PAW Patrol : Second Chances D...


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When life's going great and things are going well nothing can stop you. You feel so on top of the world that... Еще

Time Flies (Chapter 1)
Letting it out (Chapter 2)
New guests (Chapter 3)
Time to Party (Chapter 4)
The AfterParty (Chapter 5)
First Day on the Job (Chapter 6)
Everyone Makes Mistakes (Chapter 7)
The Syndicate (Chapter 9)
Chapter 10
To Belguim We Go (Chapter 11)
We Made It (Chapter 12)
To The Queen (Chapter 13)
Adventure Bay Chapter 14
Short Lived Reunion Chapter 15
The Second Chance (Chapter 16)
Home (Chapter 17)
Chapter 18
Success (Chapter 19)
Epilogue (Chapter 20)

Your Second Chance (Chapter 8)

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Chapter 8 for ya and on time! Chapter 9 will take some time so don't expect that a little too early. Besides that hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun with this Chapter.
See you next time
Everest groaned and squirmed on the floor. She felt stiff and her body was sore all over.
She looked around in amazement. Everywhere you she looked she saw beautiful rock formations, crystals, and a stream of water going into the unknown. "Chase?" She calls out.
She rubs her head and tried to recall what happened before their fall.
She heard some shuffling behind her. She scrambled to get on all fours. "Chase?" There was a tall mound of snow blocking her view. She looks up to see the whole they fell through. They must've landed on it.
There was again no answer. Everest slowly and quietly scoots her paws over to see what made the noise.
After a couple of steps she saw the head of the bob cat starring dead at her. She jumps backwards to avoid conflict. The clear memory of her diving into Chase and the bobcat filled her mind. "It''s my fault I'm an idiot!" She drops down to her paws and starts to silently cry to not disturb the sleeping bobcat. Her vision was burry as the tears got stuck trying to escape her eyes.
Two blurry pillars appeared in front of her. "Kill me already. I deserve it." She mumbled.
"Woah woah woah! I'm not gonna kill you!" A familiar voice said. "Yeah I'm really fucking mad at you but I won't kill anyone...starting now." The voice spoke again.
Everest stopped. She had never heard Chase or anyone for that matter cuss on the PAW Patrol. She wiped her eyes and looked up to see a very ragged Chase.
"You l-look like you were d-d-dumpster diving in a pile of needles."
Chase had an disappointed expression on his face. "Are you dumb? Like honestly, you TOLD ME about the hole and YOU were the one who thought it was a good IDEA TO DIVE INTO IT!" Chase yelled as he pawed his face. Everest looked down to her right and saw the extra pup tag. "I..." she paused.
She wasn't sure if it was the best time to ask why the tag is here. "Why is this here?" She finally asks.
Chase froze. "Wow, just wow. Not even an are you okay? Or you good? But you ask what the tag is for. I'm claustrophobic! I fought a damn bob cat to survive just for you to be the final nail in the coffin!"
Everest froze at Chases harsh words. Her throat felt dry. Everest got up to see the dead bob cat.
It head was turned around 180 degrees. She wondered how Chase managed to do that.
She turns her head to Chase who was licking his wounds. "Chase?"
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything...and I'm sorry I said to kill me. I-sigh- I didn't know what I was thinking." Everest said wishing she never said that. She looked at Chase hoping for a response.
Chase got back up and turned around with a tired face. "I don't even know what to say to you anymore. Everything I've told you was probably for Makalu's benefit." Chase scoffed.
Everest felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. "No Chase, I was actually interested into that stuff. Makalu is great and all but the days I'm not at the lookout pains me. I wish I could live there. I could learn another job." Everest said trying her hardest to get Chase to believe her.
Chase grunted and laid down on the ground. Everest gave up and fell over. She recalled everything Chase called her and started to tear up. "I'm a screw up. I can't fix this." She mumbled and dug her head into her arms.

Makalu huffed and looked into the sky. "We gotta head home it's getting dark out." He ordered. Light snow started to come down and cover their tracks.
Makalu thought of a new plan. They'd been walking all day, there was now way either of them could follow tracks that didn't exist. "Do you know which wood can be lit on fire?" Makalu asks.
Rocky almost jumped backwards. "I thought we were going home not camping."
Makalu rolled his eyes. "The snow will cover up our tracks. I thought you were supposed to be smart." Makalu insults.
Rocky tapped his foot and looked around. "I remember the way home." Rocky stated. Makalu raised an eyebrow. "You don't, trust me nobody does."
Rocky shook his head. "Look, if I get us lost you can eat my dead corpse."
Makalu felt like gagging at the statement. "Just go."
Rocky looked at their surroundings and looked around every tree in the area. Every tree was familiar and noted down. Makalu had zero hope in the Mix breed.
"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Makalu asked.
Rocky still looked at each tree. "I'm certain of it." Every tree was familiar to him.
After 2 more hours of walking Rocky saw the chain link fence that separated the wilderness from civilization. "Wow! Are you like....a superhero or something? Photographic memory?" Makalu suggested.
Rocky froze. He had never considered himself to have photographic memory. "I'm actually curious of that..." Rocky replied.
They jumped the fence and walked into the building where jake stood counting today's earnings . "Where's Chase and Everest?" He instantly questions.
Makalu shrugged as Rocky opened his mouth. "Probably working hard, it's how Chase it. His pup pack comes with head lights so they should be alright." Rocky replied.
Makalu felt his stomach twist. He didn't like that Chase and Everest were alone together in the middle of the woods.
"You haven't been able to contact them?" Jake asked
Rocky coughed and looked around. He didn't think Jake could be so...dense. "We're in the mountains without strong antennas, the reception won't be the best." Rocky explained.
Jake nodded. "Everest should know where the other cabins are, if they aren't back by 2pm tomorrow we're gonna send a search team, get some rest." Jake ordered as he dropped the money and looked out the window and let out a heavy huff.

Everest woke up to a bright light shining in her face. "Rescue team?" She mumbled.
"We're rescuing ourselves." Chase quickly said as he grabbed her paws and handed her a headlamp.
Everest wiped off her tears. "Are you not mad?"
Chase sighed. "I don't want to die angry at someone. It's either we make it out or they don't find our bodies at all, what would you want it to be?" Chase offered. "I'd rather die trying not to die."
Everest didn't hesitate to pick option one. She naturally took lead which confused Chase. "What do you think you're doing?"
Everest kept walking. "Getting us out of here."
Chase rolled his eyes and followed Everest. The cave was huge with spikes hanging off the ceiling. Chase didn't like the thought of it. His mind was on high alert just incase one decided to fall down.
Throughout the cave were all kinds of different holes leading to other places. In the middle of everything was a thin stream of water going down.
Chase looked back and forth as they walked with the stream deeper into the cave. "Shouldn't we be going up where the water is coming from?"
Everest shook her head and stayed quiet. She realized she left the pup tag back at where they had fallen from. She felt to guilty go back and retrieve it.
She taps her pup tag. The broken glass could bend to the light push of her paw. She turned around to see Chases tag which was in even worse condition and even some blood on it. "Is your paw fine?" Everest offered.
"Yes." Chase quickly replied.
Everest looked at it and saw that it was dirty with dried blood. She sighed. "Let me see your paw." She ordered as she reached into her pup pack for a first aid kit.
Chase raised his paw. Everest suddenly shoved it in the ice cold water.
He jumps backwards and shakes his paw."Ah ah ah that's cold! What was that for?!?"
Everest huffed. "I need to clean your paw before I can put bandages on it."
"At least tell me." Chase mumbled.
Everest left his paw in the water. "Do you know how it feels to be yelled at by the most honorable, valiant and honestly most likable person you know?" She suddenly states.
Chase froze. "Yes..."
Chase thought of his actions earlier and put the pieces together and realized she was talking about him. "I-I didn't know you thought of me that way to be honest. Cough Nobody really does." Chase says as he looks down.
Everest kept a blank face. She didn't think that was a good apology at all.
Chase slowly raised his head again and looks her in the eyes making her uncomfortable again. "I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I was just mad and I don't...ughhh I can't do this right now. I don't know how to apologize." Chase huffed and sat down.
Everest smirked. "Because you don't make mistakes and never had to actually apologize before! You made a mistake!" Everest squeezed his paw and jumped up and down.
Chase winced at the pain and Everest quickly stopped. "Sorry.."
silence filled the area and Chase stared at the ground the entire time. "You got bored of staring at me?" Everest teased hoping he'd show his eyes again. She finished wrapping up the gauze and stood up.
"I like the ground, I can't see how close the walls are." Chase mumbled.
Everest completely forgot he was claustrophobic. "I can attach a rope so it's easier for you to follow."
Chase quickly nodded his head and got closer so Everest could attach the rope.
Everest couldn't see the end of where they were going but all she knew was that it was only gonna get tighter. "Do you have any more stories or things you need to vent out?" She questions as they get to a tight part.
Chase bumped into Everest as she slowly squeezed herself through. "Sorry, but what do you mean vent out?"
Everest was tempted to take a seat and explain to the Shepherd but they had to keep moving. "Chase, you're a clever dog but boy do you have much to learn. Venting is when you let everything out. Your thoughts and feelings."
Chase thought about it as he passed through the right section. "Do you vent?" He asks.
"All the time, only the the most trusted person I know which could be you, but it's Jake." Everest said.
Chase nodded. "So I should say this to Marshall or Ryder then."
Everest stopped in her tracks. "I mean you coooould... ooor you could tell me! You've already told me a lot." Everest said as she leaned in waiting for his answer.
Chase shrugged. Everest looked at the walls which seemed man made. Almost like corridors. "So how do I start?" Chase asked as he was mesmerized by the pattern of his foot steps.
"Mh, I'll get you started. What about the Sylvia girl?" Everest asked.
Chase tried his best to remember all of it. "We were friends during most of my training. After training a lot of the people I knew including Sylvia left adventure bay. I had Ryder, Marshall and Rocky to talk to at least. Besides maybe Rocky, I'm the only German Shepherd in town." Chase said.
"Rocky is a German Shepherd?"
"Well... I think he is. He also might be husky, kinda like me and you combined with some other breeds in there aswell. I honestly think he could be better than me if he tried. Better than all of the paw patrol. He's just so....I can't find the words." Chase huffed.
Everest followed the stream down to a part where the tight path split into three. In the middle was a sign.
"I think there's people down here." Everest pointed out.
Chase looked up and looked to where Everest's flashlight was. Upon closer inspection Chase saw that it was a quote and a riddle. He ran to the sign and quickly read it.
Second chances are given for redemption but some use it not for redemption but for salvation or revenge.
These three caves lead to salvation, your second chance, and death. Answer the riddles and the correct path with reveal itself to what you require.
"Y-you can answer riddles?" Everest shakily asked. She really didn't feel like walking to her death.
Chase skimmed over the riddle. "Of course I can. I'm a detective." Chase announced and read the riddle.
"Eros at its core, while a ring is its symbol, it can often be seen as holy, often sealed by contact." Chase mumbled.
"There's two riddles." Everest chimed in as she looked at another wall.
Chase nodded and worked on the current riddle. "Eros, core, ring, symbol, holy, and sealed by contact...." Chase said.
"Eros? Like money?" Everest guessed.
"No no, that euros. Eros as in something else. But Wha-" Chase looked at the closest wall and stopped.
Everest thought he was going to start hyperventilating. "Chase, the riddle still needs to be answere-
"Shhh!" Chase shushes.
Everest was going to retaliate but she noticed writing on the walls with pictures. "I'm can't believe I'm this clueless!" Chase exclaims.
Everest was confused.
"Eros is Greek mythology. Rocky is into that stuff. He's the god of love and sex....weird thing to talk about right now BUT! If this is love related then think about it." Chase said trying to get Everest to join along.
He excitedly looked at Everest as she went back to the sign. "Uhhh love and sex?" Everest nervously chuckled. Chase nodded and watched. "Think of the other words! Ring and sealed by contact!"
Everest closed her eyes imagined.
She was in a field with the paw patrol, friends, and family. They all sat in suits and dresses. On her wrist was a bracelet.
She looked at herself who was in a simple dress. She looked at the person across. She felt unpleasant tingles run down her back. "I do" it said in two distinct voices.
Everest didn't even get to say anything. The mix between Chase and Makalu leaned in.
Everest fell from her dream and entered reality. "A marriage?" She mumbled.
Chase jumped up and down. "Yes! Only took you like 3 minutes and some mumbling. What were you even- never mind let's do the second one!" Chase said.
Everest felt the excitement run through her veins. "Do you have this much fun?" She asks.
Chas paused. "Well, I usually do things on my own and when I do find them out there's never s good things. Aka they shoot at me or dead bodies." Chase replied as he read the next riddle.
Everest stopped in front on Chase. "I can be blind, I can be powerful, I can be difficult, deep, complicated, and tender at the same time."
Chase looked at the wall and scanned it. "I wouldn't be surprised if this had to do with love again. I mean the answer could just be lo-
Gears could be heard in the far distance turning and unlocking things. Chase looked around the room to see if anything was gonna come out to kill them.
A low light emitted to Everest's face. She raised her paw and quickly tapped Chase repeatedly. Chase turned around and was mesmerized. He blindly walked into the left corridor where the light came from. "Chase?" Everest called out.
She tried to pull him back but her strength wasn't close to Chase. She caught up to him to go through the light as a duo.
They felt the floor angle up. "Chase!" Everest called out again.
Everest yawned for a solid 5 seconds. Her paws dragged across the floor and she struggled to keep her eyes open.
After a couple more minutes she decided to let Chase drag her.
Chase walked into a lit up circular room. Just then he felt free and shook his head. "Ughhh....Everest?!?" He yelled as he checks for a pulse.
A small push indicated she was still alive and well. He fell over and blinked his eyes one last time before dozing off.

Rocky and Makalu walked into the living to see 4 police officer with German Shepherds in snow gear. They looked much meaner than Chase. "Yeah they went missing in the illegal part of the woods, I don't understand how. They have top notch technology, highly trained police dog and Snow patrol dog, and they're great friends. There's no way this should've happened." Jake sighed and sat down. The scolding he would get from Ryder couldn't even be imagined.
The men nodded and left. "Who are they?" Makalu asks. "A search team. I think this must've been sabotage." Jake suggested.
"You two are staying in here, not until we get more information." Jake ordered.
The two nodded. "I need to take the cashier stand." Makalu said.
"I'll help." Rocky offered.
Makalu didn't try to resist. His mind was to focused on Everest.

Chase woke up to see Everest already awake. She looked at the wall which had all sorts of things on it. "What happened?" Chase groans as he feel his back tense up. "Sleeping on the floor sucks."
"Come here, look." Everest said.
Chase slowly made his way over. She took a deep breath. "Did you think of second chance or salvation." Everest asked.
Chase didn't hesitate. "Second chance, why?"
She wanted to slap the Shepherd as hard as she could but it wouldn't do much to help them out. "I don't know how to work this machine. I doubt you do either."
Chase looked around for a rebuttal. "Hah! There's instructions right there!" Chase exclaims.
Everest looks to the wall he pointed at and saw nothing. "You good?"
Chase nods his head. "Look."
Chase looks at the machine that was carved into the wall. It had a very simple button. "Think of 3 people to remember everything..." he said.
"You wanna remember this right?" Chase asked.
Everest nodded. Chase picked Rocky as the third so he could explain what happened.
"Next think of where I wanna go back to...."
Chase closed his eyes. There was no exact moment simply because all he remembered was trees.
The machine reminded him of an arcade just without a screen and it was really long. In front of him was a button. "Press when ready."
Chase took a last look at the last living thing. He didn't know what would come next or if it would even work.
He pressed it down and everything turned white.
When he fell back into reality he had a bobcat on top of him. "DAMNIT!" He yelled.
This time Everest was there. She jumped on top of the cat and bit it's head multiple times. That gave Chase enough time to get up and go for its neck.
It body fell over and and they both fell over in exhaustion. Chase made sure his pup tag wasn't recording.
"Everest turn around." Chase ordered.
She complied and waited for further instructions. Chase whispered. "Make sure you pup tag isn't recording."
She turned off the recording function. "Why though?" She asked hoping it would go somewhere a little more adult related. She wouldn't be mad at all.
"Ryder looks at recordings time to time. I don't want him hearing us talk about time travel." Chase explained.
Everest felt the snow and looked at the Sky. She gave Chase a tight hug of gratification. "That was quite an adventure you might have hated me bu-
"I was just really ticked off. I still don't know why I tell you all about my personal stuff." Chase mumbled.
Everest let him change the subject. She felt that he needed the break after everything they've done.
8 hours later
Chase and Everest arrive at the cabin where Rocky and Makalu anxiously waited.
Makalu got up and didn't hesitated I start questioning. "Are you okay? Did anything happen? You look like a mess what he do?!?"
Rocky looked at Chase was looks like he went through some stuff. "You good?" Rocky asked.
Chase nodded. "Why is there blood on her?" Makalu ordered as he pushed Chase.
"Might be my blood. We sorta killed two bobcats. And ran ov- I'll keep that a secret." Chase explained.
Makalu looked to Everest. "2?"
Everest nodded. "Well basically killed one on his own. I helped with the second."
Makalu felt like the odds were really stacked against him with Chase.
Chase went back to talk with Rocky. "You okay? You look shell shocked." Chase joked.
Rocky didn't know how to explain it. "Look we'll talk later, I know exactly what happened." Chase winked.
Rocky highly doubted it. Nobody could know what happened.
Everest wanted to stick closer to Chase but that would make things awkward. "You got anywhere I could clean off?" Chase asked.
"I need to clean off aswell. Follow me." Everest said.
Chase unwrapped his bandage and grabbed a new gauze.
Everest looked at Chase and couldn't help but catch feeling for him. She knew if she asked him and he said know he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. But Makalu would. "Maybe next time." She mumbled.
"Huh?" Chase called out.

In the room Chase sat as Rocky complained about his experience. "That was me." Chase said as Rocky finished.
Rocky didn't believe Chase at all."How?"
Chase sighed. "Look, me and Everest fell into a cave. We were trying to escape and we ran into 3 different paths. The riddle showed us the right way. I picked 3 people to remember everything. Me, you and Everest. That how we killed 2 bobcats."
Rocky almost bursted out laughing. "Dumbest story I've heard all day! You and Everest probably made out."
Chase rolled his eyes. "You're so annoying! I pressed the button and everything turned white. It felt like I fell then I went back to what I was doing at that moment. Fighting a bobcat."
Rocky froze. "You did do it? How?"
Chase honestly wasn't sure what it was either. "Magic I guess. It read my mind."
Rocky didn't like the thought of Chase being a magic sorcerer. "So, we leave tomorrow so will Makalu get his tag?"
Chase nodded his head. "He's better than some people at our lookout. I'll take it."
*knock knock knock*
"Ryder wants to talk to you guys." Everest called out.
Chase and Rocky walked into the lobby where Ryder was projected onto a screen. "How was the scouting?" He happily asked. He had a bright smile across his face.
"Excellent!" Chase replied.
Ryder gulped. "So I'm sure you know you'll be coming back home tomorrow."
Rocky and Chase nodded. "Yes sir!"
"See you tomorrow! Stay safe!"
The screen went blank and left was 3 dogs. "So we all did the time travel thing right?" Rocky asked.
They both nodded.
Rocky felt like he was gonna faint. He stumbled to their room. "Here, I have a gift since you two are leaving tomorrow." Everest said.
Everest grabbed two small boxes. "Open it when you're by yourself." Chase nodded.
They stared at each other. Just looking into each others eyes and just taking note of their body and face. Naturally they both slowly leaned in.
The door opened. "Hey you two. What were y'all doing?" Jake asked.
"Oh you just missed Rocky. Everest was giving us some gifts for our exit tomorrow." Chase hoped his answer worked.
Jake nodded. "Guhnight."
Chase and Everest awkwardly looked at each other. "I'll just go." Everest said as she walked away. She wasn't even going to right way she just went away from Chase.
Chase stood in his spot. "Damnit Jake." He mumbled as he went to their room.
Rocky was already asleep in Chase's spot.
He put down the presents sighed. "Stupid...of course." He mumbled. All that was on his mind was Everest.
"Forget it."

Chase, Rocky, Makalu, Everest and Jake waited where Ryder dropped the duo off last time. Chase and Everest haven't said a word to each other.
"You got the pup tag?" Chase whispered.
Rocky nodded. "What do we say?"
"Let Ryder do the talking."Chase instructed.
Just then a the loud roar of the air patroller could be heard. Snow was tossed everywhere and their ears were deafened.
It took awhile for the snow to clear but when it did Ryder walked out with an activation chip in his hand. "Chase."
"Ryder sir."
Ryder walked over and kneeled down to Rocky and Chase. "What's the verdict? He in or no?" Ryder asked.
Rocky looked over to Chase. Chase nodded. "He's in." Rocky replied. He took out the pup tag and handed it over.
"As leader of the paw patrol, I've received the green light to activate the pup tag and accept Makalu into the PAW Patrol team. I speak for the recruitment team and Chief of base A when I say you did a good job."
Ryder opens the tag and plugs in the small chip. It glows a cyan blue before going dim again. "Makalu." Ryder said.
He took long heavy strides towards Ryder with his head held up high and a smile growing on his face. Ryder put the tag on. "Welcome to the paw patrol."
Makalu could already imagine the reactions from other people. Holding him up high and crowd surfing was his idea. "Thank you! This is the greatest achievement of my life! My friends are gonna be stoked."
Ryder nodded. "I'll be taking these two back home."
Rocky went to go say his byes to Jake and Everest. Chase was late to follow along. "Bye Jake, bye Everest." Rocky said as he held his paw open for a hug.
Chase walked up to Jake and gave him a handshake of approval. Chase made sure not to hesitate when he got to Everest. Everest hesitated though.
Chase held up his freshly bandaged paw. "Next time." Chase winked.
Everest smiled. "Next time."
Makalu, Everest, and Jake watched the trio walk into the marvel of a plane. "They really are something else." Jake huffed.
"Definitely." Everest agreed.
Makalu was to busy playing around with his pup tag.

Couple nights later
Everest sat in her room contemplating things in life having to do with Chase. Specifically what a great boyfriend he'd make. In her head it was only getting more and more exciting to see him again. The comparison between Chase and Makalu was almost laughable to her by now.
The door creaked open and Makalu sneaked in and let out a sigh of relief. "Hey Ev." He greeted.
"Nice of you to ditch me today...again" She said.
Makalu face palmed himself. "Please don't take it like that. You mean everything to me-
Everest looked out her window. "You say the same thing every time you do something like this. Specifically the last 3 days."
Makalu nervously tapped his paw. "I have something important to tell you...." He started.
"What is it? You like me? You made that pretty evident." Everest said.
Makalu had no words for what she just said. "You knew?" He questioned. "And you didn't ask me about it?"
Everest nodded her head. "When Chase and Rocky got here you got so jealous and extra mean. Just sorta lost interest and gained a new one. I hope you understand."
Makalu zoned out. "Sure sure..." he mumbled. The word Chase made his blood boil. "Came here to do one thing and ends up ruining everything..." he thought to himself.
"Goodnight." Everest said.
Makalu sat up staring at a wall exacting his revenge. He needed a better way to take the Shepherd of of the picture. He couldn't beat him 1 to 1 but maybe a little group he knows of. "I'm gonna use the restroom."
He walks to the lobby where it had an antenna. The pup tag has every paw patrol members contact. He couldn't call any from base B or C since it wasn't allowed. "Hello?" He talked out loud.
"Yeah, I told you told only call i-
"I'm in, I'll take whatever offer you have." Makalu said cutting the voice off.
"Alright...I'll be in touch."
The short call ended and Makalu sat down. He didn't move or doing anything. Just sat in his own angry thoughts.

Makalu is pissed and now he's accepting an offer. Spooky. At least Chase and Rocky are back home. Nothing to really announce or say really besides that Chapter 9 take some time. See ya next time!

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