Wrath of a Demon Lord

By RyanBisesti

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At a young age, Izuku Midoriya was cursed by an anti-quirk cult to have his soul fused with the demon lord of... More

Details on Powers + Origins
Demon lord unleashed
Wager with a demon + the ADC
Tale of A Demon Lord
The sports festival begins
A secret revealed
Duel of the successor's
A dryad in UA
Izuku and Milim vs Alpha
The 10 Amendments

Return of the Mist Lord

787 27 1
By RyanBisesti

Todoroki POV

Milim: no way ZEGION

Me: she knows this guy

As me and my team stood there, the big figure in front of them turned to face us, he was about ready to attack us but Milim intervened 

Milim: ZEGION WAIT THEY ARE NOT ENEMIES. I am just in the middle of a competition right know, so can you move out of the arena for now?

The Zegion guy then nodded his head and moved out of the way so we could continue our fight 

Me: now then, where were we

Milim: simple, US KICKING YOUR ASS

Zegion POV

As I say on the sidelines and watched the fight between Milim and the ice wielder take place, some guy in a suit came to confront me

???: Excuse me, Zegion was it, mind if I have a word with you?

Me: I will but first tell me you name and why lady Milim is fighting people obviously weaker then her

AM: My name is all might, THE SYMBOL OF PEACE, and for your second question, it's better if we talk in private about Milim

I agreed to follow him into a room with some detective, another guy in a suit and a mouse creature thing

Nezu: Hello, I am Nezu, he is Hisashi and this is detective Tsukauchi, he has a quirk that allows him to detect if someone is lying

Me: pleasure to meet you and you 'quirk' as you call it is a very useful tool

Tsukauchi: why thank you

AM: now then, to answer your question, Milim is fused with a student of mine named Izuku Midoriya, who is Hisashi's son, and is unable to be freed from her, hence why she is fighting the other students of UA

Me: okay, but why am I here?

Tsukauchi: we came to ask you some questions 

Me: seems reasonable 

I sat down on the chair in front of the detective 

Me: alright ask away

Tsukauchi: who are you?

Me: Zegion, the mist lord, second strongest of the 12 patrons of the great lord Rimuru Tempest, leader of the Jura Forest Alliance

Tsukauchi: true

Nezu: did you come to attack the school and the students?

Me: no, I sensed Milims power level and got here as soon as possible

Tsukauchi: true

Hisashi: where are your friends? 

Me: I don't know what happened to them to be honest?

Tsukauchi: true

AM: what's the last thing you remember?

Me: fighting in the battle of Tempest against the ten amendments, a group of psychotic planet conquerors

Tsukauchi: true

Nezu: did you defeat them?

Me: I believe we did though I can't be 100% sure

Tsukauchi: true

Me: is that all?

Nezu: yes, you can return to watch the match

As I as leaving, I stopped to make a request

Me: hey, Nezu was it?

He turned around to face me

Nezu: yes Zegion?

Me: mind if I fight the winner of the festival

Hisashi: why?

Me: it is customary for the leader of Jura to fight the winner of a big festival such as this, and with Milim participating, I wish to be able to fulfill that role. I understand if that seems selfish, however I know Milim has a high chance of winning and if she does win, I wish to face her 

They looked at each other and then looked back at me

Nezu: I will consider it

Me: thank you

After I leave the four of them there I come face to face with a dude who is on fire

Me: can I help you?

Fire dude: are you at all related to that green and pink haired kid?

Me: I am a friend, so what, you got a problem with that?

Endeavor: no I was just curious, by the way, names Endeavor, the flame hero 

Me: Zegion the mist lord

We then went are separate way and as I exited, I say something that made me smile

Milim was constantly on the offensive whilst her team was on the defensive. She kept attacking the girl who could create things out of thin air to block her attacks which seemed to be making her tired. She was also having the ice dude use his ice powers to block her attacks as well which seemed to be freezing the kids body.

Todoroki POV

Me: dam, she's constantly forcing me and Yaoyorozu to go on the defensive to defend our team, basically making this an endurance match between our teams


Iida was about to say something when Milim yelled to her team


They did as she said as we followed her

Milim POV

Me: guys hang onto me

Try he did as I said


As I spun around forming a tornado around our team I released small metal wires out around the field

Todoroki: IIDA NOW

Iida: right, RECIPRO—

Me: Not so fast speed Gonzales

I grabbed the lines and pulled on them which cause the rest of the teams to stop and stay still as the felt the wires touch them all

Me: arcane thread fetters 

Everyone was in shock at what they were seeing, except Zegion who knew of what these could do, especially to people

Mic: WHAAAAAT, WHATS GOING ON, Midoriya has somehow tied up the others teams with ease

Todoroki: what. Is this?

Me: HAHAHA, this is arcane thread fetters , the lines might be small but they can cut though steel. The only way for you to break out is for you to use you flames Icy hot.

He looked really annoyed which was the point of this, to annoy him into using his fire

Tokoyami: nice job 

Izuku: yeah, we might win this


Bakugou: DEKU

Me: WHAT THE HELL, how did Bakugou break out of the threads using his quirk?

I had no time to react as he came rocketing towards me, Tokoyami tried to stop him but fail and he continued his trajectory. As I heard the crowd start to count down from ten, I regretfully let go of the threads and chucked a thunder shock Bakugou and a hellflare at Todoroki, who was reaching his limit on his ice. Bakugou used his quirk to dodge and began returning to his team and Todoroki used his quirk as a shield to protect him and his team. I was about ready to to continue with the barrage when mic yelled that the event had concluded. Afterwards we were congratulated for winning by Todoroki and his team

Iida: that was impressive Milim

Kaminari: yeah, how did you do that?

Me: thanks Iida and to answer your question, I trained for many years to perfect that move, that's how. If I win, I could teach you guys some magic in ADC training

Team Todoroki and Midoriya: WAIT REALLY?

Me: yep, though it will be difficult, I believe in you guys

Zegion: that was very inspirational lady Milim

Zegion popped up behind me and scared the others. 

Me: Hey Zegion

Zegion: hello Milim

The two of us hugged other, it felt weird doing this in front of hundreds of people

Todoroki: so Milim, who is this guy?

Me: oh right

Zegion lets me go so I can explain

Me: this is Zegion, he was a close friend to Rimuru, we treat each other as if we are family in tempest so the two of us treat each other like siblings 

Uraraka: that's explains the huggin earlier

Yaoyorozu: so, why are you here?

Zegion: I sensed a powerful aura similar to Milim and came to it as fast as possible as to not lose it

Team Todoroki and Midoriya: OOOH

Me: there's someone I would like you to meet

I let Izuku possess his body again so he could me Zegion

Zegion: you must be Izuku, pleasure to meet your acquaintance, any friend of Milims is a friend of mine

Izuku: the pleasure is all mine

He then bows to Izuku

Bakugou: oi, Deku?

Me: not now shit for brains

Bakugou: who's bug boo over here

Zegion: thats mist lord Zegion to you, human

Bakugou: like hell, I'm gonna—-

He was interrupted by Zegion picking up Bakugou by his shirt

Zegion: do you wish to die

Izuku: Zegion, that's enough

He begrudgingly let's go if the angry pomeranian as they announce the next event, many of the students drop out which is surprising to say the least. As we tournament battle started, the first round was announced and it was me vs...


Wrath Of A Demon Lord 

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