Turn Back Time | LISRENE

By _shenanigans_2003

16.2K 861 133

I walked outside the hospital and stared at the building with a satisfied smile. One thing for sure, it will... More

Chapter 1: It's Going To Be Lit
Chapter 3: Beep
Chapter 4: It's Her
Chapter 5: Sister-in-law
Chapter 6: You Make Me Want To Live
Chapter 7: Dumbass
Chapter 8: Shooting Star
Chapter 9: Time's Up
Chapter 10: It's Fab... Fabulous
Chapter 11: Irene
Chapter 12: My Lili
Chapter 13: Pinky Swear
Chapter 14: Spill It
Chapter 15: The Letter

Chapter 2: A Bunny

1.3K 56 3
By _shenanigans_2003

I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I can't believe this is real, someone slap me! I want to scream right now but I might wake my neighbors up. Well I woke up at exactly 5 am since I was too excited, I can't even sleep at night.

I'm currently eating breakfast as I listen to classical music. It's 6:30 already and my shift starts at 7:30. I finished my breakfast and hurriedly took my car keys and bag, I should be there at 7 so I could mentally prepare myself and of course first impression last so I shouldn't be late.

I arrived at the hospital at exactly 7 am. I went to my station so I could meet the nurses and doctors

"Hey, you're the new one right?" A tall blonde girl asked me

"Uhm, yes I'm Lalisa Manobal but you can call me Lisa" I extended my hand for a hand shake

"I'm Nurse Park Chaeyoung, but you can call me Rosé since there's also another nurse here named Chaeyoung, she's the small one"

"Hey! I heard the word 'small' so I figured you guys are talking about me, hi I'm Son Chaeyoung" she extended her hands and I gladly accepted it

"I'm Lisa"

"Good morning, can I have the charts of the patients form room 320 to 330?" a blonde short-haired doctor asked while looking at some charts

"Sure Doc Wendy" Rosé replied while looking for some files

"Is Nurse Taeyeon here? I want her to accompany me while doing some rounds, since we'll be visiting room 329 too. She doesn't talk to me unlike other patients, we're like in a cold war" Doc Wendy giggled like she's reminiscing some memories

"Actually she's on a round already, but Lisa here our new nurse is available" Chaeyoung said like her life depends on it

"You're a scaredy cat" Rosé replied while looking at Chaeyoung

"Like you aren't! I always see you doing the sign of the cross everytime you enter room 329" Chaeyoung smiled sheepishly while looking at Rosé whose mouth are wide open

"Girls stop" Doc Wendy said while laughing at the two girls in front of her

"By the way I'm Son Seungwan but you can call me Wendy, don't mind these two girls they're always like that "

"And I'm Lisa. So shall we?

"We shall, we'll get going now girls"

"See you later Doc Wendy, see you later Lis" Rosé said

"And be careful" Chaeyoung added

The rounds went fast, like what Doc Wendy said the patients here are cooperative so far.

"And don't forget to eat and drink a lot water since you're taking several medicines, I know hospital food sucks but you have to eat. Okay?"

"Yes doc Wendy" the patient replied

"And if you need anything just press the button here, so the nurses can assist you"

"Yes doc Wendy, don't worry about me"

"it's my job to worry ma'am. I'll get going now since there are two more rooms"

"Okay doc Wendy"

We're in front of the room 329 when Doc Wendy stopped in front of the door and said "prepare yourself Nurse Lisa" I gulped at her remarks. Is the patients really scary? I wonder, well I guess we're about to find out.

Doc Wendy slowly opened the door and we both entered. The room is really dark and I can't see the patient's face but it's visible that the room is messy like some wild animals are living in here.

"Open the curtains Lis" I nodded and opened the curtains.

I turned to see the patient sitting while looking down, she slowly looked at me and I was in awe
'a bunny' I thought, a bunny can do this? I stared for a long time that I didn't even hear Doc Wendy calling me

"Nurse Lisa, the charts"

"Oh, here doc"

"Miss Bae, you have to take your medicines on time. I heard from Nurse Taeyeon that you pretended to drink your medicine and you spitted it out when she went out, good thing she left the charts here and caught you"

She just stare at the wall while Doc Wendy is talking at her

"Miss Bae you have to listen, this is for your own good"

"What's the use, I'm going to die anyway" she replied lazily while staring at the wall

Doc Wendy just sighs "and please do eat your food becau--"

"I don't need it, just give it to the people who needs it the most."

"But you need it the most" I replied and she glared at me

"What for? I'm going to die anywa--"

"Why am i going to wash the dishes if I'm going to use it anyway, why am I going to wash my butt if I'm going to poo anyway" I mocked her, she opened her mouth and closed it again she's probably going to answer but no words came out of her mouth

"Please cooperate and follow what we say. I'll be checking up on you everyday, so cooperate if you want me out of your hair because I can be 'very' annoying"

"Doc Wendy are we done here?"

"...... Uhhhh...... yes.....yes thats all. We're just here to remind some patients about drinking their medicine and such"

"We'll get going now Miss Bae, if you need anything just press the button and Nurse 'Lisa' will be there" emphasizing the name

Joohyun just stared at us blankly while we're walking towards the door, I was about to close the door but I took a last glance and find her staring back. This time her stare was soft like it means something. I closed the door and stood beside Doc Wendy who's holding her chest with her right hand and her left hand is at the wall looking for some support as she breathes in and out.

"You okay doc?"

"What was that? It's a miracle that she just spoke and not throw anything at us" I look at her weirdly waiting for an explanation

"You know what nevermind, even remembering it scares me"

I just shrugged it off "okay, let's go to the last room"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" she said while holding my arm for a support "let's go"

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