waiting for you ➨ poe dameron

By multifandomsw

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Her head was spinning, her mind swirling around with questions and thoughts. Tears spilled out her eyes uncon... More

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98 7 0
By multifandomsw

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

"Why her?", Poe was the last one leaving, waiting patiently until everyone around the General disappeared and went to get ready for the mission. The General, who had looked at her datapad, slowly looked up at the Commander, blinking her eyes, then raising her eyebrows. She knew he had been standing there the whole time, Leia just waited until he began to speak. And she also knew what Poe's question would be. Or rather what his problem with the situation would be. Well- she would've known anyway, because Poe was the onesdy person who would always say his honest opinion about the situation. Only when it came to missions. "This again?", she asked. This had happened before. Right before the other mission. Would she have to go through all of this everything time she would send Eliora anywhere?

Poe scoffed when he saw Leia's face. She looked so- annoyed? Like she knew this would happen. He shook his head and bit his lip. He repeated himself. "You could choose literally anyone, but you still chose her? Again? Why her?" Leia's face fell a bit, but it still held amusement. "Why.. not..?", she questioned, teasing the pilot. Poe let out a groan at that. Not this again. "Come on, Leia-" "General." Sometimes the General really annoyed him. Of course he wouldn't be able to say it, because well- it was still the General! But at this moment he had almost let it slip. Luckily, only almost.

"Yeah, sorry, General." That didn't make the situation any better. He shouldn't have said 'General' in that tone. It didn't matter. "She's new here. You could have chosen everyone. It's always her on the most difficult missions. And this is only the beginning! She's a pilot, not a ground fighter." Leia looked back at the datapad. "Only two missions." This woman was competitive. "So far!" Leia thought for a second. "You said she was a pilot right?" Poe nodded carefully, clearly confused. The General had definitely already known that. With no doubt. So why-

"I can also send her into the sky? Next to you piloting-" Poe's eyes widened. "Definitely no!" The princess smirked at him. "What's better?" Poe groaned. "You don't understand me! Nothing's good. She should stay here. Next to you. Where she's safe." The General laughed lightly. "You sound like an overprotective boyfriend.", she pointed out, leaving the professionalism out. "Maybe I am!" Leia squinted her eyebrows. "No- I'm not. Damn, we-we're not. Yet. Wait what?" He shook his head, trying to compose his thoughts. Why now, now when he tried to have a serious conversation with the General? "I- I mean I- I wish we- Doesn't matter. I'm only the second part." Leia smirked. "A boyfriend?" Poe's eyes widened. "No! No, I- I mean only the first part? That was the protective one, right? I'm protective. B-because-"

"Because you love her." Poe licked his lips. Was that true? "I wouldn't have put it that way- I like her very much." Leia sighed, getting professional again. "Listen, Commander. I understand that you're a lovesick pilot right now. Been there, too.", she began. "And that you're absolutely protective. That you don't want anything to happen to her." Poe nodded furiously. That was it! "But-" Of course there was a 'but', there was always one. "She's a really good fighter. She's perfectly fit for that mission. I would've said something if I hadn't thought she was a good choice. But she is." Poe groaned. "She has been to one mission. Yeah, I know she's great, but why would you know? Why do you trust her so much?"

"I just know she's fitted for that mission." Poe looked to the ground. "Poe, how many times do I have to tell you this? We are at war. At the resistance. She volunteered to be here. You cannot just let her stop." Poe massaged his temple with his course fingers. "I know, I know. I- I would never be the boyfriend who would forbid anything. Never ever. Of course not, who would do something like that? That guys are just idiots. I- I just care for her.", he sighed, but when he looked at the General, she looked at him with a wide grin. "What?", he asked, confused. "You said boyfriend."

"I said- what?" He thought for a second. "Oh, no, no! That was an example! She doesn't even like me as much." Leia smiled to herself, knowing that Eliora liked the pilot just as much. But time would play this out. She shouldn't say anything. "It's different now than before. I care for her even more than before the last mission, and knowing she almost died, I'm just afraid." Leia smiled sadly. "I know. We all are. But that's war, Poe. You also almost died. A dozen times." Poe nodded. "I know." "Have trust in her." He always had. "I have! Of course I have! I'm just scared." Leia smiled at the lovesick pilot. "Now, go get ready."

Eliora walked through the base with Finn by her side. She softly smiled at passing members, but they didn't return it. What played on their faces was a simple frown. Which was obvious, because they would all go to a risky mission. A mission that could either mean thousand of deaths, or a win, including many deaths as well. Deaths couldn't be avoided. Sadly. But this was the resistance. People knew that this is what could happen when there was war. Still, they were afraid. Like Eliora was. Afraid of losing their loved ones, who also happened to be put in danger every day. There was a chance Eliora could lose everyone in a matter of seconds.

She watched as Aayla prepared a X- wing for departure. Next to her stood Chloe, who was preparing Aayla's ship. Or rather checking if it's all good for departure. When Aayla spotted Eliora, she waved her over and smiled. "You're going to fly with us?", she asked with a grin on her face. She was referring to flying with the black squadron. Poe's squadron. She hadn't heard about Eliora's mission. Of course she hadn't, she was not leadership- not one of the important persons- so she wasn't part of the conference. And Jess must have forgotten to tell her. Or didn't want to tell her.

"I'm not part of the squadron, Aayla.", she laughed slightly. "Well you should be!" Eliora offered Aayla a thankful soft smile. "How have you gotten in?", she asked her best friend. "It might have been Jess who put in a good word to the General." Eliora chuckled and looked into Aayla's dark brown eyes. "That was certainly not the reason. The black squadron's the best the resistance has. There must have been a reason you got in. I think you're just really good." The black- haired girl shock her head and giggled. "Believe what you want." She was already wearing her flight suit. The resistance acted quickly- almost everyone had already been ready for departure.

"So, if not flying, what are you going to do?" Eliora bit her lip. "I'm going on an extra mission with Finn." Aayla furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Finn spoke up. "In order to blow the oscillator up, we need to disable the shields first.", she began, knowing full way that Aayla already knew what this all was about. That they had to destroy the First Order's weapon. Starkiller base. "So me and Finn go there and disable the shields. Han and Chewie join us." Aayla's eyes widened. "What do you mean with go there? To Starkiller base? How?"

"With the Falcon." Aayla scoffed. "You've got to be kidding me." Eliora shook her head. "Look, when I was escaping Jakku, a really nice girl saved my life. Her name is Rey. She got captured by the First Order and is most likely on that base. So we have to rescue her, too." Finn nodded at that. Aayla sighed. "You almost died multiple times and now you're going on a dangerous mission again." Eliora bit her lip. That was true. But she signed up for this. She was at the resistance, there was no going back. Aayla moved her eyes from Eliora, to the man standing behind her. There stood Finn, who shifted awkwardly on his feet.

"So you are the famous stormtrooper everyone's talking about?", Aayla asked him with a grin. Finn came out of the shadows, taking a step forward. "I- I guess?" Eliora laughed at that. "Former stormtrooper.", he corrected quickly. Would she not like him because of that? Would the resistance not accept him? "You're more than welcome. That was kriffing brave. Leaving the First Order, helping Poe." Finn grinned at the girl in front of him, who was just a bit shorter than him. He scratched his head. "Thank you.", Finn mumbled. "Hey, he's doing the same hair thing like Chloe does when she's nervous.", Eliora pointed out. "You're right! Hey, Chloe!", Aayla shouted to her blonde friend.

Chloe's head popped up and her eyes lit up when she saw Eliora. She quickly made her way to them. "That kiss was heated.", Chloe immediately pointed out. And the tough composure Eliora held, disappeared as quickly. Her shoulders slumped down and her cheeks grew red. Aayla giggled at her best friend's reaction. "You little-", she was interrupted by Finn. "What kiss?", he questioned with a smirk. Eliora glared at Chloe. "I don't know what she's talking about.", Eliora stated. "She kissed Poe Dameron.", Chloe blurted, making Aayla laugh even more. Finn's eyes widened. "Really?", he asked with excitement. "He kissed her and then he kissed him.", Chloe answered. "That's great! Finally!" Eliora furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean, finally?" Finn shut his mouth. "Oh, nothing."

"The girl means more to me than anyone else does, pal! I can't let her die nor live without her! So we gotta go back immediately and bring her back"

He remembered that.

And I never got to tell her that I love her! So we gotta go back immediately and bring her back!

Finn smirked, knowing full way that Poe finally gave in to his feelings. Maybe he didn't tell her about the 'loving' part, but he kissed her! He was more than happy for them.

Chloe sighed. "Gotta go.", she looked at Eliora, then stepped forward and gave her a hug. "Be careful.", she whispered into her ear. "And don't fuck Poe yet.", she added, giggling. Eliora's ears went red. "I'm not going to-" Chloe laughed. "I was joking, chill out.", and left. Aayla looked at her with a confused expression. But then her com blinked. "I have to prepare the ship.", she sighed. She looked at Finn. "Keep her safe, will you?" Finn laughed. "She'll be the one having to keep me safe." Aayla nodded. "I know." She raised her hand, pointing her pinky finger at Eliora. "Pinky promise me that you'll be safe." Eliora giggled softly at that. How cheesy. But she loved it, because she linked her pinky finger with Aayla's. "I promise.", she softly whispered, then being met by a bone crushing hug from Aayla.

"Chewie, check that donal capitator. Come on, let's go.", Han instructed Chewie. Eliora and Finn knelt in front of a box filled with weapons. "Eliora, Finn, be careful with those. They're explosives." Eliora's eyes widened, as she carefully dropped one of the bombs. "Now you tell me?", Finn asked with widened eyes and Eliora giggled at the former stormtrooper. They were preparing in front of the Falcon. Preparing to leave, just like the whole rest of the resistance.

"You know, no matter how much we fought..", a voice echoed in Han's ears. He instantly turned around and came into view with her. Still, the most beautiful woman in his eyes, Leia Organa- Solo. She slowly approached Han, taking small steps. "I've always hated watching you leave.", the General shook her head and stood still. "That's why I did it.", Han answered Leia, a small smile tucking at his lips. "So you'd miss me.", he closed the large space between them, now standing right in front of the princess. "I did miss you.", Leia confessed.

"It wasn't all bad, was it?", the grey- haired man asked. "Huh?" He raised his eyebrows. "Some of it was.." Titling his head, he smirked. "Good.." Leia nodded. "Pretty good." Han chuckled at that. He had missed her. Dearly. He had waited for the moment he would be able to speak to her again for what felt like ages. And he regretted leaving her. Regretted fighting with her, but that was their thing, wasn't it? All he ever wanted was a happy future with the woman he loved. And now there he was, again in the middle of war, caused by his son. "Some things never change.", he admitted.

"True." A short break. "You still drive me crazy." And that was also true. Leia had missed him more than anything. She thought she would have needed him and it was true. She had done this all by herself, starting the resistance, but everything would have been better with Han by her side. Her Han. But the past couldn't be changed, so she only wished that when he returned, everything could be better, could maybe go back to normal? It would probably never go back to normal, but maybe she would finally feel home again. With him.

Han smiled down at the princess, before pulling her into a hug, Leia's head laying on his chest. Every time he had her in his arms, his heart beat still raced. He wouldn't admit it tho, but Leia knew it was true. She could feel it through the force and she always smiled at that. "If you see our son..", Leia began. "Bring him home.", she pleaded. Han nodded. "I will. I promise.", he whispered back, pulling back from Leia, only to stare into her beautiful brown eyes. And then he leaned in, capturing her lips with hers. Like they had done so many times, but this time it all felt different. The excitement built in both of them was like when they had their first kiss. All those years ago. But there was something else. Uncertainty.

"You saw that?", Eliora asked with widened eyes. "Of course I did! I'm not blind." Eliora smiled at the scene in front of her. Han Solo and Leia Organa- Solo had kissed again. "They're truly in love.", Eliora admired. "Of course they are! Have you seen the way they look at each other?" Eliora looked at Han, whose gaze was directed at Leia. It held such intensity, just like the way Poe looked at her. Or maybe she looked at Poe? "Look away, she's coming to us!", Eliora quickly instructed. She picked up the last weapons and put it in the box.

"Just wanted to wish you good luck.", Leia smiled at Eliora. Eliora saw the blush on the Genera's cheeks, but she said nothing. "Thank you Ge- Leia.", Eliora smiled. "You too, Finn." Finn stood up and looked down at the General. "Thank you ma'am." Leia smiled at both of them. "You're sure that you're able to do that?", she questioned. "Yes, yes, I am." A short break. "I guess." Leia sighed, before pulling something out of her pocket. The lightsaber Eliora had given her. Kenobi's lightsaber. She handed it to Eliora. "You will need it." Eliora furrowed her eyebrows. "Just in case." Eliora could not say no to a command of the princess. She just nodded and took the lightsaber. "May the force be with you."

Just as Eliora wanted to enter the Falcon, she caught a glimpse of a certain pilot making their way towards the Falcon. "Wait!", he yelled. Eliora grinned, because she already knew who it was. Poe Dameron, who was now again in his complete pilot outfit, made his way to Eliora. She quickly climbed down the ramp and came face to face with the pilot. He had been running, because sweat was dripping down his forehead. His black locks were wet as well. But he looked handsome- like he always did. Poe smirked at Eliora. "Did you want to leave without saying goodbye?", he questioned.

"I was just about to search for you." Poe chuckled. "Sure." There was a short awkward pause, both of them not knowing what to say. They were both risking their lives again, and there was nothing that could be done about that. "Please, I beg you, be careful." Eliora nodded. "I will." She took in a deep breath. "I know you're reckless, but please be careful, too." Poe smirked at that. "For you, anything." Eliora glanced into his beautiful brown eyes which were directly looking into hers. "I swear, if anything happens to you-", he couldn't finish his sentence, because Eliora was tiptoeing and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I promise that nothing will happen." Poe nodded. "Good, because I want to take you out on a date when this is over." Eliora had tried to comprehend the sentence, before her eyes widened. "What?" Poe grinned at Eliora. Oh, that goofy grin he made. She would have done anything to see it for the rest of her life. "I said: I. want. to. take. you. on. a. date.", Poe repeated slowly, which made Eliora smile. "Or do you not want to?" Eliora's eyes shot open. "Of course I want!" Poe smiled. "Great, this would have been weird if you had said no.", he chuckled. Then, Poe leaned down and captured Eliora's lips once again. It was short, but sweet, telling more than a thousand words could ever say. Eliora's throat tightened and her stomach seemed to make backflips. Poe was kissing her again. "May the force be with you.", he shouted while he was running to his X- wing, leaving Eliora with the biggest blush he had ever seen.

"Pinky promise me that you'll be safe."
"I promise."

"If you see our son.." Bring him home."
"I will. I promise."

"I swear, if anything happens to you-"
"I promise that nothing will happen."

So many promises were made. But sadly, promises are made to be broken. They are only made to make a person feel better. Confirmation to make someone less anxious, but sadly they tend to be broken. Because, how could Han promise Leia that he will bring their son back? The chance was so low, but he still promised it. Because he loved Leia. And how could Eliora promise Aayla that nothing would happen to her. She would be at the Starkiller base. Literally anything could happen. So the promise that nothing would happen to Poe, could be broken as well. It was not her choice if anything would happen, it was the choice of the First Order, of Kylo Ren. Still, she promised, because these two people meant the world to her.

"That flyboy?", Han asked as Eliora entered the cockpit. "What?" Han scoffed. "You chose that flyboy?" Finn looked at them with an amused face. "We're you spying on me?", she asked. "You were taking so long, what should we do?" Han scoffed. "But really, a flyboy? Come on, you could do way better." Finn chuckled at that. "I told you he is a pilot!" Chewie roared. "But you didn't say that he is a flyboy!" Eliora bit her lip. "What is the definition of flyboy?" Han shook his head. "Someone like me! That's not a good influence." Eliora shook her head in disbelief.

"You're not my father.", she joked. He was really behaving like a father. "I thought about adopting you into the solo family, but I'm not so sure anymore.", he scoffed. Eliora stopped right in her tracks. Adopting her into the solo family? "What do you mean with adopting?" Han smirked. "Me and Leia considered- but now you're with that flyboy!", Han joked. He had really thought about taking Eliora under his wing. She was a great girl and she would finally have a home. Eliora grinned at the smuggler, before hugging him tightly. They were really treating her like family. The reason- she didn't know, but both Han and Leia were treating her so good. There must be a reason. She was just a recruit, a pilot, why could she be so close to the General and Han Solo himself?

"Are you really dating the Resistance's golden boy?", Han asked, pulling away, to look at the girl. He didn't really show much affection with people, besides Leia, Luke and maybe Lando. "We're not dating!" Han laughed. "But I mean- you just kissed. And what Finn here told me-" Eliora glared at Finn, whose eyes were widened now. She folded her hands over her chest. "I-" Eliora laughed. "What would be the problem with that?" Han laughed. "So you are..?" Eliora laughed. "Of course not!" Han smirked. "Ten credits that they will be in the next few days.", he told Chewie, who growled in response. "You're unbelievable.", Eliora shook her head and let herself fall into the backseat. Han and Chewie were sitting in front of her, piloting the Falcon.

Eliora watched as the Falcon glided through lightspeed. The blue-ish stripes reflected in her middle brown eyes. She loved this. Eliora already loved all of this. Lightspeed was something she definitely got used to and she absolutely loved it. Not only lightspeed- she loved watching the sunsets. Watching the sun set down woke up so many good memories in her. It had always been the time when she could just lay down and enjoy life. Forget about everything bad that happened and just enjoy life for once. Where not a single bad memory would cross her mind. She loved the sunset.

And the stars. They reminded her of her parents, even tho she had barely any memory. But looking at them had always made her heart swell. It made her happy thinking about them. She thought about how they had been, what they had looked like, how they had been in love. And the only memories she thought about were good ones. That was the only time she wasn't mad at them. For abandoning her, for letting her survive alone on a planet she wasn't used to. But when she looked at the stars, she completely forgot about these memories. And maybe it was better that way, because she knew, that deep down, Eliora loved her parents. Without knowing them.

But right then, watching the blue stripes, Eliora wasn't happy. The brunette girl was nervous. Nervous because anything could happen on that base. Nervous she wouldn't be able to
keep her promise. Nervous that she wouldn't see Poe again. Nervous that she would have to face Kylo Ren, the man she had heard so many stories about. Or rather, that monster. Supreme leader of the First Order. A dark- side force user, or that was what Eliora assumed, because she didn't know much about that all. But she knew that he was a bad person. And if she faced him, she would have little to no chance.

And as she thought about it all, her eyes slowly fell shut.

The little brunette girl giggled as she watched her friend search of her. She was hiding behind a big tree, or like her father told her a force sensitive tree, from the boy. The boy had searched for what seemed like hours, but he just couldn't find her. "Eli, come on, you have to leave! Your dad will kill me!", the boy shouted at any direction. Eliora didn't want to leave. The planet was beautiful, way better than where she lived. It was humid, yes, but a perfect place to play hide and seek with her best friend. And maybe the planet wasn't the reason, but he was. The boy with the curly black hair and stupid smile. Her best friend since she could think. And she saw him so rarely, that it really bothered Eliora. The time spent with him had always been the best time she had. He was so much like her, it sometimes scared them. They fitted together perfectly.

"Come on! You don't want your best friend to get killed, do you?" Eliora groaned. He was exaggerating. "Fine.", the girl mumbled, before she came out from her hiding place. The brunette boy followed the voice and when he saw her, his eyes lit up. "Finally!", he cheered and ran into her direction, circling her tiny body with his tiny hands. When he pulled away and looked into her eyes, the little boy smiled. He held out his pinky finger and pointed it at the girl. "Promise me..", he began whispering. Eliora already nodded furiously. She would promise him anything. "That you won't forget me. Ever. That we'll stay best friends forever." The brunette girl grinned at the boy and linked her pinky with hers. "I promise.", she whispered, ruffling his hair with her other hand.

And yet,

another promise that had been broken.

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

Okay okay, I decided to make the author's notes a bit longer <3 I'm really glad that this story reached 700 reads! It may not sound much, but to me, it means a great deal.

Soo that are my plans for this story:

I'm trying to update every week on Sunday! (Today's an extra update)

I think there will only be one book but if there are too many chapters, I may split it in two books.

If you all enjoy this story I'll make a book with what happened before Eliora and Poe. Timeline: OG trilogy (my favorite!!<3)

I absolutely love HanLeia, so there are some points in the story where their feelings are described.

I'm trying to concentrate this story on Eliora's and Poe's point of view (right now it is mostly Eliora's, but there will be parts with Poe's too)
But there will be parts which are from other perspectives (I won't say from whom)

I already planned some things in this book and I will definitely include what happened in 'resistance reborn' (a star wars book that plays between the 8th and 9th movie)
Because there is one year in between and something has to happen! And the book is really good.

This story will be super angsty and I planned some shit that made me sad as fuck, but I also want to show the other sides of love that are rarely shown in fan fictions and movies in general.

I would love to get to know you all, so Dm me: multifandom.sw

My favorite Star Wars characters: Leia, Luke, Poe, Han, Obi- Wan

(Ahsoka, Rex.. I LOVE EVERYONE)
except two people but I know everyone loves them, so I better shut my mouth.

Favorite movies:
1. ESB

I'm a really big OF fan but I also enjoy the sequels and prequels <3

That's it! I love you all!

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