Hurricane [Gaara]

By Animemadness101

39.4K 1.8K 79

They were forced to live together under certain circumstances. One with an oath to protect their Master and t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Final Chapter of Book 1
Sequel to Book 1
Gaara Trilogy: Book 2 Published

Chapter 30

787 47 1
By Animemadness101

Chapter Inspiration: Hurricane by 30 Seconds to Mars


When the two arrived at the destruction zone where they last sensed Azmaria's chakra there was no sign of her. Or her opponent. Obviously, he had rushed off and left the Village. "Az!" Tamahome called out. Hoping to receive an answer back.

"Damn," Sanchi muttered. "Who the hell was this second intruder?"

Some rubble shifted further from their position before chunks of debris became dislodged for a hand to drag the individual free. It was the Soldier, struggling in a way they had never seen before.

"Az!" they exclaimed. The two rushed to immediately assist her.

"Just stay still!" Tamahome directed. He held onto their teammate to start healing the noticeable injuries, while Sanchi quickly began to pull away what trapped the rest of their partner. "We're going to help you–"

"Where is he?" she cut him off. Tone ragged and strained.

"They're gone. They're all gone."

The Soldier heard the double meaning behind the words, looking up to the sky and not finding her Master. "Master Gaara!" Azmaria called out. There was no answer, nor did the sand, what little came to her aid, reacted to her words. "Master Gaara!" she screamed. Sheer willpower pulled herself the rest of the way out to attempt crawling on hands and knees.

"Idiot! Stop moving!" Tamahome ordered. He knew she was trying to stand and held her down to prevent that. "You nearly got yourself killed just now! Stay put!"

"No! They took him! I can't sit here!"

"If you go after him then you will die!" Her chakra had been depleted so much it alarmed him. He knew there were reserves... but obviously whoever went up against the Soldier took her off guard. A second try this weak was suicidal.

"I'd rather die protecting him than not trying at all!" she snapped back in his face, startling the two. "If I don't go then I might as well throw everything that has happened since I got here! I might as well disown myself from my Household! It's a Soldier's job to protect their Master, and now he's gone! HE'S GONE! I'VE FAILED HIM!"

She struggled to breathe, trying to keep her emotions in check. It was proving hard to do so, mind running rampant at the thought of him in the hands of the Akatsuki. The thought of not being able to protect him. She had failed as a Soldier.

Tamahome placed a hand on her shoulder, causing the teen to flinch. "You're in no shape to be going out there," he spoke calmly. "But I can see how much this means to you..."

Chakra flowed out of his palm and into Azmaria's body. Not in just a healing sense, but to replenish her own Chakra Levels. Which in turn began to close up and repair any wounds and damage done from the fight. "What are you doing, Tamahome?" Sanchi questioned.

Suddenly, the Medical Ninja wavered in his crouched potion before falling on his side. Feeling depleted of all energy. But not enough that was life threatening to him.

"Give it to her, Sanchi," he ordered out of breath.

"How...?" Azmaria questioned. She felt her strength return.

"You seriously think I didn't pick up a thing or two from you? I'm also a Medical Ninja in case you've forgotten. I've done my research."

Sanchi sighed, but complied with the demand. He placed his hands on Azmaria's shoulders and allowed his chakra to flow from him. "You're crazy, you know that?" he asked.

"I've been told," she answered. The Soldier caught him mid fall to lie the older teen on the ground gently.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Tamahome asked. "Get out there and find him."

"And you both better come back, you hear me!" Sanchi ordered. "No skipping out on us. Don't let our Chakra go to waste."

"Thank you... for everything."

In a flash Azmaria was gone, sword and all, leaving the two on the ground unable to move. "We're idiots, you know?" Sanchi spoke up.

"Shut up," Tamahome sighed. Knowing he spoke the truth.

"What are we going to tell Baki?"

"We'll just say that Azmaria drained us and took off."

"She better be careful."

"She'll be fine... It's Az after all. This time, she'll be ready for anything thrown her way."

Azmaria ran at lightning speed. She didn't even need to use a jutsu as she ran out the gates, past all the ninja trying to organize themselves, and into the desert. She passed Kankuro laying on the ground, alone, unable to move. He had gone against Baki's orders. To not engage with the intruder that took Gaara. His efforts too had ended in failure. She briefly stopped to check his condition. Thankfully, he was still breathing.

"There he is!" a ninja yelled. The first group dispatched that the Soldier passed on the way out caught up. She stood to leave, knowing that Kankuro was in good hands, and walked further into the desert. The Soldier reached out to get a sense of her Master's chakra. To latch onto something as a guide.

"He's down!" spoke another. "And his puppets are in pieces!"

"Who's that?"

All eyes drew to the Soldier's position, at first on edge that it may have been the intruder.

"Isn't that the Kazekage's Soldier?"

She glanced slightly to the left of her position. Finally, a lead. She moved in that direction at first at a normal pace and left the group behind.

"Hey! Wait–!"

She disappeared on the spot, heading in the direction of the River Country between Konoha and the Sand.


"It's a new poison," a Medical Ninja spoke. They had examined Kankuro's wounds once brought back to the safety of Konoha. "We haven't found any kind of antidote. If we don't hurry... he won't last. Two... three days is our time limit."

"Gaara," Baki muttered. "And now Kankuro. Tamahome and Sanchi are down for the count for the time from deplete chakra. Hell, even Azmaria's disappeared. What the hell are we going to do?"

He watched his former student pant heavily in bed as the poison coursed through his body. It even made him twitch every so often.

Everything was turning into a disaster.


"Pick up the pace, Sasori," Deidara called back over a shoulder. The man glared in response, not enjoying the order.

"Shut up," he growled. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"And the guard to the Kazekage?"

"Good as dead from Kisame's report. Even the one that tried to follow you doesn't stand a chance." This man, Sasori, had been waiting just beyond the walls of Suna. As an extra measure should some manage to pursue the Kazekage among the chaos from the initial attack. A poison master and partner to the bomb expert. A hulking figure with tan skin and hair pulled back into a spiked ponytail.

"... Gaara!" The noise made the men stop and glance back in the direction they had come from. It had been so faint, they half wondered if it was the wind playing tricks on them.

"We have a follower, yeah?"

"You're imagining things. Stop being paranoid. Let's keep moving."

Hours later the two reached the edge of the terrain, never hearing the voice call out again. "See, I told you it was a figment of your imagination."

"You turned too, yeah. So I know you heard something too." Rather than break into an argument they continued on.

They came to a lake, a Torii Gate covered in seals standing at the far end. The two walked across the water towards a bounder against the mountainside that met the water's edge. Sasori performed a hand sign, the boulder lifting up and allowing them to walk inside.

"You're late," a shadow spoke in front of them. The entrance closed up to, which left them in near darkness if not for the few torches that lined the walls. "Prepare it immediately." The shadow disappeared from sight.

"The Jinchuuriki was stronger than I thought, yeah," Deidara mumbled. Using a summoning jutsu a massive object appeared from the ground. A Demonic Statue. It nearly touched the high ceiling, a scroll tied around it mouth with handcuffs locked around the wrists and multiple eyes. They were closed for the time being.

"Assemble." This time more shadows appeared alongside the first. Members of the Akatsuki that stood at the tips of the fingers.

"It's about time you got here," a shadow spoke.

"Those Sand Ninjas were more of a hassle. And the Kazekage's damn Soldier was a bother, yeah."

"What did you do with her?"

"I disposed of that bitch," her opponent answered. He too was in shadow form. "She won't bother us again."

"From this point onward, it'll take three days and nights to complete," the first shadow said. "Everyone, also be mindful of your real bodies. Zetsu, use your real body as a lookout. Use your largest range."

"I know," the individual answered.

"Three days, huh? With Orochimaru gone, shouldn't we expect it to take a bit longer?"

"If you really think so, then let's get started–"

There was an explosion at the entrance, causing the area to tremble. "What the hell was that?" someone questioned.

"I thought you two made sure you weren't followed!" the shark snapped at them.

"We weren't!" Deidara answered, annoyed. "It's impossible that someone could catch up so fast, yeah."

"Then how the hell is there someone at the entrance? We should've thrown them for a week, tops! Not a few hours!"

There was another explosion from the other side of the boulder. "No one can break through that seal unless they find the others," one commented. "We shouldn't have to worry about them. Just ignore–"

The rock groaned in protest, everyone's full attention on the door. Slowly, it began to open inch by inch. It made their eyes widen at the sight. There had to be a massive army of ninja behind the door, otherwise it would be impossible to move without releasing the seals. However, the Akatsuki were stunned to see what was holding the rock high in the air above their head.

"It can't be," Deidara whispered.

"You told me she was dead, Kisame!" Sasori yelled.

"I beat her into the ground and buried her alive!" the man growled.

"Obviously not good enough," the first pointed out. "No matter. Deidara, Sasori, kill the intruder."

"With pleasure," Sasori answered.


"Where they hell did they take him?" Azmaria wondered. His chakra had begun to grow faint. To a point that it made it near impossible to track. And she was worried about moving in the wrong direction.

Her shirt was jerked forward, while made her stumble. She looked down and noticed that specs of sand were the cause of it. Azmaria sighed, chuckling humorlessly.

"Of all the times you placed sand in my clothing to keep an eye on me for once I cannot complain," she mumbled out loud to herself. If the sand was active this far out did that mean that Gaara was regaining consciousness? Or what this Shukaku's doing, actually asking for assistance to protect the host? She dropped something on the ground before running off.


Azmaria's eyes were deadly and cold like a killer, examining the room. It was a dark cave, a wooden beast protruding out of the ground with shadow-like figures on a few of the fingertips. Her eyes honed in on the blonde who attacked Gaara, realizing Deidara was not alone. Her Master was right behind them, lying on the ground, motionless.

Azmaria refrained from running blindly into the room to see if he was all right. Thinking like a ninja – a Soldier, the girl had two options:

One, now knowing where Gaara was she could run back to Suna and bring back up, seeing that she was clearly out numbered. But that would take time, something the teen most likely did not have.

And two, she could walk into the cave, closing the boulder behind her and would be trapped inside with the Akatsuki and have fight them to the death to get Gaara back.

"The reports don't lie," Sasori said. "You are skilled."

Azmaria didn't answer, continuing to hold the boulder high overhead. Her strength didn't waver in the slightest. She waited for an attack of some kind.

"You even survived a full Burial Jutsu, which means you're powerful."

The Soldier's eyes flickered back and forth to further observe her surroundings further.

"So, what are you waiting for, girl?"

"Maybe she's scared, yeah?" Deidara smirked. "Run along, little girl. We'll take good care of him, hmm."

That final statement fueled Azmaria. She walked into the cave and released the boulder, much to their surprise. Though her mind had already been made up the minute she saw her Master lying on the floor of the cave. She would fight every member of the Akatsuki if that's what it took. But for now, she'd deal with the two physical bodies present.

"You're insane," Sasori stated.

The teen disappeared in a flash, surprising them all by her speed, only to find Gaara gone seconds later. "Damn you!" Kisame snared. He wanted nothing more than to be there and cut her into pieces this time. "Open your eyes idiots!" Though in all honesty, she shouldn't have recovered this quickly. Not from his attacks. And Samehada.

"She's fast, yeah, and hard to track. Though it's not like she left this room, since the door is still intact."

Azmaria hid in a crevice of the beastly figure, holding Gaara closely in the cramped space. "Come on, Master Gaara, wake up," she ordered in a low voice.

"No can do," a voice answered. The Soldier moved with seconds to spare before a scorpion-like tail ran the girl through. She landed on the side of a wall, crouched low, holding the Kazekage on her back. The attack came from Sasori, who looked to be a puppet of sorts from the wooden markings that took on the form of armor and sported a demon mask on the back. Which is where the tail came from the mouth.

"See we knocked him out pretty good so that demon of his doesn't come out, yeah," Deidara said.

"What do you want with the Kazekage?" the Soldier questioned.

"Well, that's obvious. We want the power of the One-Tailed Demon for our own military purpose, yeah."

"Don't give away everything, Deidara," the first shadow ordered.

"It's not like she's going to be able to repeat any of that," Sasori stated.

Azmaria shifted Gaara to position him over a shoulder, while holding the large sword in the other.

"It's useless trying to escape. We won't let you."

Chakra flashed in her eyes, "Then you don't know me at all." Azmaria darted for the door, a clay bird and the puppet tail coming in for the kill.

"Hey! We need the Jinchuuriki alive, don't forget!" someone shouted before an explosion occurred.

She dodged all the attacks, keeping her eyes on the prize. However, Deidara came out of the darkness, cutting her off. Azmaria skidded to a halt, which forced her to jump backwards. Her sword clashed against Sasori's arm next as they pushed against one another. Another clay bird came flying out of the shadows and Azmaria's eyes shot towards the oncoming weapon. It grazed the neck, but the explosion caught her shoulder, causing the girl to gasp and fall backwards.

However, the figure disappeared in a puff of smoke and sparks. "A Lightning Clone Jutsu!" Kisame exclaimed. "Get your act together! You're sloppy!"

"Be quiet, Kisame," Sasori ordered. "We're finishing the job you couldn't handle!"

Pressure was placed on Deidara's shoulder and he found Azmaria standing on it, Gaara in hand. She threw around a leg in a kick, sending the blonde flying into his partner. Azmaria darted towards the door once again, chakra building in her free hand in preparation to lift the door.

"Confinement Jutsu," the first shadow spoke, forming the hand sign. "Electric Dome!"

Azmaria pushed off the ground, lunging for the rock as the jutsu crawled over the walls. Before as she was about to grab hold of the object the dome closed in front of her, sending Azmaria spiraling through the air. She slammed into the ground, the impact making her release Gaara, who rolled away. The Soldier bounced to a stop, finally landing on the floor face down. Smoke and steam rolled off the teen's body causing her form to shake.

Azmaria raised her head slowly, looking around and trying to focus. She spotted Gaara a few feet away. "Master... Gaara," she grunted out. She attempted to get to her knees, only to fall back down. The Soldier's body twitched from the electricity that lingered, making her feel paralyzed.

A dark laugh echoed off the walls. "You didn't really think we were going to let you escape that easily, now did you, yeah?" Deidara asked. The grin on his face wasn't kind.

Azmaria glared up at him with murderous eyes, trying to regain control. Obviously, the shadows were able to cast jutsus in the absence on their physical forms. But they didn't fire them off at once because it must take a lot of strength to cast them from a distance. The Soldier forced herself to her feet, lunging forward in and attack. The blonde easily sidestepped it and knocked her backwards. Azmaria quickly regained her footing, whirling around and running in again. This time he turned around, hand shooting out. It gripped her neck, lifting the teen into the air before slamming the girl down into the ground. Her mouth opened in shock, spit flying as the floor below cracked and concaved.

"Shackles," Sasori ordered. He formed a hand sign as metal chains slithered out of the ground before they clasped around her wrists and ankles. "Restraining Jutsu."

"We're going to officially kill you now, yeah. It's too bad that your Master will not be awake to see your death. The perfect Solider brought to the ground and driven into insanity, and failing her basic duties. The last of your kind. What a sad story and ending, hmm."

Azmaria kicked and pulled against the chains in a desperate effort to break free. Looking up, it was the first shadow's form that had descended from the tip of the beast's fingertip to press a finger to Azmaria's forehead. Her movements halted instantly.

"Electricity Jutsu," he spoke.

The Soldier's eyes widened.

"Lightning Strike."

Lightning shot through his finger and into Azmaria's body. She clenched her teeth from the pain that instantly coursed through her. The teen's body jerked back and forth, trying to remove the contact from of her forehead. When the jutsu finally subsided Azmaria's body collapsed back to the ground, panting heavier now.

"Let's take this up a notch, yeah," Deidara said.

This time, Azmaria couldn't hold back the scream that tore through her throat. It pierced the air as she pulled at the chains. The Soldier's body bucked from the strain, every muscle in her body flexing.

The jolts lasted for a few seconds at a time before stopping and starting up again. They were toying with her. Azmaria knew this, but she could not stop the screams that ripped through her body. They weren't in a begging or pleading tone, but one of agony and pain, as well as determination to not give in.

Finally, the lightning shocks subsided and Azmaria was left on the ground gasping and panting rather harshly. "Why are you so determined to save your Kazekage anyway?" Deidara asked. Clearly interested by this display of loyalty.

"You idiot, he's the Kazekage," Sasori pointed out. "Like the others she will follow after him no matter what."

The first shadow looked down at gasping girl whose attention was solely on Gaara. The teen's body twitched from the lingering shocks, tears brimming at the corner of the eyes from the strain on the body.

"You're in love with him, aren't you?" the man questioned.

Azmaria's shaky gaze managed to drift up towards the first shadow, and glared harshly. Refusing to give an answer. Though her expression was all he needed.

"And this isn't just the type of love you show for someone who is above you. No, you've developed feelings for your Kazekage beyond the point of loyalty as a Soldier."

"Shut... up... bastard..." Azmaria breathed out. "You know... nothing."

He chuckled darkly. "You're wasting your time with your feelings. They only managed to get you into situations like this."

"I... don't care..." Azmaria spat out blood from her mouth. "I will never leave him... You'll have to... take him... from my cold. Dead. Hands!" She shot forward, breaking through the chains. It surprised the Akatsuki, the Soldier lunging towards Gaara.

"That can be arranged," the man stated. "Sasori. Deidara take it from here."

"My pleasure," Sasori answered. He performed a hand signs before a bolt of lightning crossed the space.

Azmaria cried out again, dropping to the ground roughly, ten feet from Gaara's body, withering around in pain. Her back arced off the ground, heels and elbows digging into the dirt. The chains began wrapping around her body once more. "Master Gaara!" she cried out. "Wake up! Please wake up!"


Azmaria slid backwards across the ground as Baki pushed her back. She threw away his weapon, only to be met in the gut by his fist. The young girl flew through the air, trying to recover. However, she wasn't quick enough and was going to land wrong. Azmaria braced for the impact, only to be picked up into the air again and swept away. She opened her eyes, seeing herself surrounded by sand.

The girl was lightly placed back on her feet, looking over at Gaara. He only stared at her with a blank expression. "That was pathetic!" Baki yelled. "How are you supposed to be Gaara's guard if you can't even block an easy attack like that?"

Azmaria looked at the ground in sorrow, avoiding her Sensei's gaze.


Azmaria clenched her teeth. How can I be Gaara's Soldier if I can't even save him? Am I that useless?

The teen snarled before bucking her body forward and releasing a wind attack in the form of her figure. It slammed into Deidara and Sasori, making the later loose his concentration. The lightning shocks receded for the time being.

I will not give up! I'll fight until there's not a breath left in my body!

"Damn you!" Deidara yelled. Sasori threw another attack in her direction.

This jutsu was even more powerful than before, making Azmaria's body tense up and force itself into a weird backbend, straining the muscles. Her heart felt like it was going to burst.

I cannot stop! I made a promise!


"Master Gaara..." He looked behind him at Azmaria who was playing with the hem of the shirt, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry... I'm not doing you much good am I, as your Soldier...?"

Gaara said nothing.

"If... I'll understand if you send me back home and ask for someone else..."

The two stood in the streets of Suna alone, the wind blowing lightly around them. "Do you miss your home?" Gaara asked.

Azmaria looked up at the boy in wonder. It was rare that he ever talked. He had never asked her a question before. "Y-Yes... but I'm not supposed to say that... forgive me..."

Gaara turned and began walking away. "I will not send for another."

Azmaria's eyes widened in surprise and confusion.

"I'll only work with you," he continued.

The young girl scrambled to keep up with him. "Why?"

"Because you don't think I'm a monster..."

Realization came to Azmaria and a smile came to her face.


"Nothing. I promise to work hard tomorrow, Master Gaara. And the day after that! And even after that! I'm going to be the best Soldier ever to walk the face of this earth, you'll see. I'll always be by your side."

And Gaara didn't doubt her.


Azmaria glared at Sasori and Deidara, concentrating on the chakra point in her forehead. Hurricane Cyclone Storm Jutsu! Azmaria screamed in her head. The jutsu swirled around her body, creating a large wind current in the room. It pushed against the chains, slicing at them and creating dents in the metal.

"What?!" Kisame exclaimed. All of the members of the Akatsuki were surprised by this kind of power. "A jutsu without hand signs! Who the hell is this girl?"

Gaara's face twitched at the wind that blew against his face, tussling his hair in every direction. Azmaria noticed him begin to stir and poured more chakra into the attack. She managed to point one finger in his direction. Wind Punch Jutsu!

An invisible force smacked Gaara in the forehead, startling him. "She woke him up!" someone snapped. "Do something, you idiots!"

The puppet increased the electricity.

The Kazekage's eyes fluttered open, pushing against the pain that wracked his body. He tried to gather his surroundings as the wind continued to beat against his skin. Gaara's eyes widened when he saw Azmaria rolling back and forth, her back arcing from the electricity. Her screams were now coming out as a strangled cry, eyes wide, muscles tense, heart racing. Tears streamed down the cheeks, as she pulled as hard as she could against the restraints, trying to get away.

"A..." he could barely speak due to his injuries.

Azmaria managed to drop one arm before jerking it forward quickly. The action ripped the chain out of the ground. "Hold her down!"

Sasori performed the hand signs again as more chains wrapped around Azmaria's waist. However, she continued to pull at them, snapping some in the process. The hurricane force winds grew in power as well, ripping and pushing back the new chains that shot at her.

"Such a pain!" Kisame snarled. This time he formed a hand sign to assist. "Stay down!"

The electricity continued, increasing in strength. Azmaria's screams were ear shattering and horrifying to listen to. She found it nearly impossible to breath at this point.

No choice...

She reached into the air, trying to draw energy and break free, as the attack reached its full potential.

Body Para–!

Her body arced unnaturally, head snapping backwards, blood coming from her nose from the strain. The scream cut off midway in a strangled cry, and everything grew silent. Azmaria's body dropped heavily against the ground, head rolling to the side, limp. Her eyes locked with Gaara's before the extended hand came falling to the ground, as if reaching towards the Kazekage, palm up.

Slowly, Gaara watched as the light in Azmaria's eyes began to fade. Unable to go to her side. Unable to help her. Unable to hold her.

Az... maria... No...

Her lips twitched lightly into a smile before her gaze became empty. Gaara's eyes widened further.



"Hi, Master Gaara..."

"What is it, Azmaria?" he asked emotionlessly. The boy looked up from a book. "Shouldn't you be training with your team?"

"They're boring," she said, rolling her eyes. "If I'm supposed to be your Soldier then why aren't we training together?"

"Because you need a team."

"Could we practice together though? I mean we could make a great team ourselves if we set our mind to it."

"I'm busy."

"Please?" Azmaria begged.

Gaara sighed in frustration. "Why do you bother to talk to me, Azmaria?"

"Because you're my friend, Master Gaara."


"Sheesh, that took longer than expected," Deidara sighed in annoyance. "Such a pest, yeah."


"Master Gaara?"

"Hmm?" he asked, not bothering to look at her. However, Azmaria ran in front of him to make the boy stop. She proceeded to take a knee and bow her head. "What are you doing?"

"Master Gaara... I promise as your Soldier to protect you no matter what happens."

They stayed silent, Azmaria staring at the ground, Gaara at her. "Get up," he ordered. She did as he said. "Do you promise to be by my side?"

"Yes of course!" Azmaria exclaimed, head snapping up to attention. "I'll always be there and look after you!"

"Is that because of your vow to be my servant?"

"Well, yes! And no..." Gaara stayed silent, listening. "You're my friend, Master Gaara, even if you say otherwise. I'll always protect and look after you not only because it is my job, but because you're dear to me." She gave him a cheeky grin. "Like Temari and Kankuro, I hold you close to my heart."

Gaara stared in slight shock as Azmaria walked away down the path again. Not expecting such a caring and sincere admission.


The Kazekage lay there on the ground, frozen at the sight of Azmaria's still form. With every passing second, he kept thinking she was going to get up. She was going to move. He kept thinking this was all a joke and one of the rare pranks the Soldier would pull on him. Despite the rather serious situation. Or even a clone. However, with every passing second nothing happened.

A shadow cast over him and a split second later the Kazekage was met with blackness.

"Now, without any further delays," the first shadow spoke. "Let's begin."

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