One and Only

Від believe96

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"I-I think I'm in love with you." My eyes widened and my breath caught as those words left his lips. It was... Більше

Scared | [Pic. of Jade]
The Beach
Picture of Noah
Picture of Rose
Picture of Alex
First Day of School (Part 1) | [Pic. of Emily]
First Day of School (Part 2)
Sweet Love
Day One of Practice
The New Girlfriend
Food Fight!
Suspension [Pic. of Maria (Jade's mom)]
Accidental Run-In
Wonderful Rain
Staying Over
Celebrating [Pic. of Charlie]
Kicked Out
Swimming Lessons [Pic. of Liam]
Nature [Pic. of Mike]
Lovebites and Empty Classrooms [Pic. of Jane]
Overconfidence is Never a Good Thing [Pic. of Steve]
Sweet Reunion
Water War
Beaches & Fun
Robbers Should Be Quiet
Santa Monica Pier
Fat and Muscle
A Mistaken Kiss
Like It Didn't Even Happen...
Steamy Movies
Hear Me Out
The Christmas Party
Nerves Suck
There's Always A First Time
Taking A Risk
Second Chances
One and Only
Epilogue (Part One)
Epilogue (Part Two)

Dinner With The Evers

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Від believe96

Okay so I know it's been like FOREVER since I uploaded and I'm terribly sorry about that but I just couldn't find any ideas but then I got like a lot more viewers so that's why I'm doing this right now. Also since it's been so long I'm gonna put in a recap which I normally don't do. But it's more like a summary. I love you guys!! Oh and also, the dance competition mentioned isn't real.



So in the last chapter, Alex takes Rose to the top of the Malibu Mountains. They kiss there and he finally asks her out after a year of silently crushing on her. Jade and Noah are really happy to hear this and Jade is so happy she hugs Noah, which only makes him cockier. When she gets to dance class she finds out that they have a project and she gets paired with Noah, of course. The dance form they have to use is break dancing. Noah is happy to see Jade so shocked and soon to be angry.


One and Only

Chapter Five-Dinner With The Evers

Do teachers just like putting the names Jade and Noah together? Well I guess there is a ring to it...No! What the heck am I thinking? He is a no-no. You go with him and you heart ends up shattered into a million pieces. Do you want that? Wow, now I am talking to myself.

"Oh! I almost forgot to assign you guys the themes of your dances. It should be telling a story." Ms. Daisy said, "One person from each pair come up here and choose a piece of paper from the hat. And whatever is written inside will be your theme. This project is a major part of your grade for this semester. So, don't screw up. Also, the pair that I think does the best will get to participate in the annual dance competition held for all high schools here in Santa Monica. Everyone good luck!" There was a dance competition for all high schools in Santa Monica? I'll just ask Noah about it.

"Hey Noah?" I asked.


"What dance competition was she talking about?"

"It happens every year. Two kids, boy and girl, from each high school get to go to the competition. It only has one round in which you either win, or lose." Wow, it actually sounds fun!

"Wow! That sounds like fun! What's the prize?"

"$1,000 each and a full scholarship to any university you want to go to." That sounds amazing! If I-we win, my mom does not have to worry about my college fees!

"We should really try win!" I knew I had a really big grin on my face.

He smiled wide too and looked at me strangely, with an expression that I could not quite place on he was actually, truly happy and not faking it. He had a serene expression on his face, it suited him a lot better than his usual cocky one.

"Yeah but we need to know our theme first. Then we can work on the winning."

"Right! Maybe you should pick; I have horrible luck."

He shrugged. "Okay."

I watched him as we went to the hat and picked a piece of paper. He looked at it and smirked. Uh-oh, this is bad, really bad; I just know it.

"Guess I forgot to mention that I have bad luck too." he said, giving me the piece of paper. I swallowed and opened it, hesitating a little. It had three words that would soon completely change how see each other, especially how I saw him. 'A love story' is what the piece of paper said. Not even a tragedy or anything. Now I know what you are thinking, love is not a hard theme. Well it is if your partner is anything like Noah.

It finally sunk in though. Two weeks of practicing with him, for god knows how long each day, portraying a love story. All the while he's trying to get into my pants. Oh god, I'm in deep trouble.


"Honestly, J, it's not that bad." Rose tried to console me. We were currently in the lunch line.

"Trust me, it is; he drives me insane!"

Just then Alex showed up, "Hey, you guys want to sit with me at my table?"

I knew Rose would go anywhere as long as Alex was there. But I sure as heck did not want to sit anywhere near the football guys' table, so I quickly refused. "Uh...I don't really want to but Rose will."

"Oh c'mon, J. Please?" Rose asked pouting slightly.

"No. I'll just sit with Tricia, Cole, Jane, and Alec."

" know they're gonna leave you out." Rose reasoned.

"Yeah I know..." I hate being left out.

"So sit with us!" She smiled brightly.

"No..." I said, but hesitantly.

"Please?" She gave me a puppy dog and I couldn't say no to that!

"Ugh, fine!"

"Yay! Come one!" I followed her and Alex to the table. All the guys were giving me suggestive looks that I ignored and the few girls were giving me death glares. I rolled my eyes at them.

I ended up sitting next to Rose and across from Noah. On the other side of me was this guy, Cody, who just would not keep his hands off my legs. I felt so violated. Alex sat in front of Rose and Blondie was on the other side of Noah.

And once again while I am trying to eat Cody puts his hand on my thigh, dangerously close to my place. I picked up his hand and placed it back on his own lap and patted it twice, as if saying 'keep it there'. He just smirked and put it back on my thigh and I did the same again but he placed his hand on my thigh yet another time and started rubbing my thigh.

"If you don't get your hand off me in five seconds, I WILL scream rape." I told him in a deadly calm voice. He quickly took his hand of my leg and I looked up with a smile on my face to find Noah glaring at Cody. I smiled happily at him, relieved to have Cody not touching me.

He returned the smile but then Blondie called him. She disgusts me. She probably is a good person somewhere in there but I disapprove of her whorish ways.

"You want to walk around with me?" Alex asked Rose.

She readily said yes and they left. I watched as they left. I know they are going to be together for a very-emphasis on the 'very'-long time. I smiled a little at that. Something like that would never happen to me because I am too scared to fall in love. It is perfectly fine in books because it always ends with 'a happily ever after' but in real life, someone always ends up with a broken heart. Just look at my mom...stay happy Jade! You do not want people to get suspicious and ask you what is wrong.

Great! Now what? I started looking around the cafeteria because I did no know what else to do. I then started to smile a little.

"Why are you smiling?" Noah asked with amusement in his voice.

"Nothing, it's just so awkward, I don't know what to say or do."

"That's kind of weird..." he trailed off, but he was smiling at me.

"Thank you."

The rest of lunch was very awkward and it was killing me to just sit there. But finally lunch ended and I rushed out of the cafeteria to fifth period.

At the end of the day I met up with Rose, "Hey Rose!"

"Hey J!" Her eyes were shining.

"Doing anything special?"

"Yeah! I'm going to dinner with Alex! Do you want to come?" Uh-uh, no way I'm gonna be a third wheel! Also, I don't want to intrude in on them. Like they are trying to kiss but can not feel comfortable about it because I am sitting there.

"Um, no, it's okay." She looked kind of relieved that I said no, but hey! I could not blame her! I would have felt the same if I were in her shoes.

"'Kay, I'm gonna go now. Have fun on your date!" She blushed slightly when I said that but laughed and went the other way.

I started to walk home since I had nott brought my car. I walked slowly since it was Friday and there was nothing to do.

Twenty minutes later I was in front of my neighbor's house walking to my house. You know, I never noticed that their car looks a whole lot like Noah's car, but that does not mean anything; many people have a Cadillac. Their house was bigger than ours, like way bigger. The house was completely white from outside and had a gray, pointed roof. There was a lawn in front of it and it had many flowers and plants.

I walked into my house, "Mom! I'm home!

"Oh finally Jade!" she rushed out of the study; she probably had been making more designs of buildings or something.

"What happened?" I was kind of worried, she was not usually so jumpy.

"We're invited for dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Evans's house for dinner."

"Who are they?"

"Our neighbors!"

"So? What's the big deal?"

"They are like HUGE people! They own Evans'& Co."

"Oh! Wow!"

"Go upstairs and get changed quickly! I have your dress hanging on your closet door."


"Yes! Now go!"

"Okay! Okay!" Dresses make me feel sort of self-conscious.

I went upstairs to my room and found the dress hanging from my closet doorknob. I put it on. It was a light blue dress. It had spaghetti straps and was tight under my breasts and on my breasts, but not in a slutty way. It was a V-neck. From under my breasts it flowed elegantly to just below my knees. I twirled in it, liking the way the flowing dress gracefully twirled with me.

I went to my dressing table and took out my make-up. I applied some mascara and light blue eye shadow. I took my hair out of my usual bun and it fell in layered curls around my face. It looked kind of messy but it contrasted with my dress perfectly. I picked my silver three-inch gladiator heels.

I looked at myself in the mirror again. The only thing I had gotten from my mom was her body shape. She had perfect curves and so did I, but she had black hair and black eyes while I had dark brown hair and green eyes and I was not as tanned as her. I looked a lot like my dad and I felt bad that I constantly reminded her of dad, but she never loved my less because of that.

"Jade! Hurry up!" My mom called from downstairs.

"Coming mom!" I floated down the steps.

"Honey, you look beautiful!"

"You do too mom." She was wearing a flowing black dress that came up to her knees and a slightly tight white shirt that had fake flowers going down one side. Some of her hair was clipped up.

We did not want to go empty-handed so we took my mom's best cookies along with us. I would so kill for those cookies...

"Let's go mom."

We walked to their house and I rang the doorbell, eager to meet them.

The door opened and there stood a beautiful woman, with rosy cheeks and light brown hair, smiling at us. "Hello! Come on in!" she said gesturing for us to come in. I'm guessing she is Mrs. Evans. We smiled and stepped in.

"We brought cookies." I said while handing them to her.

"Thank you but you didn't have to!"

"It's a thank you gift for inviting us." My mom said brightly.

We were walking towards what, I think, is the dining room. The house was simple, but beautiful, it had a lived-in atmosphere unlike other big houses. The white sofas had red cushions and were in an L-shape in the living room, which was on the way to the dining room. There was a huge flat-screen TV that was currently off.

We walked into the dining room and Mrs. Evans went to the kitchen to set the cookies on a counter. The kitchen counters were made of gray granite and the drawers and cabinets were white. It was a very nice contrast.

Dinner was ready. There was spaghetti in a very large bowl and garlic bread on a plate by it. There was also a bottle of what looked like apple cider. Seeing all this food reminds me of why I love food!

"Do you want me to set the table, Mrs. Evans?" I asked her, out of my manners.

"Please, call me Jane," she smiled kindly. "And I would be grateful if you did so!"

I set the table. There were going to be eight people (including myself).

"Kids! Dinner's ready! Come downstairs!" Jane yelled mixing the spaghetti to get sauce on all of it. A few minutes later, a man, I'm guessing Mr. Evans, appeared. He had familiar light blue eyes but had blond hair with brown streaks. I'm pretty sure it was not dyed. He had a friendly but powerful aura. One that did not intimidate you but commanded respect. Then a little girl of about four came in. She also had blond hair in loose ringlets around her face but had her mother's hazel eyes. She was clutching a teddy bear in one hand. I smiled at her and smiled back, a little shy though. She was adorable! She was hiding behind a boy of about nineteen with dirty blond hair and light blue eyes. He looked just like his dad.

"Steve, this is Jade and Heather." Jane said, gesturing towards us.

"Nice to meet you guys." Mr. Evans shook each of our hands.

"This is Charlotte, but we call her Charlie," Jane said, holding her hand out to the little girl, "and this is James." She finished pointing at the boy.

"It's nice to meet you guys." I said to both of them.

"Pleasure's all mine." James said while Charlie waved a little.

"Where's Noah?" Jane asked.

I coughed/choked. Noah, hopefully another Noah?

"I don't know. Last I saw, he was in his room with Emily." James said.

Do you hear that? It's the sound of my hopes crashing. I had been wondering who the other two people were and now I know.

"Can you go call him?" Jane asked James.

"No way! She's an annoying whore!" James shook his head vigorously.

On the same page with you James!

"Language." Mr. Evans, Steve, said and James muttered an apology.

"Charlie dear? Will you go?"

She shook her head, "Emily is a big meanie." I could not help but smile at how cute that sounded and how no one appreciated Emily's EVER so lovely company. I could tell not even Jane nor Steve seemed to like her much.

Jane sighed and looked at me hopefully, "Jade, can you go call him?"

NO! NO! NO! "Sure. Where's his room?"

"It's up the stairs, and the very last door on the right."

"Okay, thanks."

I walked out of the dining room and towards the stairs. I climbed them and went to the very back where I could hear Blondie whining, "Please Noah?"

"No Emily."

"But I need you so badly right now!" Ew! Whore, whore, whore! Gosh! She was so desperate!

I sort of feel bad for him though, Blondie, EVERY girl, was just after his body and what he could do for them. None of them cared enough to find out who the real him is. Maybe the real him is not a jerk...

I remembered the first day we met, when I almost got...raped. That was a scary thought. Something told me he was actually a really sweet person and not so pig-headed.

"No Emily. There are going to be guests over and my parents invited you for dinner."

But I still can not believe he's rejecting it! I thought a player never says no. Was I wrong about him? Maybe I was, a player never has a girlfriend for long either.

I knocked on his door and opened it, not waiting for a reply. I had the satisfaction of seeing him shocked and confused but it was quickly replaced with his normal smirk. He was wearing a dark blue button up shirt and jeans. He looked sexy...shut up Jade! He was also looking me up and down, but his gaze lingered at my legs. I was not even showing a lot of my legs. Thank god!

Blondie was wearing a black dress that so did not look appropriate. She looked annoyed that I was there. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Are you a stalker? Did you stalk Noah here?" Blondie said in an irritated voice.

"No. I leave that to people like you." I replied, smirking at her confusion.

"People like me?" she asked, still confused.

"You know, the desperate kind?" I looked at Noah, he was obviously enjoying it. He enjoyed people telling his girlfriend off?

"I am NOT desperate!"

"No, not at all desperate." I said sarcastically while shaking me head.

She gasped, "Where you eavesdropping?"

"It's not called eavesdropping when you can hear the person from all the way down the hall." I exaggerated a little. But I loved the expression on her face; it was embarrassment. "Future reference, don't shout when you beg."

I was about to walk out the room but then I remembered why I came in the first place, "Oh and dinner's ready."

I started walking back and I could hear them walking behind me.

"I never liked nerds." I hear Blondie say. I was obviously meant to hear that.

"And I never liked sluts." I replied in the same tone but I was smiling a little. It felt good to tell her off for some reason...maybe cause our first meeting was not the best.

We reached the dining room and Noah slightly ruffled Charlie's hair, "Hey Charlie." he smiled down at her and she smiled back up with admiration in her eyes. Times like these I wish I had siblings.

Steve sat at the head of the table and my mom on one side while Jane on the other. I sat by my mom with James sitting in front of me and Noah by him and Emily in front of him and beside me. Charlie sat at the end of the table because, apparently, it was her favorite seat.

The way Steve and Jane looked into each other's eyes was so filled with love that it kind of hurt to look at. I looked at my mom and could see her sad face that she tried to hide. I sighed. It had been twelve years since he left and she still could not completely forget about him. She had refused to go into depression and she worked really hard so I would not have anything to complain about; I would never complain about anything because I knew how hard my mom worked. That's why I admired her so much.

We sat down but as soon as I sat down Charlie jumped onto my lap and I was momentarily surprised but then I chuckled a little.

"Charlotte! Get off her lap!" Jane told Charlie sternly and Charlie pouted.

"No, it's okay, she can sit on my lap. I don't mind." I smiled at Jane. She looked kind of surprised and shocked but returned the smile. I looked at Noah and saw that he, too, was shocked but truly smiled at me. I guess they were happy I had not like thrown Charlie off my lap or something. I would never do that! I love kids too much.

"So Jade? What's your career plan?" Jane asked me.

"Well I want to become a cardiologist." I replied. I honestly did and my mind was set for it. I think it was the thought that one day I would save someone's life that made me want to become one.

"Really? Noah wants to become one too!" Wow I did not know he did. It would be funny if we ended up in the same college or something.

"Which university do you want to go to?"

"Well, I applied for Yale and Princeton, but I mainly want to go to Harvard."

"Wow, that's a long way." James cut in.

"Yeah, I would miss mom but it's one of the best options for me." Harvard is in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It would be far, but worth it.

James nodded, agreeing with me. Jane, Steve, and my mom got engaged in a conversation that no one else was involved in. Emily kept smiling seductively at Noah and Noah shook his head. I rolled my eyes at her.

"So Jade, why did you move here?" asked James.

"My mom got a job relocation. She's a construction builder but we don't often move, though she is almost always gone."

"You can always invite me over for company...when I'm not at college."

I rolled my eyes at him but smiled a little. Now I get where Noah got it from, his big brother.

"No, I doubt that would make it any better."

"Ouch!" James faked hurt and I laughed a little.

"Hey Charlie." I said to Charlie. I had forgotten she was on my lap because I had been too engrossed in the conversation I had been having with Jane.

"Hi." she smiled while looking up at me.

"What's your teddy bear's name?"

"Mr. Tickles."

"I like that name!" I lightly pinched her nose which caused her to giggle.

"You're nice to me." she smiled sincerely at me.

"Who couldn't be?" I asked her, for a second genuinely curious.


"Oh..." I was pretty sure Emily heard.

Charlie got up since she was done and headed towards the kitchen with her plate. She ate fast!

Blondie got up too, even though she was not even done. I was confused but then I found my answer to why she did not eat it all. It happened too fast so I could not react fast enough. Once second I was happily eating and the next I had spaghetti all over my dress. Emily had 'accidentally' dropped her bowl on me.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Let me help you with that."

She bent down to grab the spaghetti off my dress and she smiled evilly at me but no one could see her. "That's for earlier, b*tch. Now we're even." She put the rest of the spaghetti in her bowl and walked towards the kitchen.

I sat fuming at her. THIS is why I like to tell her off, because she is so mean to everyone.

I heard Jane gasp. "I'm so sorry Jade! Noah! Take her to the bathroom and give her some clothes!" Great. Noah's clothes. Oh well, they're better than wearing this sauce dirty dress.

I realized everyone was looking at me...well my dress. Ohhhh...I'm SO gonna get back at you Blondie!

"Come on." Noah told me.

I got up and started to follow him. When we were up the stairs I noticed he was smiling.

"It's not funny you know. Maybe I should spill spaghetti on you and then we'll see how much you enjoy it." I said, a little sourly.

His smile got bigger but then he got serious," I know Emily did it on purpose."

"Yeah I know and I am so gonna get her when she least expects it. I hate her! How can you like her?!"

"I don't..." he whispered so silently that I thought I misheard him so I just shrugged but she was his girlfriend. Did I hear him wrong?

"You can use my bathroom and I'll give you some clothes."

I nodded and we stepped into his room. I looked around, I was really looking at it for the first time because before I had been too caught up in dissing Blondie.

The bed frame was black and the bed was HUGE! The weird thing was that the room was surprisingly neat, unlike other boys' rooms.

"That door is the bathroom door." he pointed to a door.

"Thanks." I smiled at him and walked into the bathroom. I was kind of tempted to look through the drawers and cabinets but I did not want to invade his privacy. I got a spare hand towel and wet it. I started to clean up some of it that was on my arms and upper chest. There was no point in trying to clean the dress because I would have to send it to the dry-cleaner's or something. I took my dress off and let it fall to the floor.

I heard someone knock the door and then I heard Noah's voice, "I have clothes."

I opened it a tad bit, enough for my hand to reach out but I kept grasping air. "Can you please give it to me?"

"Come and get it yourself." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness, "Please?"

"Nope!" he said, popping the 'p'.


"That isn't going to make it easier for you."

"Fine, I'll come out."


"Yeah. Hold on."

I pulled my hand back in and locked the door. I walked over to my dress and put it back on and went back outside.

Noah was leaning casually on the wall just outside of the bathroom with his clothes in one hand and he was smirking. Why does he always smirk?

"Awe, I thought you'd come out without your dress."

"Well, tough luck. I would never." I snatched the clothes out of his hand and went back into the bathroom.

I quickly changed into his clothes that smelled just like him. They smelled really good! But I could still faintly smell the spaghetti. He had given me a white shirt that was WAY too big on me and some shorts, that again were WAY too big for me and reached way below the knees. I probably looked like a freak. I looked at myself in the mirror and I sure as hell did look like a freak and part slut. You could see my black, lacy bra through the shirt. At least the shorts were long on me.

"Don't laugh at me when I come out, okay?" I told him, opening the door a crack.

"Okay, I won't laugh at you."



I hesitantly stepped out, feeling very weird and kind of embarrassed.

I looked at Noah, half expecting him to burst our laughing but he was just staring at me.

"What?" I asked him.

He shook his head and smirked at me. "You look sexy."

"I look like a freak!" I protested. I can not believe he thinks I look sexy. Does he have an eye problem?

"Trust me, you don't."

I grabbed my dress. "Do you have like a bag or anything."

"Yeah, in the kitchen."

"Can you give me one?"

"Sure. Good thing dinner's practically done when Emily decided to do that."

"Yeah." I was relieved that I did not have to stay here longer in these clothes. I'm sure they would look good on a guy, but me? Nuh-uh.

We walked back downstairs and Noah got me a bag for my dress and I thanked him.

"I'm really sorry Jade." Jane apologized once again.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault." I glared at Blondie when I said the last part and she tried to smile innocently, but nothing she does looks innocent, only fake.

I think everyone knew that Blondie did it on purpose, so I do not know why she was trying to act so innocent.

My mom and I thanked them for the dinner and I hugged Charlie and Jane goodbye while I waved Noah, James, and Steve goodbye. I did not acknowledge Blondie.

When we were walking back I noticed how happy my mom looked.

"Did you have a good time mom?"

"It was really fun! They are such pleasant people!" I could tell my mom had been delighted to meet them and have dinner with them.

When we got back home I told my mom goodnight and headed to my room. I still faintly smelled of spaghetti so I decided to take a shower. The bathroom was right next to my room so I never take my clothes with me, just my towel because my mom's the only person home and it does not really matter.

I took a warm shower and decided I should just wash my hair too. After twenty minutes I stepped out of my shower in only my towel and did not really bother with the lights.

I reached my room to hear light tapping on my balcony door. I stepped towards it and looked out but saw no one so I opened the door and stepped out into the cool night air in only my towel.

I was enjoying the breeze when suddenly someone caught hold of my wrist and pushed me into the wall with a hand over my mouth so I could not speak. My heart started to hammer. I was so scared that I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. Who's on my balcony right now?

I then focused in on the person pressing me into the wall. Noah. Noah? Noah! What the heck is he doing here?

He pressed himself further into me and removed his hand from my mouth. He was looking intently into my eyes and I could only see the twinkling of his and I stared back.

We probably looked into each other's eyes for maybe a full minute until I finally came too my senses. I was on my balcony with nothing but a towel on and Noah was standing in front of me. What is he doing here?!

"What are you doing here? You scared the crap out of me!" I whisper shouted.

"Sorry..." He said sheepishly.

"You still haven't answered my question." I said, slightly impatient.

"Can we go inside and I'll tell you."

I sighed, "Fine..."

I led him into my room and gestured for him to sit down while I turned my lights on. As soon as the lights turned on I noticed he was still wearing what he had been earlier at the dinner. He looked so good...oh my gosh Jade! Not the point here! I also noticed that he was taking me in, in my leg-exposing towel and wet hair. He was looking at my legs longer than necessary and I could tell he was mentally taking the towel off of me.

I rolled my eyes at him, "My eyes are up here."

"Oh right, uh, sorry."

I needed to change and since I did not have a bathroom in my room and my closet was not big enough AND I didn't want my mom to risk seeing him I asked him to turn around and not look while I changed.

"You're not looking right?"

I heard him sigh. "I'm not looking..."


I went to my closet, which was conveniently on my side, and I took out a tank top and some shorts. I dropped the towel and it made a loud noise and I could see that Noah was getting tempted to turn around. Perv, and I guess hormones.

"No peeking!"

"I'm not looking!"

"Okay, just making sure."

I quickly wore my tank-top and shorts. "Okay, you can look now."

He turned around and he looked me up and down again. Three times today! I sat down beside him on my bed and pulled the covers up to my neck, feeling slightly self-conscious and cold.

"Okay, so get to the point. Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Well I came to escape from Emily."

"Why was she even at your house?" I asked, but not in a jealous tone, just curiously.

"She decided to stay and she was staying in the room right next to mine. She kept asking me if we could...," he looked uncomfortable so I just nodded like I understood what he meant, and I did, "well I got mad because she couldn't stop so I told her that I knew she had cheated on me."

It was silent for a moment. Blondie cheated on him? But why?! And I know I shouldn't be asking this but, "How do you know?"

"It was after a football game last week and she's a cheerleader so she was in the gym while I was changing out of my clothes. She had told me to meet her outside but after awhile she still hadn't come so I went inside the gym to find her going at with a random guy I didn't even know, behind the bleachers. I mean, that could mean she has cheated on me before. I left. She didn't know I had been there and I didn't tell her. I guess I was waiting for the right time."

He looked so sad that I wanted to reach out and hug him, to tell him it was okay, but I held back. "So didn't she go home after that?"

"No, she tried to seduce me into forgiving her. To think of it, she's such a slut!"

"I know ha!" I then got an idea. "You can participate in my revenge against her!"

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out."

"I really want to see her get as embarrassed as I felt when I found out she cheated on me. So yeah! I'm in!"

We thought of ways of publicly humiliating her but not too severely that it would just be cruel. We laughed at several of them because of how extreme they were like shaving her head while she was sleeping or painting 'I like hairy people' on the back of her shirt. Of course, we would never do that but still.

Soon it was like past midnight so I suggested we go to sleep. "We should really go to sleep."

"Yeah. I'm tired." he yawned.

He started to lay down on my bed, "No! Not here!"

"You don't have a couch or anything."

"I know, what about the floor?"

"What? No! That's really uncomfortable."

"Fine! You can sleep on the bed with me."

"I knew you'd give into the temptation."

"Don't push your luck." I threatened and laid down on my bed after checking that the door was locked.

He got up, his back facing me, and he took off his shirt. I could see his muscles moving with every movement, I was probably drooling but I could not look away. Any girl, straight or not, would not be able to look away. He looked so hot! He unzipped his jeans and took them off. I realized that I was still staring like an idiot so I quickly turned around and closed my eyes.

I could feel the bed dip slightly as he got on. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his warmth and I, surprisingly, complied. "I know you were staring." he whispered sexily in my left ear.

I shivered and plummeted into darkness.


Was it worth the wait? Is it going too quick? Please give me feedback so I know what I'm doing wrong.

There's a picture of the dress Jade wore to the dinner before Blondie ruined it.

I wanted to thank you all for reading this story!!

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