What happened in Vegas - Engl...

By RaKoVader

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Part I (Completed story Part II - coming soon) Hesitantly, I turn my head and look at the other half of the b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
stay with me

Chapter 45

564 31 1
By RaKoVader

"That's answer enough for me", I say, grab Alec's hand and pull him towards the exit. I don't get far, Alec holds me back and looks at me reproachfully.

"First say goodbye Magnus. Then play", he says with a grin. Of course. First goodbye. Or actually I should introduce myself properly first. Since arriving, I've only met a handful of people and the bride and groom, the stars of tonight, were not among them. I look around searchingly and catch sight of a whole row of dancing people. Only now do I realise that the hall is bursting with partygoers who are strangers to me. The atmosphere is boisterous, the alcohol is flowing, the dance floor is packed and one or two people are not sleeping alone tonight. If he sleeps, that is.

Alec, too, stands there somewhat indecisively and looks around searchingly. Suddenly he starts moving and again I stumble after him. This too has somehow become our thing. The thought makes me grin and become careless. Alec stops abruptly and I bump into his back. Apologetically, he turns to me and puts a hand to my cheek.

"Are you okay?", he asks lovingly and I just nod.

"Fine. This is Izzy", he says and his look of concern a moment ago turns to affection. He loves his siblings very much.

"Izzy, this is Magnus", he says, revealing his sister. She beams all over, her fawn eyes shining with joy and happiness. She looks beautiful in that stunning dress and silky shiny black hair. Simon stands next to her. He stiffens imperceptibly and his eyes pass nervously back and forth between Alec and me. Why is Simon so nervous?

"So you're the man who charmed my brother in Vegas", Izzy says, and Simon blushes. What is wrong with him? I just ignore Simon and hold out my hand to Izzy. Immediately she pulls me into a tight hug and I can't help but return it.

"Yes. Enchanted might be right", I reply and hear Alec's sister chuckle. Him too, by the way. I quickly break away from Izzy and look alternately at Simon and his wife.

"I wish you all the happiness in the world. All the best to you guys. You make a beautiful couple."

"So do you", counters Izzy, laughing, and Simon almost chokes on his drink.

Before I can say anything back, I feel Alec's hands on my hips and his body pressing gently but firmly against mine. "I agree." He murmurs in my ear and a chill runs down my spine. Alec has an insanely erotic aura and once again it catches me ice cold.

"Let's go", he says in a rough voice, my body takes control, I shudder and press my lips tightly together to keep from moaning out loud.

"Nice meeting you guys." I say goodbye. But Izzy has other plans.

"Are you leaving already?", she asks, looking at her brother disappointedly.

"We're going", replies Alec. "Where to?" I suspect what is about to happen.

"Away." Izzy winks conspiratorially at Alec and Simon looks sheepishly at the floor. This one is apparently very interesting. He tries to distract himself so as not to have to witness this conversation. With the tip of his shoe he paints some kind of pattern on the wooden floorboards and I wonder what his problem is. His wife knows by now that he was at our Elvis wedding in Vegas. And obviously she doesn't hold it against him, otherwise she would hardly have married him.

"We're leaving Magnus. Have a good evening, you two. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. And remember your room mates", Alec says firmly and grabs my hand. I just manage to wave goodbye. Alec pulls me out of the hall and I can hardly follow. His long legs literally fly across the floor, suddenly he's in quite a hurry.

"Alec not so fast", I say with a grin.

"This is all taking far too long already", he replies. So it's the same game as always. Alec pulls me around, I stumble after him. But this time I am prepared and attentive. We climb the stairs quickly, Alec leads me purposefully to his room. Silently we stand in front of the room door, dark wood, old. It has a beautiful brass handle set with a floral vine pattern above the beautifully designed handle. And as I suspected when I entered the entrance area, the owners of this beautiful hotel attach great importance to high-quality furnishings and the preservation of the old charm. There is no electronic locking system with one of those dull white plastic cards. Alec pulls a small gold-coloured key out of his trouser pocket. I didn't notice Jace handing it back to him. When did this happen?

Alec turns the key between his fingers somewhat indecisively, he seems nervous. I don't know him like this at all. I quickly take his hand, interlock our fingers and squeeze lightly. I want to show him that I am here, that this is what I want.

"Do you trust me?", asks Alec. His eyes fix on an imaginary spot on the grain of the wood in front of him. I nod slightly and Alec looks at me urgently.

"Words Magnus. I want you to say it", he demands and his voice has dropped several octaves. Fuck this is turning me on so much. The blood in my body gathers to the next trip and I swallow dryly.

"Yes. I trust you", I reply quietly. The words come surprisingly easily from my lips and don't feel wrong. On the contrary. It's exactly what I want. I want to trust Alec and give myself fully to him and this game.

"And I trust you. That's the most important thing", he replied, inserting the key into the lock. With a soft click, the door springs open and Alec gently pushes me into the room.

It is beautiful. So is the rest of this impressive mansion. Alec wasn't underplaying. The bed is really big, covered with sheets and linen so brilliantly white and spotless. The sight almost hurts against the contrast of the dark wood. The bed is a true masterpiece of wood and shapes and thus clearly the centrepiece of the room. On the headboard, an intricate carving, shapes, patterns, a large flower in the middle, framed by vines. My gaze continues to roam the room. Long white curtains flank the large window, revealing a view of a large beautiful garden. A chest of drawers made of the same wood as the bed, I'm sure Alec can tell you a lot about its type and texture. The sun is already setting, the clouds are turning orange with a hint of purple. The moon begins to cast its light over the world and with it us. Shadows flit across the room, finding their place for the night, lingering there until the first rays of the new day chase them away again.

"Beautiful, Alec. The hotel is a dream", I say, looking at him for the first time since we entered the room. He smiles slightly and the uncertainty of a moment ago is gone. Back is the glitter and sparkle in his eyes. He is in charge, he decides what happens. We don't have to talk about it. We both know it. It has been like this with every one of our erotic adventures. And I don't intend to deviate from it now.

"Prepare yourself", he says, holding a small box out to me. I nod and lick my lips seductively. Alec growls and quickly I disappear behind the door of what I assume is the bathroom. Muffled, I hear Alec's voice and his request to put my clothes back on after I'm done. So he meant it when he said he wanted to undress me. My heart races at the thought of his hands touching me.

I have never been so nervous and tense when I wanted to make love to a man. I used to just take it. It was sex, lust, satisfaction. A climax, complete ecstasy for the moment and then everyone went their separate ways. I usually never saw the men again and if I did, then only for a blowjob in the toilet of a club or a quick fuck because the pressure was too great. Then Julian came along and there too it was more me who was the driving force. But this time it's different. I am involuntarily married. With a wonderful man whom I appreciate but do not love. And yet there is something deep inside me that tries to chase away all doubts and fears. Unknown feelings and always the question, why him? Why Alec?

Before I leave the bathroom again, I take a deep breath. My hand is already on the trigger. Cold and slick the metal feels, but the cold doesn't manage to get through my heated skin and calm me down. Don't be a coward Magnus. It's only sex. I keep muttering these words softly to myself and finally push the uncertainty to the back of my mind. It's best to put a big box in front of it so that it can't escape. And the sight of Alec literally takes my breath away and I swallow dryly as my gaze falls on the bed.

By now the moon has driven out the sun, it is dark in the world and outside the window the shadow of a tree moves to the light breeze of the wind. Only the soft moonlight illuminates the room, Alec stands in front of the bed and looks at me from greedy eyes. An interplay of light and shadow lies on his body. He wears nothing but his skin and I stare at his chest and the muscles testifying to hard physical labour. His pale skin is radiant and the contrast with his black hair is overwhelming, erotic, sensual and he is so beautiful.

"Come here", he says in a raspy voice and I suppress a moan. Fuck his manner and that voice are driving me crazy. Alec reaches out for me and without hesitation I take it. He pulls me close to his body, covering my cheeks and jaw with breathy kisses. My hands find their way to his hips and caress the wonderfully soft skin. The curve of his buttocks under my fingers intensifies the tingling inside me. Alec kisses my lips, it's more of a graze and I groan in frustration. I want to taste him, but he won't let me. Instead, his sensual lips continue to roam over my jaw and down my neck. Briefly he sucks on my earlobe and I forget everything around me as this sweet sin moves further and further down my neck. I remember our awakening in Vegas and the marks of a passionate night on our bodies. I'm pretty sure we'll wake up the same way tomorrow.

Alec caresses my neck with countless kisses, I tilt my head to the side, offering him more space and signaling to him through the sounds from deep inside me that this is exactly what I want. I want him to kiss me dizzy, to make my skin glow and my blood boil. I want him to fuck me and transport my mind to another galaxy. Blindly he reaches for the bow tie around my neck, unties the knot and lets the silky ribbon slip into my hand. His lips flutter gossamerly over my neck, he undoes the button of my tuxedo jacket and slides the fine fabric off my shoulders. I watch Alec as he hangs the jacket over the back of the chair to my right. He takes the silk from my hand, our fingers touch and the warmth of his skin has something familiar about it and calms a little my wildly beating heart. The cross-binder lands on the jacket and I see that Alec's clothes are already folded on a second chair. His shoes are lined up next to them and I smile at the sight. It's typical Alec and reminds me of our first evening. The malty taste of the beer and the smell of longing and desire settles on my senses, floods my body and makes me shiver slightly. Alec is standing close to me, my mind still on my house, when a touch on my cheek makes me jump.

"Do you want me to stop?", he asks and I shake my head vigorously.

"No." He nods slightly in confirmation and looks deep into my eyes as he begins to undo the buttons of my snow-white shirt. Slowly he slides the fabric off my shoulders and down my arms. The friction creates an excited tingling sensation and only the touch of his skin on mine can ease the feeling. But Alec is careful not to touch me. He carefully folds the shirt and lays it on the seat of the chair. Only now do I notice that it is made of the same wood as the bed. And the backrest has the same floral pattern with countless vines. I take a deep breath and try not to lose my temper. Alec suddenly kneels in front of me and undoes the straps on my shoes. I slip them off my feet and he places them next to the chair. The same image as on the other side. There is something reassuring about it, Alec doesn't talk but gives me all his attention. Again he kneels in front of me, his fingers run over the waistband of my trousers, undoing the button and I moan slightly as his thumb brushes over my penis. Deftly he unzips the trousers, pulls them down over my hips and looks at me in surprise.

Alec wanted me to get dressed again, though he didn't mention what clothes. So I decided without further ado to leave the shorts off. Piece by piece the fabric slides off my hips, exposing more and more heated skin and the arousal of my body. His gaze is on my penis and I breathe heavily, closing my eyes to resist the urge to thrust my hips forward. Letting Alec take the lead excites me greatly and this is clearly visible. I can't manage to turn my head off. I hear a soft rustling and have the image in my mind's eye that Alec creates with this sound. He folds my trousers and puts them with the other things. He conscientiously goes about this task. Again and again he surprises me anew and yet it is precisely these things that warm my heart.

"Open your eyes Magnus", says Alec and I do as he says. We stand facing each other and look at each other's bodies. No words are necessary, we are enjoying the moment, taking in each other's every muscle, every movement. Alec is visibly aroused too. His chest rises and falls a little faster than normal and the fingertips of his right hand rub together incessantly. He is truly beautiful, his muscular upper body forming a perfect symmetry, broad shoulders, pronounced pecs and abs. Strong muscular arms, silent witnesses of hard physical work. The light chest hair dark and soft, I know the sensation, feel the texture already under my fingers. The bones of his pelvis stand out sharply, hard muscles, a shapely V-line adorns the groin and I swallow dryly as my gaze falls on his penis. Hard and stiff, it stretches out towards me, covered in soft warm flesh and gossamer veins. The shiny wet tip is soft pink, the cleft a little darker and I whimper as the twitching shows me the full extent of his arousal. I lick my lips greedily and am about to reach out and wrap my fingers around Alec's hot penis to feel its hardness and heat when he growls. He gruffly knocks my hand aside. With this gesture he clearly shows me that he is in control, that he is the one of us who sets the pace.

With one step Alec stands in front of me, our tips lightly bump together and I moan loudly at this electrifying feeling. Alec can't suppress it either. I stare spellbound at our tips touching lightly, sliding against each other, creating friction. Just a little bit at a time, it's enough to get my hormones pumping and me sweating. It is incredibly arousing and I reach for my penis. Alec grips my wrist, holds me back and I am frustrated. But also immensely aroused. He leans forward, puts his lips to my ear.

"My tongue will make your whole body quiver Magnus. Tonight you're mine and when I'm done with you, you won't want anyone else." Alec strokes the outside of my neck as light as a feather, just the tip of his index finger skirting my shoulder and on down my arm. Goosebumps cover my body, his path continues onto my hip, slowly and deliberately Alec caresses my lower belly, circling my belly button. With the flat of his hand he glides up to my breast, the warmth of his skin captures me, the tips of his fingers graze my nipples and again a soft moan escapes me, all too soon the attention has passed. But Alec has apparently made it his goal to drive me completely out of my mind.

His lips fly over my body. Every inch of skin he covers with kisses. Lithe as a predator on the prowl, he walks around me, standing only a few millimetres away. His body lightly touches my back, his lips breathe kisses on my shoulders and neck. Automatically, my hands move back a little, find his hips and caress this beautiful body with gentle movements. Alec's kisses leave an electrifying tingle and a chill runs down my spine as he gently bites my skin and marks me. I moan heavily, push my ass backwards, feel Alec's penis hard and hot. He rubs against the cleft of my ass, licking and kissing my heated skin, caressing my chest and I claw hard at his hips. Growling, Alec bites the back of my neck, the sensations intensifying with every second that passes. I'm hot and my heart almost leaps out of my chest. It's so incredibly erotic. Alec circles my nipples with both index fingers, sometimes gently, then again more firmly. An interplay of friction and light pressure. His hot breath makes my skin literally burn, while gentle bites and loving kisses intoxicate me at the same time.

My penis is painfully swollen, adrenaline rushing quickly through my veins and I tilt my head back, placing it on Alec's shoulder and begin to stroke myself. "Fuck this is so good", I gasp, pumping myself faster and faster. I need release because it's already within my grasp. Suddenly I feel Alec's grip on my wrist and I flinch briefly. Growling again, he bites my neck, harder this time.

"Don't do that Magnus", Alec murmurs in my ear. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and release my grip on my throbbing penis.

"We were going to play for a bit." My legs shake like crazy and my knees go weak. I think of the box and its contents that Alec took out of my pocket earlier when I was in the bathroom. I see the contents lying on the large bed in the corner of my eye, neatly draped. Even now I barely manage to mask my excitement. Now my excitement is added to and the knowledge that Alec is about to take me into a world unknown to me until now.

Incessantly, Alec strokes my quivering chest and flat stomach. Each of his touches leaves a boiling hot trail on my skin, almost burning me. His teasing twirling of my already hard nipples only intensifies the sensation. I can't help but moan out my lust unbridled. Alec's hard cock continues to rub against my ass while his lips longingly caress my neck. I feel like I'm floating and have to restrain myself from taking off completely. I have never felt foreplay so intensely and experienced it with all my senses.

"You removed something from the box", Alec whispers in my ear. He kisses my neck and sucks on the skin. With a deep gasp he gets his answer and he obviously doesn't like it at all.

"Yes", I reply and Alec jerks away from me. Shaking and with legs as soft as Jell-O, I have to use all my strength not to slump to the floor. We haven't even started yet and already it feels like I've done a hundred-metre sprint. My head is spinning and I try to calm down a little. I miss Alec's touch. My breathing settles down to normal and the trembling also lessens. Alec stands beside me, watching my every reaction.

"And you put something else in there for that. Look at me Magnus." I turn my head slightly and look into Alec's deep blue eyes. His look tells me everything. No more shallow foreplay. No more caressing and tender touches. He wants me and my body. Doubts and fears, insecurity and the question of whether what we are doing is right are blown away. It is not important. What counts is that we both want it, that we want each other.

"Only today I leave the choice to you. Tell me what you want." My eyes slide over the various things in Alec's mysterious box. They are all familiar to me, but not all of them are familiar. In the years since I came out, I've had plenty of sex. But nothing strongly experimental has ever been involved.

"I want the plug", I say without giving it much thought. Alec's expression brightens and I'm pretty sure that's exactly the answer he was hoping for.

"I'm into bondage", I admit quietly. It makes me a little uncomfortable. Few of my partners have been willing to get involved.

Unsettled, I lower my gaze and look at the dark floorboards at my feet. Alec says nothing and I begin to knead my hands nervously. I do this a lot when I'm nervous or running around in a panic.

"Can you blindfold me?", I ask eventually when there is still no response from Alec.

"Anything you want", he says in a clearly excited voice and I take a deep breath. That voice. One day she'll be my downfall. And right now she's making sure my hormones are gathering for another campaign through my body. His fingertips touch my arm lightly and yet my stomach tingles as if hundreds of butterflies are beating their majestic wings against my stomach wall. My heart pumps a considerable amount of blood and pure adrenaline through my body in no time. Alec continues to stroke my arm, not allowing any distance to come between us for a moment. Only slightly, he turns to the bed and reaches for a small black ring, which he now presents to me on the flat of his hand. I exhale noisily and feel my heart racing. Black, stretchy, silicone. It is not mine.

Nor can it be my cock ring. Because it is still lying on the bed with the other toys.

"This one is for me", says Alec softly. He puts the ring in my hand and looks at me urgently. Gently my fingers stroke Alec's penis, the warm soft skin feels wonderful and slowly I slide the ring over his shaft and the root. Alec moans softly and I let my hand run thoughtfully over his semi-stiff penis a few times. We both needed this pause to let our arousal run down. Otherwise it would not have been possible to put the ring on. Small sighs, soft moans leave Alec's mouth. He has closed his eyes, tilted his head slightly back and surrenders to my caresses. The moonlight makes his hair shine and his skin glows so bright and pure. Alec looks like a sin come true. My movements around his penis quicken, Alec moans louder.

"Magnus. Stop it", he presses out but I don't do him the favour. Faster and faster my movements, Alec's hips thrust towards me. He is about to come.

He clutches my wrist with a firm grip, his fingers pressing painfully into my skin and I stop what I'm doing. Alec glares at me angrily, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Are you trying to piss me off?", he asks and grinning, I shake my head. Alec releases my wrist from his clutches and walks to the bed, retrieving the remaining cock ring. Soft lips find mine and again my heart races, with excitement, not effort. This kiss is tender and full of feeling. Automatically, my hands slide into his soft jet-black hair. I don't miss the chance to pull lightly on the tips and elicit that wonderful deep moan from Alec. It is more beautiful than anything I have heard before.

"You're driving me crazy", he murmurs to me. Hungrily I let my tongue run over his upper lip, tasting and indulging. The taste of Alec pure captivates me. The electrifying tingle of the tips of our tongues meeting triggers a deep gasp from both of us. Hot but no less loving, our tongues play around each other. It is not a fight, but a give and take. An intoxicating mixture of full pink lips pampering each other, pink tongues melting together in a game. Our lips are by now very swollen from greedy kisses and sharp teeth that keep scraping the tender flesh of our lips. Alec's deft fingers meanwhile slide a metallic ring onto my penis. The cold metal sends violent goose bumps down my body. I moan uninhibitedly into Alec's mouth, letting my tongue and lips taste Alec, feeling intoxicated and wanting nothing more than to feel his hand around my pulsating penis, which is growing steadily plumper.

His fingers form a tight ring, enclose my penis, run over the hot throbbing erectile tissue at a constant speed. A comforting warmth floods through me. I push my hips towards Alec and moan into his mouth, the grip on my penis tightens and Alec growls. His lips leave mine, leaving a tingle. Swiftly his hands are on my hips and Alec pushes me towards the bed. The back of my knees meet the edge, strong hands push my pelvis back slightly and I just let myself fall. Alec kneels over me, his face very close to mine and I can't suppress a slight tremor. The blue of his irises captures me, an excited sparkle framed by millions and millions of stars. A swirl of lust and the knowledge that Alec desires me. That it is me, my body, my soul that is already in his hands.

"I like you best in this position", he says in a raspy excited voice. My hands clasp his muscular upper arms, I want to kiss him, so badly. Want to taste his lips and finally experience the feeling of ecstasy when Alec joins me and catapults us to dizzying heights. Greedily I press my lips to his, pressing my centre against his hard cock. Alec kisses me with everything he has to give and I remember his words. "You're beautiful. I want to kiss your lips. Again and again, until we're dizzy and threatening to fall." That's exactly how I feel right now. My head is spinning, glistening bright spots flashing, just briefly, tiny. And yet it is enough to ignite a longing for more. But before I can fully surrender to this feeling, Alec pulls away.

I groan in frustration, bracing my body on my forearms and sparking at him in arousal. Alec sits on my thighs, reaching blindly behind him. A black silk blindfold emerges, as do a pair of leather shackles. Wordlessly, Alec grabs my wrists, causing me to lose my grip and fall back onto the soft mattress. Cool silk slides over my chest, the friction of the fabric against my sensitive nipples driving my lust further, eliciting a lovely moan. Followed by a fluttering tingle and a restlessly beating heart. The silken blindfold rests on my chest while Alec licks seductively over my pink lips. How I would love to run my tongue over his swollen lips. To taste him to the full. With only one hand, Alec fixes my hands above my head.

"So willing", he says and I suppress a vigorous nod of my head. Instead, I drag my teeth across my bottom lip, firm with enough pressure to emphasise my lust but without leaving marks.

"So willing." Not a question. An affirmation. A silent plea from me. Out of the corner of my eye I see the handcuffs, black and padded, cool leather settling over my heated skin. Soft and with enough room to leave no visible marks, but restricting me and my actions. Nimbly Alec's fingers close the silver buckles, almost tenderly the fingers of his right hand run over my fingertips. I begin to tingle. There is something very intimate and tender about this touch. Yet his gaze and darkened eyes signal to me that I belong to him. To him alone.

Alec deftly attaches the carabiner between the handcuffs to small silver rings, my freedom of movement is clearly restricted. Instinctively I try to pull my hands apart but I don't succeed. Alec's reaction to this, his sardonic grin, makes it clear how much he enjoys this. Again he fixes my hands above my head, pressing them firmly into the sheet and soft mattress beneath me.

"You're mine", he says in a rough voice and I nod.

"Yes", I whimper. "Only to you." With his free hand, Alec pulls the blindfold from my chest. The soft silky material slides back over my hard nipples. A moan, accompanied by a silent plea to stop torturing me, leaves my throat. Longingly, my lips stretch towards Alec. But he does not give me what I long for so much. Alec breaks away from my hands, gently strokes my arm, down to my shoulder. The glowing tips of two fingers lay against my carotid artery, feeling the immense arousal making its way out. With light pressure, Alec feels my racing pulse, makes the blood in my veins boil and it feels as if the butterflies in my stomach are doing somersaults.

The silky blindfold finds its way, automatically my eyelids fall shut and darkness welcomes me. Gently, Alec ties it in a tight knot before sliding his hands into my hair. With a demanding grip, Alec claws into my hair, pulling my mop of hair back. My breathing goes completely haywire.

"I'm going to prepare you for what's coming", he says firmly and I feel the cold metal of the plug on my lips. The smooth steel slides over my upper lip and I open it a crack, slide my tongue through and let the tip slide over the toy. Alec rounds my lips, cold with tingling excitement the tip of the plug explores my mouth.

"Open your mouth", says Alec and without thinking about it I open it and shortly afterwards feel the metallic plug come to rest on my tongue. I moan uninhibitedly, pressing myself against Alec as the coldness of the steel unexpectedly grips me and a shiver runs down my spine.

I feel at his mercy, blind, but also in joyful anticipation of what is about to happen. Determined and with firm pressure, Alec presses himself against my chest and me back into a stretched position. The weight of his body transfers further into the arm and hand that hold me in place. Alec lets the plug slide out of my mouth only to push it back into my hot oral cavity immediately after. My tongue plays around the tip, glides over the conical shape, Alec twists the plug and my saliva wets the metal.

"That looks so hot Magnus", he says in a raspy low voice. The plug circles my lips, moves further down to my jaw and then down my throat. As it does so, it leaves a damp trail on my heated skin, contrasting starkly with the cool metal. My insides begin to tingle so much that the sensation masquerades as goose bumps and coats my entire body. Aroused, I claw my hands into the velvety sheet and moan uninhibitedly at Alec's teasing caresses of my nipples. Alec hums pleasantly, I hear it exactly and store this sound. Slowly he runs the plug in small paths over my body, teasing me and enjoying the reactions of my womb. I can't see him, but I can feel him. Alec is still sitting on my thighs, stroking his erection over my testicles again and again. The blindness heightens my senses, as do the feelings and sensations. Never before have I been so aroused, never before have I enjoyed such erotic foreplay. I hear him breathing restlessly, feel his warm skin on my chest and the pleasant weight of his athletic body on me. My skin is literally on fire as my stiff penis lies twitching on my lower abdomen. Alec continues to guide the plug over my hard shaft and ends at the tip of my swollen glans, where he spreads the fine drops of pleasure in circles.

This game excites me a lot. It's not Alec's tongue licking over my hard cock, it's not Alec's wonderfully soft lips that tightly enclose my penis and gently suck the glans into his warm oral cavity. It is the feeling of cool solid steel on soft, warm skin. As the tip of the plug slides over my testicles and then gently massages my entrance, a faint whimper escapes me. Alec sits up slowly, the weight of his body disappearing, leaving an endless emptiness in my heart. But the void is immediately replaced by my racing heartbeat. It still tingles and pulsates violently in me. The adrenaline spreads like waves in my veins. It rushes unstoppably through my body and seems to burn up from within. Meanwhile, the tip of the plug presses against my entrance. I trust Alec will proceed gently and carefully. And yet my impatience is immeasurable.

"Open your legs for me", says Alec in a commanding voice. As soon as I comply with his request and spread my legs for him, he pushes the tip of the plug into me. The following feeling is so strange and surprising to me that my muscles inevitably cramp.

"Don't fight it, Magnus. Let yourself go and enjoy it. I determine what happens, don't forget that", he says a little more gently and caresses my chest and stomach soothingly. With pressure and gentle movements, the plug pushes itself bit by bit into my tightness, eliciting an ever louder moan. My fingers claw so tightly into the sheet that it hurts.

"You should see yourself. So excited, so beautiful", Alec whispers. I hardly notice his words, but I can clearly feel his erection on my chest. He has to kneel over me, his penis spreading damp drops on my upper body and sliding slowly over my chest. Alec groans uninhibited. He rubs his throbbing penis on me while he pushes the metallic plug into my tightness. Slowly this slides deeper and deeper, stops at the widest point and makes me moan violently. The plug fills me, nestles comfortably in my tightness. I try to concentrate on calm and even breaths. What I feel is indescribably sensual. The joyful expectation when I no longer have the cool metal but Alec's hot penis inside me. The shackles and the blindfold, completely relinquishing control and simply being able to let go is the fulfillment of my erotic dreams. Alec carefully pulls the plug out again and lets the tip circle over my entrance again. Alec jerks the plug completely into me. Groaning, I straighten up to meet him. His dominance excites me a lot.

"You like that", he says throatily. Just as I want to answer I feel Alec's glans on my lips and I can't help but willingly open my mouth. My tongue shoots forward, licking his dripping glans while Alec greedily presses his hot penis into my mouth. The drop of pleasure pearls on my tongue, tastes salty and like Alec. Burning desire for his penis in my mouth spreads. Likewise, the urge to bury my hands in the firm flesh of his bottom. Alec moans as my lips suck the swollen glans into my mouth. He ceaselessly pushes the plug into my tightness, I lift my head, let Alec's penis slide deep into my mouth.

My whole body seems to be on fire. The blood flows through my veins like hot lava.

"And how ... hmm ... you like it", he says with a groan while my tongue glides over his shaft with relish. It presses itself deep into my mouth, my head falls back into the white sheet below me. Alec moves his pelvis, his penis fucks my mouth. My tongue licks its throbbing length. My hands caress the curve of his bottom, he's perfect, soft skin and a moan from the depths of his throat that makes me even crazier. My penis is twitching and my heart is beating faster and faster. With a searing throat from the thrusts of his cock, deep inside me my moans sound muffled and my nails cling firmly to Alec's skin as his tongue licks my glans. It's so good, so new and an indescribable feeling. When Alec said his tongue was going to make my body shake, he wasn't exaggerating.

I have a hard time concentrating on his cock throbbing in my mouth. Alec sucks on my tip, his tongue sliding into the gap. I feel how he takes my penis deep in his mouth. Incredible heat welcomes me. His warm oral cavity, the damp tongue on my shaft. Alec knows exactly what he's doing. I feel like I'm collapsing at any moment. This game excites me so much. My glans bump into his throat, Alec remains in position. All I can do is groan and pull my nails down his lower back. Everything in me burns like blazing hot fire. Ecstatic waves spread, gather in my loins. Alec's tongue caresses my penis, caressing, kissing, sucking his lips. My mind turns off completely and I let myself go. The abyss is right in front of me. All I have to do is spread my arms. "Don't you dare come Magnus. I'm not done with you yet", I hear Alec say. And as soon as his lips are around my penis again, Alec growls and the vibration of his deep bass sends a wave of happiness hormones through my body. An endogenous drug, the intoxicating feeling increases more and more. I'm a whimpering something, unable to move. With every approach of the orgasmic wave, the muscles around the plug tighten further, heighten the feeling of absolute satisfaction and I can see myself rushing over the cliffs with my arms outstretched. But each time Alec escapes shortly before, removes the plug from my butt, only to drill it into me again immediately afterwards. His moist tongue and sensual lips resume their work. His pelvis moves rhythmically, slowly and with pleasure. Our tongues find a common rhythm. My hands run tenderly over the curves of his bottom, slide over his spine. I blindly explore his body, feeling every muscle hard and alive under the tips of my fingers. Alec breathes a kiss on my swollen tip, releases his penis from my mouth.

"I want to look at you", I say out of breath and in a scratchy voice. It is quiet, only our accelerated breathing can be heard. I feel the movement of Alec's body, the lowering of the mattress. My hands slide off his body and come to a standstill on my stomach. Soft lips breathe gentle kisses on my fingertips, they send an electrifying tingle through my limbs directly into my heart. Alec kisses one way over my arm, circles the shoulder with his puffy pink lips. I have goosebumps all over my body and his warm breath tickles the sensitive skin of my neck. He sucks himself under the earlobe. With my back arched, I straighten up, inch by inch towards Alec. My fingertips lightly touch his muscular stomach and I moan uninhibited.

"All or not Magnus", Alec breathes in my ear, his tongue licking my auricle.

"Finally take me", I bring out tormented. My excitement increases immeasurably. Alec caresses my jaw, his fingertips caressing my trembling chest. Everything in me is crying out for redemption.

"Alexander." Just a whisper from my mouth. His tongue gently glides over my lips, igniting an electrifying tingling sensation. Any sense of time has been lost. I don't know how long we've been indulging in lust and desire for each other. I don't care either. Far too good, far too intoxicating is the feeling that Alec gives me. His wonderful lips enter the path that has been marked out by the plug. Sucking, kissing, hot breath on heated skin. Sharp teeth nibble on my hard nipples. Driven by the hunger for redemption, I wrap my legs around Alec. At the same time I press my middle against his body and move my hips. The friction created satisfies me for the moment. But I know I want so much more.

Alec seems to agree. As soon as my throbbing penis made contact with its warm skin, two strong hands lay on my hips. He pushes me harshly back into the soft sheet and fixes my hips with a firm grip.

"You are really impatient Magnus", he growls and his deep, rough voice causes all of the blood in my veins to boil. I can hardly take it anymore. My penis is painfully swollen, begging for attention. But Alec's lips breathe kisses on my stomach and groin, only my penis he does not give the sweet sin. With a firm grip he loosens my legs from his body. Once again I feel completely at his mercy. Almost mindless, it's exactly what I want. Alec can have anything from me. As long as he makes me feel good about it. His lips and tongue flutter gently over the inside of my thighs. It excites me a lot. Alec knows that, it was the same on our desk on our first adventure and after that. He sucks on the skin around my entrance and I completely lose control. Groaning like there's no tomorrow, I let myself go. My hands are buried in Alec's hair, I pull hard on the fine tips and hear Alec humming. The vibration of his trembling lips make me shiver and gasp violently. A clattering sound of teeth on metal chases an inkling through my consciousness to get the confirmation immediately afterwards. The pressure inside me is decreasing. Alec pulls the metallic toy out of my bum and I whimper at the sudden emptiness. In none of our erotic adventures was the desire for his penis in me as great as at this moment.

"Oh God", I moan. Alec is not giving me a break. A wet, hot tongue caresses my entrance. Alternately licks the perineum and testicles. I'm so close to coming and wonder where Alec gets this self-control from. If I were in his place, I would have rammed my penis up his butt long ago. But not Alec. He takes tons of time to make me feel good. This thought warms my heart. Distracted by his tongue, I only perceive a distant rustle. The fruity scent of strawberries tickles my taste buds. I taste the sweet aroma of the red fruit, it spreads in my mouth. How I would like to taste Alec on my tongue right now. Again he fixes my hands over my head and crosses our fingers together. His hard cock strokes my entrance, I push myself against Alec and feel the pulsating peak of his excitement. We moan together and his hot breath tickles my lips.

"Kiss me", I say in a strong voice and feel the soft lips of Alec greedily press on mine. This kiss is erratic, interrupted by muffled gasps and gnawing teeth. Alec sucks my lower lip gently, letting me taste his tongue. He moves his pelvis slightly, the swollen glans massages my entrance and I have the feeling of exploding at any moment. I want to feel it, deep inside me.

Alec loosens up, clasps my hands, and pulls me into a sitting position. My heart is beating abnormally fast in my chest. Strong hands clasp my hips, a slight impulse and I turn. On my knees I stretch my bottom towards Alec and immediately feel his fingers caressing my curve.

"Do you want my cock Magnus?", asks Alec and I nod my head violently. Wrapped in darkness, the feeling of the touch of his hands on my skin is much heightened. I perceive everything more clearly and much more clearly. His lips touch my spine with a gossamer touch. Big strong hands that clasp my hips. An electrifying tingling sensation from every kiss on my heated skin and a load of liquid adrenaline flowing hot through my veins. Longing tingling and a lava flow of lust. I cannot suppress the tremor in my body. It's not what I want either. Because I want Alec to feel what he triggers in me. His heated body presses against mine. Alec's lips travel very gently over my skin, kissing, biting. Hot breath that sparkles on my neck and Alec's deep voice whispers in my ear. "I wish you could see you. How I press my cock into your tightness and you moan with pleasure and desire. I have imagined this moment for so long. How you lie at the mercy of my arms and trembling. You fucked up to the desire of me will be surrendered.

Alec's hands claw into my hips and I can feel his tip pressing into my tightness. He pauses for a moment and I enjoy the feeling of connection with this man. My husband. The blood rushes in my ears, his penis slides deeper into me. The cry of my lust gets louder and louder. The need to be as close as possible to Alec grew bigger and bigger. The desire for his throbbing cock deep inside me. His hands leave my hips, gently caressing my stomach and trembling chest. Alec grips my shoulders tightly and the upward jerk pushes him deeper into me. No careful approach. No waiting, no confirmation. Alec takes what he wants and I love it. This feeling is incredibly intense and I trust Alec and him that he interprets my body's reaction correctly. My heart is beating up to my neck and I am breathing heavily. Alec holds me by the shoulders, his pelvis moving rhythmically. The movements are powerful and long and I forget everything around me. The room is filled with our moans and the light bites in my throat paired with Alec's tongue on my heated skin almost make me go nuts.

I haven't felt so well for a long time. This isn't just sex. This is a dance on the volcano and the blood in my veins rushes through my body like hot lava. With every push from Alec, the pressure inside me increases. The heat threatens to burn me.

"Magnus." Alec moans my name over and over again. His warm breath tickles my skin and I grip his hair tightly as the tip of his cock brushes my prostate. Not a word comes out of my lips. I just can't do it. The feeling of Alec in me and the approaching salvation dominate my thoughts too much. All strength has left my body. My legs are shaking and if Alec didn't hold me, I would just collapse. Alec catapults me to unimagined heights. The moans and gasps from the depths of his throat vibrate on my back and send a wave of excitement through my body. Slowly but steadily, the tingling sensation spreads inside me. It starts in my chest, mixes with the adrenaline from my heart. Ecstatic waves wash through me and I groan along with Alec like there is no tomorrow. I wish there weren't any. Then this ride would be forever and the feeling in me would last even longer. Alec's heart pounds fast and hard against his chest. I feel every beat, firm and alive. I feel Alec's throbbing hot penis inside me deeply and intensely. The bringer of bliss and ecstasy. Alec keeps whispering words in my ear. Do these result in whole sentences? I dont know. I don't care either. My thinking has long since stopped. There's only Alec and his cock fucking my brains out

"It's so much better than I imagined", Alec whispers and increases the speed of his thrusts.

"Let me ... come", I gasp out.

"No. I decide when you come", Alec says in an imperious voice and withdraws completely from me. Suddenly everything feels empty and lonely. Alec's knowing hands wander over my chest, caressing the sensitive nipples. He taps the hard bud with the tip of his finger and at the same time the thumb of his other hand strokes my swollen tip.

"Alexander." I scream and feel how he pushes his penis deep into my tightness with one thrust. He pumps me to the rhythm of his thrusts and I have the feeling of losing my consciousness at any moment. I see clearly the redeeming path in front of me. Together we surrender to our instincts, moan uncontrollably and I let myself fall. "Now Magnus." Just a whisper and yet for me it is the two most beautiful words in the world. With arms outstretched, held by Alec and surrounded by drops of endorphins and the smell of sea and salt, I take one last step and tumble over the cliffs. The ocean of lust and satisfaction, ecstatic waves and an orgasm as intense as I've never experienced it welcomes me. He carries me away and the only thing I hear is Alec and my name. Again and again Alec moaning loudly with my name on his lips floating next to me on the ocean. The feeling of his cock, pulsing hot inside me, intensifies my orgasm. Just one word leaves my lips. A name that sounds so beautiful and pure. Just like its owner.


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