Claimed by the devil

Bởi xxfebihalowxx

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dissing what he said away I clear my throat " I appreciate your help Mr. knight, but how about we let the cop... Xem Thêm

♥︎𝙱𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐♥︎


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Bởi xxfebihalowxx

Luca Diaz, a cousin I rarely saw.

We never met as adults or as teenagers, only as kids at my nonna's place.

He too loved her like I did and he too had gone through some fucked up shit.

The last time we met was when I was 8, also at my nonna's house.

I know some news about him, news that everyone else know.

His father got murdered last year and he had to take over him. He doesn't have any siblings- most of us don't- so it All fell on him.

That's the last I heard about him, which is why I don't trust him.

He's my cousin yes, apparently her close friend but that doesn't mean I can trust him with her.

I will have to talk to him and bring him here with my own terms and conditions.

If he easily left her before, I find it hard to believe he can't hurt her to get to me for whatever reason if he wants to.

Im finding this annoying, I hate that she's this attached fo another man, that a man has this affect on her. No one should, be it a man or a woman.

But I don't ever want to see her like today, I'd rather boil in my jealousy than see her cry like that again.

"Hello." He finally picks up the phone.

"Hello Luca." I say leaning back on my chair.

"Who's this?" He asks, he doesn't know my voice or my number.

"Im ace, your cousin. I will cut to the chase, I want to talk to you about a woman.".

"A woman?".

I flip a file and say " yes, Nessa Richard.".

There is a pause on the other line, "how do you know about es?".

He calls her es, and just like that my jealousy rises but I stay calm. They were close but not together. There is no need to be jealous but the anger and protectiveness that laced his tone is triggering mine.

She's mine to be protective over, only I get to feel possessive over her because she's mine.

Taking a deep breath I say " she's my girlfriend.".

"She's in New York?"

"Yes she came 8 months ago."

"How is she?".

That too sets me on fire.

"She's good, now to the reason why I called. I heard about you from her before but only knew it's you today and she asked if she could see you.".

"She said she wanted to see me?"


"Come to Spain, I'll arrange everything.".

"No. I don't trust you with her yet and she's pregnant she needs rest not travel. I have already arranged everything you will come here.".

"She's pregnant?" Shock is everywhere in his voice.


"She's only 23.".

"I know."

"She didn't want to have kids early." His words send pings of guilt inside me.

"It happened.".

"When can I come?".

"Today. No weapons and no bodyguards I will provide everything when you're here.".

"I need a gun on me all the time ace.".

"Protection will be provided for you, you wont need one.".

He sighs "okay. It's all settled then.".

With that I hang up.

*present time*

Luca wraps his arms around me, the contact sends goosebumps all over my body but not in the same way it does with ace.

I step back after a few seconds and smile at him, i don't know what to say or what to ask. Do I even want to ask?

His eyes travel to my stomach then back at my face, I put a hand on it and wait for him to say something.

"You need to work out." He jokes and I know because I am more than used to that tone.

"You need to grow a brain.".

"You look like an elephant.".

I open my mouth to say something back but nothing comes out.

"You're so rude, I'm pregnant.".

"I know and you look like an elephant.".

"You're not welcome here anymore leave." I glare at him.

Do I really look like an elephant?

My bump isn't even that big.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, you look stunning carrying  my god child." He smiles at me.

"You wish." I scoff.

He puts his hands on his waist like he used to mocking that one guy he always told me about and stares down at me.

He looks weird doing it now, instead of the baby face that helped with the pose he now has fully grown.

And instead of the casual attire that made the pose more normal he's now wearing a suit.

"I will whether you like it  or not, it's our promise remember?".

We had another one that said we will never stop talking but I don't say that.

Instead I joke back "If that's so, I'll print all your ugly pictures and send them with the invitation and put them under each plate on every table on your wedding day. That's if you find someone who's willing to marry you.".

He looks at my from head to toes shaking his head In Disappointment.

"I can't push you on your wedding day because you're pregnant.".

I don't even know if I will ever get married to be honest.

I half heartedly laugh and stupidly say something that is against me.

"I am not getting married any time soon so you still have a chance to do it.".

It's against me because now he knows he can.

"Even better." He smirks.

Musk and mint, the look on Luca's face, and the hand on my waist all tell me ace is here.

I smile at him not knowing what to say or how to thank him for this. He made this come true and he reunited us.

He half smiles back, he's too stiff too. Something's wrong.

"Aceyyyy." Luca greets from behind me with a grin, his grin is that I recognize, it didn't change.

"You sounded mature on the phone." Ace glares at him but I know it's not that serious. "It's ace.".

"I am mature just add a glint of childishness when I'm around her." He nods at me.

I shake my head at him " you mean add a glint of maturity when you're around people right?".

"True true.".

"Anyways, how are you acey?" He adds.

"You know...acey is really cute." I smile trying not to laugh. "It suits you.".

"See even your girlfriend likes it." Luca points at me.

Ace's expression drops from the glare to a neutral one.

"Let's go inside" he orders, not asks but orders both me and Luca.

Something's definitely wrong.

Is he jealous?

Knowing him he probably is but this seems far more serious.

I will ask him about it later.

"So how did you and ace meet? And how did you start dating? I thought you didn't want a relationship let alone get pregnant." Lucan throws the questions at me before I even sit down.

I stiffen in aces hands, knowing Luca he would make a big deal out of it. Anyone who cares about me would and I appreciate it but I don't need it right now. Things are better.

As if sensing my struggle Ace answers "long story short she worked as Austin's assistant. I took over him for a while making her my assistant.".

"There goes my chance of making you my wife." Luca pouts mocking that same guy.

"It's not too late " I joke.

"We will see about that, I need to pee right now.".

Luca was always blunt. I'm glad that much didn't change.

Ace's chest vibrates as he speaks "walk down the hallway and ask one of the maids.".

Isn't it rude to do that?

I let it go because I don't think luca would get offended by that.

"What's wrong?" I ask once luca leaves the room.


"Are you mad at Luca's joke?".

"I'm not mad.".

"Are you jealous?".

"I always am and always will be when you're around other men.".

"You know I would never think of liking luca that way right?" I ask sitting straight to face him.

"Yeah but you sure can tell him he can marry you.".

My eyebrows shoot up in disbelief.

"It was a joke.".

"I know.".

"Then why are you mad?" I cross my arms and tilt my head finding this... I don't even know how to describe it but annoying.

"I'm not mad I just don't see how it's okay to joke about marrying someone else but the moment anyone says anything about us getting married you bolt.".

With others and I mean just luca so far I know it's a joke because I would never marry him. But with ace...with ace I know it's not a joke because there is a possibility of us getting married.

I don't know how he feels about it or if he even wants to get married.

What am I supposed to say? Oh I would love to get married but I don't know if my boyfriend even thinks of getting married or wants to?

He changed a lot yes, he loves me and the baby yes, he cares about us yes but does he want to step on the next step?

That I don't know and I don't know which buttons my words will push that's why I keep my answer vague.

"I-" i start but stop when Luca comes back.

I try to ignore the tension as Luca tells me about his year and asks questions about mine.


"I am tired." Luca says rubbing his eyes.

"where am I gonna stay?" He asks.

Ace finally speaks after 2 hours of complete silence,  "a maid will show you your room.".

He types something on his phone before setting it aside and adjusting his arm around me like it has been for the duration of my conversation with Luca.

A slightly tanned woman with black curly hair enters the room. Her 5'3 form is wrapped in a baby blue dress that reaches her knees.

"show Mr. Diaz his room." Ace orders without looking at her.

Luca follows her and soon they both leave the living room through the hallway.

I look back at ace to see him staring  at the screen of his phone.

I huff annoyed at his behavior and start walking to the elevator.

"Where are you going?" He asks following me.

"Upstairs, I want to take some rest as well." I answer getting in the elevator. I press the button to our floor and stand with my arms crossed.

He gets in with me and direct his gaze at the buttons clearly not wanting to talk.

I leave the elevator before him and head to our room with him following me.

Once I get in he says "I'll be in my office, call me if you need anything or just come.".

"What's the point of coming here if you're going to leave?" I ask making sure my words display how annoyed I am.

He doesn't answer because he sure doesn't have an answer.

Why can't he just tell me what exactly bothers him instead of telling me pieces of it.

Deciding not to take the rude root I give that up to thank up.

I let out a deep sigh "thank you so much for letting me see him, it really means a lot." I plan on saying more but I want to hug him first.

I walk closer but he nods and turns to leave leaving my arms mid air, he would've saw them if he as much as glanced my way but he didn't.

I hold his arm before he reaches the door and say " you're not leaving until you tell me what's wrong.".

"I said nothing." He answer turning around to face me.

"Is this what you usually sound like when talking to me?" I ask pointing out the tone he's using.

He nods with a serious expression hitting a nerve I never knew existed. God he's making me mad.

"Ace let's skip the struggle, tell me what's wrong and stop being childish.".

My plan now  is push all his buttons until he snaps.

"I am not childish" he defends instantly.

"Yes you are, adults communicate.".

"Don't call me that again." He takes a step back but I take a step closer and say " you are being childish right now.".

"Dont. Call. Me. That." He grits but not mad enough to scare me.

I'm genuinely about to cry because I'm seriously pissed.

"Remember your promise Ace. You promise to talk to me we both know we don't need a repeat of last week.".

He finally looks me in the eyes and sighs.

"It's nothing, I'll get over it.".

"Talk to me please." I plead not knowing what else to do to get him to talk to me.

"I'm just upset because whenever someone or something brings up the topic of us getting married you bolt. It makes me feel like an idiot because you dislike the idea so much that your first instinct is to resist it but the second I hear us and our wedding in a sentence my stupid mind pictures you in a white wedding gown holding my fucking hand. I know I fucked up enough for you to hate me forever but you don't and I'm more than grateful but it doesn't make this any less upsetting.".

I gulp blinking twice at him.

"I-"i start but stop, i don't know how to collect my thoughts at the moment and express them to him.

"You don't have to say anything, I will go finish some work and forget about this. Take some rest and call me if you need anything.".

"No wait, i- " I sigh " I have thought about us you know, us getting married. I just never thought you'd think of us that far, not yet at least.".

The glint of hope doesn't go unnoticed by me and it upsets me that I have to crush his hopes. I don't want to but my words will.

I shift my weight on my other leg and continue "marriage is bigger than what we have, it's something we're not ready to have yet."

I look away not wanting to see his face after my words, I skipped the I don't love him part to save us both but he knows it.

Yes I have feelings for him but they're not love yet.

For us to get married I will have to be in love with him first not that it would make any difference, I'm pretty stuck here but still. I'd like to have that at least.

I see him nod and turn to walk from the corner of my eyes.

I stop him again but this time I don't let my words make him stand here, i hug him tightly to show him that regardless of what I just said I appreciate him and his efforts.


Heyyy! I wont be updating a lot these days because I'm really unmotivated and I have finals.

But I promise to publish more than one chapter once I'm free:)

Friendly reminder---> I'm always free and here to listen if you're going through something and need to vent.

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝~2544

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