The Side Effect

By Local711Crackhead

18.3K 265 134

Ray is 23 Henry is 19 Starts after the episode "Indestructible Henry" !!!THIS CONTAINS MPREG SO IF YOU DON'T... More

Authors notes
The Machine
Indestructible Henry
Reality Check
Holy Sh-
Family Dinner
Oh, Jasper
"I Am NOT Hiring Jasper!"

Morning Sickness

884 14 3
By Local711Crackhead

Hey. New update! I love you guy a and hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think in the comments and remember to vote.

"I can't believe I'm gonna meet Captain Man! I can't believe I'm gonna have a job working for Captain Man!" Jasper shouted as he pranced around the Man Cave. Charlotte rolled her eyes as she watched Jasper rush about and huffed out a sigh. "Can you just sit down like a normal person!" Charlotte shouts when Jasper makes his sixth lap around the couch in glee. Jasper stops and slowly sits down on the sofa in embarrassment. The back entrance to the Man Cave opened, and Ray strolled out casually before it closed. "Captain Man!" Jasper shouted as he jumped from his seat in excitement. Ray holds his hand up, and lets out a disgruntled noise. "Listen here, kid. You need to understand that you must, under all circumstances, keep mine and Henry's identities a secret. All it takes is one slip-up, and you've not only put me in danger but your best friend and our baby. As far as how he got pregnant, you've already heard when you were locked in the Harts bathroom. You will work under Charlotte, and she will show what to do and train you. Any questions?" Ray says quickly.

Jasper opens his mouth to say something, and Ray pretends to cough. "Didn't think so, " Ray says as he cuts Jasper off, "now if you excuse me, I have to get back helping my boyfriend clear out my closet for a nursery. Me and Henry will see you two in about an hour for lunch." Jasper watches Ray quickly shuffle back into the back of the Man Cave and turns to stare at Charlotte with wide eyes, "Closet for a nursery? Are they raising their child like Harry Potter or something?" Charlotte smirks and shakes her head as she walks back to the couch with two sodas. "It's 'children' not 'child'. Sides, Ray's closet is enormous. He had a walk-in closet, and me and Henry always laughed at him because he hardly used it. He must have got a dresser for his clothes so they can turn the room into a nursery for the baby, probably had Schwoz take down the shelves and racks, " Charlotte explains as she hands Jasper a soda before opening her own and taking a sip.

"His closet is the size of a normal room?" Jasper asks in astonishment. Charlotte nods and smirks at her friend, "it's Ray so we weren't really surprised. You'll understand once you get to know him some more." Jasper hums and follows Charlotte as she heads into the back to meet with Schwoz to introduce the two.


"Okay. That's the last of the shelves, Henry!" Ray says happily as he throws the few boards out of the closet to the foot of his bed. Henry groaned at the loud noise and grimaced as he forced the puke rising in his throat but down. Ray's hands drove up Henry's back and rubbed his left shoulder, "need the bucket, Hen?" Henry nods his head quickly and rolls onto his side to grab the bed bucket sat beside their bed. Ray watches in sympathy as his boyfriend gags over the bed as he softly pets Henry's blonde hair with his free hand and whispers softly.

Henry sets the bucket back down and leans back into Ray as he lets himself relax with a sigh. "I thought Schwoz said the morning sickness was supposed to stop after the first trimester," Henry whined. Ray chuckles and pulls the sheets up the rest of Henry's body, "He said it either wears out or gets worse, bub. Usually, it wears out, but I guess yours isn't like usual.... so try and get some rest, lovely. I'll be quiet while getting rid of the shelves so you can get some sleep, because you need it. You were up almost all night throwing up, so take this nap for you and our babies, alright Hen," Ray whispers. Henry nods and snuggles into the warm sheets as Ray slides off the bed to begin removing the mess from the old closet.


"Ray!" Charlotte calls as Ray throws the last of the boards into the Man Cave. "I am done! I'm not training Jasper anymore!" She says, storming into the main room. Ray smirks and shakes his head, "why? What's happening? I know he's weird, but what's the freak doing?" Charlotte crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "He and Schwoz are talking about buckets!" Charlotte mumbles aggressively.

"Ya know, I've got a puke bucket next to my bed for Henry-"

"Eww!" Charlotte cuts him off, "I didn't need to know that!"

"I'm just saying that you can, idk, maybe go get it and throw it at them to get them to stop obsessing over buckets," Ray suggests. Charlotte thinks for a moment and smirks, "that's exactly what I'm gonna do.... you got gloves right?" Ray furrowed his eyebrows and then snorted. "Gloves?" He asked. Charlotte nods and shrugs her shoulders. "I don't want any part of skin-to-bucket contact with a sleeping pregnant man's puke bucket!" She explains.

Ray hesitates and watches Charlotte for a second before pointing at the top drawer of the tool cabinet. "Some gloves should be in there. Just keep my boyfriend's vomit out of my sight, " Ray responds. Charlotte pulls the gloves on and heads toward the sprocket. "Hey, wait, if I take the bucket, won't Henry just puke on the floor, " Charlotte asks. Rays shook his head and reclined in front of the monitors. "I've got like three other buckets from the dollar store for him. They're sitting on the dresser. Just replace them.... You aren't really going to throw that at them, right?" Ray asks in concern. Charlotte shakes her head and groans, "I'm hiding it and letting  them suffer from the smell."

Ray laughs and nods as the sprocket opens. "Be quiet; Henry didn't sleep a lot last night. His stomach kept us up, " Ray warns. Charlotte nods and frowns, "he's been getting sick a lot more since the first trimester; is he okay?" Ray nods and smiles softly. "Henry just got the worst of his morning sickness during this trimester rather than the first. It's normal, " Ray explains. Charlotte cocks her head and hums before she leaves for Ray's room.

"Henry?" Charlotte asks as she opens the door to the sound of hiccups. Henry mumbles something under the covers and pokes his head up from the sheets. "Char? I need Ray..." Henry hiccups. "Okay, Hen, " Charlotte says quickly. She rushes back down the hallway and out of the sprocket. "Ray! Henry needs you. I don't know what it is, but he sounds like he's in pain, and he's crying!" Charlotte says in worry. Ray jumps out of the monitor's chair and past Charlotte as he runs to his bedroom.

"Henry!?" Ray asks as he bursts through the door and to his lover's side. Henry groans and his body shakes as Ray presses his hand against his forehead. "Oh my God, Hen, you're burning up!" Ray says as he pushes Henry's sweaty hair away from his face. Henry turns his face into Ray's hand and lets out a loud sob. "Should I get Schwoz?" Charlotte asks from the doorway as calmly as possible. "Yes!" Henry sobs as he holds onto Ray's arm tightly.

Ray sat next to Henry's shaking body on the bed, and frowns as he watches his lover sob under him. "Henry," Ray says as he softly rubs Henry's back and he gasps for air, "you need to try to calm down.  Hold my hand  and breath for me, kid." Henry shakes his head and lets out another heartbreaking sob, "I can't!" Ray pets Henry's head again and stares down at him intently in worry. "Im bleeding and I'm scared and I can't calm down, Ray!"

A/N: THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! sorry for the cliffhanger but let me know what you think should happen next and what you think about the story! I love all of you and see you next update.

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