Guts (EXO)

By commovente

819K 12.3K 2.2K

Ordinary teenagers get themselves caught up in M-LX—a confidential organization that deals with alien terrori... More

Her Life
Their Lives
The Mission
Boy Hunting
Boy Hunting II
Boy Hunting II (continuation)
Part of the Truth
Fix It
Of Rice Cakes and Guns
Not My Thing
We Run the Night
Trust Me
Hate You
Are You Ready?
Mission Accomplished
Worth Keeping
Big Step
Half of My Heart
New Place, New Life
The Concept of Caring Too Much
Pleasure Show
Love Drug
Don't You Worry, Child
From Now On
Just Getting Used to It
Bringing Him Back
Just a Bunch of Kids
Winter Formal of Bullshit
Still the Same
Kiss the Cook
The Noxius Brothers
To Save a Life
Hormones, Probably
The Perfect Date
State of Dreaming
Everything You Never Thought I Was
Snake in the Grass
The Ultimate Lie
Need a Hand?
When It's Just Too Late
Bleeding Out
The Verdict
Before You Hit the Ground
Breaking Point
Take Cover
What Lies Ahead
Crack the Shutters
Sky Blue

Night Crawlers

11.8K 160 8
By commovente

"Oh god. Okay. Calm down," Chen whispered to himself, wiping the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm."

Luhan shut the door of the van where he and Chen were left while the others proceeded to come out of the vehicle to get on with their mission. He slipped on his headpiece and knelt in front of the laptop resting on the van's floor.

"Guys, can you hear me?" he asked, pressing on his earpiece. "Let's do a brief testing. Unit A, check?"

"Here," Kai, Tao, Kris, Lay and Chanyeol chorused.

"Unit B?"

"We're here," Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Baekhyun and Suho replied from the back of the Woori Bank building.

"Unit C?"

"Copy," Hyerin and Sehun chorused.

"Great," Luhan said, pulling Chen beside him. "Unit C, how's it going?"

"We're still on our way," Hyerin said as she and Sehun crawled inside the vents. "You okay there, Sehun?" she asked the boy behind her.

"Yeah," he mumbled, struggling with climbing and holding the flashlight at the same time.

As they turned a corner, they found a opening that lead to the hallway. They settled there and took off the necessary gadgets from their utility belts.

"We're here. We're going to attach the GPS now," she said, taking out the device while Sehun held the flashlight to help her see better.

"Okay. Unit A and B? Still there?" Luhan asked, adjusting the volume.



"Okay. We'll work on your entrance to the building once Unit C pushes through with the device," he said. "Hyerin, are you done?"

"Working on it," she said in a strained voice. By now, they were drenched in sweat. Hyerin pressed a button on the GPS' screen, unleashing pointed hooks at the corners of the device. She placed it carefully on the vent's flooring and it attached itself automatically. When it was successfully secured, Hyerin fumbled with a few buttons before it lit up green.

"We got it," Sehun said through his mic.

"Good." Luhan gave Chen a thumbs up.

Chen turned to the other laptop and rapidly typed on the keyboard. He pressed enter and a pop-up appeared with the bank's three-dimensional blueprint, giving them the privilege to see where the entrances and exits were.

Along with the building's interior, they also saw where the robbers were positioned.

"Okay, listen up," Chen said, feeling more relaxed and focused than earlier. "They are in the premises. Both floors are crowded with these creatures that I assume are the night crawlers."

"Can you find a way in?" Tao, the lead for Unit A, asked. The others with him crouched wordlessly behind the bushes.

"I'm looking for a way in." Chen bit his lower lip as he typed away. "There's one backdoor but it's on the second floor. There's a stairway leading there but once you get in they'll spot you in an instant."

He zoomed in on the first floor's interior. Chen shook his head in disbelief. "There's no other way inside other than the main entrance and the second floor backdoor."

"There's no way we won't get mobbed by those things if we enter through the main entrance," the lead for unit B, Kyungsoo, said with much frustration.

"That's okay," Hyerin said distractedly, strapping her utility belt back around her waist.

"What?" Kris asked incredulously.

"It's okay. Unit B will go through the back door at the second floor–you have Xiumin to look for quicker escape routes and D.O. for defense," she explained. "Once Unit B starts attacking, the night crawlers on the first floor will be vulnerable, giving Unit A the advantage to attack through the main entrance. Once that starts, Sehun and I will go down the vent and we'll take care of the second floor hallway. Got it? We should take our chances or else nothing will become of this mission."

Chen nodded. "I agree. This is the only way right now so we just need to take the risk and go for it."

"It's final then. Are you ready?" Luhan asked.


"Okay. Unit B, get ready."

Unit B silently made their way up on the rusty spiral staircase with Kyungsoo on the lead. When they made it to the top, he turned around and faced the others trailing behind him. "Me and Baekhyun will stall them once we get in. Xiumin and Suho, run as fast as you can to the second floor safe. Luhan, is there an easier route to the safe?" he asked through the mic.

"Yeah. Once you get in, you'll see a corridor at the left hand-side. Go straight there, turn left, and another left and then there's your vault," Luhan said. "It's not easy to get past through, though. These creatures are lurking everywhere."

"Okay." Kyungsoo nodded. "We're ready."

"On my count. One, two...three!"

With that, Kyungsoo slammed the door open, revealing themselves to their enemies. Xiumin did not waste time as he and Suho made their way to the corridor that Luhan mentioned. The night crawlers ganged up on them at once.

Kyungsoo charged towards them without any hesitation, not bothering with any of his weapons. A night crawler pounced on him, which he immediately shoved away from him with little effort. Another attacked from the back, but he grabbed its long arm in time and threw the creature across the room, knocking several more before hitting the wall with a crack.

Baekhyun dodged a few attacks before gathering his strength to form a ball of light in between his hands. Once he got it under control, the light turned into powerful beams that he used to hit opponents attempting to get close to him. Xiumin got past several of the night crawlers while Suho countered some attacks leering their way.

Chen and Luhan typed away on their laptops as they watched the outcome of their plans through the screen.

"They're doing good so far, but the others on the ground floor are getting suspicious so Unit A, get ready."

"Understood." Tao lead the others up to the bank's front. He and Chanyeol ducked to the right side of the main door while Lay, Kris and Kai stayed on the left.

"Ready?" Chen asked, eyes glued to the laptop.

"Yeah," Kai said, taking out his pistol.

"On my cue. One, two, three!"

Unit A barged inside the main entrance, and the night crawlers who were about to make their way up to the second floor turned their attention to them. They wasted no time and attacked Unit A in all fours.

Four sharp knives skillfully materialized in Lay's hands and he proceeded to throw it at a few who were charging towards him. Meanwhile, Kris cleverly flew up in the air and began shooting the night crawlers below.

Tao twisted a crawler's head, dropping its lifeless form on the ground as he moved on to the others. Kai teleported from different areas in the room, using this as an advantage to attack the monsters by surprise. Chanyeol was literally setting his enemies on fire, throwing balls of flames everywhere and wringing their necks with his blazing arms.

As this was happening, Sehun and Hyerin braced themselves to attack while waiting for a signal from Luhan and Chen.

Sehun peeked through the small slits of the vent. Right under them were the night crawlers silently roaming in the hallway, oblivious to the ruckus outside.

Sehun gulped as he studied their enemy's appearance and movements. It was as if they had no limbs or muscles whatsoever.

"Such ugly monsters," Hyerin whispered, looking through the vent's little opening as well. "And with those stupid masks, too."

"It adds to their creepiness. It's like their mocking you with those masks on," Sehun said, ignoring the violent pounding of his nervous heart.

"I can't wait to tear those off their faces," Hyerin whispered, pressing her earpiece further into her ear. "How are you guys holding up so far?" she asked the other units.

"They're very quick in movement!" Xiumin exclaimed as he froze a night crawler that was about to attack him from behind. He kicked its now frozen body and it exploded into bits and pieces of ice.

"Aggressive too," Lay said, putting a crawler into a headlock before throwing it towards the wall. He took out his gun and shot it.

"Unit C? Still there?" Chen called out to them.

"We're still here," Hyerin answered.

"Okay. It's your time to attack now. Ready?"

"Ready," Hyerin said, raising a brow at Sehun as if asking him if he was too.

"Yeah, ready," Sehun retorted, nodding at the girl.

"On my count," Luhan said. "One, two, three!"

Hyerin ripped off the ventilation's cover and proceeded to jump down to the floor, exposing herself to the night crawlers. Sehun followed suit, taking out knives from his utility belt.

There were at least nine crawlers in that particular hallway. Hyerin took out her own daggers and stabbed two crawlers in the chest who were running towards her from behind, leaving Sehun to take care of the other side of the lobby.

She didn't spare them a glance as she retrieved her knives and let their slender bodies collapse to the ground. She walked straight through the hallway, dodging or slashing anything that came in her way. One in particular lunged at her upfront, but she quickly caught on and grabbed it by its neck. She slammed the crawler on the floor and pinned it to the ground before slitting its throat.

She stood up, but as soon as she got on her feet, another one had attacked from behind, sending both of them down to the floor.

Hyerin tried to pry the crawler's long arms off her but to no avail. She rolled on her back, coming face to face with the creepy smiling mask of the night crawler. Feeling heated because of this, she punched its face several times, making the night crawler loosen its grip.

She managed to switch from being underneath to being on top as the creature weakened. Another one wrapped its arms around her shoulders tightly, but she managed to jab it in the gut.

She turned her attention to the crawler underneath her, wasting no time and ripping off the irking mask on its face that covered its true identity.

What she saw was unpleasant to look at; the night crawler had a bald head and was as pale as a blank sheet of paper, its face clear of anything except for an abnormally wide mouth housing hundreds of long and ridiculously sharp teeth. Its lips were stained with dried blood, probably from getting cut too many times because of its own canine dentures.

Hyerin stared horridly at the monster before her; what she was seeing at that moment was something she never expected.

The other night crawlers turned to them. At the sight of the exposed identity of their fellow creature, they too, ripped off their masks.

"Jesus Christ," Sehun breathed, staring at their impossibly sharp teeth.

"What? What's wrong?" Luhan asked frantically when he heard Sehun's panicked voice.

"They took off their disguises. They could eat me alive with those–Hyerin! Watch out!"

Hyerin whipped around just in time to see that they were charging towards her. She took out her gun and started shooting the group of night crawlers.

Sehun ran to her side and did the easiest way to get rid of them. He deeply breathed in, gathering the air around him and making big circular motions to summon his power.

They felt the wind around them move and in no time, Sehun got his element under control.

Making one big swift motion with his arms, the wind blew off the night crawlers to the other side of the room. The impact was so strong that the glass walls of the building shattered.

Sehun protectively wrapped his arms around Hyerin, shielding her from the shards of glass that the wind blew inside.

Once the air finally calmed down, Sehun slowly loosened his grip around the girl. Hyerin lifted her head up to look at the boy in shock.

"Sehun, you didn't have to do that," she said with wide eyes. His arms and face were now covered with little cuts and shards of glass.

Sehun gave her a small smile before letting go of her completely. "It's fine. It's no big deal." He shrugged, brushing off bits of glass from his shoulder. "I would've felt bad if I didn't."

She gave him one last worried look before scanning the room. "I think we're done here."

But Hyerin spoke too soon as they heard a flurry of footsteps coming their way.


Meanwhile, Unit B finally got through the mass of night crawlers and successfully got to the second floor vault.

Kyungsoo led them to the already opened safe and was dumb-stricken to find that nothing was there. Not even the night crawlers. Not even the money.

"Damn it! They already got out!" Kyungsoo exclaimed, kicking a metal table and sending it flying across the room.

"We have to go back. We need to tell them before the crawlers get away!" Baekhyun said, heading outside.


 "Why the hell are they not responding?" Chen asked, adjusting his headpiece.

"So far only Unit A is reachable. Unit C and B aren't answering. It's either their earpieces are jammed or they're dead," Luhan said, typing speedily on the laptop.


"Hello? Hyerin, is that you?" Chen asked, pressing his headphones tightly unto his ear.

"..eah. there's..-ore..of them. ..opy. They're get..-ing...-way."

"I don't understand. What is she trying to say? 'More of them'? 'Getting away'? Was that it?" Chen asked, nervously scratching his eyebrow.

"...Yeah. I think that's what she's saying," Luhan said, distractedly looking out the van's window.

"Seriously? I mean-"


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Luhan mumbled. "I think this will prove it," he said, pointing out the window.

"What are you talking about?" the other asked as he peeked out.

There, several feet from their van was a truck being loaded with black duffel bags by night crawlers.

"Shit," Chen hissed, going back to the laptop. "Guys, they got out! Do you hear me? They got out!"

"What the hell do you mean they got out?" Kris questioned as he fought the remaining crawlers on the first floor.

"They already got the money! Don't bother in there, you're wasting your time! The money's not in there!" Chen exclaimed.

"The truck's closing up," Luhan said, turning back to his laptop screen. "We need to catch up to them!"

"How many are there?"


"How many are there?" she repeated impatiently through Sehun's mic that she took from him since it miraculously came back to life.

"A-At least fifteen, I'm guessing. They're about to leave any moment now, we better do something!" Chen said.

"Unit A will take care of that," Hyerin said while Sehun fought off the new set of night crawlers that arrived. "Tao, abandon everything there and go chase after the truck outside. You'll make it. We'll take care of the rest inside the bank. Hurry!"

Without further ado, Unit A followed Hyerin's orders. They escaped the first floor and headed outside to catch up to the truck.

"Hyerin, a little help here!?" Sehun exclaimed, backing up against the wall while five night crawlers surrounded him.

Hyerin ran towards where Sehun was at and attacked the night crawlers from behind. She pulled out the last two daggers in her belt and proceeded to lock a crawler under her arm. It struggled violently before she finished it off with a slit on its throat with both knives.

Another came and this time, Hyerin was caught off-guard. It tackled her down to the ground, making her let go of the two last weapons she had. The crawler proceeded to pin her down and to her horror, dug its long sharp teeth into her shoulder. It was like getting pierced by hundreds of miniature knives.

Sehun whipped around, yelling the girl's name in horror but couldn't do anything since he was also faced with several of the crawlers.

"Hyerin! Shit!" he hissed, trying to get out of his own fight to save the girl but to no avail. He was slammed to the wall by a crawler.

By now, they were a mess; an outnumbered mess. Hyerin tried her best to get out of her enemy's grip while Sehun fought off the remaining, energy slowly draining out. He couldn't gather the strength to use his power anymore, which was a shame as he could hear Hyerin's silent cries of help.

Hyerin grunted and squirmed vigorously under the night crawler that still had its teeth stuck in her shoulder. She ignored the extreme pain that came with her struggling and managed to kick the monster off her. She stood up quickly and ran to the other side, but the crawler caught up with her quickly. It ran so fast in all fours. The crawler jumped on Hyerin, making both of them roll to the ground and towards the shattered window.

Hyerin's eyes widened once she realized she ended up in an inconvenient position – her head was hanging from the broken window while the crawler pinned her down. Just a few more pushes and she was going to fall from the two-story building.

The crawler punched her multiple times and also managed to scratch the side of her face with its claws. She used the last bit of her energy to try to push it away, but she was getting very weak.

It happened so fast, the turn of events. Her mind didn't register what was happening until she was already in the brink of falling. Her eyes widened as her body slipped away from the ground and outside the broken window, her fingers clawing at the floor desperately as a last resort to save herself.

Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. It was the end of her, she thought, as her last attempt to hold on to the edge of the floor failed. Hyerin felt gravity pull her down and she squeezed her eyes closed, bracing herself for the pain that would greet her from colliding with hard concrete.

Strangely enough, it never came.

Instead, she felt a strong grip around her right wrist, preventing her from falling to the ground. Her eyes fluttered open and much to her surprise, her savior was no other than Kyungsoo.

He was breathing heavily, his upper body awkwardly sprawled on the edge of the building that told her he probably ran at the last minute to save her.

"Hold on!" he shouted. His grip on her wrist was loosening so he wasted no time to pull her up immediately.

Hyerin felt an overwhelming relief once she felt the marble floor's cool surface. Her heart was beating so fast from the adrenaline that she couldn't help but wrap her arms around Kyungsoo.

"Thank you. I could have died," she breathed. Although the thought of death rarely affected her, it was different when you were in the situation itself.

Kyungsoo blinked several times and turned his head away. He didn't want her to see the sudden redness of his cheeks.

"H-Hey. Stand up. We have to finish off these crawlers. C'mon." He held her by the shoulder when he saw her flinch from the contact. Raising a brow, he let go of her.

Kyungsoo raised his hand up to his face, only to see that it was dripping with blood. He looked back at her, then over her shoulder.

"You're fucking bleeding!" 

"A crawler bit me," Hyerin said, clutching her shoulder blade. "It's no big dea-" Her eyes widened. "D.O. behind you!"

Kyungsoo whipped around. There were five night crawlers running towards his direction.

"You fuckers really don't know when to stop, do you!?" The creatures lunged at him, but Kyungsoo quickly did a roundhouse kick that sent the five crawlers flying to the other side of the room.

Kyungsoo turned back to the girl, breathing hard. "Can you still fight?"

Hyerin nodded, although the pain in her expression never left. "Yeah."

"Okay," he nodded, pulling her up by the arm, "come on."

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