Without Warning ✺ S.S

By wandylan_

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◤ ◥ In which a girl who almost have nothing left... More

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Author's note

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1.3K 22 4
By wandylan_

Beacon Hills, September 2013

"Deaton's got to be at one of the six locations, but they're all over town." Scott said through the phone. "I don't know how we can get to all of them fast enough." I sighed at his statement.

   "He's right" I mumbled, earning a small glare from my boyfriend.

   "Well, we might not have to." Stiles said but this time he is the one earning a small glare.

   "What are you- oh yes Danny!" I realised. "Danny was doing a project for Harris."

   "Yes, it was for his physics class, and I think it actually means something." Stiles said, mostly to Scott.

   "What project?" Scott asked.

   I took the papers in Stiles' hand and read. "Something on telluric currents."

    "Did she says currents ?" He questioned confused, earning a small 'yeah' from Stiles.

   They continued to talk a moment but I was more focus on the small feeling in my stomach.

Something bad is about to happen.

   "Okay so, what does this kid's homework have to do with finding Deaton?" Cora quickly asked.

   I, Stiles, Lydia, Cora and Scott were at the clinic. The table was filled with maps and random papers that can help finding Deaton. And it's getting on my nerves that everyone is getting missing because of this fucking Darach.

   "Because it's not just homework okay?" My boyfriend said. I nodded in agreement and continued for him.

    "It's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the earth. They can even be affected by lunar phases." I said ignoring the stares. I lift my head to meet them. "What? My dad is teaching me some things."

   "Anyway, look at this" Stiles interrupted. He moved some papers. "This is a note from Harris on Danny's proposal."

   I took Danny's homework and begin to read. "I strongly advise you to choose another subject. The ideas here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudo-science. Not suitable for class." I raised my head, meeting all the confused face around me.

    But then, Scott realised something. "Harris wasn't just a sacrifice. He knew something." I nodded. He turned his head toward me.

   "Now, check this out. Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map, all rigth?" Stiles replied. "Danny had one too." He took the map that Danny did for his homework.

    Scott took pictures of the map that was on Argent's office. There was some cross marked on it. But the one from Danny had lines on it.

   "Now, the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it actually is a beacon." I added. Stiles look at me and continued my explanation.

   "You wouldn't believe how much energy flowing through this earth is around this town."

   Scott moves the pictures that he took earlier and said, "Guys, look, they match" We all begin to move the pictures to see if they match like Scott said. "All right, there's three places, right?"I nodded as he starts to circle the croisement of the lines that Danny made. "Where they're kidnapped, and then the place where their body was found."

   "Look, that's right on the telluric current." Lydia stopped him.

  "So, maybe where he was sacrificed is somewhere in between" Scott realised.

   "Let me see that" Stiles urged. I took a step closer to him. Our shoulders were side by side, but like really, really close. He look at me during a half of a second and I swear I saw his cheeks beeing red.

    Scott smirked a bit and gave the pencil to Stiles.

    We continued to talk until a phone's ringing. It was Cora's one. We all packed up, ready to go to the bank's vault.

   "Guys, hold on." Lydia raised her voice.

    "Lydia we don't have time." Scott said, he was already near the door. But when he saw Cora's facial expression he calms down a bit.

   "It's Boyd. The plan didn't work. They cut the power." Cora said. You can tell by her voice that this was not a good thing at all.

    We all look at each other, not really able to know what to do until Scott mumbled something to himself.

   "Go. I can save Deaton myself." Scott said but this time a little bit louder.

   Stiles begins to ask about what we have to do. And he just said that we had to go to Derek's loft. But the same feeling in my stomach was here. The one that says 'DANGER'.

   After we pull all the weird button up for the electricity, we make our way upstairs.

   As we enterd the loft, mine and Stiles' hands were laced together. Lydia and Cora next to us.

   Derek was kneeled next to a body, the floor was filled with water. But he didn't seem to care. For the first time in my life, I saw Derek with a very sad expression. I approached a little bit and saw that it was Boyd. My hand was now on my mouth and my eyes were filled with tears. I didn't really know Boyd but he seemed to be a good person. But now, he's dead... Dead because of this werewolves pack. Again.

   Cora ran next to his brother and kneeled herself next to Boyd's body. Cora was crying and sobbing, I was next to her. I didn't know how to reacted, so I just kneeled down next to her and took her in my arms. I was expected to be rejected but she hugged me back.

   "I'm sorry" I whispered as my hand ran softly through her hair.

   Sobs filled the loft. From Derek and Cora, it was like loosing a part of their family. And I know the feeling, and the worst part is to see the people who did this to them, walking like nothing happenned.

Extern POV  

   After what happened with Boyd, Reese couldn't stay alone. So it's why she was currently sitting on Stiles' bed, reading a book.

   She was trying to get Boyd's death out of her head. And it's working a little, but not that much.

   Stiles was eyeing his girlfriend, trying to get what she was thinking about. But the young girl didn't notice and didn't look up at him.

   Stiles loved when she read, she looks so peaceful, calm. But now that they've dated for, almost three months, he may or not wanted a little bit more. But he didn't know if Reese was ready, he didn't want to push her.

   He then looked at the book and sighed.

   "So... Am I gonna stay here like a wall and do nothing or are we going to do something together? Like, you know, without this book." He groaned as she didn't reply, too focus on her book. He look blankly at her. "Babe?"

   "Mhm" She didn't lift her head.

   "Which one is actually more important huh? The book," he said with a disgusted voice for the last word. "Or me?" This time with a glorious voice.

    Reese rolled her eyes and lifted her head toward him. "What do you think dumbass?" he didn't respond. "The book" she said sarcastically, earnig a little frown from Stiles.

   "I'm not gonna respond to that. But, we can do something fun, you know? Something that is going to get off your mind for a moment." He replied as he put himself next to her on his bed.

   "Stiles, it's late. What could we do?" She went back to reading her precious book that was, at the moment, more important than her beloved boyfriend.

   "Reese, come on, you've been reading for centuries." He whined and threw his head into the pillow. But then, he thought of something that he used once for the same situation.

   He trailed his fingers all over her stomach, leaving small sensations where he had last his touchs. He raised his head to see if she was good, and see a small smirk on her face. He took this like an invitation to continued.

   He ran his fingers down to her tighs and went from her knee all the way up.

   Reese knew where it was going to end, but she didn't do anything to stop it, she was ready.

   "I think I realise what you were talking about." She said, Stiles only stared at her, waiting for her to continue as he keeps his fingers running on her thighs.

   "Mhm, something fun right?" He replied, earning a 'yeah' from her. "Did you already did it?"

   "No, but I wanted to. But not now, I mean, not when you're dad is downstairs." She respond with a smirk.

   "My dad's not here." Stiles said as he moved himself to kiss her neck. "So we can do funny things if you want." he mumbled against her neck.

    "That might be a great idea," she moaned softly. "But I'm reading, so you have to wait."

   "Mhm, I don't think I can wait." he mumbled once again against her neck.

    His fingers traced over her private area, causing her to chew on the inside of her cheeks, she wasn't letting him win just because he wants your attention.

    When she was about to let out another moan, she snapped her eyes toward him. His hand stopped and stayed on her mid-thigh as she gave him a glare.

    Stiles knows he was about to win and that she wasn't going to last long.

   He retracted his hand and stared back at her. The sexual tension was thick, but Reese did all to ignore it. She wanted to do it too, but she had to finish this book.

   "Thanks" She said when he moved his hand.

    Stiles looked around the room boringly and tried to find something interesting to do while she was occuped. But he didn't find because all his though was focus on his brown haired girl beside him.

   He snuggled his face into her neck and kept it there. He didn't care, he was getting something out of her, anything.

    He ran his tongue against her skin on her neck and sucked softly.

    Reese closed her eyes at the feeling, he was winning and she knew it.

    "Stiles, babe, I'm going to kill you" She whispered calmly, eyes still shut. She was accepting the feeling of his lips on her skin. He defenetly wins.

   "I don't care, I really want this." he said but quickly pull away, "You want this too?" He sighed happily as she softly nodded her head. He smiled at her and then climbed on top of her and started to kiss her.

   "You" kiss, "asshole" kiss "I lost" kiss " my" kiss "page" Reese tried to say between the kisses. She pull away and stared at him. "I'm so gonna kill you" She continued with a small smile.

   Stiles had a full smirk plastered on his face. "Kill me then"

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