
By honeymoonlwt

11.8K 629 98

Charlotte is a fan who has a complicated life, especially because of her father. She moves to London for her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 10

385 21 5
By honeymoonlwt

On my way back home, after dropping Hanna at the train station, I think back about what happened yesterday. I kissed Harry Styles. I kissed one of the most wanted men in the world. Thousands of fans would die to be in my place. But I also know that it didn't mean anything. Harry was in a rush of affection and we were wasted.
After that I don't know what will happen between us. I hope it didn't ruin our relationship as he didn't say a word since, apart from "sorry" after kissing me and "Goodbye Charlotte" after the van dropped me off to my flat.

I climb the stairs of my building and arrive at my door. Harry is sat in front of it

"What are doing here ? Have you been waiting for a long time ?"

"Just for ten minutes" he answers, ignoring my first question.

"Well... Come in" I open the door and lead him to the couch.
"So what are you doing here ?"

"I came to apologize. For yesterday." He stares at me with his deep gaze. His eyes are calm but flushed "I shouldn't have kissed you. I don't want you to think that I'm a womanizer, making out with a different girl every night. And you don't seem to be that kind of girl too so I'm sorry for making you do something that you wouldn't do.
We were drunk and I took advantage of it. I shouldn't have."

I'm quite surprised by this speech. I didn't think we would talk about this again.

"It's okay Harry, really. It's not your fault, as you said we were both drunk and I kissed you back remember ? Don't feel guilty for that. I know you're not making out with a different girl every night" I reassure him.

"Well that's not what the media think" he looks down.

"Don't care about what the media say. It's bullshit, you know that "

"Yeah but I can't ignore what they say. I've never succeed and it makes me feel so bad when I see all that stuff about me or my friends who are girls. They're just my friends and I like them but every time I'm in public with them I know the fans are going to imagine some stuff and even insult them."

I blush at this sentence because as a fan I often believed that he was really dating one of this friends who were girls and it had always pissed me off.

"And I hate that we insult the people I like. It's like insulting me. The last time I went on Twitter was yesterday night and people were so hard with you because of the photos of us entering the club and they were saying that I'm a womanizer, and that I was going to use you and then throw you when I get bored of you and find another girl. It just pisses me off because I'm really not that kind of guy and I hate hurting people" he continues, his eyes still looking at the floor, biting his bottom lip nervously.

"Wait is it because of that ? Is it that why you were crying yesterday night ?"

"Yeah... Well the alcohol helped a lot to it. But I was still really sad about it. I thought that after five years I could ignore what people say but I can't "

" Harry, the only people that think that way are the jealous ones. What matters is what the ones who love you think. And they don't think that you're that kind of guy. You have a lot of friends and thousands of fans. They all love you and they don't see you as a womanizer, I can assure you. And yes probably one day you'll disappoint one of them but they're so many, you can't please to everyone. The most important is that you always stay true to yourself."

I can't believe I am actually giving Harry Styles a lesson of life. But I'm very touched that he opens himself to me.

"You're right. Thank you Charlotte. I'm lucky to have you. " He smiles and blushes

After the talk, Harry stays at my place for hours. We talk a lot about our lives, our expectations, our feelings, our family, what we like or dislike,... I wish we could stay like this forever. Him, some tea with chocolates, his special jokes, his cute dimples,...

"So Harry tell me everything about your best memories with the boys" I smirk

"Hm that's difficult to choose there are so many good memories. I really enjoyed the 1D day, we really had fun. And.. Hmm.. I don't know actually, they're all amazing memories" he laughs. "What about you?"

"That's true that there are a lot of good ones but I will always remember at the BRIT awards when you won an award but you weren't on stage with the others and I was worried in front of my tv and then you reappeared, running and saying "sorry I was having a wee" and then you whispered in the micro "what did we win" and I couldn't stop laughing"

"Jeez, yes ! I remember, that was epic" he laughs and I join him.

"And also when you were all mobbed for the first time so you were freaking out, especially Niall, and Liam was looking for his shoes because someone had stolen it from him" I giggle

"Oh yes I will never forget that either ! and remember when we were at an interview and Niall said "I'm gonna embarrassed myself in front of hundreds of people but I really need to go to the toilet " and the journalist was like " now ?!" And Niall was like "yeah possibly, if I could " I couldn't stop laughing "

"Of course I remember oh my god" I laugh

And we keep talking until Harry realises it's already late.

"Jeez, it's 8 pm I should go ! Time went fast the boys must be worried. I really had a good time today, thanks for everything Charlotte. I was glad to learn more about you" he pulls me into a hug and I shyly wrap my arms around his waist. His curls skims my cheek and I can smell his perfume. When he pulls back, he grins at me and leaves the building in a rush.


Harry's point of view

"Where the hell were you ?" Niall shouts as I enter the house "We've been trying to reach you for hours"

"I was just at Charlotte's flat" I shrug

"You could have warned us. You left four hours ago without even telling us where you were going "

"It's okay I just went to talk to her, it's not a big deal" I sigh

"Talk ? You guys just talked for four hours ? Nothing more ?" Louis smirks

"Yeah we just talked, what did you expect? She's very sweet and I like her so I just wanted to know more about her. That's all"

Louis sniggers but they don't ask me any more about it.

After having dinner, we decide to do a TwitCam with the fan since we hadn't done one in a very long time. Twitcams are always very funny. Once, Niall and I were doing a Twitcam and Zayn didn't know that so he just entered Niall's room with just his towel around the waist and the fandom never got over it.
There are so many good memories about those last five years.

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