Bedburg Hills

By baylee12599

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Kira Delta, a wolf with a secret that even she doesn't know about yet, moves to Bedburg Hills Wyoming before... More



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By baylee12599


I woke up the next morning, the light was shining in through the windows. I heard rustling in the kitchen and turned around slowly.

"Hey there!" a man said, "you guys have fun last night?"

I stood slowly and walked into the kitchen, "you must be Alex's dad. I'm Kira," I stuck out my hand, "it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry me and her came over. W-

"It's okay," he nodded, "I'd rather it be here than out drinking and driving. You kids need to stay safe out there, we have a murder case on our hands. I can't go into much detail but we found a body in the woods last night, just keep your eyes peeled. Now I am going to go upstairs and lay down for a few," he started to walk away and I made my way back over to Jace, "oh and it's nice to meet you too Kira."

He walked up the stairs and down the hall. I heard a door shut and I curled back up into Jace's lap. I smiled as I remembered the bit of what I heard him thinking. I am going to find a way to get us a place to ourselves. Maybe I can find a place for the four of us.

Jace started to move around, I set my hand on his cheek as his eyes started to open, "good-morning handsome."

"Good-morning beautiful," he smiled while sitting up and setting his hand on the side of my head, "how'd you sleep?"

"I slept good," I nodded, "it seems to be that way when I'm with you though."

"It's only happened twice," he started to laugh.

"I know," I smiled, "and both those times I have slept better than I have for the many many years I have been alive."

"Really?" he asked.

"Really," I nodded, "it's a peacefulness that I can't quite explain." 

He kissed my forehead and stood up, "Alex, yo! Wake up!"

He shot up, making Jessica wake up too.

"What time is it?" he scurried around.

"Your dads home," I nodded, "we talked. He's upstairs?"

"Wait," he sounded confused, "he talked to you? Didn't kick you out?"

"No," I laughed, "he said he would rather us be here than out doing stupid shit."

Alex started smiling, "oh thank god. Okay what's the plan today? Breakfast? Anything?"

I looked over at Jace as he shrugged his shoulders, "I'm good for anything."

"What did you guys find last night?" I asked.

Jace snapped his attention to me as did Alex, "well it isn't a regular murder. The body was completely mauled and disembodied."

"What could do that?" I asked looking at them both, "it wasn't another one of us?"

"Well I think it may be," Jace admitted, "but I'm gonna find them."

"How?" I asked.

"Well we are wolves," he laughed, "and you, you're a witch and vampire too so, I think it may be easier than we think."

I nodded, "okay fair enough. When do we start looking?"

"I think whenever we can," Alex added, "the police are already scouring the town looking for any potential suspects."

"I actually have to get back home," Jessica interrupted, "I'm sorry guys! I will try and help next time, if there is a next time."

"I'll take you home," Alex stated as he walked to the kitchen, "I'll drive you home."

The four of us walked out.

"Are you guys coming?" Alex asked.

"You can go," I nodded, "I'm going to take a walk. I'll go looking around."

"Are you sure?" Jace asked.

I nodded, "I'm sure."

"Please be safe Kira," he kissed me, "please."

"I will," I nodded, "I swear. I'll keep an eye out and I'll listen closely."

He nodded and got in the car. I watched them pull out the driveway and take off down the road. I started walking home. I say my moms car in the driveway and got excited. I ran up the stairs and into the house.

"Kira!" my mom yelled, "Oh I have missed you!"

She wrapped me up in a hug and I started smiling, "oh my god you're home. I am so happy. I have something I want to talk to you about anyways."

"Anything honey," she sat down and pulled out another chair, "I have things to talk to you about too."

I felt my phone vibrate but I decided to keep it in my back pocket. I sat down, "I've been thinking about wanting to get my own place."

She gasped, "really?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "some things just happen and I think it would be best."

"I agree," she looked down, "I know about what you're talking about."

"What do you mean you know?" I asked her confused. She doesn't know I'm a wolf or anything.

She pointed at the ceiling, "you see that little itty bitty black square in the corner of the wall?"

"Yes," I looked at it and back at her. I felt my phone go off again.

"Those are cameras," she sighed, "I haven't been at work. I went to a hotel and I waited. I've heard him rambling on about hunting and wolves and all these things. I was so scared because one night he was on the phone and he brought you into it. I set up those cameras so I could keep an eye on him. I found out a lot of disturbing things. I wanted to come back. I wanted to help you but he was going crazy. I-

"It's okay mom," I smiled, "it's okay. You know then? About me?"

"I know," she smiled, "I do."

"You're not scared of me?" I asked her.

"No," she shook her head, "absolutely not. I see a young girl who is scared and alone. I-

"You saw another then," I jumped in, "you saw another wolf in the house."

"I did," she nodded, "I also saw him save you without killing John. Who is he?"

"His name is Jace," I smiled while repeatedly rubbing my hands, "he is like me. I like him alot. His dad, Ron, he's a hunter. That's who you probably heard him talking to. Ron came over."

"I saw him too," my mom shook her head. I could hear her heartbeat rising, "they did some really awful things to you." She grabbed in her purse and pulled out a little box, "I got you this before I came home. I've been saving for a long time," she handed it to me, "it helps working with people I work with, I was able to pull strings."

I opened the box and inside were two keys. I grabbed them out, "what are these for?"

"Well," she smiled, "one is in the garage and the other well... the other is down the street. I kept you close just in case there were ever any issues. We will go look at it."

"Wait," I stopped her, "a house key? A car key?"

"Yes," she hugged me, "I couldn't stand to see him doing these things to my little girl."

"Mom," I felt the tears in my eyes, "you really didn't have to do all this. I mean you guys basically just bought this one."

"I know," she nodded, "my credit took a pounding but it's okay."

"I don't have a job or anything though," I looked back at her, "how am I supposed to pay?"

"Its paid for," she nodded, "it's furnished and I put all sorts of food in there for you. There's four bedrooms and 5 bathrooms in there. The basement is completed. It's ready for you. The house has my name and your name on it. That is the only key."

I wrapped my arms around her, "thank you. Thank you so much."

She hugged me back.

"Does John know?" I asked her.

"No," she shook her head, "what I do with my money is none of his business."

"You guys are married aren't you?" I questioned, "I thought everything was linked."

"Not anymore it isn't," she shook her head, "and soon we won't be married anymore. I can't live in my house with a man that does things to people like he does them to you."

"You don't have to do this for me," I shook my head, "this is too much. I can't-

"I do and you will," she nodded, "lets go upstairs and start packing your things. We can take them tonight."

We walked upstairs and to my room. We tossed everything in trash bags quickly and took them back downstairs. We walked into the garage and I dropped my bags. She started laughing as I looked all around the truck.

"This is really mine?" I asked her, "like really? It's mine?"

She nodded her head and I got into it. I started the truck and laughed in excitement. She tossed the bags in the back of the truck and got in with me. My phone buzzed twice as I put the truck in reverse and drove out of the driveway. She directed me and soon we were pulling into the driveway of what is now my house.

It's all the way at the end of the road, it comes to a dead end in this driveway. We got out and grabbed the bags before walking inside. I opened the door and walked in. I saw photos of me and her, photos of my childhood. I smiled as I walked around. My hand covered my mouth as tears rushed down my face. I ran and hugged her. "Thank you," I cried, "thank you so much."

"You are so welcome honey," she hugged me back, "anything to keep you safe."

She kissed the top of my head, "okay. I have to head back. I have divorce papers to serve tonight at dinner. Would it be okay if I came over later?"

"Yes," I said with no hesitation, "absolutely yes."

She nodded and walked out. I looked around and then started taking everything to my room. My phone started ringing and I grabbed it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Kira?" Jace asked, "are you okay? Where are you?"

"I am at my house," I said smiling and looking around.

"At your house?" He asked, "are you okay? Is John there?"

"Yes at my house," I started laughing, "Jace you won't believe it. Come to our street and drive all the way down to the dead end."

"Okay?" he asked questionably, "what is going on? Can you tell me that you're okay? Please?"

"I'm okay," I nodded, "I am more than okay. Just get here."

"Okay," he said, "we will be there soon."

I finished cleaning up my clothes and getting things settled before heading downstairs. I went to the front door and walked out, waiting for them. Once I saw Alex's dads car coming, I stood back up and started smiling. They pulled into the driveway and Jace got out. He looked around confused.

"What's this?" he asked.

"This is home," I smiled running to him, "this is our home."

"Wait what?" he asked, "our home?"

"My adopted mom bought it," I explained, "it's a lot to get in to but ultimately she found out what I was... she put cameras in the house because of how John was acting. She watched what he did. She watched your dad-

"Did she see me?" he asked worried.

"Yes," I grabbed his hand, "but it's okay. It's all okay. Let me finish. She watched your dad and then she watched you. She specifically said she watched you save me without killing John. She isn't scared of me, she won't be scared of you either. She saw what they did to me and she said that's when she decided it was enough. She bought me a house so I could leave. She bought me a truck," I pointed at it, "and she is getting a divorce."

"Wait," Alex said, "she bought you a whole ass house and a truck? What the fuck. This is like movie shit right now."

"I know," I shook my head, "I don't know what she was thinking or what she is thinking. I knew she made lots of money but I never knew she made that much. Its completely paid off. The truck is paid off. Everything inside is finished and furnished, the cupboards are filled with glassware and other cooking utensils. It's weird. She's coming over later, after she gives the papers to John. She's going to meet you, and you Alex. If you want to stay you're more than welcome. Jess, I'll text Jessica and we can go get her."

"Dude I didn't even know this house existed," Alex looked around, "I feel like I was just here and this was not."

"Can we go inside?" I smiled, "come on! Lets go."

The three of us walked inside and they looked around. Jace walked over to me.

"Dude!" Alex yelled, "this is fucking awesome! I love your mom! Oh well, your parental figure."

"It's okay," I smiled, "she's my mom. We can call her mom. I'm sure it'll bring some sort of new life meaning to her attention."

"What made you go over there?" Jace asked.

"Well I saw my moms car in the driveway," I said, "I knew it would be safe. I got so excited to see her. I ran in and we both said we had things we needed to talk about and it was about the same thing."

"The same thing?" he asked, "like about what John did?"

"No," I shook my head, "about wanting to find somewhere else to live. The two of us, atleast."

"You want to live together?" he asked.

"Well," I looked around, "look I know we aren't technically together but I mean... yeah. Maybe? Only if you want to. You don't have to say yes. I don't want you to feel like you-

"I want to," he kissed me, "I do. I want to."

"Yeah?" I asked excited.

"Yeah," he kissed me again.

"Okay okay you two get a room!" Alex said, "have you texted Jess yet?"

"Oh shoot no," I went to grab my phone, "I will-

"I got it," he said, "no worries. She'll probably answer me faster anyways."

"Oh shut up," I started laughing, "Jace come on," I grabbed his hand, "let me show you our room."

We went upstairs and into our room. He smiled as he looked around, "this is real?"

"It's real," I smiled while nodding, "I know it's crazy, insane even. It makes no sense. I mean Alex said that this house didn't exist not that long ago right? Things don't make much sense but I don't want to ask questions either. I don't want to mess up a good thing."

He sat down on the bed and I walked over to him and sat beside him. He pulled me up and onto his lap, I smiled as I set my hands on his chest.

"You are so beautiful Kira," he pushed my hair back gently, "I haven't ever seen someone more beautiful."

"Stop," I smiled more while looking down and shaking my head, "I'm not. I'm just ... me."

"And you," he kissed me, "are beautiful."

"Jace!" Alex yelled loudly while walking up the stairs, "hey I'm gonna go get Jess! I'll be back!"

"Okay man," Jace stood and said as he walked out the bedroom door, "I'm going to start making some dinner for everyone, since her mom is coming over."

I started smiling again. He's so sweet. He's got such an amazing soul. I heard him walk down the stairs with Alex and I followed. He walked into the kitchen and turned to look at me, "what's for dinner? What are we making?"

"Well," I laughed while getting closer to him, "I'm not sure. I haven't even looked at what's in here."

Once we found and decided what to make, we got started. He started the chicken and I started the sides. After about 20 minutes I heard a car pull into the driveway. I walked to the front door and saw Alex opening the door for Jess. She got out smiling and looked around excitedly. She ran towards the door and opened it, wrapping her arms around me.

"This is so awesome!" she squealed, "I am so happy for you! You needed this."

I nodded and Alex walked over to Jace. The two of them talked as me and Jessica did. The timer went off and I walked over to the food. I got it out and we separated it all onto plates and then wrapped them to keep them warm. I grabbed my phone to message my mom.

Me: hey, when are you coming over?

Cassie: I will be there shortly. I am about to give John the papers.

Me: Okay. Dinner is done here and is wrapped. We will eat when you get here. Jace, Alex, and Jessica are here to meet you.

Cassie: Oh okay. Alright. See you soon hun.

I put my phone in my back pocket and walked into the living room where everyone was sitting on the couches. I sat down beside Jace who started smiling as he wrapped his arm around me. He kissed the top of my head.

"So what's the plan tonight?" Jessica asked, "anything?"

"Anything," I nodded, "we have school tomorrow. We need to go. I can't keep missing school."

"I agree," Jess nodded, "I have all my notes. I'll take photos and send them to you tomorrow for the couple of classes we have together."

"Yeah I would give you notes for first hour," Alex laughed, "but I don't do notes. I don't do school, so, sorry about that."

Him and Jace started laughing obnoxiously, I giggled, "it's okay. She's pretty slow anyways, I can catch up."

A little while later I heard another car pull into the driveway. I stood and walked to the door. John was coming and he was pissed.

"Everyone upstairs," I said loudly, "please. Right now."

"What about you?" Jace asked as Alex and Jessica ran up the stairs.

"Go," I nodded, "trust me. I got this."

He started pounding on the door.

"Go Jace," I said once more, "it's okay. You will be right up there."

He turned and went up the stairs as the pounding continued. I took a deep breath and opened the door while backing up quickly. He rushed into the house and started coming towards me. I stuck my hand out and raised it, raising him above the ground.

"Where is she?" I asked him.

"What the hell," he looked around, "you little bitch! Put me down!"

"Where is she?" I asked again, "tell me!"

"She is fine," he spat, "she gave me the papers. She told me about everything! This house... this isn't your house!"

"It isn't yours," I walked towards him, "how does it feel John? How does it feel to be stuck, like you're in a cage."

"I'm coming for you!" he yelled, "and I am going to take you down!"

"John you can try," I stepped closer to him, "but you will fail."

I dropped him on the ground and he stood fast.

"How did she get this for you?" he asked angrily, "did she tell you?"

"Her money is her business," I spat, "it's none of your concern. Get out of my house."

He stood in front of me and refused to leave. I heard as Jace took a few steps forward. I watched Johns eyes shift to Jace and he took a step back, "he can't protect you forever."

"I don't need him to," I stepped closer again, "I can protect myself. Now get out."

He started laughing and walked backwards out the door. I slammed it shut in his face and stood still. I heard him walk to his car and get in it. He shut the door and drove off. I turned around as Jace and them were walking down the stairs. He wrapped me up in his arms and swayed me back and forth, "you okay?"

"I'm okay," I smiled while closing my eyes, "I'm okay. Thank you."

"For?" he asked.

"Stepping out," I breathed out, "he saw you and his heart dropped. He's scared of you. He isn't scared of me."

"No offense but you aren't scary when you aren't mad," I felt him smile, "I mean you're scary to someone like me who knows the amount of power you have but when you are human and only human, your face is soft. Your voice is soft. You calm me down Kira, and I'm sure I'm not the only person."

"You are," I nodded, "You are the only one."

I turned and kissed him as I heard yet another car pull into the driveway. I opened the front door and my mom sat in her car. I walked out to her and opened her door. She got out, she's been crying. She hugged me.

"I tried to stop him," she cried, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," I said, "it's alright. I handled it. Lets go inside. Dinner is done."

She nodded and the two of us walked inside. I grabbed out all the plates and set them out around the table. We all sat down.

"Mom this is Alex and Jessica, they're friends from school. Alex is also a friend of Jaces. I met him through him," I said pointing at Jace, "and as you know, this is Jace."

"It's nice to meet you kids," she smiled looking around at them, "I'm happy she has you guys. That makes me feel better too. How's school?"

"Good," Alex blurted out while chewing, "well I mean. It's school so nothing special."

She laughed and Jessica added, "things are good. The teachers are nice, the food is still gross but it's food. Overall though it isn't bad."

"Good," mom smiled, "I'm glad it's good for you. Jace, tell me about you."

"What would you like to know?" He asked. His heart rate was quickening.

"How are you?" She asked him. Her eyes were calm. Her heartbeat was steady and normal. I could tell he was listening to her heartbeat.

"I'm uh, um I'm fine," he nodded, "everything is good. Things are going okay. How- how are you?"

I set my hand on his leg and he moved his hand from the table and set it on mine. I rubbed my thumb against his skin.

"I'm good," she nodded, "just living. Trying to make a new life for myself. Self care."

"Good for you," Jessica smiled, "we all need to live by that."

We all sat and ate. Once we were done, they put their dishes in the sink. I went to the bathroom. After washing my hands I looked at myself in the mirror.

"I need to shower," I sighed, "my hair is gross."

I walked out and back into the living room.

"Hun I think I'm gonna go," my mom stood.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Back to the hotel," she shrugged.

"Stay here," I said, "no need to spend the money."

"No," she shook her head, "it's your first night here. Enjoy it here. Money is okay. It's okay. All my stuff is there anyways."

"You're sure?" I stood.

She nodded and grabbed her purse. I walked to her to her car.

"Thank you so much," I nodded, "this is all so crazy. Thank you."

She smiled while grabbing my hands and nodded her head. She got in her car and headed to the hotel she was staying at. I walked back inside and sat down with everyone.

"She's nice," Jessica smiled, "I loved her. She's so sweet."

"She is," I agreed, "100%."

I walked to the kitchen and started doing dishes. The tv turned on and music started playing. I smiled. I heard footsteps coming up behind me and Jaces hands touched my back. I smiled some more as I turned around to him.

"Here," he whispered, "I'll do the rest."

"Oh," I laughed while shaking my head, "no it's okay. You don't have to."

"No come on," he slid me over, "I got it."

I smiled and stood beside him as he washed and dried the remaining dishes. I put them up and we walked back into the living room.

"Me and Jess are probably gonna head out guys," Alex said, "see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow," Me and Jace said in unison.

They walked out and I locked the front door behind them. I turned around, "I am going to shower."

"Do it," he smirked, "I'll probably take one too."

"Do we need to go get you some clothes?" I asked him.

"I'll run over and grab some," he smiled, "and I'll be okay."

"I'll come with you," I said.

"No it's okay," he shook his head, "im not risking it. I'll be back."

"We will be stronger together," I sighed, "please."

"No," he looked down, "im sorry. But no."

"Okay," I walked over to him, "okay. Be safe please. Call me or text me if you need anything okay?"

"Okay," he kissed me, "I'll be right back."

I nodded and I watched as he walked out the door. I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and before long I stepped in. The water felt amazing against my skin and in my hair.

Afterwards I stepped out and went into the room. I got dressed and went downstairs. The shower was running in the second bathroom and the door was locked. I felt a weight lift from my shoulders and I walked back upstairs. I laid down on the bed and set my alarm.

Me: hey you, whenever you get done just come climb in bed :)

I saw the Hulu app and clicked on it, "eh probably not but I'll give it a shot."

No luck. Had to login or sign up. I went back to the main menu and clicked on Netflix. A page popped up that had two bubbles, 'Mom' and 'Kira'. I clicked on my name and all the movies appeared. I started smiling and grabbed my phone.

Me: Netflix too??

Mom: lol. Yes. It's my account but you can use it.

Me: thank you❤️

I picked a movie and waited for Jace to come to bed. Soon after I heard the water shut off downstairs and he made his way to the room. I smiled as he walked in and walked over to me. 

"Are you sure?" he asked, "about everything?" 

"Regarding?" I questioned. 

"Regarding this right now," he sighed while rubbing his hands through his hair quickly, he looked around the room, "regarding me. I don't know Kira, just everything..."

His heart was beating fast. I leaned up and grabbed his hand, pulling him onto the bed with me, "yes. I am sure. I am positive, now, come on. Come here." 

"I have to ask you something," he said nervously, "I don't know if I should. I don't know if it's the best thing to do." 

"Ask," I said, "and I will try to answer it." 

He looked at me and grabbed my hands, "I did some talking to your mom tonight, one on one, about you. She said she could feel the attachment. She told me to protect you and to not stop protecting you. I told her I wouldn't. She asked me how I felt about you and -

"I am so sorry," I shook my head, "I didn't know she was going to ask you a million questions. I'm sure you were uncomfortable." 

"No it was okay," he reassured, "she asked how I felt and I told her I had a massive amount of feelings towards you. I told her that I was actually scared of losing you because losing you will probably make me lose myself. I told her that you are the only person I've ever been able to have a real connection with, the only person I've ever felt a connection and attachment with. You make me happy Kira. I want to be with you. Okay? So I asked her if I could make you mine and when she said yes I knew I had to do this."

He kissed my hand and then my forehead. I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes. 

"Kira, will you please, please, be my girlfriend?" he asked shakily, "hell I know it probably sounds crazy and I'm sorry but I really just need you to-

"YES!" I yelled out as I kissed him. 

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