Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Fog o...

By Raging__Wolf

56.2K 1.4K 753

The Chaldea crew return for the fourth singularity. This time they're dropped in London 1888. New faces and... More

Into the Mist
Jack The Daughter
Crazy Jihadi Clown
The Shota That Roasts Kings
The Alchemist
Sakura Matou
The Evil Within
Fury of Abzu
Ten Rings Vs Zero Fucks

The Steam Mech Inventor

4.6K 141 52
By Raging__Wolf

The walk back to Jekyll's apartment was... interesting to say the least. Inanna hovered casually behind Y/n while Jekyll and Hyde both fought for control of the body, often with some hilarious one-liners.


Jekyll: "That doesn't even make any sense, our mothers are both dead!"


Jekyll: "No, no it doesn't!"


Both: *incoherent autism noises*

Inanna: "So... are you gonna-"

Y/n: "Not a fuckin' chance. This is going on Chaldea's YouTube channel and nobody's gonna stop me."

After about half an hour, they finally arrived back at the apartment. Jekyll had regained control of his body and had sat down for a cup of tea like the refined Englishman he was.

(Still got pumped by the pasta men though, heheheheheheheh. No I'm not letting that go as a matter of principle.)

While Jekyll and Inanna both drank their tea, Y/n laid down for a quick nap. He needed to speak with Abzu and decided that a rest was warranted.

The documents they found were given to the author servants to decipher.

As Y/n slept, Raikou wandered in and saw him laid out on the couch. She couldn't help herself and lay his head on her lap. Y/n's eyes opened briefly, however he was lulled back to sleep shortly after.

A few hours later, Y/n could faintly hear the others talking about their next move with Fran occasionally chiming in. They were discussing their next move, Fran could track down Charles Babbage so that became the group's main priority. Raikou kept telling the others to keep it down on account of her master who, not only had his head resting on Raikou's lap, but he also had Jack fast asleep on top of him, she was curled up like a cat as she slept rather adorably.

When everything was sorted out, Gudako, Ophelia, Mash, Zhuge and Fran all headed out to find Babbage.

The group found themselves wandering the streets for the best part of an hour and a half before the sound of mechanical exhausts filled the air. Fran stepped out in front of the group as a massive figure emerged from the mist. It was a machine.

Fran: "Uh!"

The looming machine lifted what looked like a bell before slamming it down just next to where Fran was stood. The others were about to step in when Fran held her pylon up, signalling that she could handle the massive steam robot in front of her.

It went for another swing, but this time Fran was able to intercept it before she charged her pylon with electricity. She then slammed it into the robot's metal chassis. The machine got back up quickly and advanced slowly as more, smaller robots started to appear around the group.

Gudako: "Mash!"

Mash nodded before she raised her shield to defend her master and the others.

???: "Stop!"

Everyone was still as the robot walked up to Fran. It's singular red eye glinted in the dim light of the streetlamps.

???: "You are... Victor's daughter..."

Fran nodded with a smile as the robot let out a cloud of steam from the exhaust vents under his head.

Ophelia: "Charles Babbage. I must admit, I wasn't expecting such an... Imposing servant."

Babbage: "This is merely how I was manifested here."

Fran: "Uh!"

Babbage slowly extended his mechanical hand to the berserker, which she took with a smile.

Mash: "Mr. Babbage, what can you tell us about the fog here?"

Fran: "Uh! Uh!"

Babbage: "I sought a new world of dreams through this fog. My reasons are difficult to explain, but I-"

Ophelia: "Why work with Makiri?"

Babbage: "You know M's true name? I see, I suppose that would mean you are the ones who captured Paracelsus."

Fran: "Uh! Uh, uh!"

Babbage: "Ah, yes I suppose that means that you are here to have me stop the fog. Unfortunately I cannot do so remotely. Now that I know that Victor's daughter even stands against me, there is no reason for me to- GAH!!"

The group backed up as Babbage raised a mechanical hand to his head.

Babbage: "Damn you, Makiri! I implore you, Victor's daughter, run for your life!"

Fran didn't budge and she instead slammed her pylon onto the ground, allowing electricity to spark around her.

Fran: "Ah! Uh, uh!"

Mash: "Babbage!?"

Ophelia gripped her eyepatch as Babbage writhed to fight for control. She then made a decision.

Ophelia: "... Babbage, hold still for me."

Babbage looked at Ophelia as she pulled her eyepatch off. Her right eye allowed to take in the breeze. Her eye flashed red and Babbage ceased writhing. The steam pouring from his exhaust ports calmed and his eye glowed less furiously.

Ophelia sighed in relief before stumbling slightly. Zhuge was able to catch her as she righted herself.

Ophelia: "My apologies, I felt it necessary to do that."

Babbage: "No need to apologise for something that ultimately helps, young woman."

Mash: "Ophelia...!"

Ophelia: "I'm fine, Mash. My mystic eye takes a lot out of me is all."

Zhuge: "Master, as your servant I'm obligated to tell you not to try something like that again. Mystic eyes can be extremely dangerous after all."

Babbage then explained project demonic fog to the group as they travelled back to the apartment.

Jekyll came outside so he could talk with Babbage when they arrived, Lalter was stood next to him as per Sakura's order. She was clearly not happy with not being Y/n's servant, however she would put up with it until they got to Chaldea.

Babbage relayed his information to Jekyll as Ophelia headed inside to rest. Jack and Alice were both playing with Sakura while Mordred slept on one of the couches. Raikou was talking with Arthur at the table while Y/n was awake and reading some manga that Gudao had brought with him. Ophelia sat down next to him before leaning her head on his shoulder. As if by instinct, Y/n tilted his head to rest on top of hers. Neither of them really noticed until Mordred woke up.

Mordred: "Comfy there, you two?"

Ophelia looked at her for a solid minute before realising where she was leaning her head. Mordred laughed uncontrollably as Ophelia's face turned a bright red colour. She went to sit up, however her own body fought against her - telling her to stay leaning against Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n for his part, didn't mind much. He merely smirked at Mordred before prepping a comeback.

Y/n: "You almost sound jealous, Momo."

Now it was Mordred's turn to turn bright red. Ophelia couldn't help but giggle as Mordred struggled to form a sentence after hearing that.

Mordred: "W- What the hell did you just c- call me!?"

Y/n: "What? You don't like the nickname?"

Mordred: "I- I didn't say that! Gah! Why do you have to be the biggest smartass here!?"

Y/n: "No, that's Chiyo."

As soon as he said that, a black tentacle emerged from a wormhole behind him and slapped him upside the head before vanishing back into the void from whence it came.

Paracelsus watched the group interact while he remained tied up. Arthur then placed a cup of tea down next to the caster.

Arthur: "You may be a prisoner here, but there's no sense in being uncivil."

Paracelsus: "Thank you, King of Britain."

Arthur smiled before taking a seat next to Paracelsus.

Arthur: "What can you tell me about the last remaining mage in this project of yours?"

Paracelsus: "Makiri? There isn't much to say aside from the fact that he's obsessed with Justeaze Lizricht von Einzbern."

Arthur: "Yes, from what I've heard from Doctor Romani about that man. It makes sense that he would be obsessed with her."

Paracelsus remained silent for a while before Inanna walked over.

Inanna: "Alright, boys. Babbage spilled the beans on Makiri's location. We're gonna go fuck shit up."

Over chaldean comms, Gilgamesh decided to get a quip in.

Gilgamesh: "In your case it's just going to be the fucking part, you glorified prostitute!"


The others laughed as Inanna raged at Gilgamesh while the quips just kept coming.

Inanna: "I swear on my father, I'm going to kill you when I get to Chaldea!"

Gilgamesh: "Running back to daddy as usual, Inanna?"

Inanna: "GAH!!"

Gilgamesh: "Fuhahahahaha!"

The group gathered themselves and prepared for the last battle of the singularity. Y/n felt his blood boiling at the thought of seeing Zouken again.

When everyone headed out, Y/n took continuous deep breaths to keep himself calm. They descended into the sewers under London before continuing to travel for several minutes.

Finally, they found themselves in front of a huge machine that seemed to be powered by a holy grail. The fog was clearly being produced by this machine.

Jack readied her knives while Alice held a book in her hands. Andersen did the same while Shakespeare stood at the very back of the group.

Mordred, Arthur and Lalter held their weapons at the front with Raikou and Astolfo. Mash kept her shield up while Zhuge used one of his skills to raise everyone's defence.

The group moved up as a unit until a familiar voice echoed around them. only this time it was more youthful than Y/n remembered. Sakura instinctively hid herself behind Y/n as a man walked into view.

???: "So, you managed to make Babbage talk, eh? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."

Y/n's eyes widened with animalistic fury as Zolgen Makiri stepped into view.

Zolgen: "I'm afraid you're a bit late however. the demonic fog has consumed all of London. Soon it will engulf Britain as a whole."

Y/n: "Zouken..."

Zolgen looked at Y/n and saw the animalistic look in his eyes.

Zolgen: "You seem to know me from elsewhere. I suppose I must have changed my name slightly."

Y/n: "Timelines be damned. I'm gonna make you fucking suffer for what you did!"

Ophelia tried to reign in her comrade, but it was far too late as he rushed forward. An axe formed in his hands and he swung downwards with immense force. Zolgen barely avoided it as Y/n's hair turned bone white and his eyes glowed bright green.

Y/n/Abzu: "MARDUK ALANI!!"

The others' eyes widened as the axe of Marduk formed in Y/n's hands. A suit of golden armour formed around his body as Zolgen backed up in fear.

The mesopotamian markings on Y/n's body the spread around his torso as a pair of white wings emerged from his back.


Zolgen was frozen with fear plastered on his face as Abzu loomed over him. Y/n himself was still present, but Abzu had full control this time. Inanna watched in horror as the father of the gods emerged in all his anger.

Abzu had finally fully manifested in the world of mankind. 

And he was furious.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Fury of Abzu.

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