The Wrong One

Da Taylort1094

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This story follows a small town girl named Grace, waiting tables and singing in her church choir. Her dreams... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8- Jake's POV
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

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Da Taylort1094

Blaring music and strobe lights moved around me as we made our way to the bar. Sarah walked right in without having to wait in line. I guess it did pay off when you were sleeping with the bouncer. She handed me something in a shot glass and I downed it without thinking about it. It burned all the way down but made me somewhat more loose. Just then Get Low by Lil Jon came on and Sarah screamed. "Oh hell yes! This is my jam, let's go!" We made our way to the dance floor and she started swaying her hips and doing her thing. I wasn't a terrible dancer but I had never danced to this kind of music before I started hanging out with Sarah more. I tried to mimic her moves but I just felt silly. Just as I was about to walk away I felt a hand on my hip.

"Come here often?" I swung around to see Jake standing behind me. Great, this will go over so well with Adam. "Uh, no. Sarah drug me out tonight." I half smiled while tugging at my super short dress. He seemed to really like the get up I was wearing. On account of not being able to take his eyes off my body. "Wow, you look so amazing. I'm glad I ran into you. I wasn't done with our conversation from earlier today. Can we find somewhere not as loud to talk?" No Grace, don't do it. Just go get another drink and say you have to pee. "Um, sure I guess so." Ugh, why was I so inviting to him. "Here, let me grab you a drink. Head over to that couch back there. I rented it for the night." Rented it? How often did he come here?

A couple minutes later he was handing me something red with an olive in it. "It's good trust me, fruity." He smiled and raised his glass to mine as a toast. "To new beginnings." I returned the clink and downed my fruity liquid. Wasn't half bad, a little strong. I adjusted my dress again and caught him staring at my...well you know. "So what else did you need to say?" I started slurring my words a bit but figured it was because I had a shot and now whatever this is. I never drank so I was sort of a light weight. He started talking but I couldn't really hear him, man this drink was good. I finished it and sat it on the table. Wait, something isn't right. I don't think I should feel this drunk already. Everything started spinning and all I could make out was Jake's face. He started to come towards me and everything went black.

I woke up lying on a bed, his bed. I recognized his apartment and sat up quickly. Big mistake. The room started spinning and I laid back down. I also then took notice of what I was wearing, nothing. Completely naked on Jake's bed. Oh no, did we? Just then he came back into the room with nothing but boxers on. I tried to cover up but he jumped on top of me and pinned me down. "Jake, what the hell is going on? What am I doing here and what did you do to me?" I started to panic but he just smiled this creepy, devilish smile. "Adam doesn't deserve you Grace. Look at you, so perfect and beautiful. He would destroy your heart and I can't have that. So I've decided to leave for Australia tomorrow and you're coming with me." He acted like he was so happy and like I should be so happy as well.

"Have you lost your mind? I'm not going anywhere with you! Sarah will be looking for me any minute. What has gotten into you?" I tried to wiggle free of his grip but he was stronger than me, especially since I was just now coming off of whatever he put in my drink. "Oh come on babe, it'll be fun. You'll love Aussie, so romantic. Besides, I've already booked our flights. As for Sarah, I sent in some reinforcements to make sure she's occupied for the night. She won't be looking for you until we're long gone." He scraped his eyes down my body and started to kiss my neck. "Jake, please don't do this. You're better than this. Kidnapping me and forcing me to love you is never going to work. Please just let me go and we can talk about this." I tried to wiggle free again but he tightened his grip.

"Talking really doesn't do anything but make me more angry. It's our first time making love together and I don't want to ruin the moment. Just relax babe. I've wanted this since we met. I would watch you through a camera I installed in your bedroom and dream about being there with you. Then when I saw you gave it up to Adam I went crazy. I could see you two falling in love and I couldn't handle it anymore. You are mine Grace. Always and forever." As if that was supposed to be some romantic gesture. I surely had to be dreaming. Yep that's it, I would wake up any minute now back in my bed. Except this wasn't a dream, this was my reality. Jake was a psycho and I had no way out of there. Not in this state.

He began kissing all over my body and I tried my best to push him away. I was still so weak from the drugs so I wasn't able to do much. I couldn't believe this was about to happen. I used to daydream about what it would be like to sleep with Jake. His beautiful, tattooed body in sync with mine. Rape is not the way I ever thought it would go down. Just as he was about to enter me, my phone rang. Thank goodness, hopefully it was Sarah or Adam. The screen flashed Adam and I panicked. He was caught off guard so I took that moment to knee him hard in the balls. He fell off the bed and I sprinted for my phone. I still felt super drunk but somehow grabbed the phone and ran to the bathroom. I know I should've ran for the door but I was naked.

"Adam please you have to help me. Jake kidnapped me at the club me and Sarah were at and now I'm being held hostage in his apartment. He almost raped me and he's talking about leaving for Australia tomorrow, together. Please call 911, ping my cellphone whatever you have to do. Just please save me, I'm so scared." I could hear him heavily breathing on the other end, sounding like he was racing to his car. "I'll be there in 5, don't leave the bathroom and find a weapon. I love you." The phone clicked and I heard Jake moving towards the bathroom door. Find a weapon, in a bathroom? I found a towel and wrapped it around me and searched for something to knock Jake upside the head with.

He banged on the door and I jumped. "Grace, please come out baby. I didn't mean to get angry with you. You can't stay in there forever." He laughed and continued to bang on the door. Yeah not forever, just until my huge boyfriend gets here and kicks your ass. Jake kept banging and banging on the door and I wasn't sure how much longer that small door could handle. I squeezed my eyes close and started praying. I know God probably wasn't too happy with me right now having pre marital sex and letting my boyfriend stay the night at my apartment. But he was still a God of forgiveness and I needed Him right now more than anything. Just then I heard a huge bang and Adams voice.

"What the hell are you doing Jake! Where's Grace?" I heard a loud thud and was scared they would end up killing each other. Just then I realized I had been in this bathroom with my cell phone and never once called 911. The phone rang. "Uh yes, hi I'm trapped in a psychos bathroom naked, well I'm naked because of him. He drugged me at a club and kidnapped me. Now my boyfriend came to rescue me and they are fighting, I'm scared they are going to kill each other!" I gave her the address and decided it was time to be brave. I took the top off the back of the toilet and moved for the door. Making sure my towel was secure of course. I slowly opened the door and saw Jake fly to the ground. They were both pretty bloody and I was terrified.

Adam saw me and tried to bolt for the door before Jake did. Jake curled his lips into a devilish smile and jumped for the door before Adam could. He jerked me out of the bathroom and before I could even make use of my weapon he threw it at Adam. He grabbed me around my neck and waist and whispered something in my ear I couldn't hear because my heart was pounding in my chest. "Take another step and I break her neck." Wait, what? Did he even possess the skills to do that? I really didn't want to find out. Adam stood there looking hopeless. Mouth bleeding, bruise already forming on his cheek. Jake looked worse though and his disgusting blood was dripping on my shoulder. He licked up my entire face and laughed. Really?

Just as Adam was about to charge him, police knocked down the door. Jake released me and tried to make a run for the window. They tackled him to the ground and put cuffs on him. I took that opportunity to run into Adam's arms and I had never felt so safe in that moment. I was so glad we didn't die today. I started sobbing uncontrollably and he held me tighter. "Hey, it's ok. We're safe now." He cupped my face and kissed me. I then realized I was still wearing a towel as clothing. "Do you think we could find my clothes? A towel isn't really the way I want to leave here." I gave a small smile and we started searching for my dress and shoes. After I got dressed there were detectives waiting to question me. Great, as if I hadn't already been through enough.

"Grace Peterson? We have some questions. Please have a seat." I really didn't want to deal with this right now, I had a pounding headache and was shaking all over. "Can't you do this in the morning? She's been through enough." Adam put a hand around my waist and for some reason I flinched. He looked down at me worried. "It is necessary right now while she remembers everything. It will only take a few minutes." The lady smiled but she didn't really care what was wrong, she just wanted to get out of here. Yeah, me too. "It's ok Adam, I can do it." I smiled at him and sat down across from her. "Did Jake ever do anything to tip you off that he was like this? Any instances where he would show up where you were out of the blue?"

I had to really think about it. I mean, we worked together. And then it hit me. "Yeah actually. I hadn't thought much about it until now but last week I was picking up some clothes from a store I liked and noticed him across the street. He was talking to someone and glanced over at me but we didn't speak. It was almost like he was embarrassed I saw him. Nothing really other than that." She was writing in her little notebook everything I said. "Great and how did you two initially meet?" Why would she want to know that? It wasn't really significant. "I used to work at a small diner in my hometown. Not too far from here. He came in one day asking for directions and we got to talking. I'm sorry but what does that have to do with anything?" She paused and looked at me very seriously. My stomach growled.

"Jake O'Leary has apparently been targeting girls like you around your age for the past couple years. He's gone from city to city finding young girls to prey on. He does the sweet, Australian accent and they fall for it. He then tries to lure them back to Australia with them and hold them captive. We aren't sure what his motives are or why he does this but we are still investigating it. For now, if there's anything else you remember please call us. I'm sorry this happened to you. Just be aware of who you let into your life." She looked at Adam and he furrowed his brows.

I couldn't move. Everything about mine and Jake's relationship was a lie. He even went out of his way to groom me basically. I think I'm going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I let the floodgates open and cried hysterically in the corner. I felt dirty, he almost raped me. If I hadn't defended myself in that moment it would've happened. I know I shouldn't beat myself up too much for trusting Jake but how could I not see that he was this way. Adam was right, I'm too nice to people. I'm too trusting, I choose to see the good in everyone and maybe that really was a bad thing. I heard a soft knock at the door which made me jump. "Babe, you ok? I made everyone leave, are you ready to go?"

I opened the door and just fell into his arms. I was too weak to carry on with any of this anymore. I needed him to carry me the rest of the way. Metaphorically and literally. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the car. I held onto his neck tightly and nuzzled my nose in his chest. This is where I truly felt safe, right in Adams arms. I know he was thinking about what the detective said. About being careful about who I let in my life. But it didn't apply to him. I was thankful I let him into my life. I never wanted to be without him. How he came to my rescue and stayed by my side, it was exactly what I needed. We pulled up at my apartment and I was exhausted. I wasn't sure if I could even make it up the steps. Adam opened the door and I went straight to the bathroom. I needed a shower to wash off Jakes grimy hands.

I washed and washed and still didn't feel clean. Would I ever? Adam knocked softly at the door and I jumped. This was me now, scared. "Hey, you ok in here? I don't want to overwhelm you I'm just scared to leave your side Grace. What happened to you was a horrific action and I'm terrified. I know you are too and this is about you but please just let me know how I can help. I'm not going anywhere if that's ok with you." I let the water roll down my face as I felt the tears sting at the corner of my eyes.

"Can you get in with me?" He didn't say anything but a minute later he was opening the curtain. His strong arms wrapped around me and I almost collapsed. I must've cried in his arms forever until he pulled me back. He cupped my face and tried to search my eyes. I could see how red his were from crying? Wow, I guess he really did care about me a lot. Of course he did dummy.

"Thank you for not leaving my side. I don't think I could get through this without you." He kissed me and held me a little longer. One I started turning into a prune, I decided it was time to get out. I headed for the bedroom and noticed he laid out my favorite lounge set. Wow, I was so undeserving of him. I let my guard down in front of Jake and look what happened. It almost made me scared to let my guard down again with Adam. No, I couldn't think like that. Adam was not Jake.

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