The Way (Ahsoka x Male Reader)

By chavfromdownunder

3.5K 98 52

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...BAAAAA baba baaaaaaa...a boy is brought into a perilous world, r... More

Prologue: Foresight
The Jedi
Form Follows Function

The Clan

877 22 14
By chavfromdownunder

Present Time
Training always started at 8 for me. I looked to Gint, he nodded. "Go!" He yelled, signalling for me to start the course.

The count had started, and I was racing only against myself and the clock. I paced forward, drawing the pistol from my right hip with a satisfying thwip. The first straw target took a shot to the chest and then head, one too many. I pivoted around the right corner, holding the gun close to my chest as I had been taught to do so. The second and third targets were situated somewhere within the first room, they switched all the time. I swung into the room, clearing the first target with a single shot and the second with two. My clear continued as I did the same in room two, three and four until I heard Gint call "Pistol lost!"

I dropped my pistol to simulate a loss in battle, sweeping the fifth room with my visor. The footsteps led to the right which meant the target was holding the hostage either behind the desk or next to the window. I peered in, knowing that the target would be armed. Sure enough, my head was narrowly missed my the droid's pre-programmed aim. Behind the desk. I swung round the corner, using one smooth movement to slide to the table and kick it up, creating the necessary cover I needed to release the hostage and take down the droid. I punched the old clanker in the shoulder, forcing its arm to swing back and release the bag of apples (the usual symbol for a small hostage). Without giving it the time to recover, my knife had slid into the stab wound I had given it a few weeks back, finding the perfect spot once again. With a failed "Roger, rog..e...r" the droid clattered to the floor.

"And timeeeeeeeeee!" Clint called from above. "Not bad L/N, you're consistent. That first droid though was-"

"Sloppy," I said through a few short puffs of air. "I woke up on the wrong side of bed I guess."

"A Mandolorian never wakes up on the wrong side of the bed," he said from above once again. He stood on the wall of the training course, which in itself was one of the open top walls that made up the make-do building floor. There were 7 rooms, each with a few items to create the atmosphere of any needed situation. "Come on, lets see if Jeena has finished with your first item," he said behind the mask. I could tell he was smiling from the sound of his voice, and yet I never knew what his smile looked like. Our small collection of Mandalorians never removed our masks in front of living beings. It had been made clear to me as soon as I arrived that this world was not like Earth in any way. The creations, the people...the aliens? I'm still unsure what to call them really. Everything it was from a movie...Star Trek was the closest I could remember.

"Do you think I made a mistake?" I queried as he joined my side as we approached one of the half dozen wooden huts our small encampment consisted of.

"Many. I mean you can knock a droids arm so that it releases something but a real person would react more quickly."

"I meant with my choice of equipment. You know, the shield," I reminded him. As part of my official recognition to the clan, before my first bounty, I was allowed a special gift. An item made of Beskar, this world's strongest metal. Think Vibrainium, same difference.

"It was an odd request, I'll give you that," Gint said as he opened the door to the forge. "Jeena did say that it was unusual but it wasn't the weirdest thing we'd seen. With the Beskar though, you could've created one hell of a spear."

"Defence before offence," we said in unison. "You take after me Y/N...I can't tell if that's a good thing."

"Y/N, the shield is done," Jeena said placing the hammer she was holding down. Taking a closer look, it appears as if she had been mending another clan members armour - shoulder plate to be exact. "I've made it best as I can to what you wanted...I'm just surprised you didn't want it to be larger."

Taking the shield from her hands, I looked at the oval-shaped metal. To say Captain America had inspired me would be short of a lie. It matched the hero's weapon exactly. "It's perfect," I said, feeling the smoothness of the top, the sharpness of the ridge. "Don't tell me you're going to charge me for the leather straps on the inside are you?"

"It's not everyday you get your first Beskar item," Jeena said, voice still monotone as always. "It comes on the house. But it will need to be maintained...well...are we done?"

"Never one to talk are you," Gint said unfolding his arms. "Cmon kiddo, lets see what you can do with that thing."

Placing the shield on my back, I placed my hands together and bowed, receiving an acknowledging nod back. I stepped out with Gint, following him to the open area where 3 straw mannequins were placed; they formed the impromptu shooting range. Drawing the shield off, I felt it's balance, it's perfect weight. Light, strong...I could really use this.

Aiming for the far left target, I swung it as I had seen back on Earth. It flew out of my hand with incredible ease, slicing the air as if it didn't exist. Catching the mannequin directly in the stomach, it knocked the straw man over. With immense surprise, and relying solely on hunter's instincts, the shield came flying back to me with the exact same pace as it had left. I drew out my two hands, barely catching it as it hit my armour. "Impressive," I said wincing, placing the shield on my left arm again.

"That thing doesn't obey the laws of physics," Gint stated, questioning what he had just seen. "I mean it flys like there's no gravity, it returns like there's no gravity. Maybe I need one..."

"Are you seriously going to question my shield when there are, you know, those force users around the place?" I asked, remembering what he had told me about the occasional men and women we saw with hilts attached to their waists. As I grew up, Gint taught me everything there was to know about the least the dangers and what to look out for. It would appear that the world was caught in a deadly war, splitting the galaxy into two with either the Republic or the Separatists. Although I was only 14 (my mental age would be...let me think...I was 17 when I left Earth...27 then), neither side deserved to win. Sure, I had been brought up and shielded within my small clan of Mandalorians, but why did the world need any big power ruling over everything? To me, that sounded far worse than being small and independent.

"At this rate, even those Jedi and Sith make more sense to me than that does," he said noticing the arrival of a wagon. Food and water. "Look kid, I'll leave you two to get more acquainted. But don't leave going to get your first bounty too long. It'll be dark before you know it."

"Right," I replied. This day had been a long time coming, I got the actual chance to go and collect my first bounty, to see the outside world. "Do you think I'm actually ready for it? You know, the outside world, taking jobs..."

"You're far better prepared than anyone I know kiddo. You'll always be a part of our clan, this will always be your home," he smiled placing a hand on our shoulder. The same shoulder he had placed a hand on when we had first met. I owed him everything and there was very little I wouldn't do for him. With a recognisable nod, I returned to the mannequins. It was time for me to master this new item.

From a day's practice alone, I learnt the tricks and the trade of how the shield flew threw the air. There was much more to learn, so many possibilities. If it bounced back to me, could I use that to take down multiple targets? Off walls? That would allow me to take down that target much faster, without much risk. And it'd serve as good protection for just normal charging. Not even those...Jedi...could best me all that easily now. A look up to the sky revealed the sun's position, the first directly above, the second and third slightly to the left of it. Midday. Drawing the shield up, I placed it onto my back. It was time to go.

Our encampment only had one exit, and this meant that I would have to ask for permission to get to the local village, only a few clips east. I slowly walked to the gate, noticing the two usual guards standing with their Beskar spears, looking as formidable as ever.

"So his time has come," the left one stated, turning from his outlook to approve of my coming of age. "You sure you don't want someone to walk with you?"

The second laughed at this snarky comment. "Perhaps we ought to get Gint to hold your hand as you take your first few steps ahahahahahah."

This never got old. I shook my head and readied myself for whatever I would come face to face with. Today was my graduation from being just a sheltered child. I was going to become the first bounty hunter the clan had released in many years. It was my time.

Slowly the bolts in the gate were undone, allowing me to push the huge wooden planks that made up the two doors open. Taking a step outside, the forest that surrounded us carried on for as far as the eye could see, the only light coming from behind me where the encampment had opened the sky up, and the few good rays that managed to squeeze their way passed the shrubbery and leaves that made up the canopy above. Leaving the teasing commentators behind, I continue along the path until it mixed into the natural forest floor, becoming covered in sticks and fresh dirt.

My journey led me out to a clearing where fields of crops stretched out over hills, all forming a moat of food for the small outpost positioned in the middle at the very top of the hill. The air here was fresh, at least for me. For a first time Mandalorian stepping out into the world, a mixture of excitement and nerves fuelled my steps toward the village. I was to meet new species, some I'd only seen in books and hologram teachings, form new relationships...start a new life. Around 50-60 meters away from the first building, I instantly noticed the general population consisting of a majority Zeltrons, recognisable for their red skin and human like physique. Children, no older than 10, ran around chasing after one another and parents went about their daily commute, some still in the fields and others hanging out washing, smiling...laughing. My heart drew distant from the moment as I saw the first face, the first expression, I had seen in years and years. It was like...a life not too different from my own back home, on Earth.

No. This was different. I was different. I came here with a purpose, to find my first job and bring in some money for the clan. I looked through the HUD of my helmet, picking up any recognisable faces that Gint had told me to look out for. It took a while to scan through, and as I stood in the middle of the outpost, numerous adults looked on at me with disgust and contempt. To say they weren't too fond of what my armour represented, I knew where I stood. I had to play it safe.

A noticeably stronger smell caught my nostrils through my helmet, drawing my attention to the most loud, both audible and visibly, building in the outpost. It was one of the languages I hadn't truly yet picked up on but I recognised bar at the end of its sign. A good place to start searching for the bounty trader.

As I approached, the door opened automatically, allowing me a circular view into the dimly lit location. It was packed and full of life, until the few heads that were initially drawn to me, turned into all of them. The voices and noise became threateningly quiet, with only the voice of the singer still ringing through as I entered.

In case you need any inspiration for what it might look like to them - just imagine a shield instead of the spear

A few comments were sprung at me, but were also easily ignored. Friends weren't needed with anyone outside of the clan, I just had to collect my bounty. Down the back of the bar, there was the only table with a single person on it, a foreigner in these parts. His face was fat, a chin split into small segments like Thanos. To say he looked the part of a bounty trader was an understatement, he was the guy I was after. I started moving toward him when I felt a hand on my chest. It belonged to one of the natives sitting at the bar.

"A little young for a bounty hunter, don'tcha think?" He commented, clearly drunk already. Gint had taught me that the best way to deal with grouchy drunkards was to not do anything at all. "I guess you're all the same, all image, no talk," he added, not moving his hand from my chest. "Well lemme tell ya something, you're not welcome around here buddy."

"You have kids, don't."

"Don't whaattttt," he slurred, slamming his cup onto the sideboard. As he stared me down, a second and third Zeltron joined around me, forming a triangle. "You'reeeeeee the only kid I seeeeeeee. Getttt oughtttttttttttt"

"I'm here for a bounty. You give me the short time I need, and I'll be out of here...quietly."

The man, clearly rage fuelled by the alcohol, jumped out of his chair and swung for me. I pushed his arm with my left, forcing him away by slamming my right into his chest. Delayed but still present, the two behind me reached out for me, grabbing onto whatever they could. I reached for the cup still on the table, grabbing it with one hand and slamming it down onto the head of the left assailant. He crumpled to the floor, leaving the third shocked. He reached for his pocket, pulling out what could only be used as a farmer's knife. He slashed at me, forcing me back a couple of steps. As he came for another slash, I repeated what I had done to the first man, knocking his knife away using his own momentum against him. I twisted underneath his caught arm, leaving him paralysed in an arm lock. Unsure of what to do next as the original drunkard scrambled up and ran for the door, I slammed the man's head into the bar, allowing me to focus on the attempting escapee. I reached for the shield on my back, feeling its cold ridge fit into my hand. With a firm grip, I threw it at the man's back, knocking him over and out. The shield returned back to my arm.

Not easing up, I looked at the faces of the people around. They weren't happy, but they knew better than to test me, to test a Mandalorian. Replacing the Beskar shield on my back, I eased up, finally making my way over to the man sitting alone in the back.

"Gint told you about me I presume," he said, still not looking up from his plate of muck. "First bounty?"


"Yeah? Are you a man of few words?" He asked to which I replied nothing. "No emotion from such a young child, such a young hunter. You Mandalorians are different aren't you. Here, this one shouldn't be too hard."

He brought up a small circular projected, which in itself brought up an image of a species I had never seen before. The bounty wasn't large, in fact it was bordering on small, but this was my first mission. I had to make it successful, I had to learn from it.

"It's not much but its honest work," he said still studying me.

"Nar Shaddaa?" I said noticing the location of the target. It had been where I was found by Gint originally, the home of the smugglers. It was a dark and dingy place, somewhere you wouldn't want to be without the right reasons.

"I can arrange transport there and back, but if you don't get back in the time given, you'll be left there...for good."

I picked up the tracker and placed it onto my belt, securing it in place. "I'll take it."

"Good, transport will pick you up tomorrow in the landing ground just to the other side of the village, don't keep the pilot waiting...he's been known to make...diversions...if he feels like it."

I turned for the exit, noticing the number of looks I still got as I left. I approached the automatic door, stepping over the slumped drunkards body as I left. The suns had already begun descending, and as I looked to the horizon on my way out of the village, I saw a faint trail of smoke rising from within in the forest...from where our camp lay.

Author's Note:
Woooooo second chapter done, this one much longer. Felt like it needed to be since I wanted to get into the story and everything. I hope you enjoyed this one, its a little more juicy! I have a slight query as to whether you guys want me to actually create a nice background for the character, which might require a few chapters, or just get straight to the Jedi stuff - either is fine by me! Anyway, as always feel free to comment and voice opinions, but until next time...I'll see you in a bizzle

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