Voices ☽ Teen Wolf {Book 1}

By TamiaDemarest

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When Lea Martin, Lydia Martin's adoptive sister, begins to hear voices in her head, she finds it hard to con... More

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116 7 8
By TamiaDemarest


Season 2

I run my hands over his hair before sliding down and wrapping my arms around his neck. I let out a giggle before pressing my lips against his again. He lets out a small chuckle before he leans into my body and we both fall back onto my pillows. I can feel his waist dipping down into my mines and I let out a huff of air. His lips trail from mines and down on my neck, moving around slowly as if searching for my sweet spot. My fingers dig into his arm when he finds it. He breaks away from my neck and he pulls himself up, staring into my eyes.

"Take it off." He tells me. My brows raise up in surprise.

"You want me to take off your shit?" I ask him.

"You're seriously asking me that question?" He laughs. My bottom lip slips under my teeth and I bit down on it, smiling up at him. I lift my hands up and run them under his shirt before grasping the fabric and pulling it over his head. I toss his shirt to the side and he connects our lips together. I run my hands down his bare chest, slowly digging my nails into his skin, causing him to let out a breathy moan.

I push my hands against his chest and roll us over, sitting on top of him. He lets out soft moans in the kiss once I began rocking my hips back and forth. His hands trail up my shirt and he takes it off for me, my shirt now joining his shirt on the floor. He breaks the kiss and throws his head back, allowing me to leave kisses on his neck. I smiled in pride when I see his hands gasping the bedsheet and he lets out a low groan in his throat. He lets out a grunt and flips us over again, but this time, we rolled too far and fall off the bed-

I let out a grunt and look around, seeing me lonely and alone in my room. I let out a sigh and shake my head before punching the floor in annoyance. That's the third time I've had a dream about him. Why is it happening? Why am I dreaming of making out with him. It always ends before anything else happens. I don't ever get to know what happens. What the hell is going on with me?

My door suddenly swings open and I turn my head to see Lydia standing in the doorway. "If you're going to be jumping off the bed, make sure you're arm is healed before doing so! You swimming in the pool for two hours without protection isn't doing anything." She scoffs.

"It's fine, Lydia. I'm out of my sling anyways. I'm just in the cast. Just can't do much with it." I say.

"Mmhm." Lydia scoffs before exiting out of my room, slamming the door behind her. I let out a sigh and finally pulled myself up from the floor.

"Hey!" I greet Sully.

"Lea! Hey, you made it!" He greets. I join him down at the table of the coffee shop and I let the waitress know what I had wanted. "Don't bother about paying, I got it." Sully smiles.

"Oh, thanks." I utter softly. Sully clears his throat before taking a sip of his coffee.

"So." He smiles.

"So..." I say.

"Ask away!" He chuckles. I pursed my lips and nod.

"What happened with our parents?" I ask.

"I'm two years older than you are. But they really kept it a secret." He says.

"Why would they keep it a secret?" I ask.

"I don't know. I was only two when you were born."

"No," I lightly chuckle. "When I did research on them, why keep a secret about you, but not me?" I ask.

"Oh, well. That's because I'm-" The waitress returns and gives me my order. I kindly thank her and she disappears. "We're technically not related." He says. I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Wait. I-I'm sorry. We're technically not related?" I ask.

"The story goes, Alex had an affair with our parents shared assistant, Diane." Sully explains.

"They had an assistant?" I ask.

"Yeah. Uh, they needed help with the financing and the scheduling, all that. So, they hired Diane. Diane, is my mother and Alex is my dad. They didn't want it going out in public, so they kept it quiet."

"Why would they keep you a secret, but let the world know I was born and set up for adoption? That doesn't make any sense." I frown.

"Nobody really knows why. I barely do. Diane wouldn't really tell me anything about them." He shrugs. "Probably because Susanne and Alex were like by all, known really well and didn't want the world knowing Alex was a two-timer?"

"Do you know why they put me up for adoption?" I ask.

"Same reason dad didn't want me. They didn't want any kids. So, dad, or Alex, gave Diane, my mom, full custody of me. Once you were born, they put you up for adoption." I let out a sigh and shake my head.

"Wow." I huff out a smile.

"Yeah. A lot to take in." He chuckles.

"It's just...odd how you'd think people who have babies would want to keep them. Instead, they set you up for adoption because they didn't want you. That just feels...horrible." I frown.

"I guess. But I wouldn't worry about it."

"Why not?"

"Because you've got a family who did want you and they got you. You've got a brilliant sister, an amazing mom, dad. I wouldn't complain about your birth parents, they didn't want you." He says. I slowly nod my head.

"Yeah, I guess so." I say.

"My dad left me and my mom when I was four. They just got into really bad arguments. So, they divorced, nine months later, Amy was born." He says.

"I'm sorry." I frown.

"Oh, don't be. He was a jerk anyways." He waved me off. I took a sip of my drink and let out a sigh.

"So, what made you even want to talk to me?" I ask.

"Well, I figured I'm the only thing left of your original family, so why not meet you and maybe even make something out of it." He smiles.

"Right." I nod. "Uh, there isn't anything illegal about this, right?"

"I don't think so. I don't see why they wouldn't allow us to meet each other." He chuckles.

"Oh, yeah." I lightly chuckle. "Does Diane know about me?" I ask.

"She does. She actually knows a bit about you. She also happens to be your adoptive moms friend."

"Wait, Natalie and Diane are friends?" I question.

"You call your mom Natalie?" He asks.

"Haven't really felt comfortable calling her 'Mom' yet." I shake my head.

"But...didn't she adopt you when you were born?" He asks.

"I've only lived with Natalie for two years. Since I was put up for adoption, I was bouncing around foster homes. Nobody really wanted me until Natalie came along." I say.

"Did she foster you to adopt or...?"

"Well. She volunteered to foster me. But then, she said she just knew that I belonged with the family. So she decided to adopt me. It took a while but the system trusted Natalie and allowed her to legally adopt me." I explain.

"Thats good. I'm glad you ended up in a good, forever home." He smiles.

"Thanks." I utter. "Do you know about Susanne and Alex? What happened to them?" I ask.

"Alex died in a car accident and Susanne died in some mental facility. I heard she was diagnosed with schizophrenia." He says.

"Yeah, she was." I nod.

"Think it's genetic? Think you'll get it?" He asks. Sully probably doesn't know the whole truth, not like I do. Susanne was known as the screaming, wailing woman who died. But the schizophrenia was just a coverup. Geez.

"Uh, I-I hope not." I shake my head. I furrow my brows as a question pops into my head. "If Natalie and Diane are friends and clearly know about us, why didn't Natalie tell me?" I question.

"I don't know. I overheard Natalie trying to tell you about me. Guess it's shocking to grow up thinking you're an only child only to actually have a sibling." He says.

"Yeah, very shocking. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all." I say. Sully nods.

"So! Any boyfriend? Girlfriends?" He chuckles.

"Oh, wow. We're really getting into this, huh." I raise my brows.

"Sorry, if that was invasive. I'm just really excited to meet you." He chuckles. I let out a chuckle.

"Uh, no. No boyfriend. Just two close guy friends and two best girl friends, one of them being my sister." I explain.

"Must be nice having a sibling close to your age. Amy's only 10, so it's kinda hard talking to her about my problems." He laughs.

"Right." I chuckle. "Uh, what about you?" I ask. Sully chuckles.

"No, no girlfriend. Kinda hard finding my own place." He sighs.

"I get that." I nod.

"I doubt it's hard for you. You're best friends with Scott McCall." He chuckles. I furrow my brows at him.

"How did you know I was friends with Scott?" I question.

"Y-You said you were friends with him." He says.

"I said I have two close guy friends." I shake my head.

"Well, I see you around the hallways at school talking with him. Everyone knows Scott anyways. He's on the lacrosse team." He says.

"Oh, right." I nod.

"So. What's he like anyways? I mean, is he fast, strong, brave? I'd imagine he'd be pretty brave." He goes on. I fall confused at his questions. Why does he want to know these specific questions over Scott.


"Let's go on a walk in the woods." Sully stands from the table, throws down a twenty on the table and he walks away. I slowly stood up and grabbed my purse, hesitantly walking towards him. Sully turns back and faces me. "You're skeptical. Just...trust me." He smiles. I furrow my brows and began following him. We both head off into the woods, getting farther from public supervision.

"I think this is far enough." I call out to him. Sully turns around and he reveals himself as a werewolf. I fall thrown in shock and confusion.

"What the hell!" I shout.

"No, no, no! Don't freak out! Don't freak out!" He shouts.

"What the-"

"Look, you don't have to play the confused, shock look. I know Scott is a werewolf." He says.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I frown.

"Derek Hale. Isaac Lahey. Erica, Boyd. I know all about them." He says.

"Did Derek do this?" I ask.

"No. But I was wondering if you could bring me into his pack. The more the merrier, right?" He chuckles. I furrow my brows in confusion.

I show up to Derek's destination, but I was completely thrown off. He used to live in his own home but now he lives here, in an old abandoned train station.

"Derek?" I call. Derek comes out from a train cart and he greets me with those dark, brown eyes.

"Lea." He says. He approaches my figure and looks at Sully. "Who's this?" He questions.

"He, uh, he's my half sibling. Sully, Derek, Derek, Sully." I say.

"What brings you here?" He asks. "Did you change your mind? Are you here for that specific reason?"

"Sully's an omega. Doesn't have a pack and he seems to be looking for one." I say. Derek's eyes turn to Sully.

"It was late one night. I was out on a run. Something just tripped me and I fell. It dragged me to the woods and that's when I got bit." Sully explains.

"What about your alpha and the pack?" Derek asks.

"Found a former member, told me the alpha that bit me, died three days later. I never got the chance to be properly trained or anything. This happened two months ago." Sully says.

"So, you're looking for an alpha." Derek nods. He looks at me before back to Sully. "No." He says and turns away.

"What? Oh, come on, Derek." I frown.

"You already know the risks, Lea. It's not safe for him to be here or with me." He frowns.

"But it's totally okay for you to create your own pack?" I frown. "Look, he's all alone. With the Argent family killing lone werewolves, the best thing for Sully is to be with a pack. And besides. You owe me." I say. Derek turns to me. His brows raise up.

"I owe you?" He asks.

"The pool." I frown. His eyes roll and he lets out an annoyed sigh.

"Fine." He says.

"Thank you." I say.

"But you do exactly what I say. We're all in something deep. I can't guarantee your safety or your life." Derek says.

"Geez, way to knock the kids hope down." I scoff.

"It's not me knocking his hopes down, Lea. You already know what's going on. I'm preparing him, I'm warning him. If he wants to stay, that's his choice, but that doesn't mean I can promise him keeping his life." Derek argues.

"Got it." I growl at him. "Thanks anyways." I say.

"You're welcome." He utters.

"So just...what happens now?" Sully asks.

"Don't you two have school?" Derek asks.

"Oh, crap! I have a test in chemistry!" Sully takes off and leaves Derek and I alone. I stare off after Sully, but I remained frozen.

"So, what? You're just skipping classes now?" I hear Derek.

"Please, my grades are perfect." I say. I turn back and see him approaching me.

"Your hearts beating fast." He says. I huff out a breath and turn away.

"I grew up my entire life thinking that I was an only child. I meat Sully and he's my half sibling." I shake my head.

"How do you know that?"


"Have you thought that maybe he was lying just to get you to bring him to me?" He asks.

"Did you listen to his heart beat? Was he lying?" I ask.

"Didn't seem to be." He shakes his head.

"He's a great, cool guy. But...it's just shocking. I never knew I had a sibling." I say.

"Did your parents break up at some point?"

"Dad had an affair with his assistant." I explain.

"Geez." Derek utters.

"No kidding." I sigh. I sat myself down and closed my eyes. "What if he is lying? What if he's just using me to get to you? Ugh, I'm so stupid! He could die. I might've just killed an innocent guy." I sigh. Derek joins me on the dirty ground.

"Does he know about your family's history?" He ask.

"Maybe a little too much. He might be a stalker." I say.

"Maybe that's reason enough for you to believe he is your half sibling." He says.

"Maybe. He says Natalie and his mom are friends." I say.

"So?" Derek says.

"But...if Natalie knew about Sully, why wouldn't she have told me?" I question.

"Maybe she wanted to wait for the right time." Derek shrugs. I let out a sigh and shake my head.

"Maybe." I say.

"Give the guy a chance. At least your siblings are still alive and not dead." I turn and face Derek. Maybe her right. Derek is all alone. Literally. His entire family is dead, one is batshit crazy. Maybe I should be happy and lucky that I have Sully in my life.

I hear a sudden buzz and I look at Derek, pulling his phone out. He furrows his brows and lets out a sigh.

"Everything okay?" I ask. He helps me up.

"Yeah. Just got somewhere to be. Bank stuff." He says.

"Well, thanks for giving Sully a chance. Even if you can't guarantee his life." I say.

"It's better him having a 50% chance of survival than no chance of survival out on his own. Besides, it's just a favor from you. After all, I do owe it to you." He says. I inhaled deeply and let out a sigh.

"Nothing hurts more than finding out your own parents didn't even want you." I wipe the tear that falls down my cheek and I let out a chuckle. "Why am I even crying? I have a great family waiting for me back at home."

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