🌈👌 [ Dreamnotfound One Shot...

By NotATeenDemon

20.5K 244 443

SMUT, swearing, mature themes, don't expect anything much out of this- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) More

Eh- Requests?
[DreamXD x George x Dream]
[Dream x George] World Generation
Corset (& new cover)
[DreamXD x George] II Your God
[Dreamon x George] Sinful

[DreamXD x George] Sugar Daddy

5.3K 65 141
By NotATeenDemon

(Inspiration from the video ⬆⬆⬆)

[Edited spelling]

   George had became spoiled because of DreamXD. Since George essentially signed his soul away to be DreamXD's friend forever, he asked a lot of things from XD's creative mode inventory.  
   He asked for gear, rare blocks, diamonds, nethorite, enchants, everything. And as much as DreamXD enjoyed George's happy smile when he was given these gifts, he couldn't help but feel a little bit used.

   DreamXD loved George. He would do anything for him. Kill anyone for him. But the thing he hated more than anything was the thought of being used. Especially since he was the god of George's world, why would he let himself be used by a human mortal?
   Ground rules had to be set for George. He was getting to be too spoiled.

   "DreamXD! You scared me! You need to stop sneaking up on me like that!" George nearly jumped out of his seat as he looked behind him from his desk to see his masked friend quietly hovering over the ground and peaking over his shoulder.
   "I'm sorry. I'll work on that." He apologised. DreamXD was getting help from George on how to be a little more 'normal' around humans. To make them more comfortable when he was around.

  "George, I'm board! Come play with me!" DreamXD whined to George as he hovered in the air like he was lay in a bed. He rolled around, trying to get George to pay attention to him.
   "Heh! Okay okay!" George quickly finished what he was doing and sat up from the desk.
   "Yay!" DreamXD celebrated,
   "What do you want to do anyway?" George asked him. DreamXD shrugged. He was just glad to spend time with George and have his undivided attention.
   "Hmm... Hey DreamXD, before we go out, could I have another Mending book? I ehh... I kinda... lost the last one you gave me...." George asked with a guilty look on his face.
   "Actually, I was hoping we could have a little Chat?" DreamXD's voice changed to the scary voice that always got George's attention. He guessed this wasn't going to be a very pleasant conversation.

   "Okay? What do you want to talk about?" George asked with a stutter as he straightened his back and clenched his hands in his lap as he faced DreamXD.
   DreamXD lay on his stomach in the air with his hands supporting his face up as his legs kicked like a girl on the phone with her crush.

   "I noticed that you've been asking for a lot of stuff from me lately." DreamXD started. George noded in response.
   "But I couldn't help but feel... like you're using me George...." XD told him as he tilted his head to the side a bit. "I want you to be honest Gogy~ Are you using me?" George leaned back in his chair as DreamXD slowly inched closer to his face.

   "What?? No, I-" George stuttered nervously. He hated when DreamXD used his 'scary voice'. It was especially worse when the scary voice was directed at him.
   DreamXD's hand gently wrapped around Georges neck, "Because if you where using me, then I can use you. Right?" DreamXD hissed at him as George could almost feel his fingers grow an inhuman length around his throat.

   "DreamXD... Y-you're scaring me..." George wimpered as his face warmed up unexpectedly.
   "I'm sorry George." DreamXD let go of his neck and backed away from him. He had a tendency to go too far without fully realizing how frightening he was being. 'Scary' was just how he was.
   "But I do mean that I don't want to give you stuff anymore." DreamXD stated, George let out a sigh of relief as DreamXD calmed down. "Unless I get something in return~♡" the floating God purred at him with a tap of his finger to his mask.

   "Pfft! Hehe!" George chuckled, "Well what do you want? You kinda have everything already."
   "Your body" DreamXD answered.
   "What?!?" George turned red and gasped.
   "George, you're so... You're so perfect for me. I want to be with you all the time. I can't get enough of you. But, I need you to need me. Be mine George."  DreamXD grabbed George's hands and held them tight as he inched closer to George.

   George gulped, DreamXD always had this very dominant feel to him. Like he was always in control of the people around him. He was more powerful than everyone on the server, and he knew it.
   George was scared of him, sure. But he also knew his soft sides, DreamXD could be very sweet and gentle when he wanted to be. But, this is the first time DreamXD had ever acted quite like this.

   "Or do you not really need that Mending book that badly?" DreamXD giggled at him.
   "I..." George thought about his answer. On one hand, he didn't really need that Mending book, on the other, he could be consenting for XD to do anything to him.
   "Could you... go easy on me?...." George asked first.

   "I can try. But I can't promise that it won't hurt a little." XD told him.

   "O-okay then. Do what you want with me." George stared into the white masked face. XD stared back for a moment before he nods his head to George.

[Contains the following: Rough anal sex, over stimulation, dirty talking? choking, some hair pulling, cuming multiple times, and Warning may contain the implication of homosexuality, if ya not cool with homosexuality then proceed with caution. Lol]

   XD's large hands slid up from George's smaller hands to up his arms. XD appeared to be examining George's body like a blank canvas, but it was hard to tell from not being able to see the face behind his mask.
   "George~~" XD hummed to himself, as George was starting to get more nervous the more XD just stared at him.
   XD leaned his face into George's neck, his void black hand held George's chin in place so he was facing over XD's shoulder, XD moved his mask up just enough that his mouth was exposed, but George couldn't turn to see, he only found out when he felt XD's cold lips press against his neck making him shiver.

   George lightly held onto XD's cloak as his abnormally long toung licked around his neck, his toung felt warm in contrast to XD's normally cold skin.
   George hummed in pleasure, some how XD kept finding all of George's sensitive spots around his neck and collar bone. George bit his bottom lip slightly.

   XD's hand traveled from George's chin to down his jawline and around his neck again just resting his hand there, George gulps as he feels his cold palm against his through and his fingers wrapped around his neck.
   George gasped in pleasure as XD bit down on verry sensitive spot near his collar bone.

   XD slid his other hand under George's ass and pulled George out of his seat, George gasped in surprise and gripped onto XD's green Cloak tighter as he was pulled onto XD's lap.
  George held onto DreamXD tightly as he realized that XD was still floating off the ground while he was sitting in his lap.

   XD chuckled at Georges concern for falling. He pulled down his mask to fully cover his face again. XD started pulling off Georges shirt and pulled down Georges pants as George wiggled and tried to cover himself in his lap.
   A second pair of hands appear from nowhere and hold Georges arms away from covering his body.
   "You're so perfect, so small and delicate." XD said as his strong hands stroked up and down Georges body. As he just admired George's slim figure.

   XD could just destroy him, make him scream, make him cry, break him in half, and tear him to pieces, but he's far to good for that.
   George blushed darker at XD staring at him again.
   XD suddenly pushed George up against the wall and grinded against him. George moaned from the sodden pleasure, he wrapped his legs around DreamXD's waist, still worried about falling.

   Georges erection grew as XD grinded into him, XD summoned more of his hands that proceeded to touch George all over his body, making him moan at XD's touch. A hand lay on his ass and squeezed it slightly, while others stroked up and down his chest and sides. One hand stroked along his cheek, then moved it's fingers across his lips.

   George was moaning at XD's touch, much to XD's enjoyment to hear his pressious George make all these sounds by his own hand, literally... And all before the fun part.
   The hand across George's lips poked two fingers into Georges mouth, which took George by surprise. The fingers fiddled with Georges toung until they pulled out of his mouth leaving a small string of George's saliva connected to his fingers.

   One hand covered George's eyes that made George whine in confusion, XD pulled his mask up above his mouth again, his hand wrapped around George's neck again as XD placed his mouth over George's mouth and kissed him passionately.
   George moaned in the kiss as XD's long toung explored George's mouth then wrapped around his toung like a snake.

   DreamXD switched, he was being generally verry gentle with George until he got so excited over everything. XD pressed against George's body harder, almost squishing him against the wall. He grinded against him harder and faster as the hands became more rough with Georges body. XD kissed George rougher and as his snake like toung was wrapped around George's toung it squeezed his toung and moved up and down it.
   The hand around George's throught squeezed his neck, making George choke and squirm. The hand rested it's grip slightly. Even scary DreamXD doesn't want George to get verry hurt. The hand held George's throught in a more acceptable squeeze for George to breath at least a little. Every once in a while XD will squeeze a little tighter for only a second.

   XD roughly pulled off George's boxers making George squeak in surprise. He still can't see anything because of the hand over his eyes.
   XD's hand with the saliva covered fingers stroked George's length slowly at first, it ran it's wet finger from under the tip down to the base. George shivered and his hips moved and tried to get more attention.
   The hand wrapped it's fingers around George's length and quickly stroked him up and down. George moaned loudly, in the kiss and choked on the rough hand around his throught. George tried pulling his hand out of XD's grip but with no luck.

   He whined in the kiss and got XD's attention. XD pulled away from the kiss, that allowed George to gasp for air as he moaned loudly.
   "XD! I ca~~ I can't! Ahh!~ it's so much!~" George told him in between loud moans.
   XD was enjoying this too much.
   "Ya, but you like it~ I can violate every inch of your body~ You like it so much!~" XD chuckled darkly, George almost drooled at his words, XD felt George's dick twitch in his hand. XD grinded at that, not that Georeg could see.

   "You love the feeling of me touching you~ You're shaking in my arms, you can't even handle it~ I haven't even gotten to fuck you yet you're such a mess~!" XD licked his teeth in delight.
   George used to hate DreamXD's scary voice, George trembled at it's sound, but he loved what it was saying.
   "Is your mind going fuzzy from the pleasure George?~" George bucked his hips at the sound of his name. DreamXD chuckled darkly. "Oh George~~!" DreamXD grind more, as George's control over himself was noticeably slipping.

   XD's hands held onto George and pinned him to the wall, as XD pulled away to admire his work for a second. Small bruises and marks made by the hands covered his body head to toe, George was panting and sweating and his face and body was completely red with blush.

   DreamXD's hand moved away from George's dick making George whine slightly, but took the opportunity to catch his breath. The break was short lived though, as XD wrapped his mouth over the tip of George's hard cock. XD licked the precum off of George's tip and worked his cold lips up George's shaft and taking more into his warm mouth.
   George screamed in pleasure, he shook his head and shivered at the feeling of his cold lips. His mouth drooled slightly as he yelled, "Dre~Dream~ Ah! XD I can't~ fuck! I'm gonna cum~ please~!" George screamed.

   XD took that as an invitation, he deep throughted George, taking him all in his mouth and wrapped his toung all the way around his shaft, in a spiral up to the verry base of his cock, just like XD had done with George's toung before.
   George screamed in pleasure as XD bobed his head and his toung pulled and squeezed George's dick.
   George came in DreamXD's mouth. His entire body shook as XD swallowed and sucked out George's cum. XD's hands squeeze George all over, and his hands around his hips lightly graze their nails along his soft skin.

   George chokes as the hand around his throught squeezes again, and it becomes more obvious that XD wasn't done with him yet.
   XD turns rough again, as his hands roughly turned George around so he's facing the wall. Some hands hold George's hips out to XD, while George's arms are let go there still isn't verry much that he can do accept claw at the wall.

   DreamXD pulls his mask back down so the hand around Georges eyes can push Georges head into the wall while he faces off to the side. DreamXD's hands graze their nails along George's back then rest on his hips.
   George got nervous as he felt XD's hard tip press against his entrance. XD summoned some lube in his hand and rubbed it along his needy cock. XD's hands squeeze George's body as he pushed in his tip, George gasped and tried to get used to the feeling fast. The hand on his head gripped his hair as XD pushed in more, XD's movements became smoother as got deeper thanks to the lube.

   George gasped and panted as XD's cock just kept going deeper and deeper. He clawed at the wall, as his tongue stuck out of his mouth.
   XD chuckled deeply at George. He stopped inserting himself, afraid if he went any deeper he'd break the poor delicate body of his little human.
   XD waited for a moment, and just brushed his fingers through Georges hair, as tears would drip from Georges eyes.

   XD tried his best not to switch to his rougher side, not yet, but XD was so excited that he wasn't sure how long he could hold back. XD started moving his hips before George could fully adjust. George whined as XD pulled back till it was just his tip in him then pushed back in at a steady pace he did that a few more times then started going faster, and deeper. He got more excited as he groaned and heard George cry out in pain and pleasure.
   XD tried holding back, but ultimately couldn't help himself. He switched. The hand on George's head pulled his hair roughly and the hand around his neck squeezed again. George cried out in pleasure and pain as XD pulled all the way back then roughly pushed as far as he could go, George couldn't even take his entire dick yet.

   DreamXD chuckled at that as he leaned in and pressed his chest against Georges back tightly, he growled lowly in George's ear and squeezed his neck as XD thrust in and out of George roughly DreamXD hit George's prostate making George scream with pleasure.
   It still hurt, but the pleasure felt too overwhelming for George to care. He just moaned for XD as his body shook and his mind went fuzzy.

   DreamXD's hand pulls George's hair more, making George's back arch, George moaned at the pain as XD's hands proceeded to touch him roughly all over his body again. A hand wrapped around Georges dick and jacked him off as XD moved even faster into George.
    "FUCK~! XD~~! I~! AH! CAN'T~~" George felt completely over whelmed with pleasure, he couldn't last much longer, he drooled and desperately tried to grab onto something with his hands.
    "Hold it." XD told him, George couldn't control his body well enough to listen to XD's order.
    George came hard, XD growled and smacked his ass hard, George yelped as his voice was starting to give in from all the screaming.

    XD pushed his entire dick in George, and started thrusting at in human speeds. XD moaned and growled, he loved the feeling of being fully inside of George. XD couldn't get enough. He loved everything, the way George's skin felt, how soft his hair was, how much he shook and cried for him.
   XD just wanted George all to himself, he could never get enough of George's touch.

   George's voice gave in, he was barely audible but XD kept thrusting fast and hard. George felt himself slowly losing his consciousness.
   XD noticed, "Just a little longer." XD told him, "I'm so close~" XD moaned. A few thrusts later XD started cuming inside George.
   George's back arched as he cam at the feeling of XD filling him up so much. George finally passed out in the middle of his orgasm as XD was still cuming in him.

   DreamXD pulled out of George and took a second to catch his breath.
He picked George up bridal stile, and his extra hands de-summoned.
   XD carried George over to his bed and gently placed him down. He cleaned George up and tucked him in properly before disappearing.

DreamXD left the game

("George's voice was barely audible" and that brings us to our sponsor!)

3011 words.
Probably the longest chapter I've ever written.

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