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I don't remember how I died, I don't remember when I died. I remember what I was last doing before the memory skipped; Rushing to make it to class in time for a big test, but the rest... nothing.

Everything after that was a blank.

One minute I was an American college student in her twenties, the next, I'm in a crib with two blobs of color making noises over me. I couldn't see who they were, I could barely move, let alone hear anything. Everything that came out of my mouth sounded more like someone was smacking a chalkboard on styrofoam. Whenever this hellish noise came out, I was picked up and the heartbeat of the red blob calmed me down.

I was a baby... I had my memories still... based on my name...

"Shhh... you're okay Harry, are you hungry?"

I was a boy! And my family sounded super English!

This was going to be an interesting journey.

..... :3..... :3..... :3.....

The first four months of my life were uneventful, mostly because I wasn't able to see well enough to care. If I cried, someone would pick me up. I got pretty good at zoning out when I was fed, not minding the fact my mom- sorry, mum, was a traditional feeder. I'm a baby now, why would it matter to me if the milk came from a bottle or a boob? My mum had really pretty eyes too.

Once I could move better I taught my parents the signs of what I wanted when I cried. Hungry? Reaching out with closed fists. Changing? One leg would stick up. Cuddles? Open hands.

It took them a week to figure it out. My poor mum, she always assumed I was hungry.

I think my dad has a job that causes us to move a lot, though they don't leave their home often. Three other people like to visit and I humor them by squirming or laughing when someone talks to me, but I can't figure out what they're saying half the time. The shortest of the three was always nervous because I kept staring at him.

I don't like the shorter person for some reason. The darkest one was the best, very scratchy but soft face. The tall one was quiet, didn't like to hold me, but he smelled nice.

We have a cat, I love my new parents for keeping a cat around. She was orange... I think, and when it was time for a nap the cat would always curl next to me, keeping one paw lightly on my leg.

I miss being able to think complete thoughts.

..... :3..... :3..... :3.....

By six months my baby brain was able to retain the names of my parents. I can think like an adult half the time and think based on my past memories. Sadly I couldn't understand new information very well. I stopped crying every time I needed something, wanting to make my parent's job easier by being a happy baby and I rarely made loud noises anymore. I also learned that I could stand if I use the support of an ottoman.

"James, look at Harry! He's standing!"

"Is he? Oh, Lily, he's grown so much. I'll get the others!"

So my mum and dad were named Lily and James... traditional yet so familiar... is this the Harry Potter generation? Did they all grow up now? What year is it?

I don't mind much of the excitement. I can stand now, whoopdeedoo. The baby part of my brain ordered me to bounce where I stood, basically shaking my nappy covered bum for no reason other than it being... fun? My mum sounded like she was witnessing the cutest thing ever and I hear her complaining about not having a camera on her... why doesn't she use her cell phone then?

Harry Potter and the Reluctant Rebirthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن