Stay ✔

By chicagogirl24

72.2K 5.1K 493

Kim Seokjin is the perfect Alpha and an excellent Cardiac doctor from Seoul, he is asked to come home and hel... More

Characters and Disclaimer (Edited)
Dr. Kim Seokjin (Edited)
The Jeons
Coming Home (Edited)
First Look (Edited)
Operation (Edited)
Visitor (edited)
Epiphany (Edited)
Stay (Edited)
Omega Day (Edited)
Forgiveness (Edited)
First Date (Edited)
First Time (Edited)
Getting Closer (Edited)
Causing Trouble (Edited)
Love Endures(Edited)
Omega Night (Edited)
Mating Ceremony (Edited)
Plans Diverted (Edited)
Aftermath (Edited)
Civil War (Edited)
One More Loose End (Edited)
Epilogue (Edited)

Confused (Edited)

2.6K 220 28
By chicagogirl24


We head back to Namjoon's and make sure he is comfortable before we talk to him about what is going to happen with his surgery. "I called Jungkook, he is on his way, I thought he should be here for this", Hoseok says. A few minutes later Jungkook walks in and the smell permeating off of him was horrendous, I gag and leave the room. 

"JUNGKOOK, what the fuck is wrong with you, did your father drop you on your head, go fucking shower and scrub yourself, don't come out till you are clean", Hoseok screams at him. Jungkook cowers looking at an angry Hobi and runs to the bathroom, "Hobi what's going on out there", Namjoon asks from his room.

"I've had it with your fucking son Namjoon, did you know that Seokjin is Jungkook's true mate", he watches Namjoon's face go pale, "so not only does that ignorant kid of yours want to reject  Seokjin, he goes and fucks another Alpha and gets scented, bringing it into this house in front of his mate, he's disrespectful Namjoon, he doesn't deserve Seokjin, but what he does deserve is to get knocked up by one of those asshole Alpha's he supposedly hates so much." Hoseok stomps out of the room and out the front door slamming it. 

Jimin stands by me rubbing my back, I see Jungkook standing there watching Hobi leave the house, terror in his eyes, he walks into Namjoon's room, and I immediately hear Namjoon's machines beep wildly, I run back into the room. "Jimin please get him out of here", I say motioning to Jungkook whose eyes are wide watching his dad getting so upset that his EKG machine alarm is going off. 

Once I calm Namjoon down and get him breathing normally again, I lean against the wall trying to catch my breath, my life is so fucked up, what did I do to deserve this, all I ever wanted was to find my mate and be happy. When Jimin comes back in I tell him, "I'm leaving, just until the equipment gets here, I can't handle this right now, and if I'm going to operate on Joon I need to have a clear mind."


Jimin leads me out of the room and goes back in to help to Jin, "what happened." I hear Hoseok say when he comes back into the house, "Seokjin is calming dad down, his machine started beeping." Seokjin and Jimin walk out of the room, "he's okay now, he is resting." "He needs a triple bypass Hoseok, his arteries are almost 90% clogged, I ordered equipment for the clinic, if we can keep him stress free he will be fine till Jimin and I can operate", he says.

 I see Hoseok look at me with an evil glare, "stress free Jungkook, can you do that for a couple days, for your father's sake, now that he knows Seokjin is your mate I'm afraid his stress will be even higher." I nod and steal a glance at Seokjin, he's so gorgeous and I feel horrible for how I have acted, why am I such an idiot.

"What's going on with you Jungkook, why are you being so reckless, why are you intentionally hurting your mate, Seokjin didn't ask to be your Alpha, if you truly want to be alone and fuck around with other Alphas then reject him already, why are you waiting, stop making him suffer", Yoongi says. Hoseok called him over to put me in my place, Yoongi has no problems being real with me and kicking my ass, I am far from a normal Omega. 

I have piercing's, tattoo's, and I work out a lot, I am far from the soft fluffy Omega most Alpha's want, "I'm confused Yoongi-Hyung, what if I reject him and regret it later." "Jungkook, Seokjin's feelings aren't yours to play with, you can't string him along until you figure out what you want to do, let him go already, let him be happy with his boyfriend", Yoongi says standing up to walk out. "He has a boyfriend", I ask stunned. "Yes Jungkook, do you think someone who looks like Seokjin would really be single", he scoffs and walks out.


I get in my car and drive back to Seoul, I need to see New and I need to feel normal again, all this fated mate bullshit is stressing me out. Jimin and Yoongi stayed with Namjoon, I told him if anything happens to call me and I'd come right back. I walk into my house and I hear the TV on, in the living room New is asleep on the couch, I sit next to him and move his hair off his head. He wakes up and looks at me surprised, "Jinnie, why are you here." "I had to get away baby, being there was stressing me out", I say laying my head on his lap. "Talk to me, what's going on", he says rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

 "I found my fated mate babe, and he is young and confused and chock full of drama, I just can't deal with it right now", I say rubbing my hand over my face. I sit up, "please don't be upset, he wants to reject me." "He wants to do what", New asks annoyed. He stands and pulls me up with him, leading me to the bedroom, he shuts the door and walks me to the bathroom. He starts the bath water and adds bubble then begins to undress me, slowly, feeling every part of me he can with his fingers and mouth. 

We get in and he sits behind me, massaging my shoulders, "my poor baby Alpha, I cant believe that little Omega is ignorant enough to reject you, Seokjin, whatever you decide to do, I'll understand." I turn my head and capture his lips, he climbs onto my lap and grinds into me until I am hard as a rock, he then slides himself down onto my cock, he always knows how to make me feel better.


"Jimin-Hyung, have you seen Seokjin", I ask. I haven't seen him since I came home last night, smelling of another Alpha, disrespecting not only my family but Seokjin too, my chest hurt really bad last night and I don't know why, maybe because he was hurting too. "He left Jungkook, he went back to Seoul", he said. "He did what, what about my dad, what about me", I say angry and hurt. 

"What about you Jungkook, from what I can see you don't care, you don't even want Jin, he is probably with his boyfriend, as far as your dad is concerned he keeps checking up on him and will return as soon as the new equipment arrives, please excuse me", he says walking out of the office. Is that why I was in pain last night, he was with his boyfriend, now that we have seen each other the bond is stronger, but can I really feel when he is with someone else. 

I walk into my dad's room where he is asleep and see Jimin checking his IV bag, "Jimin, can I ask you something." "Sure Kook, what is it", he motions for me to follow him. We step into Jin's office and his smell that lingers in there calms me, "because my wolf knows that Jin is his mate, does my chest hurt because Jin is with someone else." He sighs and sits in Jin's chair, writing notes down on a chart, "yes Jungkook, that pain you feel is your wolf feeling his mate with another, and that pain is 20 times worse when you reject your mate, so keep that in mind."

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