Chapter 13

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My eyelids feel heavy as I try to open them; a weight that pushed down on them. I just wanted to succumb back to the comforting dark but no, I need to wake up. I don't know why, but something was telling me to move.

I parted my dry lips to let out a long breath as if it would help me open my eyes, which... it oddly enough did. I could have gone with the first thing I see upon waking up not be Dumbledore grandpa-smiling at me and putting my glasses on my face though.

"So you have finally joined us, Harry..."

Move... move... movemovemoveMOVEMOVEMOVE! Mo-


"You've been asleep for three days while Madam Pomfrey fixed you up. Had a concussion from several blows to the head," Dumbledore answered my unspoken question. "I met your owl halfway on my flight back here... something told me that I was where I shouldn't be and rushed back. And I encountered Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape just before the door, your friends were quick to get help. You were the only one injured, as well."

"Oh..." I let out my breath that was burning into my chest. "Good..." My eyes trailed off and locked on the freakishly tall pile of sweets at the foot of my bed.

"Gifts from your friends and admirers. I recall mister Fred and George Weasley talking about sending you a toilet seat, something I'm sure would have amused you. But Miss Granger convincing them you'd appreciate chocolate more," Dumbledore looked at me with twinkling eyes, also amused by the twin's antics. "You helped them become quite the pranksters, more so than they were before."

"Heh, they'll get better sooner than you think, sir. What's going to happen to the Stone?"

"Ah, an excellent question. It has been destroyed," Dumbledore answered.

I blinked. "But what about Nicholas Flamel?"

"Oh, so you have been researching!" Dumbledore proclaimed, absolutely delighted with my words, like a child that heard someone talking about his favorite show. "He and his wife have enough elixir to help them settle their affairs... but in time... they will die. No pain, merely like falling asleep after a long day..." He tilted his head to the side slightly. "I can sense you have more questions. I promise I shall answer the best I can. If I cannot answer it, do forgive me. But I shall not lie in my answers."

"A few. First one: was it you that gave me the cloak?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

"Yes, that belonged to your father and I held onto it for you. I had it returned to your trunk after we collected you from that corridor so not to worry, but do try not to lose it. That cloak is one-of-a-kind." Dumbledore gave a playful wink and my face tightened up. "And the other questions?'

Dumbledore and I spoke like this for a few minutes. He explained how I got the Stone, my mother's sacrifice, but refused to answer why Voldemort was out to kill me. Seriously, why omit that specific detail? I know I'm eleven, but a man is out to kill me, I should at least know why!

I didn't say anything for a moment after Dumbledore ate an earwax bean. If anything, my body subconsciously began to scoot away from him. Was he going to talk about how evil Voldemort was? How "brave" I was to stand up against him? That I could have died had none of them shown up sooner? Going to trick me into thinking I owe him a life-debt because of it?

"I sense some discomfort from you, Harry. What is it?"

"... No offence sir, but I have a hard time trusting someone who decided to put me under the Dursley's care," My tone bite more than intended. I wanted to deadpan but that didn't happen.

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