Harry Potter and the Reluctan...

By espeonqueen

145K 5.9K 2.7K

When someone dies, they lose their memory and are reborn as someone else. That's how it should be. "Should" i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

10.7K 453 216
By espeonqueen

It's amazing how fast time flies when you're swamped with so much homework it could break down a college student AND have to write it all down by quill. The wizarding world is so inconvenient with their need for sticking to traditions, but on the bright side, my penmanship has improved drastically compared to my past life. My writing became a sharp cursive with many sentences ending with sudden flicks of the wrist. Draco has learned to stay out of the spray zone when I become too intense in my writing.

The second week of Hogwarts is slowly meeting its end, meaning it's Thursday... which means...

"Excited to learn how to fly, Harry?" Draco smugly asked. "I'm already good on a broom, my father only gets me the best racing brooms so I know the basics. This class will be easy."

I roll my eyes and started drowning myself in a glass of milk, "Whoop-dee-doo... flying... I'm so excited..."

"Every wizard needs to learn to fly one," Draco continued. "I'm going to be on the team next year with the latest broom there is. Shame we will be learning to fly with the Gryffindors... What are they doing?"

There was a commotion at the Gryffindor table, several boys were talking in the direction of Neville who held a shiny red ball. 'Nice, he got a remembrall... wait...' Ignoring Draco's musing on whether to take the ball or not, I head over to the table and tapped Neville's shoulder. "Longbottom."

Was this kid going to flinch every time I speak to him? "Y-yeah?"

Ron frowned, "What do you want, Harry?"

I poke Neville in the spine, making him sit up straighter and have his full attention towards me. "You forgot your robes and we have flying class, you may need them." I give the boy a large toothy grin as his eyes lit up and the remembrall turned clear again. Very lightly, I patted his pudgy cheek in a rapid but endearing manner about five times. "Never change, buddy."

"Why are you ignoring me?" Ron's frown deepened.

"I answered your question by saying what I wanted to the person I wanted to talk to, Ron." I give him a look then turned my attention to Hermione. "Good morning, Hermione."

The girl, a fair distance away, gave me a wave, "Morning, Harry!"

It's become our little morning ritual to say good morning to each other. I still haven't gotten to the stage where we would be considered friends, but I'm getting there one step at a time. She's always alone, but since I'm always surrounded by Slytherins I don't want the risk of them saying something stupid in front of her. So for now, I'll stick to these little gestures until Halloween.

..... :3..... :3..... :3.....

"Good afternoon, class!"

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch." We all spoke in synch as the hawk-eyed woman walked between the two rows of students as if that was enough for a mental roll call. The day was perfect for flying, blue skies and the grass looked oddly well mowed despite never seeing a lawnmower.

Madam Hooch turned to face us all, "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well? What are you waiting for? Everyone, stand on the left side of your brooms." We all robotically obeyed... well, I was robotic. "Stick your right hand over the broom, and say 'Up'"

Heh, there is no way this would work for me- "Up!" Blimey, it actually worked for me! I look to my right and Draco's broom shot up after the second time. Now it was just a matter of time before other students started getting their brooms.

"Up! UP! GAH!" Ron held his face in pain when the broom went up but preferred it smack his face first, "Bloody thing... up!" The broom finally listened, though I could almost feel the inanimate object laughing at his expense.

Hermione's broom really didn't want to be in her hands either, rolling around in the grass like it was in pain.

Madam Hooch began to walk down the aisle of kids. "Now when you have your broom, I want you to mount it and hold it tight so you're not falling on the end."

'Must not make a joke, you are surrounded by eleven-year-olds...'

I mounted the broom, constantly giving the teacher a reluctant look and praying that we don't have to fly this lesson. Or any lesson for that matter, I'd like to stay on the nice, green grass. Draco had his head held high, ready to show his skills for everyone to see.

Madam Hooch pulled out her whistle, "When I blow my whistle, I want you to kick off from the ground. You should stay off the ground afterward." She gave an inhale and blew into the whistle. As if on cue, Neville's broom flew up and the boy began to whimper. "Mr. Longbottom? What are you doing?"

"I don't think that's Neville's doing, professor..." My voice began to lose itself as Neville's broom got higher and higher. The broom began to buck like an annoyed horse, jerking Neville around like a poor ragdoll. Why didn't the professor have a broom or a wand for these situations?

The broom started flying, whizzing the poor boy through a tree and then to the castle. Neville's robes caught onto a spired point of one of the roofs, tearing and making him fall only for it to be caught again and then he landed on the ground. If he didn't wear that robe today, he would have most certainly died from that fall.

Strange how fast people move when afraid for others. Madam Hooch and I tied when getting to Neville, but I let her examine him. "Oh dear, broken wrist... come on, let's get you to the hospital wing." She helped the whimpering boy up. "Everyone stay where you are! If I see anyone on a broom... you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch.'"

When she was gone, Draco bent down and picked up Neville's Remembrall. "Look at what Longbottom dropped." He tosses it in the air then catches it, smirking at the Slytherins, "Maybe if he had this in his hand, he'd remember to fall on his fat arse." Cue the expected laughter from cruel children, the Gryffindors glared at us for his joke.

I for one did not find it funny.

"Draco this isn't funny, give it here." I hold my hand out, honestly expecting Draco to not be a prat and give me the sphere. I sadly overestimated my influence on him.

Draco looked at my hand, then at my face and smirked, "I think it's pretty funny. How about I leave it somewhere for him to hunt for it." He mounted his broom and kicked off into the air, "Like the roof!"

"And you're seriously friends with that git?" Ron questioned me, "How can you stand him?"

"Trust me, I'm working on it, mind your own business."

Watching Draco prepare his throw I kick off my own broom, chasing after the remembrall. With ease I caught it, wincing somewhat when I spot that McGonagall had taken a peek to her window. "Well... I'm dead." In the corner of my eye, I spot Draco landing his broom.

Looking at the remembrall I watched it's smokey white cloud to turn bright red in my hand. What am I forgetting? I have my robes, my wand, McGonagall is going to make me have detention at this rate...

"Harry!" I hear Hermione yell from below, "Get down before a teacher sees you!"

I look down at Hermione... I have to look down at her... I'm in the air... and I have to go down...

The remembrall wasn't red anymore.

..... :3..... :3..... :3.....

3rd person POV

"Ooooh, why isn't he moving? He's going to get in trouble!" Hermione bounces on her feet as both classes waited for Harry Potter to fly down.

Harry's body started to tilt forward, but his broom remained straight. They watched Harry's face morph into utter fear and all but latch himself to his broom. Those with good hearing could hear the start of a whine... don't tell them...

Dean chuckled, "Looks like Potter is scared of heights."

"I am not scared of heights! I'm scared of falling!" Harry's voice broke an octave as he stared straight at his fellow classmates. He didn't seem to have any issues looking at the ground.

Pansy hopped by Hermione, "Harry darling, I promise you won't fall! Just tilt your broom downward slightly and it'll be a slow descent, I've done it plenty of times before."

"It's the same thing to me!" Now Harry was completely wrapped around his broom. Merlin's beard... it's the process of going down that freaks him out, isn't it?

Hermione sighed and exchanged looks with Pansy, both girls getting the same idea, "I cannot believe I'm breaking the rules..."

"Better than Madam Hooch returning to see us all watching a crying Harry stuck on a broom." Hermione had to agree with Pansy there, plus Harry could fall if he panics. "You stay lower to the ground Granger, I don't need you getting in my way."

Hermione scoffed and both girls kicked off their brooms, Pansy getting the closest to Harry and waved to get the boy to look at her. "Harry, come on, tilt your broom down like me." She tried to show Harry how much to tilt.

Hermione gripped her broom tighter and gave a wave, "Try to get to me! Move forward as you go down so you move at an angle!"

Neither Gryffindor nor Slytherin could believe what they were seeing. Two girls from both houses were putting aside their thoughts for each other and working... together? This was weird.

Parvati scowled with a curse and stepped forward, "It's okay Potter, don't be afraid! You can do it!" That was enough to set a chain reaction, next Lavender Brown joined in, then Daphne Greengrass. One by one the boys watched in confusion as the majority of their female classmates were coaxing Harry to go down. It finally seemed to do the trick. Harry was slowly letting his broom tilt down, making a sound that was similar to a scared kitten as he descended to the ground.

What felt like forever which in reality was barely 2 minutes, Harry was just about to reach Hermione when someone called out "Hey Harry! Try not to get sweaty palms and slip!" Blaise laughed harmlessly. Harry was barely ten feet off the ground now so it should be smooth and he wanted to break the tension... it sadly did the opposite.

Harry's broom instantly went to a 180° angle, perfectly horizontal and shoot back up another ten feet. Cogwheels began turning in the boy's head. Suddenly, Harry started to hyperventilate as it seemed he was thinking of the worst things possible... and the next thing they knew... the tears came flowing out.

"Bloody hell... I was making a joke- gerk!" Blaise flinched when almost a dozen eyes of hellfire infused females glaring at him. "Sorry! Sorry! It was a bad joke! Totally my fault, please don't kill me."

"I-I want a teacher!" All Harry wanted to do was to get down, but his mind was saying one thing but his body another. His mind wanted to tilt his broom down and divebomb, his body would sooner ram into a tree or a window before that happens. Why hasn't McGonagall shown up to scream at them or something?! Just as long as he could get back on the ground!

Draco scoffed, not understanding the fuss, "Harry, it's just a broom! Quit acting like a baby and get down!"

Why was Harry scared of being on a broom? Looking back on it, Harry would always tense up when the discussion of brooms appeared... How did Draco not notice his friend acting weirdly all day? Ugh, this was all his fault, wasn't it? "Hang on Harry, I'm flying up!"

Hopping back into the air, Draco was the only one to have the guts to fly close to Harry, "It's okay, just close your eyes and I'll drive your broom so you don't have to, that alright?" The most he got as a response was a whimper and Harry squeezing his eyes shut. Draco made a mental note to himself to inform his father about this in case Harry ever comes to visit; 'Keep Potter away from the brooms.'

With Harry putting his whole trust in Draco, he lightly pushed down on the broomstick so it descended down at a slow pace. Hermione and Pansy were the ones to remove Harry from the broom and both were hugging the sobbing boy when a stern voice shouted from nearby.

"Potter!" Everyone looked to the door to see a furious McGonagall storming over, "Why on earth would you be on a broom without a teacher present- why are you crying?"

The hysteric Potter tried to breath normally, and failed, "N-Neville dropped h-h-his r-r-rememb-brall a-and i-it rolled off the roof! T-then I flew, t-then there was the stuck." Then he breathed, "And the yelling and the stuck and the falling and the brooms and I couldn't get down and the- the- I'm so sorry!"

McGonagall let out a long exhale but kept her composure. It's been a while since she's seen a student so frantic over something that wasn't a test, let alone brooms. The last person she was expecting to be afraid of brooms was James Potter's son. "Come along Mr. Potter, let's get you a calming potion then we can discuss your punishment for flying."

That seemed to trigger another wave of panic, "Don't punish them though!" Harry waved frantically through the girls hugging him to his classmates. "They were just trying to help, it's my fault for flying in the first place, I'll take full responsibility!"

Well, that was new, "I don't have any intention of punishing them, in fact... 5 points to both Gryffindor and Slytherin for putting aside house differences to solve a problem. That's better?" McGonagall watched the green-eyed boy nod, "Then follow me to the hospital wing if you would. Everyone else will remain here to complete your lesson."

McGonagall walked briskly for the hospital wing, occasionally looking behind her to make sure Harry was still following as she heard him stumble a few times already. Opening the door, she sees Madam Hooch with one of her own students, Neville Longbottom, "Rolanda, I can take care of Mr. Longbottom. You should watch the class."

"Right, thank you, Minerva." Madam Hooch notices Harry's fast breathing, "He went on a broom, didn't he?"

"Indeed, and got stuck out of fear of falling based on what I gathered from his incoherent yelling. He needs a calming potion less he faints from all his breathing." McGonagall nods her head at Madam Pomfrey as she rushed Harry to a bed and give him a potion to drink, "I suggest coordinating with Severus about alternate assignments. It seems to me that Mr. Potter will not be able to learn how to fly anytime soon."

"One of those kinds of students? Seem to get at least one every year. This is the first time a Slytherin has had a fear of flying... very well, I'll talk with Severus on the matter." Madam Hooch looked to Neville, "Get some rest, Mr. Longbottom." With that, she left the hospital wing.

Once Harry was relaxed McGonagall cleared her throat, "I know you're not telling the whole truth, Mr. Potter. I suggest you tell me so your punishment is not as severe." She's not going to expel him of course, she can tell when a student is breaking the rules for the wrong reasons and this certainly was not the case. But he was risking his own safety by being as reckless as one of her Gryffindors and he needs to learn his lesson. But the boy didn't say anything, "Nothing good ever comes from protecting others like this."

"Please don't punish him too hard Professor!" The nervous shout from Longbottom made both McGonagall and Harry look at him in shock. "I-I mean... I'm okay because he told me to get my robes, th-they caught on the castle and helped me o-only get a broken wrist. That... that should be good enough to balance the rule breaking... right?"

Thinking Longbottom was lying, McGonagall eyed Harry to see a genuinely grateful smile on his face. "Very well... I can let that assist in a less harsh punishment... you will serve detention every weekend with me until October, 2 hours each day. No house points lost, but if Professor Snape decides to serve a separate punishment then it is his choice."

"Yes Professor..." Harry dipped his head humbly and McGonagall left, having a class to attend to soon.

..... :3..... :3..... :3.....

Harry's POV

I bury my reddening face into my hands and let out a groan. My first month at Hogwarts and I get detention. And I mean, Hogwarts seems to give out detentions like it's going out of style but even then they don't seem to understand that there are other forms of discipline out there.

"You okay, Potter? What happened?" I look up at Neville and he winced, "You... got stuck on a broom?"

"I... Have a weird fear. I don't mind the heights, it's the whole... you know... going down process that shuts my brain down."

"Oh... why did you get on a broom if you knew this would happen?" Neville questioned with a tilt of his head.

I rub the back of my neck, subtly checking to see if Madam Pomfrey was nearby. Sliding out of the bed, I walk across the room and plant my butt down on the bed next to his. "Draco was going to throw your remembrall onto the roof and I uh..." I pull the ball out from the pocket of my robes, "didn't want it to break... here."

Neville took the remembrall and examined it thoughtfully, "You know you don't act like a Slytherin. Most of them are mean bullies but you... if I were the hat I would have put you in Ravenclaw with how smart you are in class-"

Aw, that's so sweet of you Neville.

"Or Hufflepuff because you're hard-working."

I take back my compliment.

I flinch so violently I ended up with a kink in my neck, "Please never compare me to Hufflepuffs again." I could almost hear the question on the tip of his tongue. "I don't have anything negative to say about Hufflepuffs... I just... don't like..." I vaguely gesture into the air. "I just don't like a lot of things about the house. Too happy."

"Oh, sorry. I just don't get... how did you end up in that house?"

I let out a sigh, both from the pain in my neck and also because I'm gonna have to mentally prepare a speech.

"Longbottom, Slytherins are meant to be cunning and since that is widely known... if I want something done how am I going to be able to when everyone suspects me? Most of the Slytherins don't understand that and that's where they fail. I want friends and allies I can trust not... enemies and... whatever Crabbe and Goyle are to Draco."

I let my words sink in before continuing, "Besides, the house system is stupid. An old hat decides what you will be like for the rest of your life at the age of eleven? I don't buy it. Besides, I asked the hat to let me be in Slytherin."

Neville's eyes grew larger and he leaned forward, "Really? The hat lets you pick your house? Why Slytherin though?"

'Because Pottermore said I was a Slytherin. Because my favorite characters are in Slytherin. Because Slytherin is a house I can truly relate to and I want to take the stereotypes, rip them apart, and throw them into the farthest pits of hell.'

There is no way I can say these out loud, people would think I've gone mad. "Because green is my color." I motion dramatically to my eyes, making the other boy laugh a little, "And... because Draco is in Slytherin."

Neville bites his lower lip, "I... I know you get asked this a lot but... you're so nice, why are you friends with Draco?"

"Because I grew up without friends, and Draco was willing to be mine and respect my choices." At least outwardly, I know on the inside he is disgusted by the fact I'm friendly to Muggle-borns and "blood traitors" as these Slytherins like to put it. "I know he's a total git and a bully, even a blind man could see that. But we're all also eleven and from what I can tell, the wizarding community does nothing to socialize their children. I think if I just keep pushing him in the right direction, he'll get better."

"If you say so..." Neville looks at his clear rememberall again, "...Neville."


"Call me Neville." He gives me an adorable smile, "That's what my friends call me."

I blinked a few times, "You... consider me a friend?"

"Of course! You're always willing to help me and I'd like to return the favor one day, so I think we should be friends!" He holds his hand out to me.

I shook it without hesitation, "Then call me Harry. You know, I could help you with potions class, in return I've noticed you're really good at Herbology. Maybe we can study together sometime and swap notes. Say... whenever Professor McGonagall releases me from her detention?"

"Sure!" Neville chirped out.

We were released from the hospital wing when dinner rolled around and I took my usual spot next to Draco and across from Blaise. Draco kept trying to make me talk all dinner, but I preferred to have my mouth full of food than to speak with him. Call me petty, but he needs to learn a lesson on how to treat friends.

"Harry? Why aren't you talking to me?" Draco poked my arm, trying to make me budge as we headed for the library to do homework before curfew. "Honestly, if this is about you getting stuck on the broom-"

I twirl around to look at him, "Oh, it's more than getting stuck on a broom, Malfoy." Draco grimaced, "None of this would have happened if you didn't decide to be a git and try to throw Neville's remembrall!"

Draco puffed up, "It's just a remem-"

"Would you have done the same thing if that was my remembrall? If I was the one whose broom all but tried to kill me?" My voice snapped and I took a step forward to get in his face. "Did you know McGonagall gave me detention for all that? Because I lied for you! I didn't tell her you were only helping me down because this was all your fault because you seem to care about your family's precious reputation over your own friends!"

Draco's mouth dropped open, "I- ..." He looked up to the many cases of stairs, sighing. "I'm... sorry."

Wait what? "Come again?"

Draco shifted from one foot to the other. "I said I'm sorry! I'm sorry I didn't listen to you and got you stuck on that broom and got you detention! This was all my fault, I admit it. Just please stop acting like my mother and start acting like my weird muggle-loving friend again!"

I cross my arms and after a pause, let out a sigh, "I can't stay mad at you forever. Just... please be more aware of your actions... you act too much like a bully and I hate bullies."

Draco crosses his arms, "I'll try but I can't make promises that I'll stop, best if you tell me when I'm taking things too far. Why do you hate bullies so much anyway? Besides the obvious reasons."

I lick my drying lips from excessive talking, "Let's just say my cousin and his friends liked to use me as a punching ba-" We both lurched to the side when the staircase swung to the side. "Great, we missed the library."

"Yeah..." Draco's eyes light up, "Hey Harry, this is the 3rd floor! I know we're not Gryffindors... but... do you wanna check the corridor out?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Draco have you had firewhiskey lately or something?" I put a hand on his forehead which he bats away, "Why would you want to check it out?"

Draco shrugged, "Dunno, I wanna know what that old fool Dumbledore is hiding." And he's back to having his smug smirk, "Scared?"

"I will push you off these stairs..." Meh, I have to go down there eventually, "Let's go."

We headed up the stairs and found the corridor pretty easily, it was the only locked door. Dumbledore left the place completely unprotected knowing that children are, by nature, stupid. I let Draco do Alohomora because I have no idea how to make my wand do the spell yet. However, I made sure I was the one that went into the room first, "...Draco, we need to leave. Now."

"Harry, we just got here what could be here-" He cut himself off when we saw Fluffy. The Cerberus's fur was the color of onyx, face long and pointy and all three of them were looking directly at us. A scream tore from Draco's throat and the dog proceed to try and lunge forward. I quickly shoved us both out of the room and slammed the door shut.

Draco threw his arms in the air, shouting, "What in Merlin's name is THAT doing in our school?! Oh, my father will hear about this!"

Crap, crap, I don't want Lucius involved! "Draco, no! We can't tell anyone what we just saw! Not until we know why it's here!"

"Harry are you insane?! There's a three-headed dog in that room!"

"Which we are not allowed in! Whatever is in that room, Dumbledore is willing to risk being sacked to protect it, besides... we risk expulsion if the teachers find out about it."

"Risk expul- have you been spending time with that Granger girl?!" Draco sputtered his words as we rushed to the stairs to avoid getting caught. We both silently agreed to just return to the common room instead of arguing for three hours in the library.

If my hair was longer, this would be when I would flick it, "Not as much as I'd like."

Draco covered his face with his hands, "Ugh... You are being corrupted by all these sorts and I'm not allowed to do anything about it. You better not try to turn me into a blood traitor."

"I make no promises." When we entered the common room, it felt like a dementor had sucked all the energy out of us. The stress from class, the arguing and now Fluffy? It was too much, "I'm going to bed..."

Draco rubbed his temples, "Same... I never want to see another dog again." We ignored the weird looks given to us by our friends and headed to the dorm room. I was the first one to be in bed because Draco has to wash out... whatever he puts in his hair. When he returned in his overly fancy pajamas, he hid under his own sheets, "You still never told me what your cousin liked to do to you."

I yawned and took off my glasses, "I'll tell you some other time..." I didn't listen to Draco's protests and instead let sleep take over.

..... :3..... :3..... :3.....

Side story #1: Harry finds the kitchen

I grumbled to myself as I glared at the offending orange drink that everyone around me was guzzling down. Did anyone not realize the stuff tasted like someone dumped sugar into a pumpkin? It doesn't help I have my first detention with Professor McGonagall was afternoon, so my mood was less than good today. So much for a relaxing Saturday.

Also, if Draco kept staring at me I'm going to slap him with his own bacon.

Pansy giggled when she saw my face, "If you really want something tasty to drink, think of an idea and go ask the house elves. You're such a sweetheart under normal circumstances, I'm sure they'll make something special for you. Mine at home makes the best hot milk."

Pansy, if you keep giving me such brilliant ideas, I'll have no choice but to kiss you.

"That's actually a good idea, I met one our first day here and it seemed like a friendly creature."

Draco scrunched up his nose, "My family has one, useless thing. We trained him to beat himself up whenever he makes us mad or he breaks a rule, but he gets the job done-" He pauses when my glare that was reserved for pumpkin juice latches onto his face, "Uh... sorry."

"It's fine. Does anyone know how to get to the kitchen?" No one answered. "Lovely, I'll go exploring then before my detention." Scarfing down my oatmeal I give my friends waves of goodbye and walked out.

I spent the better part of ten minutes waiting for a random Hufflepuff to leave the Great Hall. I knew the kitchen was by the Hufflepuff common room entrance, so following the Puffs was the simplest solution. The hallway leading to the Puff's Common Room was light, milking in the golden rays of the sun from high windows. I received a few curious glances, but none of the students bothered me. Going down the hallway for a short while, I finally came across what I was looking for: a painting of a bowl of fruit.

"Well... that was easy... okay, Harry. Just be polite..." Reaching my hand out, I tickled the pear and the door handle appeared. I'm pretty sure that was the only detail about the kitchen I remember. Slowly pushing open the door, I poke my head in to see over a hundred little house elves running around the kitchen. "Woah..."

The kitchen was a massive and beautiful room. Simple wooden tables that stretched at least fifteen meters took up the majority of the space as elves bustled about to clean up pots and pans used to make the mornings breakfast. A small group of house elves were in a corner with a notepad, where an older elf was jotting down notes. Two other elves loomed over a large copper pot, throwing in random ingredients and tasting it.

A few house elves stopped what they were doing and ran to me when I fully entered the room, "How can we be of service, sir?"

I swallow a lump in my throat nervously. "I'm sorry to bother you guys when you're busy... I was just um... nevermind." I really hate asking people for things when it has no special reason for it. I quickly turn to leave when a house elf popped in front of me.

The house elf stared at me before his already large eyes went wider, "Oh! You're Harry Potter, sir! Beemy told us that she met you! We heard Harry Potter didn't handle pumpkin juice well, is that why Harry Potter is here, sir?" I have no idea how to process this, mostly because house-elves seem to talk almost exclusively in the 3rd person.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I try to avoid the increasing number of gazes, "Um... yes... if it wasn't too much trouble I was going to come here to request a drink that I am fond of drinking..."

"What do you have in mind, sir? We're always looking for new flavors to add to the kitchen!"

"The drink I was thinking of is called matcha..." I jumped when a house elf behind me let out an excited squee.

"Ah! Jalky knows what this drink is, sir! It's green tea in Japan!" I stared at this house elf as he was all but jumping at his feet, "Jalky's old master loved Japanese food and had Jalky learn how to make the food!"

I tilted my head, "I didn't think British wizards would be interesting in most non-European foods..."

"Oh, many house elves learn how to make non-English food all the time to please their masters. But Headmaster does not let us make them since many students would not like them. But we would love to make new things! Would Harry Potter like to drink it with his meals?"

Once the other house elves were pleased that I was with someone who could help me, I followed Jalky to a different part of the kitchen and sit down so I was his height. "I was just worried since it can be expensive."

"Oh no! Headmaster always told us to never worry about the cost. If a student wishes something special to eat it is the house elves of Hogwarts' duty to make it!" Jalky said. "It may take a few tries for Jalky to get the flavor just right though."

"I don't mind, honest," I said, waving my hands like that would remove the worry. "We can do testings and I can drink regular green tea on normal days. I read in a muggle book once that green tea can be used in gardening so it can be recycled."

Jalky saluted, "Wonderful idea, sir! Jalky will have a test run prepared for Harry Potter at dinner!"

"Brilliant, thank you." I try to look for a clock, "I need to go, I have detention to serve today, bye Jalky!" I hear multiple "bye!"s as I ran out and looked for the Transfiguration room.

Opening the door, I was already out of breath from running, "S-sorry, Professor... I-I had... uh... Draco? What are you doing here?"

Draco was sitting in a chair by McGonagall's desk, writing on some parchment when he looked up to me with a smirk, "Hi Harry."

"Hi, Draco... not to be rude but- why are you here?"

McGonagall arched an eyebrow, "It appears that Mr. Malfoy felt guilty about your detention and told me the whole story. He will be serving your detention while I am altering your punishment to be more suited for lying to a professor. As such... you will be going to the greenhouse to help Professor Sprout clean up before Monday. I trust you can handle these changes, yes?"

I stood there with my mouth hanging open, "I-" I lock eyes with Draco, "Why did you tell her?"

Draco shrugged, "I might as well take my punishment with pride rather than let you take the blame for it all. I'll see you in two hours."

Slowly nodding, I give Draco a grateful smile and headed out of the room to finish my detention.

..... :3..... :3..... :3.....

It took nearly 30 minutes to wash off all of the dirt and plant material from my person after the detention. Sprout was an easy-going professor, only getting cross once when I nearly put myself in danger from some nasty fungus she was growing. By the time dinner rolled around I was squeaky clean, minus a couple of scapes from an overly aggressive Devil's snare and beetles biting.

... Yeah, Sprout never left me alone after that incident even if she gave me space.

When the food appeared before us, I noticed that my cup already had something in it rather than relying on pouring from a flagon. The liquid was dark green with a lighter shade on top in the form of froth with a light amount of steam emanating from the cup. Picking it up I took a sip that nearly burnt my tongue, "Hmmm... Yum..."

Draco craned his neck to look at my drink, "What on earth are you drinking? Let me taste." Without warning, he snatched up the drink and took a sip. Like the little drama queen that he was, his face pinched up and he shoved it back into my hands. "Ugh! Gross! It's so bitter, what is this stuff?!"

"It's a type of Japanese tea and it's supposed to be bitter. Better than pumpkin juice, that's for sure." I roll my eyes when Draco faked several gags when I took another sip, "I had a house elf make this for me, don't like it then don't drink it."

"Oh, I am definitely not going to drink it." Draco leaned away from my cup and resumed eating, "How was detention?"

I shrugged, "It was fine, Professor Sprout just had me clean around the classroom for two hours, what did you do?"

Draco groaned, "Lines, then she made me sit down and talk about my behavior. She's pretty scary when lecturing I have to admit... I am sorry that I got you in trouble in the first place."

I bump my shoulder against him, "All is forgiven, besides I could never stay mad at you for long."

Blaise chuckled, "Good, the tension would have kept me from getting my beauty sleep."

"What beauty?" We looked to Pansy who was smirking at us. We laughed for a short bit when she sighed. "I'm just glad you two made up, now I can resume my teachings for Harry! I'm thinking dancing should be taught right away!"

Oh hell no, "Pansy, no."

Draco smirked, "This I'm going to have to see. But I believe we should wait until summer when we have all the time in the world." He eyes me, but I try all I can to pretend like I'm too into my drink to notice my impending doom.

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