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By -jamesrodriguez

8.7K 224 132

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458 13 2
By -jamesrodriguez

*2 months ago*
"CAN YOU PLEASE STOP STARING..." Altheya said as she and her longtime boyfriend, Damiano David walked towards the car after a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up some items for dinner.

The singer and model had caught him (once again) staring at another girl who happened to get out of her car. She was blonde and tall and she happened to play with her hair as soon as the two made eye contact.

After a brief smile towards the other lady,
Damiano sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he stopped to light a cigarette slowly as they stood in the parking lot.

"Okay, sorry, amore." The Italian replied placing a quick kiss to Altheya's temple.

Altheya just rolled her eyes and walked quickly towards the car, slamming the car door loudly as she got into the passenger seat.

This had been happening too often.
"What the fuck was that?" Altheya replied slowly as she took out a cigarette and took a drag of it, the smell of smoke quickly filling up the car.

Damiano bit down hard on the end of his cigarette. His eyes focused on the grocery store clerk who was pushing extra carts back inside. The clerk also happened to be a young woman.


Damiano smirked as he avoided her eyes, staring out the window. "You wish."

Altheya's eyes grew narrow and so she threw her empty cigarette butt out the window and slapped Damiano straight across his right cheek with her left hand. Her eyes stinging.

"Fuck you." And without even looking at him she took off her seatbelt opened the car door and began walking down the street in the direction of her house.

Tears began to stream down her cheeks as she started running home. She and Damiano had been having the same fight for far too fucking long and now, well now it made sense as too why they were never going to work as a couple.

She cared too much and he didn't care at all.

────── {⋅. .⋅} ──────

*Present day*
"Hey! I thought you were gonna stop reading these things you know..." Altheya's sister-in-law Marrion said as she picked up yet another tabloid magazine off of the table.

Altheya was still very early in the stages of a breakup so she wasn't really listening to what her sister was saying. Altheya absentmindedly flicked through the tv channels, her fingers  immediately putting down the remote  once she saw her ex-boyfriend's face on the screen, singing one of his band's songs along with his other bandmates whom Altheya had the pleasure of knowing, previously before the breakup.

For a moment, Altheya stared at the television screen wondering what the hell was going through Damiano's head as he continued to sing. In the midst of everything that had happened she truly had forgotten that Damiano and his band were taking part in Eurovision. And somehow Damiano and his bandmates had made it to the finals.

The song that they decided to perform was just noise to Altheya as she flicked the television off after one last moment of staring at Damiano's figure. He still looked the same, his long curly hair flowing and his piercing brown eyes made him look like he could steal your soul every time he looked at you.

And his charm was what made Altheya fall in love with him in the first place. But his charm proved to be the thing that she had grown to hate in the last few months of their relationship.

"I'm trying, Ate. I really am, it's just hard sometimes..." Altheya finally responded to her sister-in-law as she stood up from the couch.

"I think I'm gonna go home, ate. Say hi to kuya and the girls for me." Altheya smiled as she went to the closet to put on her coat.

Altheya didn't wait for Marrion to respond.
After putting her coat on she slipped on her mask and walked outside towards the driveway to where her car was parked.

After finally getting her driver's license a few weeks ago she was able to drive herself around to wherever she needed to go. She loved to be independent but sometimes she missed driving in Damiano's car, singing along to whatever english songs came onto the radio. Now she was going to have to drive home, alone.

As she drove back home to her apartment that she shared with her older sister and her sister's boyfriend she started to get an idea for a song.

Once she got home she said hi to her sister Alexandria and her sister's boyfriend Ashton who were in the kitchen making dinner.

Altheya ran upstairs into her room and opened up her songwriting notebook and grabbed her guitar that was sitting on her bed right where she left it.

As she picked up her guitar and began humming to herself, her bedroom door burst open and revealed one of Ashton's bandmates, Luke who looked at her and said,

"Bea, you better come and see this."

────── {⋅. .⋅} ──────

"He won?" Altheya said in disbelief as she stared at the television screen wide-eyed.
Ashton who was sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand beside Altheya's sister nodded.
"You bet. And he looked good winning too. They all did." Ashton took a gulp of his beer and looked at her.

"Yeah, I mean, they really deserved to win, they're so fucking cool!" Calum chirped across from them sitting in a chair opposite Ashton and Alexandria.

Michael nodded. "Agreed. They blew France out of the water! And I can't even understand French nevermind Italian, no offense..." He said smiling gently at Altheya.

Altheya was too busy staring at the screen. The camerapeople decided that it would be such a great idea to zoom in onto Damiano and Charlotte who were definitely putting on the pda for everyone to see, at least Charlotte seemed more into it then Damiano. But still. Shit was shit and it hurt.

Altheya smiled gently at Michael but quickly excused herself from the room. This news was just... too much...

Soon enough Altheya was back upstairs in her room again playing some random chords on her guitar when she heard knock at the door.

"Bea? It's me. Open up." Alexandria spoke gently as she knocked on her sister's door.

Altheya opened the door gently at let her sister into her room.

"The boys are wondering if you're okay, you left  pretty fast, hun." Alexandria said running her fingers through Altheya's hair as she sat beside her on the bed.

"Well of course I'm not okay, ate. Damiano didn't deserve to win, if they knew what he was like behind all of the camera lights and fame bullshit the judges would reconsider..."

Altheya grumbled avoiding her sister's eyes as she played with her sweatshirt strings.

"Look babe, Damiano winning Eurovision does not give him an excuse to treat you the way he did when you two were together. I know how upset you are. He's still an ass even if he won Eurovision..." Alexandria said.

"Thanks ate." Altheya responded smiling a little. She was grateful for how understanding everyone in her life was responding to the breakup.

"Anytime, sis." Alexandria said After her sister left, Altheya was really ready to start writing her song but of course there had to be more interruptions.

"Bea? I thought you could use some company." Luke's voice said from the doorway, his guitar was slung around his neck. He was smiling.

"I'd love some, thanks, Luke."Altheya grinned and patted the spot next to her for him to take a seat on her bed.

"So whatcha writing?" Luke asked, raising a brow as he began to play some chords on his own guitar.

Altheya shrugged as she began to write down some lyrics in her notebook. I'm not sure yet, it's a sad song though, that's for sure..."

"Can I see?" Luke said looking over her shoulder at her journal. Altheya's curvy handwriting scribbling on the page.

I got my driver's license last week just like we always talked about, cause you were so excited for me to finally drive up to your house. But today I drove through the suburbs cryin cause you weren't around. And you're probably with that blonde girl who always made me doubt. She's so much better than me. She's everything I'm insecure about. Yeah today I drove through the suburbs cause how could I ever love someone else.

"Hey, that's not bad..." Luke said smiling as he began to play a few chords on his guitar.

"How does this sound?" Luke said playing along as Altheya began to sing.

Altheya smiled and looked at him. "It's perfect."

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