Bad Blood

By MissBluBerrs

875 27 1

Taekook - Omega verse Multi-ship story ⚠️ Warning: This story contains LGBTQ+, Mature language, Mature conten... More

🥀 Intro 🥀
🥀 Characters 🥀
🥀 Authors Note 🥀
🥀 하나 (1) 🥀
🥀 두 (2) 🥀
🥀 세 (3) 🥀
🥀 네 (4) 🥀
🥀 다섯 (5) 🥀
🥀 여섯 (6) 🥀
🥀 일곱 (7) 🥀
🥀 여덟 (8) 🥀
🥀 아홉 (9) 🥀
🥀열 (10)🥀
🥀 열한 (11)🥀
🥀 열두 (12) 🥀
🥀 열네 (14) 🥀
🥀 열다섯 (15) 🥀
🥀 열여섯 (16) 🥀
🥀 열일곱 (17) 🥀
🥀 열여덟 (18) 🥀
🥀 열아홉 (19) 🥀
🥀 스물 (20) 🥀
🥀 스물한 (21) 🥀
🥀 스물두 (22) 🥀
🥀 소믈세 (23) 🥀
🥀 소믈네 (24) 🥀
🥀 스물다섯 (25) 🥀
🥀 스물여섯 (26) 🥀
🥀 스물일곱 (27) 🥀
🥀 스물여덟 (28) 🥀
🥀 스물아홉 (29) 🥀
🥀 서른 (30) 🥀
🥀 서른한 (31) 🥀
🥀 서른도 (32) 🥀
🥀 서른셋 (33) 🥀
🥀 서른네 (34) 🥀 (M)
🥀 서른다섯 (35) 🥀
🥀 서른여섯 (36) 🥀
🥀 서른일곱 (37) 🥀
🥀 서른여덟 (38) 🥀
🥀 서른아홉 (39) 🥀
🥀 마흔 (40) 🥀
🥀 마흔한 (41)🥀
🥀 마흔도 (42) 🥀
🥀 마흔셋 (43) 🥀

🥀 열세 (13)🥀

11 0 0
By MissBluBerrs

The sound of birds had said the day was in function, Taehyung wasn't used to staying sleep long except for when he's sick but even then he was never really allowed to sleep long, sitting up he knew Jeongguk was already gone, he heard him leave, sighing he gets up himself, washing his face and brushing his teeth he gets ready for his day.

Usually he's up when the sun rises, but he wasn't always on time with that either, walking down the stairs he looks for the kitchen, he just wanted a glass of water, finding it eventually he grabbed a cup and grabbed some water, washing the cup once he finished he left the house, walking around he he entered the city, since he didn't have money he manly browsed the outside of shops whenever something caught his attention.

Hearing cheers come from the distance he follows it like a little kid, and almost like the day before a crowd of people were gathered at a course, getting closer he spots a few people in the crowd, more specifically Seokjin and Y/N, politely making his way to them Y/N was the the first to say hi, "Oh you haven't met Yoongi yet have you?" you ask he shakes his head, he watches as you get focused human's attention, "Yooni, this is Taehyung, he a new member of our pack," waving he waves back, "His mate is Jimin, he has the pink hair and he's sitting between Jeongguk and my mate Hosek," you point out for him, seeing his nod you sit back as they all stood up getting into a line.

"What are they doing?" "training, there's still about half an hour left," Seokjin says, Taehyung followed his gaze laughing as he sees him focused on Namjoon, only to look back at the group when the whistle was blown, shocked when he seen how fast everyone was going, holding his breath when they got to the first obstacle, biting his lips as he heard a scream, "what's wrong?" "Someones hurt," he says, all three looked at him then back at the field.

A few had stopped, the whistle being blown again causing everyone to stop, "Shit, Jimin," looking at the blond boy as he stood up, Y/N, Seokjin and Taehyung following after him, Jeongguk setting Jimin down as everyone came running too, "is he ok?" "It's a broken ankle, he can't continue this race," Jeongguk says, everyone shared a collective glance, "Can someone call the ambulance, get him checked up and in a cast, we'll finish training after,".


I'm going to get shot for this one aren't I? Oh well, the next chapter is going to be pretty and long with a bow on top and more progress will be made too, I just wanted some drama added, and this is important just wait and see! well I'll see you guys in the next one, bye 👋 

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