Halstead Sister One Shots

By oneChicago2000

896K 10.4K 1.6K

This is a bunch of one shots following the life of Gracie Halstead. She lives with her brothers Jay and Will... More

Forbidden Party Part 1
Forbidden party part 2
Thunder Storm
First Period
Not An Update! Requests!
AN help!
Skipping School
Bedtime Tantrum
A Bit About The Halsteads
The Friends Of Firemen Barbecue
Mothers Day
Pretending to be sick
Halstead Apartment
Gracies Seventh Birthday
The Car Incident
Gracie gets caught
A Regular Day In Lockdown
Gracie Gets Sick
Scared For Jay
Football Watch Party
AN Requests
A Date?!
A Date?! Part 2
The Bank Robbery
Gracie Needs Glasses
Jay Gets Shot
Gracie Makes a Run For It
Broken Bones
Jay and Hailey What?!
Fire Alarm
Grocery Store Tantrum
Smoking Again?!
I Hate Her!
The Zoo
Mothers Day Picnic
Ruined Homework
Supply Teacher
Not Fair!
Introducing The Boyfriend
Missing Money
A Not So Secret Admirer
Adam Babysits
The Audition
Running Away
Instagram Part 2
Instagram Part 3
Opening Night
Tooth Fairy
But What Does It Mean?
Gracies First Breakup
Trick Or Treat
Stella's Birthday
That Time Of The Month
Late Nights And Bad Attitudes
The Break In
Instagram Part 4
Instagram Part 5
Do You Love Me?
To Old For Spanking
Sneaking Out
The Dress
Christmas Eve
I Don't Wanna Go To School
Scraped Knees And Bandaids
The Playground Mega Tantrum!
Instagram Part 6
Expelled Part One
Expelled Part Two
Truth or Dare
Anxiety?! Part One
A Six Year Old In Lockdown
Car Theft
CPD Family Picnic
A Weekend Away and A Lost Bunny?
Instagram Part 7
Instagram Part 8
Hawaii Part One
Hawaii Part 2 (Final Part)
Aprils Birthday Surprise
Bad Advice
Hit By a Car?!
Nine Going On Nineteen
How It Started
Fathers Day
Hailey Puts Her Foot Down
Instagram Part 9
Instagram Part 10
Instagram Part 11
Fake ID
The Crayola Adventure
Trouble At The Diner
Instagram Part 12
Instagram Part 13
Allergic Reaction
Bathtime Tantrum
Chores = Allowance
A Day At 51
Instagram Part 14
Instagram Part 15
Instagram Part 16
Instagram Part 17 (Disney Edition)
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 1
Christmas Party Tantrum Part 2
Updated Halstead Apartment
Stage Fright
Skipping School 2
Christmas Day
Running In To The Road
Sick At School
The Evil Dance Teacher
The Ice Cream Fit
Wedding Reception Disaster
Instagram Part 18
Will Doesn't Spank
Push and Shove
Instagram Part 19
You Better Be Sick
Quality Time
Mood board/ AN
Instagram Part 20
No Kids Allowed!


8.6K 81 19
By oneChicago2000

As requested by SophieTaylor792

Gracies POV (15 Years Old)

I woke up with an urgent need to throw my guts up so I ran to the bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach in to the toilet bowl,

"Gracie?" I heard Jay ask from the other side of the bathroom "you ok?" He asked with concern clear in his voice. I took a deep breath before replying,

"Yeah I'm good" I lied "I just really needed the toilet" I lied again and was met by a uncertain silence,

"You sure?" He asked and I straightened my hair and wiped my mouth before opening the front door and plastering a fake smile on my face,

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to worry you" I said and he frowned,

"It's fine as long as you're ok" he said with a raised eyebrow "get a move on I need to get to work" he instructed and I rolled my eyes slightly,

"I don't have to go as well you know, I can just stay here" I shook my head and Jay audibly laughed,

"Yes you do kiddo" he replied with a smile "In case you've forgotten you're grounded for another week" he reminded and I groaned "go get ready" he said before disappearing in to the kitchen.

One I was back in the sanctuary of my own room I let my discomfort show on my face. I must have a bug or something. I can't tell Jay because he would insist that I stay at home and they really need him at work, I'll just have to suck it up and get on with it. My attention diverted to my phone screen as it lit up with a notification that was from Flo my period tracker app. I frowned at the realisation that I still hadn't started my period and it was due nearly two weeks ago. Another wave of sickness washed over me at the realisation of what this could mean. I'm late and I've been throwing up all morning...shit.

"Gracie get a move on" Jay shouted and I sighed before making a move to get ready for the day, doing my best to ignore the rising dread that I could feel building in my stomach.

Once I was ready I took a deep breath before walking in to the kitchen and sitting down at the table,

"No time for sitting down, you need to get some breakfast" Jay said as he drank his coffee along with his toast,

"Oh, I'm not really hungry" I admitted causing Jay to frown,

"You need to eat something Gracie" he said,

"I'll eat something at lunch" I promised and he shook his head,

"Yeah and so you should" he replied "but that doesn't mean you get to skip breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day you know" he said matter of factly,

"Urgh fine" I caved "you're beginning to sound like Will" I informed him and he clicked his tongue,

"You say that again and I'll ground you till you're thirty" he warned teasingly.

I settled for some plain old buttered toast and forced it down before Jay rushed me out of the door and down to his car.

I drove the whole way there with my window open much to Jays displeasure as it was pretty cold outside but it was the only way to stop me from puking! Once we pulled up outside the precinct I jumped out of the car and ran in to the building where Trudy immediately buzzed me up without a second thought.

"Hey Gracie h-" Adam began to say but he soon shut up when he saw that I was running to the toilet. I ran though the locker room and threw the bathroom door open before throwing up in to the toilet,

"Gracie?" I heard Hailey ask before I felt her move behind me and pull my hair back as I continued to empty my stomach "what's going on baby?" She asked concerned as I flushed the toilet before sliding down the cubicle wall and bursting in to tears "oh hunny" she said before sitting down next to me and pulling me in to her side,

"Is everything ok in there?" Jay asked from outside and my head shot up with eyes wide as I shook my head at Hailey, silently pleading with her not to say anything,

"Everything's fine Jay" she shouted "just girl talk" she said as Jays footsteps could be heard walking away from the door "talk to me Gracie" Hailey urged "do you feel sick?" She asked concerned as she put a hand on my forehead and shook my head.

"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone" I pleaded "especially Jay and Will" I said with hopeful eyes,

"I promise" she said with a slight nod and I took a deep breath in,

"I'm late" I whispered with tears filling my eyes once again. Her face didn't give much away as the realisation of my words sunk in,

"Wow" she said which made me nervous. Was she mad at me? "Ok" she sighed "we can handle this" she comforted "have you taken a test?" She asked gently and I shook my head,

"No, I only realised this morning but it would explain why I've been throwing up" I admitted "oh god, what the hell am I gonna do Hailey?" I sobbed as he tightened her half around me,

"Hey it's gonna be ok" she assured "it might not be what you think, it could be something totally innocent" she comforted and I nodded "but we do need to take a test" she said and I cringed at the thought,

"How am I meant to get out without Jay realising?" I asked "I'm grounded, there's no way he's gonna let me go anywhere without a good explanation" I said with a frustrated sigh and she thought about it for a second,

"So...you stay here and I'll go to the store for you" she said and I looked at her,

"Really? I completely understand if you wanna leave me to it because it was so stupid of me t-" she cut my little rant off,

"Hey I'm not going anywhere" she promised and I smiled slightly "we're in this together girl" she said with a wink and I sighed with slight relief "you go wait in the break room and I'll tell Jay to leave you alone. We'll just tell him it's girl problems that always freaks him out" she said with a smile which I matched,

"Thanks Hailey" I said honestly as she helped me up off the floor and we left the bathrooms and I immediately escaped to the break room to wait for Hailey to return.

Luckily for me no one came in to the break room before Hailey returned and we retreated back to the girls bathroom,

"Soooo, what happens now?" I asked as I walked out of the toilet cubicle with the test in hand,

"We wait" she said simply as I put the test down on the sink "it says you should have results in two minutes" she informed as she set a timer on her phone.

The two minutes dragged on and on before eventually Haileys phone phone vibrated, singling that the time had come. Oh god.

"Do you want me to do it?" She asked as she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and I shook my head,

"No" I smiled slightly at her "thank you but I need to do this" I said as she nodded at me understandingly,

"Just remember, whatever happens we're gonna figure it out" she reminded and I nodded once again before swallowing down the lump that was forming in my throat. I closed my eyes as I reached for the test and took one last deep breath before looking down at it. Two lines. I silently grabbed the box and read the directions for help, one line negative two lines positive. No. No no no no no. This can't be happening. A wave of nausea washed over me once again as I dropped the test on the floor and pushed past Hailey to get to the toilet. I heard Hailey pick up the test behind me and sigh.

"Gracie" she said softly as I sobbed with my head resting on the toilet bowl "baby you're gonna need to tell your brother" she said and my head shot up in panic,

"No please you can't" I begged her and her face softened "you promised Hailey. They can't find out about this they'll kill me and then they'll kill him" I whispered frantically "please, please don't tell anyone" I sobbed and she took me in her arms protectively.

"Ok" she nodded gently "here's what we're gonna do" she began "I'm gonna call Natalie and tell her about what's going on and we're gonna go to med so she can check you out" she said and I frowned,

"Jay will see me leave and Will's bound to find out I'm there" I said and she nodded before thinking for a second,

"So I send Jay out to follow a lead and we'll tell Nat to find something to distract Will" she said and I nodded apprehensively.

She left to call Nat and talk to Jay and returned a while later with an encouraging smile,

"Ready?" She asked encouragingly and I nodded hesitantly "we're gonna get through this Gracie" she assured as we left the building and walked over to her car.

We drove to med in a comfortable silence before Hailey parked up and we walked towards the ED entrance where Natalie was already standing,

"I don't know if I can do this" I said with tears in my eyes and Nat wrapped her arms around me,

"Yes you can Gracie" she said with a squeeze "Hailey and I are gonna be by your side no matter what and I'm certain your brothers will be swell if it comes to it" she said as I took a deep breath and followed he in to the building and in to a treatment room before closing the curtains and door.

She started by doing some general tests on me such as my blood pressure which where all normal "so Gracie" Natalie began gently "I need to do some blood tests on you so we can find out for sure if you're pregnant but because of your age I'm gonna need your brothers permission" she explained and my stomach sank as I shook my head,

"No please" I begged "I'm not ready for that. They're gonna kill me!" I exclaimed as Hailey took my hand in hers "I already did a pregnancy test isn't that enough, I could just do another one of those" I exclaimed and Natalie,

"You could, but we can really get a much more accurate answer through the blood test that way we know exactly what we're dealing with" she continued to explain and I shook my head as I stood up from the bed,

"I shouldn't of come here I'm really sorry" I said as I ran out of the room and legged it out of the hospital and in to the streets of Chicago.

Haileys POV

"Gracie wait" I shouted as the young girl ran out of the hospital and out of sight "oh god" I mumbled to myself,

"What do we do now?" Natalie asked as she joined me outside the entrance,

"We're gonna have to tell the guys" I said with dread bubbling in my stomach,

"They're gonna kill us" Nat muttered to herself and I nodded my head in grim agreement,

"I'm gonna call the team, see if they can find her then we'll tell the boys" I said devising a plan and she nodded "Hey" I said to Voight once he answered "listen, there's no time to explain but Gracie's ran off so we need to find her ASAP, don't tell Halstead I'll call him in a minute, she's ran from Med" I explained not giving him to to respond before hanging up the phone and dialling Jays number and waiting for him to answer "hey, don't kill me but you need to come to med".

Gracies POV

I ran through the snowy streets of Chicago with no set destination in my mind, just the determination to get as far away as possible. I had no idea where I was so I decided to slow down in to a walk, finally allowing the tears to fall freely down my face. What am I gonna do? I pulled out my phone and saw six missed calls from Hailey five from Nat along with a bunch of texts from both of them. I stared blankly at the screen as it began to vibrate and Jays name flashed across the screen. He knows I ran off. That means Will knows. Now I have nowhere to go. I slumped down the wall and sat down on the cold snowy street ignoring the melted snow that was now soaking through my clothes I just stayed there hoping that all of this would just go away.

Natalies POV

"I can't believe you didn't tell us about this" Jay fumed as he paced the room angrily and Will sat down at the table in the doctors lounge "we're her guardians we deserve to know" he exclaimed,

"She was terrified Jay and of course we would've told you" Hailey replied "she begged us not to so we where giving her time to figure things out" she finished and Will shook his head,

"She's fifteen years old" he said with a frown "she doesn't even talk about boys how could this happen?" He asked,

"You're a doctor Will do I seriously have to explain it to you?" Jay replied sarcastically,

"You know what I mean" he replied sharply "it must've been when she snuck off to that party a few weeks ago" he answered his own question "why haven't your team found her yet it's freezing out there" he exclaimed and I rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder,

"I'm sure she's fine" I assured,

"She won't be when I get my hands on her" Jay muttered and Hailey sighed,

"Exploding at her won't help anything Jay" she said firmly "it will only make things worse, that's exactly why she was terrified of you two finding out" she finished and Will nodded in slight agreement,

"She's right Jay" he agreed and Jay looked at him like he was mad,

"Are you insane?" He exclaimed "our fifteen year old sister is pregnant! How can you be so cool about this?" He asked and Will scoffed,

"Believe me Jay I'm far from 'cool with this'" he replied "but shouting at her's only gonna push her away. You heard what Hailey said, she's terrified" he continued "she's probably out there right now thinking she hasn't got a family anymore. Thinking that we hate her guts. I know you're pissed off and believe me I am to, but we are not gonna turn our backs on that kid when she needs us the most. Not now not ever" he finished and Jay stayed quiet before silently nodding his head in agreement before he returned to anxiously pacing around the room.

Gracies POV

I don't know how long I had been sat there staring in to space but one thing I did know was that I'm freezing. With every breath I could feel my body becoming more numb but I couldn't bring myself to move.

"Gracie?" I heard someone shout and I forced myself to look up at the person the voice belonged to. Adam? "Jesus Gracie you're freezing" he exclaimed as he instantly took his coat off and wrapped it around me "Kim I found her" he shouted,

"Please don't tell my brothers" I begged and he sighed sadly,

"I'm pretty sure they already know baby girl" he comforted as Kim ran over to us,

"Gracie you had us worried sick hunny" she exclaimed as Adam picked me up bridal style and carried me over to the car before turning the heat on full blast as Kim began to drive,

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as the welcome feeling of the heat reached my body,

"You need to go to Med to get checked out hun" Kim said gently and I went to protest but Adam spoke up,

"It isn't up for negotiation Gracie" he said firmly and I snapped my mouth shut and allowed my eyes to fall closed despite the sound of Adam calling my name and telling me to stay awake.

Wills POV

"Can I get some help here please" A voice shouted causing all of us to run out of the doctors lounge and over to the entrance where Adam stood with an unconscious Gracie in his arms,

"What's happened?" Conor asked as he walked over with a look of concern plastered across his face,

"We found her sat on the street freezing cold but she passed out on the way over here" he explained as Jay and I walked over,

"Treatment 3" Maggie said as Conor nodded and walked Adam over to the treatment room.

"Ok, possible hypothermia get me some more heated blankets and run me a line with one unit of warm saline" he instructed and the nurse nodded "anything else I should know about?" He asked as he turned to Jay and I who froze slightly,

"She's possibly pregnant" I informed as Conors eyes shot up to meet mine with a look of shock,

"Ok we need to work quick to stabilise her temperature before we can take some blood to confirm the pregnancy" he said before getting to work on our little sister.

Gracies POV

My eyes flickered open and I noticed the weight of multiple blankets on top of me. I closed my eyes again as the days events came flooding back to me. Oh god let this be a dream.

"Hey Gracie" Conor greeted me as he appeared in my eye view "how're you feeling?" He asked as he pressed buttons on the machine next to me,

"Do my brothers know I'm here?" I ignored his question by asking one of my own,

"They do" he confirmed with a sad smile "they're in the waiting room" he informed me and tears sprang to my eyes,

"They're gonna be so mad" I whispered as he adjusted the bed so I was sitting up slightly,

"I'm sure they're just gonna be happy you're ok" he assured and I shook my head,

"Not when they find out" I said and he looked at me in sympathy,

"If it's about you being pregnant then they already know" he said and my eyes widened,

"No no no" I shook my head and Conor reached out a comforting hand on my shoulder,

"Hey calm down sweetheart" he soothed "they're not mad at you" he assured as I looked at him in apprehension,

"You're lying" I accused and he smiled slightly,

"I'm not lying to you" he assured "I mean sure they're not ecstatic right now but they still love you" he comforted and I sunk down the bed "I'm gonna go and get them and I'll come back shortly to take some bloods" he informed "then we can find out once and for all" he said before leaving the room.

It wasn't long before Conor returned with Jay and Will who had fairly unreadable expressions written across their faces. Anger? Relief? Disappointment?

"You scared the life out of us then kid?" Jay said as he walked over to me ad kissed the top of my head,

"I'm so sorry" I sobbed as Jay sighed and Will walked over to the other side of my bed "I was just so scared I didn't know what to do" I exclaimed,

"We know Gracie" Will said "Hailey and Natalie explained everything" he said and I nodded,

"I feel so stupid" I whimpered,

"Well it's not you're finest moment Gracie" Jay agreed,

"Jay" Will hissed and Jay rolled his eyes in reply,

"But" he said "that doesn't mean we love you any less" he assured and I looked up at him,

"Really" I asked with pleading eyes,

"Of course Gracie" he replied shaking his head "even though it was beyond stupid and I could murder you right now-" Jay was cut off,

"Jay" Will warned,

"I'm not gonna" he continued after glaring at Will "we're gonna get through this" he assured and nodded thankfully.

A short while later a nurse came and took some bloods and Maggie promised that she would rush them in the lab so the results should be back in a couple of hours. A nurse came in every half an hour to take my temperature which was slowly stabilising and eventually Natalie came in with a smile on her face,

"I've got your results back" she said as I sat up straight in the bed "Gracie hunny you're not pregnant" she said and I stared at her in shock,

"What but the test said it was positive an-" she cut me off,

"I know it did but often the tests give false answers which is why we usually encourage people to take multiple different tests from different brands" she said and I nodded as I felt the weight of the world lift from my shoulders,

"So she's not pregnant?" Jay asked and Natalie boded in confirmation before leaving the room "Will?" He asked and Will nodded with a sigh,

"Do your thing" he gave said before crossing his arms across his chest,

"How could you be so stupid Gracie? Did you learn nothing in sex ed? Did you even use protection?" He asked furiously and I sunk further in to my bed as I shook my head silently "are you insane?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders,

"I guess I didn't think about that" I admitted as he shook his head,

"Oh you didn't think about it" he replied "that's because you're a child Gracelyn you shouldn't even be think about doing this kind of stuff" he lectured as I threw my head back on to the pillow "who's the kid?" He asked and I shook my head,

"I'm not stupid Jay" I said "I'm not telling you his name so you can go and threaten him" I informed and he ran a hand across his face in frustration,

"Fine" he caved "but you can forget about your grounding ending tomorrow because it's just extended another two weeks" he informed and I groaned looking at Will in a bid for support,

"Don't look at me kid" he said "I'm with Jay on this one, that was a really stupid thing you just did Gracie and you should take stuff like that more seriously. If those results had of been different the rest of your life would've changed" he said and I nodded,

"I know" I agreed "I'm so sorry about everything" I apologised "please don't be mad with Nat and Hailey I asked them not to tell you" I said and they both nodded,

"We know we're not" Jay said and I smiled up at him slightly,

"Conor wants to admit you overnight so I'm gonna go home and get you some stuff" Will said and I nodded "want anything specific?" He asked and I shook my head,

"No, thanks Will" I said just as Hailey came in,

"Hey" she greeted and I smiled at her gratefully,

"Hailey I'm not pregnant" I said and she nodded,

"I know Nat told me" she said as she hugged me tightly,

"Thank you Hailey. For everything" I said and she smiled,

"Anything Kid" she replied with a warm smile. 

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