that would be "I'm perfectly fine right now". And from all these questioning, they now know that I have amnesia and can't remember anyone of them. There are also some girls around me saying they were my friends and we were close. Jeez, how would I even know that? I have amnesia, remember?


Sometime after my classmates asked me all those questions and stuff, the class representatives decided to make a roll call on the people present here and report the attendance to Chabashira-sensei.

"Okay let's start the roll call! Just answer that you're here if you can but I'll watch out for others who are busy with what they're doing. Just answer as much as possible if you can."

"Ike Kanji"


"Ijūin Wataru"


"Okiya Kyōsuke"

"Okiya, Present."





"Kōuenji Rokusuke


"Absent then. Next"

"Sudō Ken"


The boy named sudo was playing some video games with Ike-kun and he looks like he's too immersed in his game that he didn't hear the roll call.

"Hirata-kun, Sudo-kun is playing over there with Ike-kun, I think that's why he can't hear you but he's present."

"Yes, thanks for your help."

"No problem."

"Next then, Sotomura Hideo"



"(Hirata Yōsuke... that's me, so present.) Next. Hondou Ryōtaro."


"The boy's are now done so, girls turn."

"Azuma Sana"


"Azuma-san? Are you here?"

"Oh they went to the restroom earlier. Oh there they are."

As soon as someone said that, the girl named Azuma came in with a few other girls who seemed to have came from the restroom too alongside Azuma-san.


She didn't seem to know what was happening so they explained to her that we were doing some roll calls to check if everyone's here or not.

"Oh...we were in the restroom but we're present."

"Okay. Next."

"Ishikura Kayoko"



"Present, Hirata-kun"

"Ichihashi Ruri"

"Ichihashi, here"

"Inogashira Kokoro"


"She's over there. They must be talking about something serious to not hear you."

"Okay. I'll mark her as present."



Onodera Kayano


Karuizawa Kei

"She's also in that group..."

"Alright then, present"

'Karuizawa-san too?' After seeing Karuizawa-san in that group that seems too busy to answer the roll call. It peaked my interest on what they're talking so I decided to listen in on their conversation and it seems they were talking about something kind of important base on the look on their faces.

"Koenji-kun isn't here again."

"Nah, that's usual. He doesn't care about other people after all."

"Right... He's probably on a date with some older girls again."

'Huh but there's a total of 37 students that came in earlier. Does that mean if that Koenji-kun person isn't here, then one of the people in here is not from Class D? 

"Yeah yeah.... by the way, did you notice Shiina-san at the corner?"

"Ohh yeah. I noticed her earlier."

"Yeah. But why is she here?"

"I dunno. Probably to visit Ayanokouji-kun? I mean that's what we're all here for and I think I saw them together a few times in the library together."

After one of the girls say that, Karuizawa dropped her phone and looked a little lost or blank at first but immediately regained her composure and picked up her phone

"Woah, Karuizawa-san. What happened?"

"Oh nothing nothing. It just slipped off my hand."

"Are you sure? You look......- nah nevermind. Is your phone broken?"

"Yeah I think the screen is broken...I'll try asking for a replacement from the school tomorrow."

"Okay sure. Want me to join you in going to the school?"

"Oh, no, no, no, it's fine. I can manage or maybe I'll just ask you or someone else incase something comes up. Thanks for the offer, Satou-san."

"Yeah sure, that's perfectly fine for me. Just find me in my dorm room when you need me since you can't contact me."

"Of course. Thanks a lot."

I stopped listening on in their conversation and started listening to the roll call for now. It would be great to know all my classmates names although I think I already missed a few names. I heard something interesting earlier that I can't get out of my head though, the part where they said they saw me together with Shiina-san before in the library. That must mean we're friends or at least acquaintances. 

After a long roll call we reached the last set of girls to be called. A lot of the girls called didn't answer present because they were doing something else. And most of them are in Karuizawa-san's group so I guess they're really having fun with whatever they're talking about.

"Last 5 girls left."

Horikita Suzune



"Oh, I was reading a book. I'm here"



"Matsushita Chiaki"


Matsushita-san huh? Why was she staring at me like that? I honestly thought she's part of the girl's group but she's just there. Standing alone and staring at me with eyes that is filled with...doubt? Eh? What is she doubting in me?

"Mori Nene"

"Over there too Hirata-kun"

Kushida-san again helped in pointing out Mori-san as one of the girls in that group. She must've gotten used to the girls being there that she immediately checked there.

Wang Mei-Yu


"She's at the corner, prolly listening to music that's why she can't hear you."

"Yeah, I can see her headphones. Alright, present too. So everyone is present aside from Koenji Rokusuke-kun."

After Hirata-kun announced everyone as present except for Koenji-kun, everyone started talking among themselves. However, something was still bothering me.

My thoughts were interrupted when Hirata-kun asked the class a question,

"Hey guys, I didn't do a roll call earlier in the classroom and only counted how many of us were there and one of us seems to be missing aside from Koenji-kun."

"Maybe they just went to the restroom then. Don't bother thinking about it."

"Hmm..I guess but feel free to tell me if you went to the restroom then because I also need to submit an attendance for the people who's in the classroom earlier."



" might've done the head count earlier when I was in the restroom that's why I might be the one you haven't counted."

"Oh okay thanks for that. Then, I guess there's no one here who wasn't in the class earlier."


3rd Person POV

In a room

2 people can be seen talking to each other secretly,

"Did you check it out?"

"Yes, I checked it earlier. Let me take out this disguise first. I don't like my hair style like this."

"Yes sure, go ahead."

"There. Ahh that's better. They really didn't notice me."

"What happened to the head count in the classroom?"

"Someone said they went to the restroom then so they might be the one who wasn't counted."

"Good. He did as I thought he would."

"What? You also planned that?"

"Of course. You would've been caught then if I didn't. Of course, you're the one who wasn't counted then but since he said that it looked like he was the one not counted, you weren't found out."

"How did you even know he'll do that?"

"Don't think about it as long as you weren't caught."

"You know he'll have amnesia didn't you? That's why you only asked me to disguise myself for the rest of Class D and pretend as her.

"I already knew he'll have amnesia. That's why I decided to send you in there because he won't recognize you anyways and we can make sure he really does have amnesia. The problem is the other Class D students. So, I asked you to disguise yourself as her and blend in only when they are on the way to his hospital room."

"That's why you asked me to tie my hair into twintails and wear headphones to pretend I can't hear their roll call in the hospital room?"

"Yes, and someone will just say you are present but can't hear them because of your earphones."

"Uhm...this is scary. You basically foresaw everything that would happen in there."

"Oh, My apologies. Kamuro-san kindly see Mei Yu Wang-san out."

Kamuro-san then went out and asked Mii-chan to not tell anyone about what she heard. Afterwards, she went back inside to hear the next orders.

"Good, now I already made sure she won't tell anyone about it. We just have to take care of another matter."

"What is that?"

"Who else was in the room earlier that isn't from Class D?"

"What?? How did you even know that?"

"I didn't know. I just had a hunch."

"Fine. Shiina-san was there too."

"Shiina Hiyori? Why is she there?"

"I don't know but it doesn't look like she was trying to spy on Ayanokouji or anything."

"Hmm...alright you may go now."

"Why did you let her hear what happened?"

"You mean Mii-chan? No reason."

'There's no way that's no reason but I'm sure it's for the benefit of Class A so, I won't press it any further.'

"Okay. I'll take my leave now then."


Back to the hospital room

Kiyo POV

"So you're Shiina-san?"

After everyone left, a silver haired girl stayed behind and told me that she's Shiina Hiyori. I think she's the one that the girls group earlier were talking about that is from Class C. But if that's the case, I should try and find out her real reason for being here, right?

"Yeah, do you really not remember me?"

"I think I heard this question a lot of times today. And yeah, I have no idea on who you are and what relationship I have with you."

"Then shall we have a little chat? I hope I can be of some help to you so you can regain your memories soon."

"Yeah sure. That'll be nice. Thanks for your help on advance then."

"No problem. I should help my friend when they're in need, right?"

'Friend huh?'

"I guess...?"

"Haha let's start then. I first met you on a cafe with your group of friends. I think it was Hasebe-san? Yeah I gave her a new drink then because her cup fell. Well it was our fault then so I just gave her a new one with the same amount of sugar as her first cup. I even asked around to know how much sugar she placed in her cup but you probably don't know that.....actually...maybe you do.. Well we'll know that once you get your memories back."

"A cafe? What were we doing there?"

"Hmm....I dunno. I didn't notice it then."

"Oh it's alright. At least I found out about something new from you."

"Ahh don't mention it. I'll try to help you as much as I can. I would also love for everything to go back to before, u know?"

"Yeah, I guess that's true. Then, after that, when did we meet again?"

"In the library."

"Library? So you're a bookworm?"

"I guess you can say that. But you're not that different you know. We became friends through those books. We usually suggest different books for each other to read."

"Really? Then do you also read the books I suggest to you?"

"Of course. We both love to read mystery genre books so it's always fun to read your choice of books too. We usually read books until lunchtime ends then go back to our own classrooms afterwards."

She must be really happy about this book reading in the library. That look on her face while telling me all this tells me it must've been fun for her during our time together. What a shame I lost my memory....

"That's good then. Aside from reading books, do we do something else together?"

"T-together??? *ahem* Yeah I guess, we also became close due to Ryuuen-kun and you helping us on our class problems sometimes."

"Me? But aren't all classes here on a fight on taking the Class A spot? Why do I help your class?"

"Yeah, I also don't know about that. But you really just help us from time to time especially Ishizaki-kun and Ibuki-san."

"That' I wonder why I do that? If my classmates hears these would they get mad for me at it?"

"Hmm...probably? After all, you're still helping another class."

"I must've had a reason for doing so, right? I really need to get my memories back."

"Yeah. Don't worry about that. I'm sure you'll get them back soon."

"I hope so... well then aside from those, I'm guessing there's more?"

"Uhh...yeah. We also went on a date last summer before we became 2nd year students."

"A date?"

"W-we just went in a cafe, ordered some drinks, talked about some stuff and saw a couple beside you."

"A couple? Who?"

"Ike-kun and Shinohara-san. They're both from your class."

"Oh yeah. I remember their names from the roll call earlier. So they're a couple huh?"

"Well we kind of ruined it. I think Ike-kun was trying to confess then but when they saw us, he didn't get to continue it."

"Oops- I wonder if he was able to confess it later on."

"I don't know about that..."

3rd Person POV

"I don't know about that..."

'They really bickered a lot at each other after that on their way out of the cafe...' Hiyori thought...

"Really? Oh well continue with your story, I wanna know more."

"Yeah sure of course. Aside from that, I don't think anything else is notewort- oh right. I remembered something."

"What is it?"

"'s too embarassing..."

'What a cute embarrassed face she have'

"It's fine, you can tell me."

"I-in the library, one time... you... said something..... No I can't say it."

"Come on, you can say it. I won't say anything..."

"Don't take it seriously...You said it's only a joke afterwards anyways. It's only because you like teasing me."

'Teasing her? Oh, well with that cute embarrassed look earlier, I can slightly understand why I did that before.'

"Okay...then? What did I say?"

"You said...."i-I l-l-love you...S-Sh-Shiina Hiyori."

'That cute looook...but wait..did I really say that?'

"Wait really? Even as a joke that's-"

"Exactly, it's too much but you still did it. Well I don't really hate you for it."

'Alright, Now that shy look? Jeez'

"Yeah that's true... let's leave it at that then."

'Now that I think about it, why did Ayanokouji-kun end up in this amnesiac state?'

"Hey Ayanokouji-kun, do you possibly remember what happened to you that made you lose your memories?"

" I don't remember how I ended up like this and everyone I ask also doesn't seem to know about it."

"Really? No one knows about it? Then do you plan on finding out who knows about it?"

"Maybe. I'm not really sure if I can find out if anyone knows about it."

"Oh okay well goodluck about it then."

"Yeah sure it's late now so I guess you gotta go, right?"

"Yeah, I'll just go here again when I find the time."

"Sure, no problem. Thanks for visiting today."

Minutes after Hiyori left the room, someone came inside soon after receiving a call from Ayanokouji. Ayanokouji dialed the number after seeing that person's contact number under that name.

After that person he called came in, they took the initiative to ask why Ayanokouji called for them,

"Why did you call for me, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"What if I told you that... I actually don't have amnesia? After all, I know something that you don't want others to find out, right?"


"W-why are you telling me this?"

"Hmm...perhaps to....use you?"


"Yes. You can't tell anyone about this anyways. Or know the consequence.."

" really don't have amnesia?"

"It's up to you whether to believe it or not. But to add to what you know.....let's just say I know what you did that has something to do with why I'm here right now. In this hospital room. Getting treated as someone with an illness." 

He kept pushing her towards the wall with his words and tone. His voice getting deeper after every sentence he finishes, until her back started hitting the wall. She now had nowhere to go to. She can only listen to everything he says and worry about her future in this school when there's  someone like this who knows her secret and plans on using it against her.

Ayanokouji kept telling her more stuffs that will no doubt leave her no choice but to accept his proposal. After everything he said that can only make her think that Ayanokouji really doesn't have amnesia, the only thing she can say with her back still against the wall was,

"C-can you give me some time to think about this..?"

After saying that, Ayanokouji released the pressure and went back to his usual calm demeanor and said the following words with a bit more weight than usual just to get his point through her.

"Of course, just make sure you don't tell a single soul about this. Oh, no, you can't do it in the first place. But..."

Ayanokouji slight leaned closer her ear and whispered,

"....make sure you're not hiding anything from me. If I find out you're hiding something from know what'll happen..."

The person he called here just to threaten and use for his own good just lifelessly left the room and thought about what they heard inside the room over and over again and whether to believe any of it.

Kiyo POV

Now that's done. Jeez, thank goodness she's gullible. I would've been in trouble had she asked what secret of hers did I know.

Alright time to check the note Shiina-san left for me. She has fast hands to be able to slip this note under my pillow before leaving. Let's see what it contains. It says,

Eh? Just that? Don't worry, Shiina-san...

It's time for me to drop the act. I need to know who did this to me and why they did it. As well as why the teachers and doctors are hiding the truth about my injury from the other students and me?

-----x 😀

A/N Hey guys it's been more than 3 months, I think. LOL. Been busy, well not really but sure. Anyways, just the usual stuff here,

How's the chapter?

Is Kiyo too OOC here or just fine?

Which fic do you want me to update next? (1 ongoing draft for Different POVs and nothing else)

And lastly, who do you think was the person Kiyo called over after his talk with Hiyori?

Also, credits to @ForsakenPiece for help in making this chap and suggesting ideas.

That's all I hope this still meets your expectations although there might be a lot of things hard to understand (I'll be sure to explain them more in future chaps) and not really much of a quality chap here. 

Story No. Of Words: 3120 Words

No. Of Words with A/N: 3268 Words

Date Published: July 27, 2021

Date Re-published: November 9, 2021

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