
Von MaRvELsToRiEszzz

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SEQUEL TO THE HAPPY ENDING OF BROKEN INSIDE She finally found her place...her family and now she embarks on a... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

83 4 0
Von MaRvELsToRiEszzz

(Bartender in this is  face  claimed Sawsha Lane)

The night club was completely different at night. It was much like Selby's but...better. It smelt the same however like alcohol, sweat and a concoction of sickening perfumes and colognes. None of this mattered to me though because the only thing that plagued my mind was the  disease of guilt. For snapping at Bucky, for self harming, for killing my mom but there was more at stake...I had to keep it together because if I don't a whole lot more people could die and I didn't want everyone else to have to deal with my emotions. Dr Raynor would have been disappointing but I was allowed to hurt in my own way.

I headed straight to the bar and grabbed a shot of a form of alcohol. I quickly necked it back. "Put it on Sharon's tab...I'm a friend." I told the barmaid with a convincing smile which was completely false.

"Sure...enjoy your drink...well hope you enjoyed it." She corrected herself with a smirk. "Another one? You seem like you need it." She asked not really requiring an answer because she slid another shot at me. I looked back up at her but her eyes were focused on something behind me. "Um...didn't you and those two other guys come in with him?" She pointed at an oddly dancing Zemo.

"Unfortunately. " I huffed shaking my head and downing the other shot. Truth is it wasn't because it was Zemo but it was because I didn't want to be around anyone I knew. Not right now.

"Interesting...look my shift ends in 5 minutes...are you gonna be alright because I promised my girlfriend that I would take her to the market but you seem like you aren't okay." She says taking my hand sweetly.

"I'll be fine thankyou." I smile.

"I don't even know what to get her...I have literally nothing." She chuckled sadly whilst picking up a wine glass and polishing it. "That's why I took this damn job...but the pay here is horrific." She spilled. It was nice talking about someone else's problems for a helped me ignore my own.

"Haven't you asked for a raise?" I reasoned sympathetically.

"Ha yeah I'd get one...I'm an ex heroine addict who has no one supporting her...who would give me a raise." She asked sarcastically. She now moved on to wiping the sides down.

"Well maybe I could give you some...and maybe a better job." I offered with a quirked eyebrow. I knew it was risky giving an ex heroine addict money but I knew she wouldn't buy any due to the fact that when she talked about heroine her nose scrunched up in it a long shot but I just wanted her to be able to treat her girlfriend.

"No I couldn't...I can't ask you to do that." She said putting all equipment that she had down.

"What if I'm offering...look you seem really nice and all I wanna do is dad needs a new PA and well...I think you  would do pretty well." I smiled. Her mouth opened in shock. I might have been impulsive but if you ask me she deserves the job. "It's in the States but it includes housing for you and a guest?" I said in a questioning tone.

"No I can't...I can't possibly let you do this for me." She defended.

"Well call it a job interview...I think... I have a card...somewhere." I breathed out fumbling around in my pockets and pulled out a business card. " dad's card...tell him Y/n told you to call...oh and here is 20 dollars...I don't know what that will get you here but have a nice night." I think I did this was because she was the first person to make me forget about the constant problems toppling on me.

She picked up the card and read the label. "Ton- your dad is Tony Stark...he has been my hero for years...he taught me mechanics...well his books did it would be an honour to even talk to him in person- sorry." The girl rambled. I say girl because she looked about 17...anywhere else this would be considered strange but that was Madripoor so nothing is really that weird.

"Don't apologise...look I gotra go...hope to see you at the compound some time...well it used to be the tower but now it's a compound...bye." I waved off getting up to go.

"Bye...THANKYOU." she called after me.

"No problem." I yelled back. I rejoined the group...clearly just in time because Sharon led Bucky, Sam and Zemo away. I breezed past Bucky and walked next to Sam. I just wasn't quite ready to talk to Bucky yet. I just needed time.

"Y'alright?" Sam asked as we followed Zemo...I couldn't see Sharon because she walked to fast but we digress.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied. I didn't know if they heard me yell at Bucky earlier but I just hoped.

"Yeah don't give me that 'I'm fine' bullshit I heard your arguement with good old cyborg over I'll ask you again how are you?" He asked again more forcefully

"Overwhelmed." I left it at that not really caring to elaborate. "I just offered a stranger a job." I said out of the blue.

"What?" Sam asked as if I just told him I won the lottery.

"She needed the me...I just wanted to help." I elaborated. Sam just let out a small 'ah'.

"Well that was nice."

¤☆¤☆¤☆TIME SKIP 1HR¤☆¤☆¤☆¤

We finally arrived at a boat dock. The only conversation between the group was the occasional "it smells like weed." Or "why didn't we take the car." None of which were said by me. I was too busy usual. I'm not even going to tell you what about because it's pretty fucking obvious. As usual a person's voice snapped me out of it. "Madipoor could give New York a run for it's money." It was Sam's voice coming from next to me.

"They know how to party." Was all Zemo said. Plain and simple.

"With a bounty on your head, the longer you're in Madripoor, the less likely you're ever leaving." Sharon explained. To be honest I had no idea what this bitch was on about... I say bitch in the nicest of ways. Genuinely...she seems nice. "Alright he's in here." Ohhhhh so we are looking for a dude makes sense. I looked forward and there stood a red container. "Container 4261...I'll keep an eye out while you talk to Nagel." Nagel? Bagel? Potato. Potahto. "But hurry we are on borrowed time." Right okay. We were looking for a guy whose name rhymes with bagel. Fun. Sharon offered us 4 comms devices and put one in herself. I have a love-hate relationship with them because when you wear them you look incredibly badass with them in but they are incredibly uncomfortable. Exactly like the black pant-suit I was wearing that I forgot to tell you about.

But anyway Sharon walked off leaving  Bucky, Sam, Zemo and I on our own. We walked up to the container and Zemo opened it only revealing an empty container. "Hey sure this is the right one?" Sam asked through comms. "It's completely empty." He poked his head around but nothing stuck out.

"Positive. It has to be." She responded back. Her breath was heavier than usual so I guessed she was moving quickly. We all filed into the container...still nothing in it.

"Y/n can you add a little light please?" Zemo asked softly. I think my opinion of him changed because he was always nice to me.

"Uh yeah yeah of course." I agreed with a small smile. I let a bubble of energy float out of the air and floated into the air. Due to the fact I could control them I split it into four and then halved them and halved them again until little specks of light dusted around the container like twinkling stars in the sky.

"Truly beautiful." Zemo gazed in awe. "I never saw the beauty of your powers."

"It is really beautiful doll." Bucky gazed looking around. It was the first time he had said anything since earlier...he was probably giving me space like the gentlemen he is. To be honest I wasn't mad at him I was just scared of coming to terms with what I did.

"Wow...if i ever go on a date...can I call you to set the mood." Sam asked staring at the specks like the others.

"Fine but I don't do stuff for free." I smiled trying to joke. Honestly I knew it wasn't funny but I just wanted to lighten myself up. No one would have wanted me to be miserable.

"Can we please focus." Sharon's voice came through comms but Sam was already taking a picture...I gathered he sent it to her by her next few words. "Wow that is beautif- no come on focus."

"Yeah okay okay." Sam said. Taking that as a cue we all began searching. Sam and Buck went to the side walls whereas Zemo went to the back and I tested the ceiling. Lifting myself up with my powers I knocked on the ceiling and it sounded hollow.

"Hey guys...knock your walls." I commanded the men. They did so but Buck and Sam's walls made stronger sounding knocks but Zemo's didn't. "Aha false wall." Zemo pushed the wall back and it moved back like a door and then it swung open. Both Bucky and Sam pulled out guns from nowhere but Sam had two...he handed me the second one. We all got into a defensive position before stalking up ther stairs. Sam went first and I went last behind Bucky.

"Alright?" He whispered to me. I sharply nodded. I could tell he didn't believe me because he gave me a we'll-talk-later look and carried on up the stairs. Music rattled through the walls. Music that was way better to the one in the night clubs I think the song was "Comin Home Baby" by Mel Torme. We all pointed our guns in front of us as we navigated the room. Bucky took the lead this time and I'm not going to lie he looked sexy as fuck...well he still does. Anyways eventually we found a man stood up mumbling the lyrics to the song under his breath. He was tampering around with something.. the clincking that emitted from where his hands were indicated to me that he was making stuff.

We all shared an agreeing look and moved forward but I gathered he heard us because he stopped the music and span around. "Dr Nagel?" Sam asked.

"Who are you what do you want." He yelled frantically. His eyes danced around at all of us.

"We know you created the super soldier serum."

"Get out of my lab." Nagel yelled...again. This man seriously needed to chill...all we wanted to do was say hi...well and interrogate him.. but mostly to say hi.

"Hey you know who they are right." Sam asked looking at Bucky and I...too soon too soon. He turned Nagel away from us and turned him to face Zemo. "You know who he is, right? This is Baron Zemo...I know you've heard him to right." Sam then dragged the doctor and threw him against a metal cage looking thing. "Now you seem like a real smart you better become conversational real quick.

"How bout a counter proposal...make me a better proposal and I'll talk." His grimy sounding voice said.

"Guys we have company." Sharon's voice made me jump over comms. At the sound of this Bucky grabbed hold of Nagels collar and dragged him down to a seat and pointed a gun to him.

"How about you talk sweety or that man there will blow your brains out while I remove every ounce of energy from your body...sound fun?" I asked sweetly and with a smug smile.

"Alright alright...I was I was brought into HYDRA's Winter Soldier program to pick up their work after the five failed test subjects in Siberia. When HYDRA fell, I was recruited by the CIA." He looked incredibly terrifying by the way he was speaking. Like sort of ominous? I don't know but I could tell he was pissing Bucky off because his jaw clenched. I walked back towards him and intertwined my hand with his and pulled it behind my back so Nagel wouldn't see. "They had blood samples from an American test subject with semi-stable traces of serum in his system. After much labor, I was able to isolate the necessary compounds in his blood. I was a god." When he said an American test subject I thought back to Isaiah...he must have been part of it. "I did what no other scientist since Erskine was able to do. But mine was going to be different. No clunky machines or jacked up bodies. Mine was going to be subtle, optimized, perfect." This man was really starting to piss me off so I put my gun in my pant-suit pocket and I used my hand and slowly trickled energy out of him.  He would most likely be exhausted in 10 minutes so it was only when Zemo noticed the glow around my hand and stopped me.

"How have we never heard about this?" Sam asked looking at Bucky and I. I have fucking clue why he looked at me...I seemed to not know alot recently soooooo...

"Because... Before I was able to complete my work, I turned to dust. Then when I returned, it was five years later, program had been abandoned, so I came here. The Power Broker was more than happy to fund the recreation of my work." He explained. Power Broker? Oh yeah the person the bartender mentioned...I think Buck did too. I can't remember.

"How many vials did you make?" I asked. The doctors head very quickly turned to me.

"20 Karli Morgenthau stole those so...can only imagine what the Power Broker has planned for that poor girl."  My ears perked up. Girl? Was she a child...or was this asshole being demeaning to women. To be honest I couldn't tell.

"Where is Karli now?" I asked...was it bad to be concerned about the 'bad guy'. You know what I don't give a fuck...I don't feel guilty.

"I don't know where she is. But a couple of days ago, she called and asked if I could help someone named Donya Madani. Poor woman has tuberculosis. Typical of overpopulation in displacement camps like that." Doctor sneared ugh this man gave me the creeps.

"Well what happened to her?" Sam asked.

"Not my pig. Not my farm." Dr Dickcheese said.

"You know you are really fucking annoying." I bursted out.

"Excuse me?" Dr asked.

"You act as if you are all high and and are able to change humanity...but I have dealt with worst narcissistic assholed than you so I suggest you get your disgusting head out of your even more disgusting ass and get over yourself." I said crouching infront of him.

"Bitch." I heard him whisper under his breath whilst turning away. Did he really think I wouldn't hear. Due to the fact of the name calling I reeled back and punched him in the nose. I knew I was alot more horrible to him but he deserved it he was being an idiot.

"Y/n...calm it." Sam patted me on the shoulder and I walked back next to Bucky.

"Is there any serum is this lab?" Buck asked Nagel who had blood trickling down his nose but he didn't respond. It only took Buck pushing the gun further into his face for him to admit that there wasn't. "Now what?" Bucky faced Zemo with an almost bored look.

"Guys we are seriously outta time here." An out of breath Sharon declared while running into the room. Zemo did a weird smile thing before quickly pulling out his gun and shooting Nagel causing him and the haired to go flying back. I knew I could have stopped him...but I just didn't really want to that's why I didn't flinch...neither did Buck so I guess he knew too. Sam threw Zemo against the wall and held him back as we looked at the lifeless body on the floor.

Just like that an explosion happened somewhere...I don't know where...but somewhere sending all of us back. I couldn't hold back the energy because I didn't even know it was it hurt like a bitch when we landed. My already shot shoulder felt like it was on fire. I think everyone else felt like me because there were just groans in pain coming from everyone.

"Any one seen Zemo." Sam groaned. He however didn't get a response because Bucky was hurrying us out of the container which promptly exploded. Luckily we got out just in time cause we would have been brown bread if we stayed in there.

That's when we saw the bad guys...yipee more fun to come.


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