Severus x reader one shots

By sips___tea

430K 10.8K 3.4K

A collection of one shots about Severus! Both fluff and lemons More

Lupin X Snape X Reader - Competing For Affection
Lupin X Snape X Reader - Competing For Affection
Lupin Ending - Competing For Affection
Snape Ending - Competing For Affection
Lupin X Snape X Student Reader - Help You
The Truth
Happy Birthday Severus! Part 1
I Want The Truth
Line Without A Hook
Can I have my sweater back?
The diary
Date Weekend part 1 - Diagon Alley
Date Weekend Part 2 - London
πŸ‹ Date Day Part 3 - London
Comfort you
As The World Caves In
Christmas Worries
Getting over it
Meeting you
100 years
100 Years - Part 2
100 years - Hogwarts
100 years - Stay
In pain
Pain and Support
God only knows
Valentines day
Fall out
πŸ‹ Magic
Period Troubles
Protecting you against another co-worker
Give Me Back My Cloak
Music part 1
Music part 2
Music Part 3
Make Out Session
Yule Ball Jealousy
Pregnancy - Part 2
Too much
Bubble Tea
Morse Code
Headcanons for Yandere Snape
Moonlit walk
Clear my head
Save yourself
What Severus Does To Relax
Relax Love
Tell Me
Don't go
Yandere alphabet for Severus
Rivals for your attention, Part 1
Saved you


3.2K 129 26
By sips___tea

In this oneshot you are muggle-born, sorry if your OC isn't. This puts you in the place of Lily the Severus called her a mudblood.

"Potter stop it" you said in horror as you watched Severus being hung upside down, Severus looked terrified, his wand on the floor and his jumper falling down to his chin so you could see his white undershirt.

"Why?" James asked you, smirking.

"Do it" you said, shoving Potter.

James smirked at you and carried on, pushing you back slightly, with his wand he pulled down Severus' trousers. This made Severus panic and Remus mutter something in James' ear. James shrugged while you carried on shouting at James to stop. Your pleading just made him carry on until finally James was satisfied at the amount of humiliation he had inflicted onto the Slytherin boy, dropping him from the sky. Severus hit the ground and immediately stood, looking at you and James with angry eyes.

"You did nothing but encourage him, you filthy mudblood" Severus shouted and his face suddenly dropped, and his eyes widened. James and the other Mauraders' eyes widened. You meanwhile stared, your lip slightly quivering and tears filling your eyes, quickly you ran off into the castle, not wanting to getaway. How dare Severus call you that word? You had been friends since the first year, you had helped him, protected him, even loved him. You whipped away your tears as you ran past other students and to a window alcove tucked away in the Astronomy tower where you knew you would be alone.

In this place, you cried and cried, tears slightly blinding you as you rested your head against the stone wall. It was not fair, many had said mudblood to you, it stung but didn't hurt you deeply, however, what Severus said to you today hurt so deeply that you felt like your heart had been ripped to shreds.

You heard a step on the stairs and looked around, seeing Severus coming toward you. "Go away" you called, not wanting to even see him. Severus cringed slightly but sidled closer, in his hand he held something. "I said go away" you said louder, fresh tears starting to swell up.

"(y/n)" he said quietly, "I am sorry" he climbed into the little window alcove, hitting his head slightly on the low wall, this made you laugh slightly as he rubbed his head. Severus settled, crossing his legs and thrust into your hand a chocolate frog.

"Go away, Severus" you said again.

"(y/n) please forgive me" he said quietly, "I didn't mean it"

"Yeah right" you muttered, placing the chocolate frog down next to you and sighing, looking out of the window. "Sure you do"

"I didn't think (y/n)" he said, trying to persuade you, his eyes were full of fear and grief, Severus was terrified he would lose his only friend, the one who he was losing by saying one stupid thing out of anger and fear. "Please"

"Go away Severus or I will call my head of house" you said.

Severus sighed and slowly left you, going down the stairs again. "I am sorry" was his parting words.

You carried on looking out of the window, at the rain which had started to fall. Part of you wanted to forgive Severus, yet what he said to you was not right and it hurt deeply. Slowly you picked up the frog and rolled your eyes, it had already been opened. "So much for a gift" you muttered, unwrapping it and taking out the frog, holding it in your hand. Picking up the card you turned it to see the famous celebrity. However what you saw was not a celebrity, rather it was you. Confused, you looked at it closer, you smiled and waved, flipping your hair slightly. Turning it you saw the message.

"(y/n) (l/n), 1960-

student, (y/n) (l/n) is the best friend you could ever ask for, kind, forgiving, beautiful. (y/n) is most famous for being the brightest witch of the year and being the best friend a person could ever ask for."

You sat there, dazed, did Severus make this? He must have, turning over the card again you saw yourself and smiled. Placing the card down for now you turned to the chocolate frog and took a piece off it, starting to eat. The chocolate and card helped your tears stop, sighing deeply and staring at the wall on the other side of the alcove. Did Severus deserve your forgiveness?

It soon became late and you got up, your legs were slightly stiff and you grabbed the handrail, stretching slightly before walking down the tower, getting back to your dorm, the card tucked into your pocket. As you walked you heard something like crying. Slowly you went toward the sound and opened a storage cupboard. There lying on the ground was Severus, crying, huddled into the corner, he looked up, terrified, he saw you and looked down in shame, whipping his tears away.

"Severus" you murmured.

"It is fine" Severus said quietly, "God, I don't deserve your forgiveness or your friendship"

Your heart broke and you sat next to Severus. He felt so bad for what he had done, shown by his lip trembling and his tear-stained face which he tried to hide from you.

"Do you apologise for what you said?" you asked.

Severus turned and nodded. "Yes, I do" he sighed, looking away. "I don't deserve it"

You sighed. "I will never forget what you said." you murmured. "But I will forgive you"

Severus looked up at you, confused. "But I-"

"Yeah I know" you said. "You messed up and I forgive you, but if you say it again I am allowed to smack you"

"Understood" Severus said quietly.

You both sighed and both whipped your tear-stained cheeks.

"Did you make the card?" you asked suddenly.

"Yeah" Severus said. "I was going to give it to you for your birthday, now I do not have anything for your birthday next week" he looked even more guilty

"It's fine" you said. "Look, I thank you for this"

"I thought it might help to show that I didn't mean what I said to you," he said quietly.

"To be honest it didn't" you said. "But it reminded me that you are my friend, and seeing you cry shows me that you are truly sorry"

"I am" Severus murmured, stretching his legs out and letting them touch the other side of the cupboard.

You opened your mouth to say something but the door was suddenly opened, McGonagall stared down at you and Severus, raising her eyebrows. "Why are you two out of bed?" she asked.

"I-um" you both stuttered.

"Detention now with Hagrid" she said sharply, making you both sigh.

"Gosh this is all your fault Sevvy" you said playfully.

Severus' face fell and you looked worried. "I am joking" you said, linking arms with Severus. "At least we can spend detention together."

"Yes, you both will" McGonagall said again. "I am sure it will be a wonderful bonding exercise for the both of you" McGonagall had known about what happened, being told by Remus who was worried for you. McGonagall had been out looking for you, knowing you were not in bed, worried out of anger and sadness you would do something stupid. She was surprised when she found you and Severus chatting together. She smiled, glad that you had made up, she and the other teachers shipped you and he and McGonagall didn't want to see her favourite student couple split up.

The detention was helping Hagrid chop wood which you did together, talking together while you chopped random bits of wood together with a large axe. By the end of the detention, you were both tired and slowly went back to the castle. You decided to follow Severus and together you entered his single room. Severus flopped down on the bed and looked up at you.

"I- Do you want the bed?" Severus asked. "Or you could get back to your dorm." he frowned, unsure. You flopped on the bed and sighed, Severus slightly panicked, he had always imagined you in his bed, but not after a day of breaking up as friends and getting back together and then having detention together. Severus looked around at you and laid down on the bed. You both looked up at the ceiling and you took Severus' hand. "Thank you for apologising" you said quietly.

"I should thank you on my hands and knees for accepting my apology" Severus said, squeezing your hand. He sighed. "I don't deserve your forgiveness" Severus felt you shift around and felt two arms wrapped around him. He smiled weakly as you sighed.

"You did a mistake, I was angry and sad when you said it, I felt betrayed, never thinking a friend like you would call me that so many others do, just because of my blood status." you said, "But unlike them, you didn't do it out of malice, you didn't say it to hurt and humiliate me. I understand you said it as a mistake, but if you say it again I will fulfil my promise" you threatened.

Severus smiled and slightly moved to look at you. "Thanks" he murmured, tentatively wrapping his arms.

Slowly you both fell asleep, holding each other after a long day full of tears, make ups and chopping wood.

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