Days Union Oneshots :)

Door Emerald_12o6

131K 732 3K

No longer updating this book but I'm leaving it up because the comments make me laugh πŸ˜­πŸ– ⚠️contains smut⚠️ ... Meer

"Why So Quiet?" [Macarbre_Day x Benevolent_Day]
"Wet Hands" [Radiant_Day x Unpredictable_Day]
"Under The Table" [Great_Day x Scary_Day]
"Soft Kisses" [Unpredictable_Day x Dynamic_Day]
"Bites" [Dreadful_Day x Scary_Day]
"I'm Straight I Swear" [Sorrowful_Day x Radiant_Day]
"You Like Degrading Huh?" [Placid_Day x Macabre_Day]
"Drunken Actions" [Benevolent_Day x Emotionless_Day]
"Teasing" [Great_Day x Enouement_Dawn]
"Shut Up" [Merciless_Night x Powerless_Night]
"Cuddles And Kisses" [Great_Day x Radiant_Day]
"Relax" [Unpredictable_Day x Joyous_Night]
"I'm Literally Begging You To Stop" [Merciless_Night x Sonder_Dawn]
"Fuck Me" [Great_Day x Merciless_Night]
"Cross-Dressing" [Emotionless_Day x Great_Day]
"You're Such A Bottom" [Macabre_Day x Practical_Day]
"One Taste And I Was Hooked" [Otherworldy_Night x Scary_Day]
"Sweet" [Scary_Day x Emotionless_Day]
"You Caused The Problem, Now Fucking Fix It" [Macabre_Day x Joyous_Night]
"Sleepy" [Anemoia_Dawn x Practical_Day]
"Accident" [Practical_Day x Dauntless_Night]
"All That For A Fucking Hat" [Emotionless_Day x Dreadful_Day]
"Dirty Laundry" [Benevolent_Day x Scary_Day]
"Distraction" [Scary_Day x Horrid_Night]
"Seduction" [Great_Day x Emotionless_Day x Scary_Day] (DISCONTINUED)
Yes im alive lol
Starting a new book

"Why So Emotionless?" [Unstable_Day x Emotionless_Day]

5.7K 42 218
Door Emerald_12o6




Emotionless sat at his desk, isolated in his small office room as he filled out many papers and typed up important documents. The door was shut and the blinds were all drawn, it was completely silent except for the sound of Emotionless's pencil scratching at the paper that littered his desk. He sighed as he completed another document and sticking it on top of a pile of finished work on his desk, he let out a yawn and stretched. He had been sitting in a slouching position for the past hour and it resulted in him having a sore back, Emotionless groaned in annoyance. He reached across his desk for another document to complete, when suddenly the phone at his desk rung. His hand paused midair and he redirected it towards the phone, he picked it up "Operative Emotionless, who is it". His voice was straightforward and plain, the operative pinched the bridge of his nose as he felt the sleepiness eating at him. The voice of the [SUPREME LEADER] jolted him awake, "Emotionless, I need you to be at my office immediately. An accident has happened and I need your assistance ASAP". Emotionless replied almost instantly, "of course, I will head down now." He slammed the phone back onto the receiver and made his way out of his office. The lights that illuminated the hallway caused him to squint his eyes, being cooped up in a dim office had its disadvantages. Emotionless's footsteps echoed throughout the deserted hallway, his mind was crowded with thoughts about this "accident" Great had talked about briefly over the phone. Had they captured a Night operative? Did an operative of theirs get captured? Did something explode? Emotionless increased his speed, desperate to get to Great's office for answers.

Emotionless was out of breath as he halted in front of Great's office door, he had sprinted down the hall because Great told him to get there ASAP. After composing himself, he raised a fist to the door and knocked three times. Several beats passed until it was opened by a worried-looking Great, he immediately motioned Emotionless inside and closed the door behind the two of them. Emotionless glanced around the room as Great sat back in his chair behind his desk, everything seemed completely normal in Great's office except for one thing.

Unstable_Day sat in the corner of Great's office, he wasn't twitching or even talking which was extremely unusual. Normally the blue operative would be talking very loudly and twitching now and then, now he just sat there staring into space, he didn't even acknowledge Emotionless's presence. Great noticed Emotionless staring at Unstable, clearing his throat he started to explain the situation. "There has been an accident in the lab, Unstable here has inhaled some chemical fumes that have played with his behaviour and state. All of the other operatives are busy at the moment and I trust you, Emotionless, to keep him with you and watch over him. We cannot have him alone, I would be too risky since he inhaled a very effective chemical. It should wear off within 12 hours, so you will be able to continue your daily work soon."

Emotionless stared at Great, his mouth had fallen open. Does he take care of Unstable? Seriously?! Emotionless processed the facts through his head once again, it seemed like Unstabe was in a stable state so he might be easier to handle. And he could probably just keep him in the corner of his office while continuing his work. It sounded like an okay deal, he curtly nodded at Great showing that he would agree to take care of the operative. Great spoke once again, "alright, thank you operative Emotionless", he turned to Unstable, "Unstable please follow Emotionless, you will be with him for the next 12 hours". Unstable slowly stood up and silently walked over to Emotionless, his head hung low as he stared at the ground. Great ushered them out of his office and shutting the door as soon as they left.

As Great's office door slammed shut, Unstable's depressed state melted away in a snap. He turned his head in Emotionless's direction as they walked back to the taller operative office. A small smile sat on Unstable's lips as he continued to stare at the operative next to him, he couldn't help but notice how pretty his lips were, he wanted them parted for him to enter, they looked so delicious. Unstable didn't even realize the chemicals were slowly opening up the thoughts that had sat in the back of his head for months now, how he was attracted to the taller operative like a honeybee to flowers. He wanted Emotionless to praise him, he wanted to please him so badly, his lips would fit perfectly with his.

They had finally reached Emotionless's office, after the long walk, neither of them said a word. Emotionless lightly tapped the shorter operative on the shoulder, signalling that they had arrived. Unstable snapped out of his daydream as Emotionless maneuvered him into his office, Unstable sat down in a chair in the corner while Emotionless returned to his desk and continued his paperwork. The following minutes passed in silence, once again, only Emotionless's pencil on paper could be heard. Unstable was too busy staring at the taller operative hunched over his desk to notice the awkward silence that had settled in the office room. Emotionless could feel Unstable's gaze in him as he worked, it distracted him too much. Why had Unstable become happy when they left Greats office? Was it something to do with the chemicals? Am I going to have to sit here for 12 hours in silence? So many things ran around Emotionless's head, he attempted to push them away and focus on his work, but to no avail.

After a couple more tense and awkward minutes passed, Emotionless had enough of Unstable just staring at him, refusing to say anything. Emotionless shot his head up, his eyes meeting the eyes of the shorter operative in the corner. A noticeable blue blush was dusted over Unstable's face as they held eye contact, Emotionless could only blink at the operative's confusing behaviour. It was strange for him to see Unstable sitting there, being calm and not yelling at all. He looked kind of cute.

Unstable broke their eye contact and spoke, "why are so Emotionless?". Unstable turned away and faced the wall as he asked this question. Emotionless could only stare, had the chemicals made the operative this stupid? It was ridiculous. Emotionless sighed before answering, "my name is Emotionless, I don't show emotions. Just like how you are Unstable, well without chemicals you're Unstable and twitching a lot." Emotionless continued working on his document as he let that information sink into Unstable, Emotionless couldn't believe he had to explain the simplest thing to an operative.

Emotionless finished with yet another document and added it to the growing pile of completed papers on his desk, as he reached for another sheet Unstable spoke again. "Do you ever show emotion? I've never seen you with emotions." Emotionless froze, he had always buried his emotions deep down and kept them there. Never expressing them unless he was by himself, it was just who he was. Emotionless merely hummed in return to Unstable's question and continued his work, however, the other operative wasn't stopping with the questions anytime soon.

"I want to see you with emotions, please? You look so sad without them", Unstable had gotten up from his chair and walked to the front of Emotionless's desk as he spoke. Emotionless shook his head in response as he attempted to continue working, he didn't think Unstable would even talk after inhaling the chemicals and was slightly annoyed by it. A long silence followed as Unstable thought about what to say next, Emotionless silently stacked another finished document onto the stack in his desk and grabbed a pen and paper. As he began to compose a letter, Unstable spoke, "can I try to make you show emotion? Please? If you let me I will stop talking please?". Emotionless stopped halfway through writing a sentence and looked up, he nearly jumped in his seat as he realized how close Unstable had leant forward across the desk. Their faces were mere inches apart and Emotionless could feel a blush starting to creep up his neck and onto his face, he quickly pulled away to avoid Unstable seeing him up close. Emotionless thought about what Unstable had said, no one had been able to crack Emotionless so it was very unlikely that Unstable could and if he agreed, Unstable would shut up and he could continue his work. Emotionless glanced back at the shorter operative across his desk who was staring at him for a reply, slowly and reluctantly Emotionless nodded his head.

Unstable jumped up and down in joy and walked around the desk to where Emotionless sat, Emotionless merely grabbed his pen and continued with his letter. Emotionless could feel Unstable's presence behind him, he tried to ignore it but to no avail. After a few tense moments passed, Unstable quickly grabbed onto Emotionless's chair and spun it around, making the operative face him. Emotionless tensed up at this sudden action from the blue operative, his pen dropped from his hand, he felt his breath hitch in his throat as Unstable slowly sat down onto his lap so that their faces were inches apart and their lower halves touching. Blush threatened to creep onto the taller operative face as Unstable spoke, "your lips are so pretty". Emotionless could have just fallen out of his seat right there and then, his eyes met with the shorter operative again. Unstable's eyes flickered down to the taller operatives' lips and back up to his eyes, Emotionless swallowed nervously.

It all happened as if it was in slow motion, Unstable's lips met with Emotionless and moved so slowly. The taller operative's head had stopped functioning, all his attention was on this new addictive feeling. He loved it, the way the shorter operative's lips felt, he tasted so good. Emotionless grasped onto the shorter operative's waist as their lips continued to move together and Emotionless could feel the shorter operative smile into the kiss. He moved his hands up and down the shorter operatives waist as he felt himself smile as well, he had no idea how much he had craved this until now. Unstable reached one of his hands up and tugged off the taller operative's hat, his other arm snaked around Emotionless's neck. Unstable began to slightly pull at the taller operatives' hair, he could feel Emotionless groan slightly into the kiss. This only fueled Unstable even more, he continued these actions and getting more noise out of the operative below him.

They eventually pulled away for air, Emotionless's face was covered in blush and Unstable couldn't help but smile as he had already managed to get an emotion out of the taller operative. They stared at each other, getting lost in the eyes of each other. Emotionless's hands were still in the shorter operatives' waist and Unstable's arms were still wrapped around the taller operative, this feeling was new to the both of them. Unstable began to fidget around, trying to find a better position to sit, while Emotionless bit down onto his bottom lip to prevent any moans from escaping as he felt Unstable rub against his dick. He could feel his pants becoming uncomfortably tight as Unstable stopped fidgeting and looked down, Emotionless looked away as he could feel himself flush even more.

Unstable looked up again and without saying a word, he slid off of Emotionless's lap and kneeled in front of him. A small moan slipped past Emotionless's lips as he felt the shorter operative grasp both of his thighs and spread his legs apart, even more, the shorter operative slowly began to rub and caress the taller operative. More moans spilled out of Emotionless's mouth as Unstable trailed his hands upwards and lightly brushed against the taller operatives boner, causing Emotionless to buck his hips upwards slightly. He could feel Unstable slowly begin to undo his belt, the taller operative whined in response to this slow behaviour. Unstable hooked two fingers around the waistband of the taller operatives pants and pulled them down in a swift motion, Emotionless shuddered as the cold air hit him.

Unstable trailed his hands around the taller operative's clothed dick while suppressing a smile as the taller operative groaned at his actions. Unstable stopped these actions abruptly, earning another whine from the taller operative and causing him to buck his hips again. Unstable quickly latched his two fingers around the taler operatives boxers and slid them down, Emotionless could feel his breath catch in his throat again. The taller operative nearly melted as he felt unstable softly kiss his inner thigh, while slowly tracing his fingers on his thighs. His lips were so soft, he craved his touch even more.

Without warning, Unstable took the taller operative in his mouth in a quick motion. Emotionless let another moan slip past his lips as pleasure burst from his lower region, he took his hand and grabbed onto the shorter operative's hat and pulling it off. Emotionless threw the hat to the side and grasped onto the shorter operatives' hair, forcing him down more. Unstable continued to rub his hands up and down the taller operatives' thighs, driving Emotionless crazy. The taller operative bucked his hips again as he felt Unstable run his tongue up and down his dick while continuing to deepthroat him. The shorter operatives throat was heavenly for Emotionless, the way Unstable's soft lips grazed him made him go insane.

Emotionless could feel his climax clawing at him from his lower region, he could feel himself slowly losing it as Unstable continued his actions. The taller operative forced Unstable down further, feeling his dick hitting the back of the shorter operative's throat. Unstable continued to caress the taller operatives' thighs, earning several winners from Emotionless, his touch was so addictive. As Unstable ran his tongue over the taller operative's dick again, Emotionless let out one solid moan and released it into the shorter operative mouth.

Emotionless could feel the shorter operative swallowing as he slowly pulled out of his mouth and began to sloppily clean himself up. When Emotionless had composed himself, Unstable sat down onto his lap again so that they were facing each other. Emotionless's hands immediately grasped the shorter operatives' waist again as he stared at him, a light blush still lingered on each of their faces. Unstable wrapped his arms around the taller operatives neck, as they shared another kiss. This one was slow and soft, Emotionless's mouth fell slightly open as he felt the shorter operative tongue enter his mouth. He felt Unstables tongue run along his bottom lip and a small moan escaped him. He tasted so sweet.

They pulled away for air again and Unstable spoke almost immediately, "I made you show some emotion, Emotionless", the shorter operative said with a small smile on his lips. Emotionless felt himself blush again, it was true. He had let his walls fall for this single operative, it was such a strange sensation and yet he somewhat enjoyed it. Emotionless couldn't help but smile as well as Unstable leaned in for another kiss.

But before their lips could meet again, the door to Emotionless's office slowly opened. Both operatives froze, their lips almost touching. Their [SUPREME LEADER] stood there, some papers sat in his right hand as he continued to stare at the two operatives in front of him. Emotionless realized what position they were in, Unstable straddling him, his hands on his waist, Unstable's arms around his neck and their lips almost touching. Emotionless also realized that blush still lingered on his face and that Great had probably caught him smiling as he opened the door. The air was full of tension, no one spoke.

After several awkward minutes, Great seemed to have processed the ability to form a sentence and began to speak to the two operatives. "Um, I would like you two to be at my office immediately. We have found the formula to turn Unstable back into his original state, I'll let you two take your time but please come down as soon as possible", Great slammed the door shut as soon as he finished talking, clearly embarrassed by what he has walked into. Emotionless lightly pushed Unstable off of him grabbed his wrist and started towards the door.

On the way to Great's office, Unstable kept going on and on about Emotionless's flushed face and the event that happened before all of this. The taller operative ignored Unstable, his head buzzing with too many thoughts. When they finally reached Great's office, Unstable planted a small kiss on the taller operatives' lips and opened the door without even knocking. Emotionless stood there, shocked. He forced himself to suppress any more emotions as he stepped into Great's office, closing the door behind him.


The formula given to Unstable had cured him immediately, he was back to his normal yelling and twitching self. Unfortunately for Emotionless, the short operative still remembered everything that happened in the taller operatives' office. Every time Emotionless was around the shorter operative, his face would be dusted in a light blush.

All of the operatives were seated in a meeting room, waiting for their [SUPREME LEADER] to arrive. Emotionless sat next to Unstable, they were the only two operatives staying quiet. Everyone else was chatting about upcoming events of the purpose of this meeting and Emotionless felt his face heat up again as Unstable turned to look at him. Emotionless turned his head away from Unstable but was met with the eyes of Practical_Day, Practical raised an eyebrow at Emotionless's flustered state. "Emotionless are you blushing?", practically asked, his voice held a surprised tone as he stated at Emotionless for an answer. Emotionless turned and started straight forward and muttered a response.

"Shut up".


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