Finding aurora

By sxphyaaa

119K 2.4K 323

Aurora Romano. A three year old girl who's mom sadly passed away in a random shooting . Little does she know... More

[2] Theres more?
[3] whos dat
[4] New friends
[5] dont run away now
[6] sit down
[7] After shocks
[ 8 ] huh-?
[ 9 ] rules
[ 10 ] behave

[1] the meeting

18K 362 57
By sxphyaaa

A/n this is one long chapter. Buckle up. I've changed quite a few things .

Part one

3rd person POV
" Aurora mi vida come one lets go "

" 'm going momma "

"Alright . But be quick ! We don't want the toys to disappear right?"

" No! Les go"

While holding her moms hand they walked down to the driveway Aurora stopped right in her tracks.

" oh my . Momma look at da fwower."
( flower )

" I see it baby . "

" I wanna take it "

" No honey , don't pick it so it can grow to be tall and colorful. If you'd like we can plant a few flowers in the garden? How would that sound?"

" Ya!"

As the continued walking and got in the car and the listened to the Disney playlist per Auroras request until the got to the store. As Auroras mom was walking around the

Store looking for something that caught her eye. As the walked by the toy isle Aurora's eyes lit up. Her mom, Esmeralda thought she was gonna go for a signature Barbie. Shockingly enough that's not exactly what she wanted.

" Momma ! Momma! Can I pwease pwease get that teddy "

" The teddy bear?" She said while she looked at the light brown kinda floppy teddy bear

" Ya!"

Hm. Esmeralda thought to herself . I mean it's not the most beautiful thing in the world. But it's kinda growing on me . I guess I'll get it for her. If she doesn't get it who will?

" Sure sweetie, but you have to take care of him"

" Yay! Yay! Yay! 'M gonna name you fwanke! Your da cutest thing ever" she said while basically bursting with happiness.

Esmeralda looked at her daughter who was so happy over a simple little daughter and she to, became very happy. The moment was perfect. Too perfect. The next second gunshots were heard and over the loud speaker she heard ,

" Everyone there's an active shooter in the building , I repeat active shooter in the building the police are outside . "

More gunshots were heard. Within a millisecond Esmeraldas top priority was to get Aurora out. She had a bit of experience with this from her past of being involved with the mafia but nothing , no experience ever prepares you for this type of thing. Aurora being the toddler she was , knew something was wrong but didn't know it was that serious. Esmeralda bent down , picked up her daughter as quietly as possible and picked up a pair of random headphones and put them on her. But not before telling her .

" Aurora, I love you so so much, no matter what happens get outside . Get to a police officer okay? I love you so so much alway remember that. "

She put the headphones on her daughter and put her hand on the back of her head while Aurora buried her head I'm her moms chest.She may have been a naive toddler but she knew this wasn't something she was supposed to know about.

" Come on sweetheart we're almost near the exit " she whispered but then she heard heavy footsteps. She started running. They were running behind her . She then heard a bullet fly by her. She ran faster. Then she saw an emergency exit. She had gotten them off her trail. Now she had to say goodbye. She knew it was forever.

" Aurora , I love you so much never forget that. I will always love you no matter where I am" she whispered in her ear before giving her a kiss on the head and a hug so tight.

" I luv you to momma "

And hugged her back tight.

" Okay mi vida , time for you to go outside and go see the police man okay?" She said as she heard footsteps draw nearer and nearer.

" otay momma "

She walked out of the door and when she did she saw a lot of giant men in uniforms with a pretty yellow thing on them . When she did walk out she also heard a loud boom that made her ears ring . As she held her hands to her ears one of the men in uniform ran forward towards her .

" Hi honey , where are your parents?"

" My mommas in dere and there was a woud boom "
( there , loud )

" What's your name ?"

" Rora Romano "

" I'm Danny. So Aurora where's your dad?"

" Daddys sowmewhere far away "
( somewhere)

" Do you have any family "

" Nuh- uh"

" Do you wanna meet one of my really good friends? She'll take care of you till we find your family. Okay?"

" Otay mistew Danny "

Danny walked a few feet away from her making sure to still have an eye on the girl while attempting to find some sort of information on the girl. It wasn't difficult to find something on the girl.

Aurora Alexandria Ophelia Romano

Age- 3 years and 6 months

Birthday- April 20th 2019

Mother - Esmeralda Solage Romano née Colón ( 44 years old )

Father - Salvatore Aldo Romano ( 47 years old - deceased)

Siblings - 3 Brothers ( info N/A )

   Wow? So she's orphaned . I'm positive we could find her brothers through some DNA testing. That might just be the only option. Either way I still have to get in contact with Laney and take the kid to the station. Danny thought to himself. He looked back at the girl who was playing with a floppy weird looking teddy bear .

  He dialed Laneys  number and let it ring twice.

" Hello?"

" Hey Laney, I gotta kid for ya."

                                                           time skip

" Alright Aurora. I'm gonna prick your finger super duper fast so we can find your brothers okay?"

" I'm scawed ms . Laney "
( scared)

" it'll be super quick okay! Here you can hold mister Danny's hand."

  Aurora looked at Danny with glossy eyes silently pleading for him to agree. He walked over and kneeled down next to her chair and offered his hand which she gladly took.

" Okay 3-2-1 "

  She squeezed her eyes shut and she felt a prick on her finger . She was a big girl. Big girls didn't cry because of a shot.

" Good job Aurora! We're all done. Now we can find your brothers

                                          Part two
                               The brothers 

Adonis POV
    * Ring *  * Ring * * Ring * * Ring *

Who the fuck is calling me? I'm busy. I have shit to do.

** Ring *  * Ring * * Ring * * Ring *

I swear to god. If they call me one more-

* Ring *  * Ring * * Ring * * Ri-

" What?"

" Is this Mr. Adonis Romano?"

" This is he? What do you want?

"  My names Laney Wilsons with social services, Im calling to inform you that as of right now your mother Esmeralda Romano has died in a shooting and so ,being over the age of eighteen and the closest nearing relative of her daughter , your sister Aurora Romano who's 3 years old . If you deem it necessary you can decline her custody which will lead her into going into the foster care system?"

   Hold the fuck on. I haven't seen her since my parents divorced? Dad wanted to get custody of her but mom never let her because she didn't want her to get involved in our lifestyle. He regretted not trying harder to see Aurora again. I agree with mom. It's to dangerous for her to come here. But foster care? Ugh. This is the dumbest shit i've ever done.

" I agree to taking custody ""

" Alright good. Now, if you'd give us the airport nearest to you well fly her out with someone as soon as possible."

" The closest airport to us is the Fiumicino ."

" Alright I'm booking a flight now. If I were you I would start preparing everything. You, your brothers, your house . This is a big change for all of you."

" mhm ok alright " I wasn't paying attention to anything she was saying. The only thing I'm thinking about is how to make sure she stays a secret. She could be a weakness for us if they found out she was reunited with us. So she needs to stay a secret until we find out if we have any enemies and if we do? They'll have something coming.

" Okay Mr. Romano we'll be there in one day. "

Then I heard a little kids voice in the background

" 'M bowed "
(Im bored )

" We'll sir we have to get going. We'll see you tomorrow . "

Well shit. Ugh , now I have to tell the boys. Shit this is gonna be annoying.

    The Romanos group chat

Adonis : mom died and auroras coming to live with us

3 minutes later
Apollo : wtf

Dominic : what

Luca: WHAT

Adonis : I said what I said, re read it or smth

Dominic: could you not have said it any other way

Apollo: could you have called us?


Adonis: su she's coming in a day


  They're actual idiots I swear. Well I gotta start preparing . I get up from my desk and walk to the elevator.

" Hey Adonis " ah shit. Here we go again .

" What Serena "

" Just wondering if you wanted to do anything tonight "

" No."

" Why not " she said with a pouty face

" Cause I have better things to do Serena "

And I left her hanging in the elevator. Then I went to lowes. Then after i went to fucking target.

Back with Aurora

" Pack your stuff honey we got a plane to catch "

" I dunno where my stuff is"

" Oh , right."

" Let's go get some of your stuff then"

  She takes Aurora to her house so she can take a little back pack with clothes and entertainment because she's gonna be on the plane for a while.

" My momma said dat when we came back from da store she would make a gawden "
(That,the , garden)

" But you said mommas not comwin back, now I cant have fwowers "
( coming, flowers)

" She'll always be with you Aurora. "

" But she's not here ?"

" You'll understand when your older "

                            ꧁Time skip꧂
               Brought to you by my lovely laziness

They finally got to the airport . Aurora wasn't a a super hyperactive child , but apparently being seated for so long made her want to run around. Laney decided that it'd be better for her to run around now then when she got to her brothers house.

" C'mon Aurora ,now you can run around "

" Yay! Otay."

  Laney grabbed her hand before she could run off too far. Aurora was having the time of her life. Running around with her little Disney princess backup. Until she bumped into someone. They were wearing white sneakers ( air forces ) gray sweatpants and as she looked up they were wearing a white tank top and they were very very tall .

" hewwo. I'm sowwy "
( hello , sorry )

  Then ms. Laney come up

  " Oh. Mr.Romano not the way I planned you to meet her but it works " she said as she looked at the man with straight, kinda fluffy, black hair and tan skin. He had sharp eyes the somehow reminded you of a knife. He looks like he could kill you with his looks .She honestly didn't see the resemblance with Auroras pale skin , brown eyes, and wild light-ish brown curls. Maybe it was her being so young but she had kind eyes that ,had everyone around her light up. Maybe she had more of resemblance to another sibling? But Laney did not see it Adonis.

   As she was semi-zoned out as Adonis bent down to Auroras level and decided to introduce himself.

" Hey pretty girl. I'm your brother ."

" Oh. You are ?" To her he looked kinda scary but her momma told her not to judge , Plus he had her moms eyes .

" Yep. What's your name ?"

" My names Rora "

" That's a nice name . My named Adonis. "

" My mommy gave it to me."

" Really? Guess what ?"

" Wat ?"

" My mom gave me my name too !"

" Oh my she did !"

" Yep. "

For being so intimidating he sure was good with kids .

" Okay Aurora , I have to leave now . You're gonna stay with you're brother now. "

" Oh. Otay."

" I'll visit you sometimes . Okay Aurora"

" Otay. I'll miss you Ms.Laney!"

  Then Ms. Laney walked or ran away.

" Now why don't we go home ? "


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