The Alpha And Her Human Mate...

By greybandit313

8K 197 24

Ally Koch, a perfectly normal 18 year-old moving to the middle of nowhere with her mother and twin brother. S... More

Main Characters
The Middle Of Nowhere
The Run And The First Day Of School
The New Kid
The First Day Of Practice
The Kiss
The Talk
The Lunch
Shopping And A Movie Night
The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
(Not) Facing Her
Window Visit
Date Night Part 1
Date Night Part 2
Pack Picnic
Full Moon
Morning In Bed
Breakfast With Friends
Pack Training
Birthday Day Part 1
Birthday Day Part 2
The Gang Sleepover
Movie Time
Making Up
Packs And Alphas
Sky's Birthday
The Alpha Ceremony Part 1
The Alpha Ceremony Part 2
Six Months Later
The Luna Ceremony Part 1
The Luna Ceremony Part 2

Four Days Until My Birthday

139 5 0
By greybandit313

"Ugh, how do teachers expect us to do this?," Mika whines as she lays on top of Jay, trying to finish homework.

"Haha. It's one science project. All you had to do last night was find information. How is that hard?," I laugh at Mika as she glares back.

"For your information, I was busy sleeping in my bed yesterday," Mika stuck her tongue back at me. I chuckle back a laugh as she starts eating her lunch grumpily.

"Well you better have done the homework Mika or I might actually kill you," Kole shoots back at Mika. They were forced to be partners for the project and even though they were good friends, Mika wasn't the best at school nor gave any care for it. Although now that I think about it, none of them really cared. They weren't going to University around here or out of here, they were staying here to be the beta and delta of the pack.

"Oh my god, I forgot to ask! What do you guys want for your birthday?," Mika jumps up as she turns to look at me and Jay. Jason and Kole turn their heads as well to hear what we want.

"Uhh, I don't really know. Some new jewelry or clothes I guess," I say, shrugging back at Mika and the rest of the group.

"Anything from you will be perfect babe," Jay kisses Mika which soon turns into a full out makeout session making me gag lightly. I finish my lunch and look around for Blake and Mika considering that Jason and Kole also started to makeout.

Speaking of makeout partners, where is Sky?

The next second, two arms encircled me against a heavy chest and I smiled in relief when I realized the hands holding onto mine.

"Hey baby, I was just thinking about you," I turned around to find Sky resting her head on mine.

"Sorry. Stayed late for this A.P. Chem class. Had to ask the teacher a few questions," Sky says as she takes her head off mine and starts walking alongside me towards the other set of picnic tables.

"Where's the group?," Sky asks as she looks around the tables.

"Making out," I roll my eyes as I continue walking around looking for Blake. All of a sudden, I feel my arm being tugged into the direction of the school as I turn to look and see Sky pulling it. In the next second, I'm in an empty classroom pushed against the wall and trapped by Sky.

"Hey, what-," I was cut short by Sky's lips on mine but after my surprise, I started kissing her back hungrily.

"If they were having fun, why not us?"Sky smirked as she started trailing kisses to the side of face and down to my neck. I grabbed the back of her neck pulling her back up to me and slammed my lips back down on hers. At some point, my legs began to feel like jelly so I wrapped them around Sky for balance which allowed her to press me down against the wall even harder.


Unluckily, the bell stopped more of our makeout session. I heard Sky groan loudly as she looked like she wanted to punch the bell until it could no longer ring. I stifled a laugh, kissed her goodbye, and headed out towards Spanish class.

I luckily got a seat in the back again with Blake moments before the teacher came in. I think Blake has gotten better at his spanish but since he could barely manage english, he was still managing around a C- in this class. Blake had told me that witches have two languages, one main one for all the covens in the world, and one secret one used in his coven, that was only spoken between witches in the coven and no one else. Not even the werewolves here knew it and they probably never would considering this one was used for their spells and stuff.

I could hear Blake moan and groan as Señorita Rivera told us about some oral presentation that we each would have to do. She allowed us to work in pairs which immediately caused Blake to jump to my side and beg me until I said yes, yet I think the project wasn't that bad. We had to either read a book or watch a movie in spanish, relating to something historical (but could definitely be historical fiction) and write an oral presentation on it, what lessons it teaches us, etc...,etc.....,etc.... . Blake and I agreed to work on it at his house after school and after I was finished with practice.

As the rest of the day went by rather quickly, I was rather excited for practice since Friday practice was cancelled and I hadn't gone running since Thursday.

"Alright girls, we will be doing laps today around the track. We're practicing our stamina. So get to it. Oh, and the boys are joining us today," Coach said followed by the whines from the girls on the team since we were with the boys.

"All of you, shut it and start running or I will think about adding more laps. Go to Jayla and she will instruct you," Coach shouted at the rest of us and we all hurriedly went to Jayla.

"Alright girls, let's see what you're made of. We got 3 laps of warm-up, then 2 laps medium pace, 4 laps fast pace, and 2 laps slow pace. Then do that once more and then we will end with another 2 laps cooldown. Alright, line up, and...... Start," Jayla shouted as we started running in a warm-up.

Every so often, well actually more like every minute, Mika kept glancing off and waving to Jay who was playing futbol with, wait, hold on.

Blake was on the team! I had no fucking clue.

That stunned me because I never even thought Jay and Blake knew each other. But anyway, Mika kept on making googly eyes at Jay every minute while Jay sent some winks which made me want to puke.

"Hey can I not be between you guys so if I feel the need to puke, it doesn't go onto you?," I ask Mika as she rolls her eyes and laughs a "yes" while I move over to the other track. Once practice was done, Blake and I headed over to his car so we could go and do the project.

Hopefully Sky got my text saying I was going over to Blake's place to do the spanish.

As we got in, Blake turned on the radio and blasted the music as we left the school. I couldn't help but sing to the song since he was also singing.

"Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy not me,

If you ever cared to ask

Good for you, you're doing great out there without me

Baby, like a damn sociopath

I've lost my mind, I've spent the night cryin' on the floor of bathroom

But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it,

But I guess good for you"

"I had no idea you liked Olivia Rodrigo dude," I laugh as we park the car next to his apartment and climb out.

"Shhhh, it's my secret," Blake laughs lowly as we walk up the steps to his place. Once inside, I examined his whole apartment which was really nice. It was very colorful but it stayed in the colors of fall, and when I took a closer look, the leaves and trees on his wallpaper were actually moving.

"It's a spell my sister made, she loves the fall. Don't ask me why, she just does. Although we are going to have to switch the paper to winter trees and snow soon," Blake laughs as he shows me through the living room into the kitchen. As we sit down, ready to start the project, I hear someone running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey Ally, long time no see," Claire says as she moves over to the fridge to grab some orange juice and some cookies.

"Hey yourself," I smile back. As she leaves, Blake starts to go over the guidelines for the project.

"Okay, I'm thinking we will do a movie since it will be easier to write a project about," Blake tells me as he moves through a bunch of his papers.

"What about "El Laberinto Del Fauno"?," I ask Blake. He looks confused on the movie I just said or better yet, what I even said.

"It's about when the war ends, the spanish civil war, and it takes place near the mountains where the rebels are staying," I add, to which Blake responds with an "ohhhh got you". I roll my eyes and we continue setting everything up for the project and spending next weekend on watching the movie.

As I walk home, ignoring Blake's pleas to drive me home since it was getting dark, I let my thoughts wander around my head.

I mean, maybe I would be a good luna, but am I ready to be one?

I'm still very young for a human, and what if I ever wanted to go to college or something. I love Sky and want to stick with her for the rest of my life. Maybe I could go online for college. And what about mom? She might want to leave and go somewhere else?

Could I convince her to leave me here after I finish high school?

Before I knew it, I was entering into the drive and walking towards the house. As I entered, my mother was already in the kitchen making some dinner for us.

"Hey honey, how was school? Do we have a final count on who is coming to dinner and party on Friday night?," She shouts from the kitchen.

"Yeah, beside us three, there will be five more, including Sky," I say as I enter into the kitchen and sit down on one of the island stools.

"I'm so excited to meet your "girlfriend"," my mother emphasizes the word "girlfriend" as she sets the table with plates and forks.

"Well Jay's "girlfriend" as you so called phrase it, is also coming," I say trying to get the hot seat off me.

"Yeah, but Jay's had a girlfriend before, you on the other hand, have never," my mom says as she takes the lasagna out of the oven.

"Wow mom, thanks for comparing me to a nun. Feel the love," I shout down as I walk up the stairs to change into some pajamas and drop my shit down.

"Bring your brother down with you and hurry!," my mom shouts from below as I reach towards the attic. I quickly change into some pajama shorts and a loose tank top as I walk back down the stairs.

Oh my god, I am so glad to take that bra off!

"JAY, MOVE YOUR ASS," I shout into his door and continue to walk downstairs yet somehow Jay opens his door and sprints down the stairs and ends up first at the table.

"Childish," I snark at him as I go to sit down.

"I thought runners were supposed to be fast," Jay jokes as he grabs a big piece of lasagna.

"Now, now, both of you, shush and tell me about your day?," my mother asks as she joins us at the table. 

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