Wielder of the Phoenix

By Ragnark517

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Izuku Midoriya, the twin of Izumi Midoriya, son of Inko Midoriya and Hisashi Midoriya, the latter being bette... More

Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Chapter 2 - History was wrong
Chapter 3 - All Might
Chapter 4 - Awakening
Chapter 5 - Breaking Point
Chapter 6 - Gran Torino
Chapter 7 - New Powers
Chapter 8 - Reunion
Chapter 9 - Shifting (1/2)
Chapter 10 - Shifting (2/2)
Chapter 11 - Changes
Chapter 12 - 10 Months
Chapter 13
Author's note 1
Chapter 14 - True Hero
Chapter 15 - Taking the Flight Home
Chapter 16 - Meeting the Urarakas
Chapter 17 - Nighteye
Chapter 18 - Acceptance letters
Chapter 20 - Class 1-A
Chapter 21 - Physical Assessments
Chapter 22 - A chat with Nezu (edited)
Chapter 23 - The Cat learns the Truth
Chapter 24 - Battle Training Begins!
Chapter 25 - Uneven Odds
Chapter 26 - Technical Issues
Chapter 27 - The Calm
Chapter 28 - Unleash The Storm
Chapter 29 - Flames of the Phoenix
Chapter 30 - Aftermath
Chapter 31 - Conferences
Chapter 32 - History Lessons for Adults (And Ochako)
Kinda Important Announcements
Chapter 33 - Blaze gets his ass kicked
Chapter 34 - Her Parents Are Pissed Off
Chapter 35 - A Discussion and the Shadow's True Leader
Chapter 36 - Plans and Punishment
Chapter 37 - Training
Chapter 39 - Sports Festival

Chapter 19 - An Encounter

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By Ragnark517

Midoriya Household same time as the last chapter.

"CLASS 1-B!!!!! 1-B!!!!" Hisashi shouted. "How the fuck is my daughter in a class of second-grade rejects!!" He angrily shouted at his daughter.

"Dad, calm down, I can always ask the management for a transfer to Class 1-A." Izumi said, trying to calm her father down.

"CALM DOWN!!!!" Hisashi shouted as he walked towards the girl. "How is it that you, who trained for most of your life wasn't able to get into Class 1-A!!!!"

Izumi stayed quiet not knowing how to answer the question.

Angered further by the silence, Hisashi slaps the girl. "Answer me, Izumi. How is it that someone like you couldn't get into class A? Even that stupid quirkless brother of yours got into Class A!!!"

"I-I d-don't kn-know dad!" Izumi answered.

"Go to your room, I need to make a call, and don't you dare disturb me." Hisashi told her as he walked out of the house. Izumi walked into her room and sat on her bed, crying into her knees blaming Izuku for her misery.

Inko came in later that day to see Hisashi missing and Izumi asleep in her room with dried tears on her face. "What did Hisashi do this time?" She thought out loud.

"D-Dad didn't do anything. It's all that Deku's fault." Izumi muttered, alerting Inko.

"I didn't know you were awake, Izumi." She told her daughter. "So, I was your day?"

"Well, it was good till dad got to know I was in class 1-B." Izumi told her.

"Well, im just happy that both my kids got into UA." Inko said, trying to hug Izumi only for the girl to push her mother away.

"You're just happy because your precious Izuku got into class 1-A. I got into class 1-B like a worthless freak!" Izumi shouted.

"Izumi, I don't care what you're father told you, just know that I'd love you just the same even if you weren't able to get into UA alright." Inko told her, hugging the girl. "And I want you to at least try and speak to your brother in school alright, be a little nice to him. It might feel difficult, impossible even but try. For me."

Izumi didn't respond as she continued to hug her mother, slowly falling asleep. As Inko put her daughter's head back on the pillow, she sighed once more.

'I really need to do something about Hisashi. This is getting out of hand now.' She thought to herself. 'First, he stops acknowledging Izuku's presence, then he trains Izumi so hard that she getting stronger and becoming number one is the only thing she can think about. Then there's also him kicking Izuku out of the house for trying to protect me and now this.' She thought as she moved a few strands of hair out of Izumi's hair out of her face and got up to leave.

We skip to the most eventful morning; it was the first day of UA for the new first year students and Izuku had woken up fashionably late.

"I'M LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouted as he ran down the stairs, well, technically floated down with his quirk.

"No using your quirk in the house, kid." Toshi told him. "And you're not late, you set your alarm earlier, if anything you're on time, it's just 6 am. You can still pick up Young Uraraka and catch that 6:45 train as you planned."

"Oh." Izuku said, landing softly on the sofa.

"How many times have I told you, do not stand on that sofa, it's expensive Italian leather!" Toshi shouted.

"Oh right, my bad." Izuku said, hopping off the sofa and sitting on it instead. "Right, I should probably call her and see if she's ready." Izuku said as he grabbed his phone from his bag and called up Ochako.

After ringing a few times, Ochako had answered the phone. "Hey, Ochako. I'll pick you up in some time. I just called to ask if you're ready."

"Yup, I'm just having breakfast. I'll see you in what, 15 minutes?" Ochako asked from the other side.

"Yup, I'll be leaving in some time. Bye." Izuku said as he ended the call.

"Breakfast is on the table, Izuku. I've made boiled eggs and there are some protein bars you can take along with you." Toshi said as he walked to his room. "Oh, and since Aizawa is your class teacher, I'd advise you to be on alert at all times."

"He's Eraserhead, right? The underground hero. I remember you worked with him a few years ago." Izuku said as he ate his breakfast. "Why wasn't he there when you fought All For One? With his quirk, it's pretty easy to fight a relic like him."

"It might be easy, but the second Aizawa blinks, All For One regains his powers and then can steal Aizawa's quirk. that alone would spell disaster for us and to add to this, All For One won't have to worry about the drawbacks of the quirk so infinite erasure." Toshi told him. "That and Aizawa was on an international mission when AFO attacked."

"International Missions?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, those do exist but they're only for third-year students that come within the top 5 of their class and for heroes that the World Hero Association deems necessary for said mission." Toshi explained.

"Ahh. Well, I'll get going then. Bye Toshi!" Izuku said as he left the house.

Izuku ran outside and was about to take flight when his phone rang.

"Hey, Izuku. There's a small change of plans, meet me at the park, will you?" Ochako's voice said from the other side.

"Is everything alright, Ochako?" he asked the girl.

"Yup, just uhh get here. I'll explain later." Ochako said as she cut the call.

"That was weird." Izuku thought.

"Tell me about it, it's almost as if she was in trouble." Magik commented.

"Oye, Izuku, gimme the wheel, I'll get us there faster." Scott said, as she took control over Izuku's body and flew towards the park near Ochako's house.

Izuku landed and ran into the park, looking for Ochako. Only to see her sitting on a bench, seemingly all alone.

"She's alone?" Scott said.

"No. I can feel at least three more people around her. All of them hiding behind the bushed." Emma said.

"How good is he in the mind-fuckery you taught him?" Scott asked.

"He's okay at best." Emma told him. "And even if I switch with him, I'd probably end up killing whoever is hiding. It's better that we face them head-on."

"Well, you heard the lady Izuku." Scott said as Izuku took control over his body once again.

As Izuku approached Ochako, he activated his quirk. "There's no point in hiding, I can sense you guys. So come out now and we can get this over with. We have a 6:45 train to catch." He announced.

"So, you can sense people as well. Looks like the phoenix found another perfect host." A man said walking out of the shadow of the tree. "Look kid, we mean no harm we just wanted to confirm some rumors that had been going around."

"And why should I believe you?" Izuku asked them. "Your whole MO seems rather shady."

"Right. Sorry for kidnapping the young lady. But believe us when we say that we meant no harm." Another man said.

"Who are you guys even? If you know what I can do, then it's rather bold to try and harm someone I care about." Izuku said, glaring at the men while walking towards Ochako.

"We are simple pawns in the greater scheme of things, therefore, our identities don't matter, just know that we'll be watching you, Izuku Shimura. And if you let the darkness consume you the way it did Jean, we shall not hesitate to kill you." The first man ominously said as the group vanished from the spot.

"What the hell!!!!" Izuku said as he tried to look around and see where they went before he walked to Ochako. "Hey, you alright?"

"Y-Yeah. That was scary." She told him, hugging him tightly.

"Hey, it's okay now. I am here." He told her calming her.

"Seriously?" Ochako asked him chuckling. "That was cheesy, really cheesy."

"I know but it did help right." Izuku told her. "Well, let's go. We will probably miss the train so why don't we fly to school."

"Are you sure? Won't you get in trouble for using your quirk without a license?"

"I might, but isn't it more fun when there is a chance of us getting caught right?" Izuku told her.

"Alright, so how are we doing this?" Ochako said, getting up from the bench she was on.

"Uhhhh...... I'll have to carry you in my arms. That's the easiest way for us to go. Piggybacking isn't safe and increases the drag on us." Izuku said causing Ochako to go red. "We don't have to do this though. We can still take the train; we can take a rain check on the tour."

"NO! I- uh mean no. We don't need to miss the tour." Ochako told him, blushing like crazy.

"You sure?" Izuku asked.

"Yup. Let's go. we're wasting time!" Ochako said as she removed the bag off her shoulders.

"Alright." Izuku said as he tightened the straps on his bag and pick ochako up bridal style with the girl's bag being held in front of her. "Welcome to Phoenix Airline. Today's pilot is me, Izuku. Today's destination is UA High. The journey will take 15 minutes. Keep your arms and legs and anything else you deem important inside at all times and hold on tight. This is for your safety and your safety only. Thank you for choosing us and have a great flight." Izuku playfully said as Ochako laughed a bit right before she screamed in shock as Izuku jumped up and flew towards the school. 

They arrived at the school 20 minutes later, landing in an alley a little away from the school, and walked to the entrance where they met Mirio.

"Ochako, this is Mirio Togata, a third-year at UA and he is the one that will be taking us on a tour of the campus. Mirio, Ochako Uraraka, a close friend." Izuku introduced the two to each other

"Nice to meet you, Uraraka. Let's get on with the tour, shall we?" Mirio said as they walked inside the school.

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