Rough Edges (Levi Ackerman X...

By SomeGreekMalaka

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A cheeky grin is plastered on his face and he lightly chuckles, "Because you silly brat," he cups my cheeks a... More

Introduction/ Author's Note
Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Chapter 2 - Unexpected Friends
Chapter 3 - Survey Corps
Chapter 4 - New Recruits
Chapter 5 - Combat Training
Chapter 6 - A Gift
Chapter 7 - 23rd Expedition
Chapter 8 - True Colors
Chapter 9 - No Regrets
Author's Note - Story Update
Chapter 10 - Dark and Light
Chapter 11 - Hospital Bed
Chapter 12 - Starry Night
Chapter 14 - Shiganshina Falls Part 1
Chapter 15 - Shiganshina Falls Part 2
Chapter 16 - The Aftermath
Chapter 17 - Dreams and Desires
Chapter 18 - Oh Brother
Information Excerpt 1 - Notes on the Captain's Squad
Chapter 19 - Old Friend
Chapter 20 - Expedition Preparations
Chapter 21 - The File
Chapter 22 - Worst Fear (Lime)
Information Excerpt 2 - File X-456-MP
Chapter 23 - Handsome Boy
Chapter 24 - That Day
Chapter 25 - Swimming Lessons
Information Excerpt 3 - Floriography
Chapter 26 - Confessed Feelings
Chapter 27 - The Truth
Chapter 28 - Special Delivery (Lime)

Chapter 13 - Medical Leave

60 4 42
By SomeGreekMalaka

One Week Later

Shiganshina District, Jaeger Residence

Your POV

Staying with the Jaeger's for the past week has been such a nice change of scenery, Carla, Grisha, and the kids have really helped my mood. Even though I'm on "medical leave," I still help around the house with chores and such, no matter how much Carla protests. I've also been helping the kids with more self-defense techniques, it was the first thing they wanted to do when I came back. Unfortunately, I can't teach them anymore horseback riding because I left Copenhagen at HQ and took a carriage instead.

Today we decided to take a relaxation day at their favorite lake, it's summertime so they don't have any schoolwork, well except for Armin, he's always learning something. We lucked out today, it was a nice sunny day with minimal clouds in the sky and a cool breeze flited through the warm air.

"We made it!" Eren exclaimed as he ran to a small wooden swing that hung from one of the thicker branches of an oak tree.

The view was so serene. A spring-fed medium size lake sat at the bottom of a hill and a large oak tree loomed over a part of it. Daises and different colored wildflowers we're scattered across the luscious grassy plains.

I laid out a patterned blanket in a shaded section underneath the tree. Mikasa waddled over with a picnic basket and Armin sat down with his backpack. I looked over and saw Eren giggling has he swung back and forth on the rickety wing.

"Eren!" I called out, "Please be careful, that thing does not look sturdy."

He twists his upper body to face me, "Don't worry I'll be careful, Captain Johansen!"

I roll my eyes at him. When I first arrived, Eren bombarded me with questions about the scouts and what it's like beyond the walls. I told him as much as I could, but I had to leave out most details because well, my job can be very gruesome. When he found out I was promoted to captain, he almost fell out of his chair.

Grisha and Carla we're also very happy with me, but I could tell they we're worried about how me joining the scouts has influenced Eren. Eren and Carla ended up getting into a small argument about the topic over dinner a few nights ago.


The five of us sat at the kitchen table eating dinner as usual, Carla made an amazing rotisserie chicken meal with vegetables.

Mikasa spoke up out of the blue, "Eren wants to join the scouts."

Grisha, Carla, and I turn our heads to him while he spits out his food, "What the heck Mikasa! I told you to keep it a secret."

Carla uses her stern, motherly voice, "Eren, why would you want to join the scouts? Do you know how many people get eaten on each mission? It's too dangerous, I will not allow it."

"Mom you can't control me forever, I've always wanted to be a scout, I want to be like Aunt (Y/N)."

This time I speak up in a stern voice, "Eren, I know how much this means to you, but you're too young to think about joining the military. Beyond the walls is very dangerous, I've lost countless of my comrades and even I got severely hurt on my last mission. Please, listen to your mother."

He looks down after I mentioned how I got hurt, and Carla gives me a warm smile as an indication to thank me for backing her up. Honestly the only reason I joined the scouts is because I have nothing left to lose, if I die out on the field, then so be it. At least I'll be serving humanity in a beneficial way and doing some good for once.

But I can't imagine the kids joining, it would break my heart. They need to be protected from the horrors that lurk in the fields. The thought of any of them encountering a titan makes my gut churn.

"I just hate being confined in these walls like a caged animal," he mumbles, "I want humanity to be free."

I grab his hand and lightly squeeze, "The walls are meant to keep titans out, they're not here to keep us in like animals. They're here to make sure humanity survives. Plus, outside the walls isn't anything special, there's plains and forests just like the inside of the walls."

Before Eren could respond, Grisha changed the subject to how he's been accepting more jobs closer to the Capital and he might be able to move the family to a nicer house inside wall Rose. Eren hasn't brought up joining the scouts since.

End Flashback

"Please just call me (Y/N) or auntie! I hate formalities."

"Aye aye Captain! I mean auntie."

Mikasa giggles and Armin just rolls his eyes at Eren's silliness. The other two go and join Eren, taking turns on the swing and laughing. Watching the three messing around with each other sent a wave of emotions washing over me, they reminded me of Finn and I when we we're little. Our parents never really let us have friends, they kept us secluded in the forest at our family estate. Finn was my best friend growing up, and now he's gone.

I never properly mourned his death, after that fateful day I wanted no where near that damned house. Guilt riddled me for weeks that I didn't give him a proper burial, I could care less about burying my parents, they don't deserve my time. Maybe I'll go back just once to recover his body and lay him to rest in the family tomb.

I felt a few tears prick at my eyes as his smiling face appeared in my mind, he was the funny one out of us. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the three wander back over to the picnic blanket. Armin's calm voice interrupts my thoughts, "(Y/N) what's wrong? You seem sad."

They all kneel in front of my and I just give them a warm smile, "Oh it's nothing, you guys just remind me of how my brother Finn and I used to play when we we're kids."

Eren lights up, "I didn't know you have a brother! Can we meet him?"

I slightly frown, "Unfortunately not, he passed away almost a year ago, but I'm okay, really."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah me too."

"Me three."

"Guys you don't have to apologize, I've grieved and moved on, I'll always have memories of him to think back on."

Mikasa looks up, "Can you tell us about him?" I nodded and they gathered closer, "Alright everyone get comfortable, I have a story to tell you."


"Finn! Finn! Look I finally did it!" I pumped my fist in the air triumphantly as I stood on top of a willow tree.

"(Y/N) get down from there you could get hurt!" He shakes his head at me out of disapproval.

"I'll be fine, just you watch!" I started my decent down the crooked tree, it's oddly shaped branches made it somewhat difficult to climb, but I managed. As I lowered down to the last large branch, I felt my foot slip and lose my balance. I let out a light scream as I feel my body fall victim to gravity and I desperately reach out to grab the bark, but I my hands are just met with air.

Squeezing my eyes shut I brace for impact, but instead of the hard ground I feel my brother's arms hook under my back and legs. I open my eyes to see him glaring at me, I dramatically throw my hands up in the air, "Big bro you saved me!" He responds by dropping me onto the ground somewhat harshly and I land with a "thud."

"Hey what was that for!" I exclaimed, rubbing my head.

"For being dumb and not listening to me, mom and dad said to stay away from this tree."

"I don't get why they don't like us going over here, it's just a tree."

He leans down and whispers, "Legend has it that children would mysteriously go missing in these woods. All their stories seemed to have the same thing in common, they we're last seen playing around the old weeping willow tree, and then..." he looked around nervously, "they VANISHED." At the last word he poked both my sides, causing me to let out a shriek.

I swat his hands away, "I don't believe in those old wives tales. I'm not a kid anymore." I say, sticking my tongue out at him.

He rolls his eyes, "We're both still kids, we're not even teenagers yet! Now come on, we're going to be late to dinner. Last one there has to clean the horse stables for a week!" With that, he takes off.

"Wait that's not fair!" I yell back as I chase him.

End Flashback

When I finished telling the story I was smiling, looking down at the three kids. "I know it wasn't long, but that gave you a glimpse of our friendship."

Mikasa giggles, "You guys seem to have a fun childhood."

I made sure my smile didn't falter so I wouldn't worry them more, my childhood was definitely not fun, but there we're those few bright moments.

"So was the tale true? Was the tree cursed?" Eren asked, his eyes full of curiosity.

My eyes widen and I pretend to seem scared as I looked around, "I never wanted to believe it until one day....." I gasped, "Did you guys hear that?"

Armin jerks his head around, "What? Hear what?" Even Mikasa started to look a little scared, and Eren grabbed a stick to defend himself.

I lean forward and talk in a whisper, "I think I heard..... the bell signaling it's lunchtime!" They all let out a sigh of relief and started laughing. We got the plates ready and Mikasa helped me distribute the sandwiches. We ate in a brief silence, enjoying the scenery and tranquility. Afterwards we we're in a food coma and decided to lay down and gaze up at the clouds.

We stay there for awhile, pointing at the clouds and trying to guess what animals they look like. Armin had the biggest imagination, he was able to make out shapes I didn't even think of. After a bit, he got up and grabbed his backpack, pulling out an old textbook.

"Guys look what I found in our basement! It belongs to my grandfather, it's about the world beyond the walls." He started to flip through the pages, "Look! There's lands of fiery sand and icy water. And an ocean! It's a lake that stretches as far as you can see, completely filled with salt water."

The other two gather around to peer at the pictures and descriptions, "Huh? A lake that big full of salt water? That's impossible!" Eren exclaims.

I feel my stomach drop when I look over at the book, it's similar to the ones we had in our family library. My parents never let me read any of the "forbidden books" when I was a kid, and then definitely not when I was excommunicated. I'm aware that my family's bloodline, along with the Ackerman's and some royals, weren't affected by the brain washing that occurred over a hundred years ago. So my family had information on the complete history of humanity, and even some on Titans.

I never got to learn what was in those textbooks, when those men came they burned everything in our library and destroyed some sacred heirlooms.

Snatching the textbook away I glared at the blonde, "Armin, what are you doing with this book? Don't you know this kind of information is illegal? If the Military Police found out, you could get in trouble, or worse."

His eyes start to water and instantly I feel bad, I forgot that his parents we're killed by MP officers when they tried to scale the walls with a hot air balloon a few years ago. I let out a sigh and set the book down, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm just worried about you."

"It's okay I see where you're coming from, I just find this kind of stuff so interesting."

"I'll tell you what, I'll read with you guys, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the information we learn today, okay?"

He smiles brightly at me, "I promise!" I look at Eren and Mikasa and raise my eyebrows, "We promise too!"

Another Week Later

Survey Corps HQ (Inside Wall Maria)

Third Person's POV

Erwin clasped his hands together and stared at the raven haired man for a second before speaking, "So Levi, are you and (Y/N) on good terms?"

Levi was slightly taken back by the question, he was excepting to talk about Lobov. "Um, we're okay. She hasn't completely forgiven me, but she's not mad anymore. She understood why I did what I did."

Erwin hummed in response, "That sounds like her, she's not one to let emotions take control. Anyways, the main reason I called you in here is to talk about a change in your squad assignment."

Instantly Levi felt uneasy, after losing Isabel and Farlan, (Y/N) is really the only person he has left that he could consider a friend. He promised himself he would protect her at all costs, it's the only thing he could think off that could possibly undo his act of betrayal. How is he supposed to fulfill that promise if they're on different squads?

"You're going to be placed under Captain Johansen as her Lieutenant."

Wait what? Captain? Lieutenant?

He shifts slightly in his seat, "I wasn't aware of her promotion."

Erwin shuffles through some papers before pulling out a file and handing it over, "I told her the night before she left for medical leave, so she may not have had time to tell you. This file contains your duties as Lieutenant and the other members of your squad. (Y/N) gets back tomorrow, I'll further debrief you guys then. Unless you have any questions, you're dismissed."

So many thoughts we're going through Levi's head, he attempted to kill Erwin, almost killed (Y/N), practically deceived everyone who gained his trust, and he got a promotion? Most importantly, a spot under (Y/N)'s squad?

"Sir I don't understand, I've only been a scout for a month, how could I possibly be promoted? Especially after everything I've done?"

Before Erwin could answer, Mike bursts through the door frantically, "Erwin we need to evacuate headquarters right now, titans have breached Shiganshina and Wall Maria."

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