By Nonexistent_Turtle

67 11 6

Okay so i really like coming up with song lyrics. ALOT OF THESE A VERY INCOMPLETE I never really finish one... More

What Truly Is Going On (1)
Breaking Edge (2)
Lost Boy (My Mix Up) ~My style~ (3)
Pen On Paper (5)
Mirrors {TW} (6)
Hopeless Reminder (7)
True Peice That Fits (8)
Believer (+ a small paragraph of an idea i had to add to it) (9)
Tell Me Please ~Father~ {Possible TW} (10)
(TW) Life is Really A Flower Garden (11)
work in progress (shit bout life) (12)

Falling Apart (Temporarily Named This) (4)

8 1 1
By Nonexistent_Turtle

Okay of course theres currently a lot of flaws and incomplete parts even in the middle of it and replaceable words but- I made this little thing I'm gonna use for a song type thing possible rap mix- I just like making songs- can't sing though.

I asked for words/idea and got three; betryal:Abandonment:Possible outcomes that never happened

I can't breathe,
I'm breaking.
From all we could of done.

you left me.
Shaking, faking, and for mercy

I watched you walk out of my life.
'....but truly- I wish you were never in it.'

You thought you could continue.
Playing your little game-
Hurting me .
Messing with my brain,
Cuz you gotta little fame.

I noticed your little game.
I've played it my whole fucking life!

Now I'm thinking of what we could of been.
Reflecting my past -
Noticing smaller details.
The flaws of every day-

I press rewind again and again-
Asking my self "why" everytime but I don't stop.
But I got a call
Saying you got pulled in by a cop-
For abandoning what u promised to protect.

So where's your sweet child now?
The one you raised "to respect"
The one you dressed up.
The one who trusted you.

There dead.
Now someone who won't play as your doll anymore is taking there place.
"Grow up"
"Suck it up, buttercup"

We are no longer family.
Learned a new definition.
It's not by blood it's by trust.

whats trust?
Some 'thing' you lost so long ago.

-------- added, not final-

Your pretty little princess is wearing the crown as a king.

Does that sting?

Oh, im sorry your heart is a little broken-
by the words that i have spoken-

but maybe calling you useless will make up for it?
oh wait, it doesn't, and youve yet to learn.

Just saying sorry, not even about the right thing, doesnt fix shit.

Break a plate and look at ur face in its reflection,
apologize and see its full rejection.
It won't fix itself- you left scars- good luck fixing it before you head out to the next bar.

Sometimes i say i deserve to get hit!

why? cuz ima greedy bitch-
wanting a happier life, when i don't need nor deserve it.

But then i look at you and have the thoughts 'i could be worse, ' so i give myself a little burn and say 'forget it'

because i never want to be you, i tell myself to "be what there not"

oh no! looks like a got caught- but it is what it is now-
i don't give a fuck-
look at ur failure one last time.

alright- incomplete but- it's goal is to confuse you at first-
I thought it was about a relationship? Nope sorry its about a family-

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