By Athena_04272001

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COMPLETED Author: The Blips Alternative names: N/A Genre: Romance Source: Web novel Status: Completed THE VIL... More

Chapter 911: Hunted
Chapter 912: Go Jichen and Yang Mi


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By Athena_04272001

Chapter 206: You Will Be Nothing

Every part of Yang Lina's being seemed to have hit pause as she tried to catch up with her thoughts. Lily successfully diverted her attention away from her son. This could only mean one thing. Yang Lina's hands immediately trembled before she reached for her phone and tried to call her husband. Before she could dial his number, however, she heard her father's voice.

"Please leave the Yang Family," he said, his tone stern, completely devoid of any emotion. Yang Lina instantly froze as she turned to face her father. "Leave the Yang Family. I don't want to get involved in your matter." Old Man Yang's already wrinkly face seemed to have aged even further as he let out a long sigh. "Once Yang Sen wakes up, he and Yuyan will go and see Lily Zhuo. Hong Kong and China do not have an extradition treaty and I don't think the government will surrender a high ranking officer to Hong Kong. I'm sure Lily also knows this. That is the reason why she immediately refused Yang Jing when he told her about the law."

"Father! How could you..."

"I am doing this for the whole Yang Family. Lily Zhuo came from abroad and her ties in the east are still weak. Her husband, however, is an entirely different matter. The government considers President Zhuo to be an ally but this does not mean that Zhuo Jingren does not have any connections in the black market. That man could easily ask some triad members to blow up our factories and drag everyone in the Yang Family down with you."

"Father... I am your daughter. You cannot abandon me like this!" Unfortunately, Yang Lina's plea was met with absolute silence from everyone in the room. Once again, Yang Lina started sobbing. "Father, why are you doing this? It was not our fault! It was He Xinlan's fault. She was the one driving the car! She was the one who hit Lily's mother!"

Seeing her father's calm gaze, Yang Lina knew that the old man was determined not to listen to any more of her explanations.

'Family is just a word'

Once again, Lily's voice echoed inside her mind as she looked at everyone in the room. Each and every one of them were engrossed in their own thoughts. Everyone heard her father's words, Yang Lina was sure of it, but not one single person tried to defend her. Everyone was trying to avoid her eyes except for Yang Tao, and he was looking at her with utter disgust.

Her brother, who used to spoil her as if she was his most precious relationship, was looking at her with revulsion and contempt! How could Yang Lina stomach this sight?

"I will ask my men to send all of your things to Hong Kong with you," Old Man Yang said after a few minutes of silence. "Now leave, and think about your selfish actions which caused all of this chaos."

"Father.... Please... I can change... I can..."

"Leave now...Leave before I ask the attendants to drag you out of this house," Old Man Yang said as he stared intently into Yang Lina's eyes. "Lying was one thing but hurting your own brother is another. You have lied, killed, and manipulated people, now you are hurting the people who love you the most. I do not recognize you anymore, Yang Lina. I am not sure what kind of monster you have become!"

"Father, it was because...."

"Family?" Yang Tao interrupted her. "You have been saying that over and over again, yet you do not even understand that word! How could you lie and attempt to manipulate the people that you considered as family? Lina... you do not consider us as your family! You did everything for yourself and not for us. I am so disappointed in you!"

Yang Lina stared at her brother and then towards Old Man Yang, tears streaming down her cheeks as her heart seemed to break into even smaller pieces. She can see it... she can feel it. Hurt, despair and disappointment. Yang Lina immediately wondered if this what Qin Jinghua felt back then when everyone abandoned her?

Yang Lina did not remember which emotion finally made her leave the room. She remembered running out but that was it. Did she run because of disappointment? Embarrassment? Hurt? Or maybe it was a combination of all of those feelings. Her tears were still coursing down her cheeks as she dragged her feet towards the entrance of the mansion. This place had been home for more than twenty years, yet the people who live here just kicked her out as easy as kicking a ball out of the house. The people who lived here chose an evil woman over her. Based on this alone, Yang Lina found it logical that she should leave and go home. Leave the people who do not want her in their lives. Leave everyone who'd abandoned her. However, her heart was telling her a different thing.

All these years, Yang Lina had been very accustomed to using the Yang Family's prestige as a justification for her actions. If the Yang Family announced that they would no longer associate themselves with Yang Lina, she was sure that this would wreak havoc in her life and those of the Xuan Family.

She had lost her backing. She then recalled Lily's words during their confrontation at the coffee shop.

'If I target your family, you will be nothing. Just as Xuan Hui will be nothing once you are dead.'

The viciousness in Lily's eyes seemed to stick into her mind, making her remember it at times like this. Did Lily plan all of this ahead of time? How was she able to predict that she would be abandoned by her family? Then the second sentence that Lily uttered flew into her mind:

'Just as Xuan Hui will be nothing once you are dead.'

Is Lily planning to kill her? Yang Lina immediately swallowed her non-existent saliva before she dialed Xuan Zengmo's number. However, he was unreachable at the moment. She immediately tried calling his secretary but she was informed that Xuan Zengmo was having a very important meeting with the other legislators. The secretary also advised her to call in the afternoon after the meeting has ended.

Yang Lina instantly clenched her teeth as she finally walked out of the mansion, her mind in shambles. For some reason, she had a very bad premonition as she thought about Lily's divide and conquer plan.

Lily had already divided them... Is she going to carry out the conquering part of her plan now?


Chapter 207: Psychological Problems

Yang Lina immediately tried to call Xuan Hui to ask him not to do anything drastic. Now that Yang Lina is sure that Lily is targeting Xuan Hui, she's decided to go back to Hong Kong to protect her son. Unbeknownst to her, Lily has already laid down a trap for Yang Lina.

Hong Kong is just a few hours drive from the Yang Mansion in Mainland China. Throughout the ride, Yang Lina was thinking of a way to get back at Lily. Since the Yang Family has already abandoned her, she needs a new method to deal with a woman like Lily. Of course, using Tang Lingyun was her first plan. Or maybe she could attempt to dispose of Lily. Realistically, that would be hard to do with Zhuo Jingren around.

"Why did you stop?" Yang Lina asked her driver when she noticed the deceleration of the car.

"Police officers," the driver answered shortly, making Yang Lina look at the uniformed men approaching their car. Right now Yang Lina was still in China, but she was about to cross the border between China and Hong Kong. It is normal for various authorities to police this segment near the border, however, Yang Lina couldn't help but wonder why these men would stop her.

"Is there a problem?" she immediately asked the moment she opened the window of her car.

"Good Morning. Can you please show us some proof of your identity?" the police officer respectfully said.

"Sure, no problem." She immediately took some ID from her bag. While she is no longer a part of the Yang Family, the public is still unaware of this matter. Once the police officers know that she is from the Yang household, they will surely immediately apologize for disturbing her ride. However, when she saw the police officer whispering something to his companions, worry lines creased Yang Lina's brow. "Is there a problem? I am Yang Lina, the only daughter of retired General Yang from Guangzhou."

"Miss Yang, can you please accompany us to the nearest station? We have some important questions to ask you," the older policeman framed the order as a polite request.

"About what? Why would you invite me to a police station? Do you know who my father is? My husband is a legislator in Hong Kong. If this gets out, it could affect both of our reputations!" she said.

"Miss Yang, please don't cause any more trouble. We are just going to ask you some questions about a murder. No need to panic, it is merely protocol."

"Murder? Whose murder?" Yang Lina's hands slightly trembled. Did Lily decide to tell the police about what happened seven years ago? But wouldn't that be too dumb? Lily had no evidence. The doctors who killed Bec Facci were in hiding, and none of the hospital personnel know anything about this. Moreover, this happened seven years ago, and Lily only knew this yesterday. How could she go to the police and tell them about it?

"We can continue the conversation at the police station. If you don't ..."

"Alright, Alright! I am coming, but I am not going to ride in any of your police cars. Go ahead, we will follow you to the station." Seeing the police officer gave her a look, Yang Lina continued. "I know the law! I won't run away as I am innocent. Why are you giving me that look? Do you think I will evade the law? My father is a great general in this country! I will not dirty his family name!"

Slowly the police officer nodded as he signaled his men to return to their police cars and head to the police station with Yang Lina in tow.


Meanwhile, Lily was staring directly at Yang Jing, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"President Zhuo, are you just going to stare at me all day?" he said while avoiding Lily's gaze.

Yang Jing had met all types of women since he started working in the military. He had seen women who would try to use their beauty to manipulate men, women who thought that all men wanted was their bodies. These women would use their angelic beauty to try and exploit men's weaknesses.

Then there was the gentle yet scheming woman commonly referred to a white lotus, the type of woman who could make men bow down to her exquisite weakness. This type of woman can boost men's egos by being so weak that every male would have the natural instinct to protect them, inflating their opinion of themselves as big, strong protectors..

Then there were those dumb, funny ones who would stumble over every stone, exasperating men to the point of falling in love with them.

Yang Jing had also met with some domineering women who thought that they were equal to men. They would use every means possible to prove this point and would end up challenging every man that they come across.

There are also those exceptionally arrogant women who think too highly of themselves, looking down on everyone as if they were blessed by the gods. Women who believe that their beauty and brains are always one step above those of ordinary people.

Yang Jing had also acquainted himself with the type of heroic women who can't stand injustice and would always protect whoever it is that had been bullied. These women perpetually stand in the path of righteousness, thinking that what they are doing is always right. These are the women who love to keep quiet and observe things while waiting for people to offend them, then they would unleash chaos and obliterate everyone who hurt them.

Then there are those mysterious women who come from prestigious families, always acting as if they are always one step ahead of everyone, silently scheming and observing, then analyzing everyone's actions. Smart, but too arrogant.

Then finally there is the smart and scheming woman who is the faithful assistant or the 'woman behind the great man'. These are the women who toil on behalf of famous people. No one ever acknowledges their efforts, and very few people know that they are the brains behind some of the most brilliant ideas ever created.

Yang Jing had spent the whole night thinking about which type of woman Lily is. He wanted to analyze and categorize her as one of these women, but no matter what he does, he can't seem to decide on this matter.

To Yang Jing, Lily is cold... too cold. The latter did not even bat an eyelash when he told her about Bec Facci's death. Instead, she continued talking to him as if she did not just discover the cause of her mother's death. To Yang Jing, a normal woman would have lost control of her emotions, lashed out at him, or maybe used her influence to attack the Yang Family overnight.

With Lily's influence, this would be the most natural solution for her. Everyone in the business world already considered her to be ruthless. Moreover, she has a powerful husband backing her. Destroying a family would not be a big deal for Lily. Yang Jing had been thinking of all the things that Lily could do to avenge her mother, yet she didn't do any of those things.

Was she really that unfeeling? Did she even shed a tear because of her mother's death? Yang Jing knew that Lily had been to a mental facility before. This made him wonder if he was talking to someone with psychological problems. If so... wouldn't that be scarier?


Chapter 208: Murderers and Liars

"President Zhuo?" Yang Jing said, almost convinced that he had been talking to a lunatic.

"I want Yang Lina," Lily said after a few seconds. "Tell your grandfather not to intervene."

"Yes, that's what we've already agreed upon. However, my father and mother are a different matter. My father is in the military while my mother used to be a military nurse, but I'm sure you are already aware of that," Yang Jing said.

"I am," Lily answered. "I am not a very forgiving person, Mr. Yang. That is something that I can assure you."

"Are you saying that you will still touch the Yang Family?"

"No. I will not ruin the lives of your family. I am not that evil," Lily said as she drummed her fingers on the table. "However, that does not mean that my husband is as... kind-hearted as I am."

Yang Jing immediately squinted at Lily, wondering what type of scheme she was cooking up now. "President Zhuo..."

"Don't worry, I won't let him touch your precious family." Lily rose from her seat and turned her back on Yang Jing. "But this will mean that you will owe me something." Lily crossed her arms over her chest, her gaze still on the floor to ceiling windows in front of her. "From now on, the Yang Family will owe me something."

Instantly, Yang Jing's expression changed. "We don't owe you anything!"

"Zhuo Jingren can frame your uncle and grandfather for crimes that they did not commit," Lily said. "Without them and Yang Sen... the Yang Family will slowly crumble."

"My husband tends to overreact when it comes to me, Mr. Yang... Who knows what he will do to get back at your family. After all, it was your father who helped cover up my mother's murder," Lily reminded him. "I'll give you five minutes to think about it."

"You..." Yang Jing was speechless. While he had been cautious after realising that he'd accidentally revealed details of the murder of Lily's mother, he still did not expect this move from her. Owe her? Wouldn't this mean that the Yang Family would be under her command?

Now that he thought about it, his grandfather had been warning him not to engage in any deals with Lily as she was extremely cunning. Last night, Yang Jing wasn't able to stop himself from talking back to his grandfather. For him, it's not that Lily is smart, it's simply that they made the wrong assumptions because of Yang Lina's lies. Her tactics were simple, and any military tactician would eventually notice them as long as they knew every aspect of the story.

However, his grandfather still warned him about Lily's unpredictability. Dismissively, he just laughed at the old man's words. How could a woman beat a military officer when it comes to strategy? All night, he had been thinking about Lily's ways and concluded that she just got lucky as Yang Lina and Xuan Zengmo panicked when she attacked them. This wouldn't work if she had been in front of military men who had been dealing with cunning individuals all of their lives.

"Mr. Yang, all my life I have been underestimated by almost everyone I've ever encountered," Lily's sudden words woke him up from his stupor. "Be it when I was a child or when I became a businesswoman. This is a man's world, they say," Lily slowly turned around and walked towards her table. "In the business world, women tend to work harder than men just to prove that we are capable."

"Your point?" he asked.

"Simple. Stop trying to analyze me. You will fail." Seeing Yang Jing narrowing his eyes at her, Lily continued, "I can read you like a book, Mr. Yang. From the moment you walked into my office, I knew that you underestimate women. I know how you underestimate me."

"I am not..."

"I have met men like you, Mr. Yang. Too many to count," Lily interrupted him. "And every time I've met someone like you, I've never failed to put these people in their places." Lily's blunt words surprised Yang Jing. Although most of his life has been spent in the military, he has been exposed to people who love to talk in riddles and hide insults behind sweet words.

"Not that I blame you," Lily added. She understood that the man in front of her has been around different types of women while working in a special division of the military that deals with intelligence and information gathering. The man has been doing his very best to decode her actions. Too bad that he will only meet with failure today. "Now... let's talk about what I want, shall we?"

"President Zhuo, I cannot..."

"Before you decline, I want you to know that I don't owe you and your family anything - but your father owes me the truth about his exact role in my mother's murder while your mother and your aunt arranged the murder of my mother. Now... think about it carefully, Mr. Yang."

Once again, Yang Jing was speechless. The woman in front of him was a master manipulator, he was sure of it. To a normal person there is nothing wrong with having a strictly factual conversation, however Yang Jing knew that Lily had been playing with his emotions for a while now. She kept on interrupting him, disrupting his ability to analyze her words, then shoving threats down his throat as if it was nothing. Moreover, Lily also didn't forget to make him feel guilty and let him know over and over again that they had wronged her.

"We, the Yang Family, will not tolerate evil deeds President Zhuo. On behalf of my grandfather, I am willing to accept your offer, however it should not involve something that would breach our morals," he answered. Yang Jing felt that he was left with no choice but to agree to Lily's demands. Her words about her powerful husband were actually true as Zhuo Capital is one of the biggest banks in Mainland China. With this level of influence, he would not be surprised if Zhuo Jingren had connections to the criminal group that has been running the Black Market. Yang Jing was almost one hundred percent sure that Zhuo Jingren did indeed have the means to destroy them.

Though he doesn't like the idea, Yang Jing knew that this was the only way to keep the family safe.

"Look at you," Lily scoffed after she heard Yang Jing agreeing to her demands. "You scream of righteousness like it was running in your blood, and yet you work, kill and bury the truth for murderers and liars. What a hypocrite."


Chapter 209: Do My Bidding... or Die

"The YangFamily... is what I want. Not even the shadow of your hair will be touched. But... you have to do everything that I've told you to do," Lily said with an obvious spark in her eyes - but it was too quick for Yang Jing to analyze.

"You... You want us to work for you?" Yang Jing asked, disbelief visible in his eyes.

"You've misunderstood." Lily stared at the man intently. This Yang Jing was known to be stern and ruthless. According to Zhuo Jingren, this man was even more ruthless than his own father. "Working requires a certain compensation. Now... we both know that is not what I want. I don't want to complicate things. My meaning is simple: from now on the Yang Family will do everything that I want them to do. If I say east, they will go east. If I say jump then they will jump... without any rewards or compensation."

"You want us to become your slaves?"

"Slave is... too excessive. But you can think of it like that," She answered. "Let's just say, I am holding all of your lives hostage. Do my bidding... or die."

"Simple, right?" she added.

"You-" Yang Jing could not count the number of times that Lily had rendered him speechless today. To be honest, Yang Jing had never met a woman as ambitious as Lily! How could she dream of making the whole Yang Family do her bidding?

"I cannot agree to your terms," Yang Jing said bluntly. He wanted to insult Lily for being too ambitious, but before he could utter a word, his phone rang. "Excuse me... I am going to get this." He rose from his seat and walked towards the door of Lily's office. After making sure that he'd established enough distance between them, he answered the call.

And instantly his gaze landed on the woman who was looking at him with a small smile on her face. As he continued to listen to the call, Yang Jing started to emit a coldness that he'd never once displayed since he began dealing with Lily. Slowly, he balled his hand into a fist before avoiding Lily's eyes.

Then he dropped the call and walked towards Lily's table.

"What did you do?"

In response, Lily lifted an eyebrow at him. "I told you that you only had five minutes." She lowered her gaze to examine her nails before she shifted it back to the man towering in front of her. "Did you expect me to... wait for your decision? Mr. Yang... I don't have all day to deal with you and your family."

"How could you frame my Mother and Aunt?" Yang Jing hissed. He received a call that He Yuyan and Yang Lina had both been invited to the police station. Apparently, the police were notified of Li Tian Ya's murder last night and they found some evidence that led them to Yang Lina and He Yuyan. The most infuriating part is that the media got hold of it and immediately assumed that Xuan Zengmo and Yang Lina wanted to silence Li Tian Ya because of the video that was spread online.

Now, various sources have claimed that it was Li Tian Ya himself who spread those videos in an effort to blackmail Xuan Zengmo and Yang Lina. Since the Xuan family was based in Hong Kong, Li Tian Ya chose to go to Mainland China to hide, thinking that the Xuan Family wouldn't be able to track him down. Unfortunately, he underestimated Yang Lina's backing.

Yang Lina had the resources of the Yang Family at her disposal. She collaborated with her sister-in-law He Yuyan to track Li Tian Ya. Yang Lina even travelled to Mainland China to kill the man herself.

"Your mother and Yang Lina are, in fact, murderers. What 'framing' are you talking about?" Lily then stifled a laugh. "News reporters must be camping outside of your Yang residence already, huh."

"How could the Great General Yang raise such a daughter?" she taunted.

"They did not kill Li Tian Ya!"


"What do you mean, 'so'?" Yang Jing fumed. How could this woman be so vicious?

"We've already established that your family is not to intervene. This is merely a taste of what we can do. You can call us evil if you want to... but Yang Lina and He Yuyan deserve it. Whatever happens to them in prison is already out of my control. Or did you think you could still negotiate and tell me that it was He Xinlan who killed my mother?" Seeing Yang Jing just stare at her, Lily continued, "He Xinlan will receive her karma soon enough. For now... I will deal with you and your family."

Yang Jing just stared wide eyed at Lily. The prisons in Mainland China are notorious for exercising severe treatment of prisoners and for using capital punishment. If Yang Lina and He Yuyan went to prison in China who knows what kind of torture they might suffer. At that point, Yang Jing understood exactly what Lily meant when she told him that she could read him like an open book.

Lily predicted that the Old Man would still try to protect Yang Lina by asking her to return directly to Hong Kong as the laws in Hong Kong are not as brutal as those in Mainland China. Lily must have predicted that the Old Man would cut ties with Yang Lina as soon as possible and ask her to leave China. She did not wait for the old man to do this. Instead, she asked someone to kill Li Tian Ya to frame Yang Lina and He Yuyan, making it impossible for them to leave China.

All along, the Yang Family had been trying to show Lily that they were doing what she wanted while trying to protect both Yang Lina and He Yuyan behind her back. It appears that Lily was able to see through their act and implemented her own plans ahead of time. It was as if Lily had been laying a trap while provoking them in the process, pushing them directly into her trap.

This made him wonder exactly when did Lily plan all of this? It was only yesterday that she showed him Li Tian Ya's video. It was also yesterday when she learned about her mother's murder. How was she able to predict all of this?


Chapter 210: Prison Sentence

08:00 PM Mainland China, Aug. 03, Wednesday

Meanwhile, Yang Lina was having a very difficult time in the police station. She was the prime suspect of killing Li Tian Ya and no matter how much she explains that she was at the Yang Mansion all night, nobody seems to believe her.

Another irritating thing was that the lawyer of the Yang Family refused to help her, so she was forced to contact the Xuan Family's lawyer who was still at Hong Kong assisting Xuan Zengmo in filing cases against the tabloids publishing news against him.

"I already told you, I did not kill him!" she hissed. "Do I look like a murderer?"

The detective stared at her for a moment, then released the contents of the folder he brought to Yang Lina..

"I am innocent! I already told you..." Yang Lina was about to deny when the detective laid a collection of photographs in front of her. However, after she took a look at the photos, her mind went blank as she stared wide eyed at the photos.

"This was you, just hours before the murder. Take a look. That was your car going into the Villa. Look at the time and date from the CCTV across the road."

"That was not my car! My car was on the Yang Mansion parking all night!"

"Mrs. Xuan... Your car was not seen in the Yang Mansion all night." The detective replied. "Do you take us as fools? We know about the video that involves you, your husband and the victim. You have the motive and we found some evidence that clearly points us to you and your sister-in-law."

"I-Im sorry. What did you say?"

"I said we have evidence that is enough to convict the two of you."

"Who? Yuyan?"

The detective only stared at her briefly before putting the photos back into the folder. "We are also waiting for the results of the fingerprint match. We found lots of fingerprints around the house and I am sure that yours is one of those."

"That... That is impossible." Yang Lina said. How could they have her fingerprints on the murder scene? Yang Lina was sure that she did not see Li Tian Ya during the past two weeks. Moreover, they always went to other places with the highest security. She was a hundred percent sure that she had never met Li Tian Ya in any of his houses.

'But would anyone believe that?' Lily's voice echoed inside her mind. That was what Lily told her when she showed her some images and short clips of her and Xuan Zengmo's sexual activities. At this point, Yang Lina was already aware that this was another one of Lily's schemes.

Yang Lina was sure that Lily would retaliate for her mother's death but she never thought Lily would dare frame her for Li Tian Ya's death. Still, Yang Lina thought that there would not be enough evidence for a case against her and He Yuyan.

Yang Lina watched as the detective left without saying a word. Since He Yuyan was here, the Yang Family must have already been aware of this matter. Even though her father already said that she was no longer a member of the Yang family, Yang Lina was sure that he would not have the heart to abandon her in such a place. If the Yang Family wanted bail He Yuyan out, she was sure that her father would also bail her.

Another hour had passed and Yang Lina was getting impatient. Yang Lina wanted to leave the place as soon as possible, however, the lawyer that Xuan Zengmo asked to help her was still not here yet.

"Hey! Give me some water." She yelled at the big mirror in front of her. She was sure that someone was behind watching her. Moreover, she also wanted to ask about the results of the fingerprint match. Once she hears that it wasn't her print, Yang Lina would immediately ask them to let her go as she was sure that there will be no case against her.

After a few minutes, the door opened. However, the person who came in was the detective that she had spoken to earlier.

"It is already so late.... Where is my lawyer?"

"Mrs. Xuan..." the detective started. "I was right. Your fingerprint indeed matched one of the fingerprints found in Mr. Li's place. We will file a case against you tomorrow morning. For now you and Mrs. Yang will spend the night in the prison."

"W- What did you say?" Yang Lina immediately asked, she wanted to clarify if she heard the right thing. Her fingerprints were found? How was that possible?

"I will not repeat myself. Stop denying your crime. Did you really think that you can rely on your family's name and commit murder just because you are a Yang? People like you are so entitled."

"Hold on!" Yang Lina slammed her hands into the table before she rose from her seat. "You dare talk to me like that? I am innocent! I did not kill anyone! You can't hold me here!" Yang Lina took a step forward. "I will leave this place! Get out of my way!"

"Mrs. Xuan... please don't force us to use force against you!" the detective said.

"I said get out of my way! Why are you detaining me? You don't have enough evidence to detain me! This is an abuse of your authority! Do you know what will happen if my father will get hold of this information!? He will surely destroy you and your family!"

"Mrs. Xuan.... Are you threatening a police officer?" The detective was unfazed. This was not his first time to talk to someone with an influential background. There was no reason for him to cower in fear after Yang Lina's threat?

However, to his surprise Yang Lina did not answer but shove him instead. She tried to walk past the detective but was stopped by another person who entered the room.

"Miss Yang... what are you doing, attacking a police officer like that?" Lily's voice was full of mirth as she walked inside the room. A beautiful smile slowly blossomed onto her face as she stood in front of Yang Lina. "Didn't you know that attacking someone inside a police station will only worsen your prison sentence?"


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