Solangelo Goes To Hogwarts ~...

By Nameunknown139

280K 6.8K 4.5K

What would happen if Hades, the God of the dead learned of a wizard who should have been dead for years? Of a... More

Why Hades? Why?
The Last Day - don't worry, nobody dies, yet
You get in by tapping a stick against a brick wall? . . . I've seen weirder
Do You Want a Cough Drop?
Didn't Hecate Call This Quest Simple?
You want me to run through a wall? Are you crazy? No? I guess not.
Great, Nico gets to relive all his tramau, fun times.
Nico blows up.
What just happened?
Nico is now universally known as being evil
The Gay Death Eater, because that's all that needs to be said.
Well, Nico was right, he is stabbed with a pen, joy
What happens next?
The reason Nico hates his powers
Didn't your mom ever tell you not to follow innocent boys into deserted halls?
Quidditch: the bane of Nico's existence, litteraly
The boy who lived (and it's NOT Harry Potter)
Seriously, Harry REALLY needs to stop
Daddy steps in
That darn hope, always getting your hopes up
The potentially dangerous unknown
Now Nico's eavesdropping on Harry, my, how things have changed
Hide and Seek, when the other person isn't nessacarly looking for you
More Quidditch, joy
Giants, giants, it's raining giants. Nico hates giants.
Oh thank you great god Morpheus
Say hello to Tartarus!
Didn't you read the sign that said not to steal? Nah, I have dyslexia.
Have a holly jolly Christmas, and a happy new year. *snorts* ya, right
Nix buses and classroom murders. Great start to the new term!
Oh how I wish
Ooooooohhhhhhhh boy, there's no way that's good
Friends? Sort of? I guess? I have no idea
Lovey Dovey Mush, aka Valentine's Day, um, or not?
Nico and Will laying in a bed. T-A-L-K-I-N-G!!! ;)
One scar for the first homophobic little jerk, and one each for his besties, yay
A mission to find a boyfriend is interrupted by a screaming teacher, darn
Love, fluff, and candy (basically all the good stuff)
Nico kills a soul part like some would do the dishes.
Nico's sixth sense is cold, yet helpful
Dumbledore vanishes off to his death, taking Harry Potter with him
The beginning of the end
Unfortuantely it is so
Yes, Harry, you need to die.
The end of an era
You've GOT to be kidding me

The boy who lived (and this time it IS Harry Potter)

2.9K 100 17
By Nameunknown139

*Nico's POV*

Shadows were good for numerous things, hiding, telling secrets.

But particularly for making a quick exit.

It was a good thing Nico could control shadows.

The swirling black mist was still surrounding the great hall when Nico, Will, and Harry returned. But the fighting had continued. Making it very dangerous to enter.

So that's exactly what they did.

Nico lead them to right infront of the dark lord, not that Voldemort actually knew that.

"You'll be given a choice, when you die," Nico said, softly, "You will be able to return, but only if you wish. Or you can move on."

"Which one do I pick?" Harry asked, Nico could hear the worry in his voice,

"It's up to you, I cannot tell you, but I know you'll make the right choice." Nico knew Harry couldn't see it but he gave the other boy a reassuring smile anyways.

"Now go out there and give it your all."

Harry snorted, "Dying doesn't take much effort."

"You'd be surprised."

*Harry's POV*

Nico had been right. Each step felt like a million as Harry walked forward, as he felt the darkness clearing and he could finally see Voldemort, or, his death.

Both were too close.

He wanted to take a step back, he wanted to run. But Nico had said he would make the right choice, and he couldn't do that if he was never even offered the choice.

"The boy who lives returns!" Voldemort cried with glee, "I wouldn't bother taking out your wand, I cannot be killed. Any final words?"

"Just that I'm sorry." Harry said, staring the man destined to kill him in the eye. He did not break their gazes as Voldemort raised his wand and shouted the last words Harry would ever hear,

"Avada Kedavra!"

*Nico's POV*

The diadem, the locket, the diary, the cup, the ring, and the boy, all gone.

There was only one left.

And it didn't take any effort.

In fact, Nico was a bit disappointed at the lack of a fight the snake put up as Nico found it attacking a young first year girl.

The snake looked at him as he walked closer, she had dropped the girl, and had watched as Nico knelt down in front of her, had put his hand against her forehead.

"Rest now." He said softly to the snake. She was as much a victium as anyone else, controlled by Voldemort for years.

She was a victim, her only escape death.

The only gift she would ever recieve.

Nico intended to give it to her.

Now there was only one left. The one that was the most important. The one that would end Lord Voldemort once and for all.

*Harry's POV*

Harry made his choice, now he could only hope it had been the right one.

*Nico's POV*

"Can you feel it?" Nico asked, walking into the Great Hall.

The fighting stilled at his voice, all turning to look at Nico Di Angelo, the boy who they had all seen Lord Voldemort kill.

"I asked you if you can feel it, Riddle?" Voldemort stepped forward, wand rasied.

"Can you feel the mortality? The feeling of having only one life left?"

Voldemort paused, and Nico knew he was realizing it only now, realizing that he had no more backups.

That if he died now, he would stay dead.

But before Voldemort could respond a new voice rang out,

"You killed him! I know you did!" Ron ran at him, wand pointing at Nico's throat.

"I saw you with Harry right before, right before," he chocked, "and now he's dead." Nico sighed as he felt a spark, the sign of new life, or an old life returning.

Shocked gasps filled the room as the fallen body of Harry Potter stirred and he sat up.

"The boy who lived," Nico whispered to himself, feeling a grin spread across his face.

Ron stumbled away from him, shock apparent on his face, and was caught by Hermione who was crying.

"I could kill you now, you know," Nico said to Voldemort, "Any of us could, I suppose, but there's only one of us who's destined to."

A/N -

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Word count: 696

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