Ramayan - Ramcharitramanas...

By MunindraMisra

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Ramayan, Ramcharitmanas or Purushotam Charitra Manas is the story of Lord Sri Ram. www.munindramisra.blogspot... More

Primer of Sri Ramji
Ram's Character - Humanity's Lesson
Overview 1. Baal Kand
Overview 2. Ayodhya Kand
Overview 3. Aranya Kand
Overview 4. Kishkindha Kand
Overview 5. Sundar Kand
Overview 6. Lanka Kand
Overview 7. Uttar Kand
Hanuman Chalisa

5: Sundar Kand

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By MunindraMisra

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Chapter 5 – Sundar Kand (सुन्दरकाण्ड)

Devotion & Strength


शान्तं शाश्वतमप्रमेयमनघं निर्वाणशान्तिप्रदं

ब्रह्माशम्भुफणीन्द्रसेव्यमनिशं वेदांतवेद्यं विभुम् ।

रामाख्यं जगदीश्वरं सुरगुरुं मायामनुष्यं हरिं

वन्देऽहं करुणाकरं रघुवरं भूपालचूड़ामणिम् ॥ १ ॥


Sri Ram, Universal Lord, Raghu's chief line be,

He the kings' crest-jewel, I am adoring reverently,

He store-house of compassion, dispeller of sins be,

He in the human form appearing on earth does be.

Greatest of gods, knowable through Vedanta be,

Even Brahma, Shiv Sesa rever him sincerely,

He supreme peace contributor, eternal does be,

Beyond cognition, sinless, all-pervading truly.

नान्या स्पृहा रघुपते हृदयेऽस्मदीये

सत्यं वदामि च भवानखिलान्तरात्मा ।

भक्तिं प्रयच्छ रघुपुङ्गव निर्भरां मे

कामादिदोषरहितं कुरु मानसं च ॥ २ ॥

Lord of the Raghus who deep in my heart be,

There is only you, no other yearning earnestly,

I speak the truth and You are the Spirit actually,

You in heart of all being do dwell most certainly.

The Crest-jewel of Raghus, please do grant me

The devotion to your feet I am longing solemnly,

And free my mind from culpabilities thoroughly,

Like worldly desires, cravings which abound be.

अतुलितबलधामं हेमशैलाभदेहं

दनुजवनकृशानुं ज्ञानिनामग्रगण्यम् ।

सकलगुणनिधानं वानराणामधीशं

रघुपतिप्रियभक्तं वातजातं नमामि ॥ ३ ॥

To the son of Wind-God, the beloved devotee,

The devotee of Sri Ram, I am saluting sincerely,

To the monkey chief who source of virtues be,

Foremost amidst wise, I am bowing reverently.

His body is shining as a gold mountain brightly,

And he infinite strength possesses undoubtedly,

With fire to consume the entire demon race totally,

To him I am bowing with utter reverence sincerely.

.* * *

चौ॰ जामवंत के बचन सुहाए । सुनि हनुमंत हृदय अति भाए ॥

तब लगि मोहि परिखेहु तुम्ह भाई । सहि दुख कंद मूल फल खाई ॥ १ ॥

जब लगि आवौं सीतहि देखी । होइहि काजु मोहि हरष बिसेषी ॥

यह कह नाइ सबन्हि कहुँ माथा । चलेउ हरषि हियँ धरि रघुनाथा ॥ २ ॥

सिंधु तीर एक भूधर सुंदर । कौतुक कूदि चढ़ेउ ता ऊपर ॥

बार बार रघुबीर सँभारी । तरकेउ पवनतनय बल भारी ॥ ३ ॥

जेहिं गिरि चरन देइ हनुमंता । चलेउ सो गा पाताल तुरंता ॥

जिमि अमोघ रघुपति कर बाना । एही भाँति चलेउ हनुमाना ॥ ४ ॥

जलनिधि रघुपति दूत बिचारी । तैं मैनाक होहि श्रमहारी ॥ ५ ॥

Sri Hanuman was delighted at heart fully,

To hear Jambavant's speech hearten truly,

He said "Hardships of living on bulbs be,

As on roots, fruits and sufferings await me.

I am certain our objective will achieved be,

Await for Ma Sita and my meeting patiently,

Then he bowed, set out with joy absolutely,

Sri Ram's image in his heart enshrined be.

Then on the hill top he sprang lightly,

Hero of Raghu's line –invoking repeatedly,

He leaped up with his might forcefully,

The hill under his foot to 'Patal' sink truly.

As the unerring shaft of Sri Ram does be,

Hanuman was then speeding expeditiously,

Presiding ocean Deity bid Mainika humbly,

To relieve his fatigue – permit his rest fully.

दो॰ हनुमान तेहि परसा कर पुनि कीन्ह प्रनाम ।

राम काजु कीन्हें बिनु मोहि कहाँ विश्राम ॥ १ ॥


Hanuman touched the mountain lovingly

Made obeisance to it so saying meekly,

There can be no rest for me presently,

Until I finish Sri Ram's bidding utterly.

चौ॰ जात पवनसुत देवन्ह देखा । जानैं कहुँ बल बुद्धि बिसेषा ॥

सुरसा नाम अहिन्ह कै माता । पठइन्हि आइ कही तेहिं बाता ॥ १ ॥

आजु सुरन्ह मोहि दीन्ह अहारा । सुनत बचन कह पवनकुमारा ॥

राम काजु करि फिरि मैं आवौं । सीता कइ सुधि प्रभुहि सुनावौं ॥ २ ॥

तब तव बदन पैठिहउँ आई । सत्य कहउँ मोहि जान दे माई ॥

कवनेहुँ जतन देइ नहिं जाना । ग्रससि न मोहि कहेउ हनुमाना ॥ ३ ॥

जोजन भरि तिहिं बदनु पसारा । कपि तनु कीन्ह दुगुन बिस्तारा ॥

सोरह जोजन मुख तेहिं ठयऊ । तुरत पवनसुत बत्तिस भयऊ ॥ ४ ॥

जस जस सुरसा बदनु बढ़ावा । तासु दून कपि रूप देखावा ॥

सत जोजन तेहिं आनन कीन्हा । अति लघु रूप पवनसुत लीन्हा ॥ ५ ॥

बदन पइठि पुनि बाहेर आवा । मागा बिदा ताहि सिरु नावा ॥

मोहि सुरन्ह जेहि लागि पठावा । बुधि बल मरमु तोर मैं पावा ॥ ६ ॥

When Gods saw him so speeding clearly,

To test his strength and intelligence truly,

Sent Suras, mother of serpents promptly,

Who neared, began saying unmistakably.

"Gods have provided a meal today finally"

But on hearing these words so distinctly,

Hanuman said, "Let me return subsequently,

After accomplishing Sri Ram's errant fully.

"Then I shall approach you undeniably,

Enter your mouth – the truth I say plainly,"

When she did not agree he said forcefully,

"Then devour me if you have the ability."

She inflated her mouth eight miles fully,

But he doubled his size to her mouth easily,

She to a hundred and twenty miles did be,

He repeated as he had done previously.

When she expanded her mouth subsequently,

Eight hundred miles wide gaping immensely,

The wind-god's son became minute quickly,

And then in her mouth he entered promptly

He came out and then begged leave humbly,

Bowing his head requested to go meekly,

"I have gauged your wit and strength clearly,

For which I was sent" she proclaiming finally.

दो॰ राम काजु सबु करिहहु तुम्ह बल बुद्धि निधान ।

आसिष देइ गई सो हरषि चलेउ हनुमान ॥ २ ॥


"You store-house of strength, intelligence be,

Sri Ram's bidding you will do unfailingly,"

Hanuman, joyful and sanctified thoroughly,

Continued after receiving her blessings truly.

चौ॰ निसिचरि एक सिंधु महुँ रहई ॥ करि माया नभु के खग गहई ॥

जीव जंतु जे गगन उड़ाहीं । जल बिलोकि तिन्ह कै परिछाहीं ॥ १ ॥

गहइ छाहँ सक सो न उड़ाई । एहि बिधि सदा गगनचर खाई ॥

सोइ छल हनूमान कहँ कीन्हा । तासु कपटु कपि तुरतहिं चीन्हा ॥ २ ॥

ताहि मारि मारुतसुत बीरा । बारिधि पार गयउ मतिधीरा ॥

तहाँ जाइ देखी बन सोभा । गुंजत चंचरीक मधु लोभा ॥ ३ ॥

नाना तरु फल फूल सुहाए । खग मृग बृंद देखि मन भाए ॥

सैल बिसाल देखि एक आगें । ता पर धाइ चढ़ेउ भय त्यागें ॥ ४ ॥

उमा न कछु कपि कै अधिकाई ॥ प्रभु प्रताप जो कालहि खाई ॥

गिरि पर चढ़ि लंका तेहि देखी । कहि न जाइ अति दुर्ग बिसेषी ॥ ५ ॥

अति उतंग जलनिधि चहु पासा । कनक कोटि कर परम प्रकासा ॥ ६ ॥

A demoness who caught birds in air easily,

With her tricks - in the ocean dwelling be,

On water surface when refection visible be,

Of the creature she was seeing unmistakably.

She would so capture the still bird clearly,

And then would devour it unhesitatingly,

She tried this against Hanuman swiftly,

But Hanuman saw through it effortlessly.

Son of wind-god dispatched her quickly,

Then swept across the ocean plainly,

He reached the other shore resolutely,

Gazed on forest where bees humming be.

Trees with fruits, flowers, birds, beasts be,

The heart of Hanuman but thrilling to see,

And seeing a huge mountain ahead clearly,

Ran up to its summit unafraid and playfully.

The chief of monkeys, O Uma (Parvati),

No credit for it he be deserving surely,

It but be attributed to the Lord's glory,

Who devours death himself unfailingly,

He surveyed Lanka, a marvelous city,

A fortress that description defying be,

It was high, enclosed by ocean totally,

Gold-shed ramparts luster shining be.

छं॰ कनक कोटि बिचित्र मणि कृत सुंदरायतना घना ।

चउहट्ट हट्ट सुबट्ट बीथीं चारु पुर बहुबिधि बना ॥

गज बाजि खच्चर निकर पदचर रथ बरूथन्हि को गनै ।

बहुरूप निसिचर जूथ अतिबल सेन बरनत नहिं बनै ॥ १ ॥

बन बाग उपबन बाटिका सर कूप बापीं सोहहीं ।

नर नाग सुर गंधर्व कन्या रूप मुनि मन मोहहीं ॥

कहुँ माल देह बिसाल सैल समान अतिबल गर्जहीं ।

नाना अखारेन्ह भिरहिं बहुबिधि एक एकन्ह तर्जहीं ॥ २ ॥

करि जतन भट कोटिन्ह बिकट तन नगर चहुँ दिसि रच्छहीं ।

कहुँ महिष मानुष धेनु खर अज खल निसाचर भच्छहीं ॥

एहि लागि तुलसीदास इन्ह की कथा कछु एक है कही ।

रघुबीर सर तीरथ सरीरन्हि त्यागि गति पैहहिं सही ॥ ३ ॥

Enclosed by gold fortification walls be,

Inlaid with precious stones charmingly,

Pretty houses, cross roads, bazaars to see,

Streets containing decorations – lovely.

With elephants, horses, mules many,

Crowds of foot soldiers roaming freely,

Chariots, demon troops of all shapes be,

– A tough host unmatched undoubtedly.

Groves, orchards, garden, parks be,

Lakes and wells look matchless truly,

Girls, Nagas, gods, musicians heavenly,

Minds of even hermits enrapturing be.

Here but seen wrestlers mighty,

Huge mountain-like grappling be,

With one another in ways many,

In various courts challenging freely.

Guards diligently guarding the city,

Victor Myriads with dreadful form be,

Vile demons feasted on buffaloes be,

On humans, cows, goats, donkeys.

They will die of Sri Ram's arrow truly

So Tulsidas story Munindra telling be,

And so the supreme state of Lord be,

In His kingdom they will attain finally.

दो॰ पुर रखवारे देखि बहु कपि मन कीन्ह बिचार ।

अति लघु रूप धरौं निसि नगर करौं पइसार ॥ ३ ॥


Chief of monkeys thought musingly,

On host of guards defending the city,

Let me assume a minute form plainly,

Enter at night undetected in this city.

चौ॰ मसक समान रूप कपि धरी । लंकहि चलेउ सुमिरि नरहरी ॥

नाम लंकिनी एक निसिचरी । सो कह चलेसि मोहि निंदरी ॥ १ ॥

जानेहि नहीं मरमु सठ मोरा । मोर अहार जहाँ लगि चोरा ॥

मुठिका एक महा कपि हनी । रुधिर बमत धरनीं डनमनी ॥ २ ॥

पुनि संभारि उठी सो लंका । जोरि पानि कर बिनय ससंका ॥

जब रावनहि ब्रह्म कर दीन्हा । चलत बिरंचि कहा मोहि चीन्हा ॥ ३॥

बिकल होसि तैं कपि कें मारे । तब जानेसु निसिचर संघारे ॥

तात मोर अति पुन्य बहूता । देखेउँ नयन राम कर दूता ॥ ४ ॥

Hanuman small as a gnat then did be,

The lord in human resembling surely,

At gate-way to Lanka a demoness be,

Called Lankini resided protectively.

She said "Fool, you go avoiding me,

Every thief is my food undoubtedly",

The great monkey dealt her blow only,

She dropped blood vomiting plainly.

Recovering got up, joint palms clearly,

Lankini to Hanuman addressing humbly,

"When Brahma granted Ravan boon lastly,

He said to me while departing finally.

If you hurt by a monkey's blow be,

Know that demon race ending be,

I must have had some merit to see,

Sri Ram's messenger arriving visibly."

दो॰ तात स्वर्ग अपबर्ग सुख धरिअ तुला एक अंग ।

तूल न ताहि सकल मिलि जो सुख लव सतसंग ॥ ४ ॥


If one side of the balance delights fully,

Of heaven and beatitude but resting be,

They far outweighed with the joy be,

Of unity with saints deriving totally.

चौ॰ प्रबिसि नगर कीजे सब काजा । हृदयँ राखि कोसलपुर राजा ॥

गरल सुधा रिपु करहिं मिताई । गोपद सिंधु अनल सितलाई ॥ १ ॥

गरुड़ सुमेरु रेनु सम ताही । राम कृपा करि चितवा जाही ॥

अति लघु रूप धरेउ हनुमाना । पैठा नगर सुमिरि भगवाना ॥ २ ॥

मंदिर मंदिर प्रति करि सोधा । देखे जहँ तहँ अगनित जोधा ॥

गयउ दसानान मंदिर माहीं । अति बिचित्र कहि जात सो नाहीं ॥ ३ ॥

सयन किएँ देखा कपि तेही । मंदिर महुँ न दीखि बैदेही ॥

भवन एक पुनि दीख सुहावा । हरि मंदिर तहँ भिन्न बनावा ॥ ४ ॥

Enter and accomplish your work wholly,

With Lord of Ayodhya in your heart be,

Poison transforms into nectar certainly,

Foes to friends, even ocean shrinks surely.

Fire cools, Mount Meru sand of grain be,

On who Sri Ram's glance gracing does be,

Hanuman assumed a minute form finally,

With Sri Ram invoking, entered the city.

He ransacked every mansion openly,

Saw the warriors running frantically,

Then entered Ravan's palace boldly,

This beyond words glowed amazingly.

He saw the demon chief in slumber be,

But Vedehi's daughter wasn't there surely,

But there another grand building did be,

With the sacred temple of Sri Hari plainly.

दो॰ रामायुध अंकित गृह सोभा बरनि न जाइ ।

नव तुलसिका बृंद तहँ देखि हरष कपिराइ ॥ ५ ॥


On its walls, weapons of Sri Ram to see,

Beautiful beyond words, depicted lovingly,

The monkey chief did be glad to see,

Clusters of 'tulsi' plants growing freely.

चौ॰ लंका निसिचर निकर निवासा । इहाँ कहाँ सज्जन कर बासा ॥

मन महुँ तरक करैं कपि लागा । तेहीं समय बिभीषनु जागा ॥ १ ॥

राम राम तेहिं सुमिरन कीन्हा । हृदयँ हरष कपि सज्जन चीन्हा ॥

एहि सन हठि करिहउँ पहिचानी । साधु ते होइ न कारज हानी ॥ २ ॥

बिप्र रूप धरि बचन सुनाए । सुनत बिभीषन उठि तहँ आए ॥

करि प्रनाम पूँछी कुसलाई । बिप्र कहहु निज कथा बुझाई ॥ ३ ॥

की तुम्ह हरि दासन्ह महँ कोई । मोरें हृदय प्रीति अति होई ॥

की तुम्ह रामु दीन अनुरागी । आयहु मोहि करन बड़भागी ॥ ४ ॥

Lanka, abode of demon gangs does be,

How could a pious man here residing be,

Vibhishan - Ravan's younger brother be,

Awoke as Hanuman reasoned thoughtfully.

He was elated to find a soul worthy,

Who Sri Ram in prayer repeating be,

"I shall meet this good man promptly,

As my cause with him not suffering be."

So firm, he accosted Vibhishan openly,

In a Brahman's form assuming clearly,

When he heard Hanuman's words plainly,

He rose and came where he standing be.

He enquired Brahman's welfare humbly,

Low bowing "Who are you, Sir holy?"

"Are you the servant of Sri Hari tell me,

Or Sri Ram who with his blessing be?"

दो॰ तब हनुमंत कही सब राम कथा निज नाम ।

सुनत जुगल तन पुलक मन मगन सुमिरि गुन ग्राम ॥ ६ ॥


Hanuman told him about Sri Ram fully,

And even disclosed his own identity,

Ecstasy ran through both the bodies,

Thinking of Sri Ram's host of qualities.

चौ॰ सुनहु पवनसुत रहनि हमारी । जिमि दसनन्हि महुँ जीभ बिचारी ॥

तात कबहुँ मोहि जानि अनाथा । करिहहिं कृपा भानुकुल नाथा ॥ १ ॥

तामस तनु कछु साधन नाहीं । प्रीति न पद सरोज मन माहीं ॥

अब मोहि भा भरोस हनुमंता । बिनु हरि कृपा मिलहिं नहिं संता ॥ २ ॥

जौं रघुबीर अनुग्रह कीन्हा । तौ तुम्ह मोहि दरसु हठि दीन्हा ॥

सुनहु बिभीषन प्रभु कै रीती । करहिं सदा सेवक पर प्रीती ॥ ३ ॥

कहहु कवन मैं परम कुलीना । कपि चंचल सबहीं बिधि हीना ॥

प्रात लेइ जो नाम हमारा । तेहि दिन ताहि न मिले अहारा ॥ ४ ॥

"My plight as of tongue midst teeth be,

– It's how I am living here despondently,

Will Lord of the Sun Race ever show me,

His grace – knowing I master less but be.

Endowed as I am with a sinful form surely,

Incapable of doing any 'sadhana' truthfully,

My heart values not Lord's lotus feet truly,

Yet I need His blessings indisputably."

"But I am confident Hanuman certainly,

Sri Ram's grace on me showering be,

For none can encounter a saint truly,

Without Sri Hari's grace having surely.

It because the Raghu's race Hero only,

His love been kind and smiling to me,

That you with your vision sanctified me,

Unsolicited yet so pleasing this does be."

"Listen Vibhishan , the Lord's way be,

Of love to his servants unrelenting clearly,

What superior birth can I claim – tell me,

Vile in everything a frivolous monkey.

So much so that if our name stated be,

At sun-rise in the morning very early,

He assured without food that day to be,

Even if he be ever so trying earnestly."

दो॰ अस मैं अधम सखा सुनु मोहू पर रघुबीर ।

कीन्ही कृपा सुमिरि गुन भरे बिलोचन नीर ॥ ७ ॥


Though I am wretched undoubtedly,

Hero of Raghu's race has graced me,

- Hanuman's eyes filled with tears fully,

As he the virtues of Lord recalling be.

चौ॰ जानतहूँ अस स्वामि बिसारी । फिरहिं ते काहे न होहिं दुखारी ॥

एहि बिधि कहत राम गुन ग्रामा । पावा अनिर्बाच्य विश्रामा ॥ १ ॥

पुनि सब कथा बिभीषन कही । जेहि बिधि जनकसुता तहँ रही ॥

तब हनुमंत कहा सुनु भ्राता । देखी चलेउँ जानकी माता ॥ २ ॥

जुगुति बिभीषन सकल सुनाई । चलेउ पवनसुत बिदा कराई ॥

करि सोइ रूप गयउ पुनि तहवाँ । बन असोक सीता रह जहवाँ ॥ ३ ॥

देखि मनहि महुँ कीन्ह प्रनामा । बैठेहिं बीति जात निसि जामा ॥

कृस तनु सीस जटा एक बेनी । जपति हृदयँ रघुपति गुन श्रेनी ॥ ४ ॥

"Who know yet forget Him - adrift be,

Unhappy and there no wondering be"

Hanuman derived but solace wholly,

With Sri Ram's virtues hearing gladly.

Then Vibhishan narrated completely,

How Janaka's Daughter here living be,

Thereupon Hanuman said solemnly,

"Brother, Mother Sita I'd like to see".

Vibhishan enlightened comprehensively,

The method of seeing Sita definitively,

Son of wind-god took leave promptly,

To proceeded on his errand ruthlessly.

Resuming his minute form went rapidly,

To Ashok grove where Sita dwelling be,

When he saw Ma Sita, Hanuman mentally,

Promptly bowed with respect - reverently.

She had been squatting away tediously,

The hours of the night crying and lonely,

Depressed, dejected, unaided, unhappy,

With Sri Ram's anticipation hoping only.

In grieving she though emaciated in body,

Wore a single braid of matted hair clearly,

To Herself, the list of Sri Ram's superiority,

She was ever repeating – engrossed totally.

दो॰ निज पद नयन दिएँ मन राम पद कमल लीन ।

परम दुखी भा पवनसुत देखि जानकी दीन ॥ ८ ॥


Her eyes fixed on her feet noticeably,

Mind thinking of Sri Ram's lotus feet only,

Son of wind-god felt miserable extremely,

On Janaka's Daughter so seeing miserably.

चौ॰ तरु पल्लव महुँ रहा लुकाई । करइ बिचार करौं का भाई ॥

तेहि अवसर रावनु तहँ आवा । संग नारि बहु किएँ बनावा ॥ १ ॥

बहु बिधि खल सीतहि समुझावा । साम दान भय भेद देखावा ॥

कह रावनु सुनु सुमुखि सयानी । मंदोदरी आदि सब रानी ॥ २ ॥

तव अनुचरीं करेउँ पन मोरा । एक बार बिलोकु मम ओरा ॥

तृन धरि ओट कहति बैदेही । सुमिरि अवधपति परम सनेही ॥ ३ ॥

सुनु दसमुख खद्योत प्रकासा । कबहुँ कि नलिनी करइ बिकासा ॥

अस मन समुझु कहति जानकी । खल सुधि नहिं रघुबीर बान की ॥ ४ ॥

सठ सूनें हरि आनेहि मोही । अधम निलज्ज लाज नहिं तोही ॥ ५ ॥

"What to do?" he reflected thoughtfully,

Concealed among the leaves of a tree,

At that moment Ravan arrived smugly,

With women troops as complementary.

Through advice, allurements, hostility,

Threats - tried to prevail on her fully,

She disdained all his advances totally,

With all her strength and feeling sternly.

"Mandodari and all queens - wise lady,

Your handmaids I'll make undoubtedly,

I swear, if you cast your look on me,

Only once with love flowing tenderly."

With a blade of grass between Sita be,

She then interjected to Ravan plainly,

Fixed thoughts on Her Sri Ram only,

Videha's Daughter but rejoining clearly.

"Ten-headed ogre! Can lotus flower be,

In glow of a fire-fly be flowering wholly?

Ponder this at heart – contemplate fully,

You have no clue of Sri Ram's shafts truly.

At a time when there was none by me,

By my side protecting, you carried me,

You felt no shame, you an evil rogue be!

This will be your undoing undoubtedly."

दो॰ आपुहि सुनि खद्योत सम रामहि भानु समान ।

परुष बचन सुनि काढ़ि असि बोला अति खिसिआन ॥ ९ ॥


"Sri Ram compared to the sun does be,

You like to a glow-worm - you hear me";

Exasperated at her harsh words clearly,

The monster drew his sword ominously.

चौ॰ सीता तैं मम कृत अपमाना । कटिहउँ तब सिर कठिन कृपाना ॥

नाहिं त सपदि मानु मम बानी । सुमुखि होति न त जीवन हानी ॥ १ ॥

स्याम सरोज दाम सम सुंदर । प्रभु भुज करि कर सम दसकंदर ॥

सो भुज कंठ कि तव असि घोरा । सुनु सठ अस प्रवान पन मोरा ॥ २ ॥

चंद्रहास हरु मम परितापं । रघुपति बिरह अनल संजातं ॥

सीतल निसित बहसि बर धारा । कह सीता हरु मम दुख भारा ॥ ३ ॥

सुनत बचन पुनि मारन धावा । मयतनयाँ कहि नीति बुझावा ॥

कहेसि सकल निसिचरिन्ह बोलाई । सीतहि बहु बिधि त्रासहु जाई ॥ ४ ॥

मास दिवस महुँ कहा न माना । तौ मैं मारबि काढ़ि कृपाना ॥ ५ ॥

"Sita! You have certainly insulted me,

I'll behead you with my sword pitilessly,

If you do not want that, conform truly,

Just agree to my plea and my authority.

Else you lose your life, beautiful lady,

This your ultimate warning does be",

He expected to get her assent finally,

With threats so arrogant and so lofty.

"The arms of my lord is ever so lovely,

As a string of blue lotuses – aptly be,

Long as the elephant's trunk – shapely,

Ten-headed monster you watching be.

Either His arm or your awful sword be,

For my neck – it my longing does be,

Hear this, my solemn vow does be",

To Ravan's glittering scimitar turned she.

"Remove, Candrahasa, my real agony,

The pain of my heart ever burning be,

By separation from Lord of Raghus be,

For whom I ever do yearn unceasingly.

You have a cool, sharp, good blade truly,

Relieve my sorrow, I am plead hopefully,"

On hearing these words of Sita clearly,

Ravan dashed to execute her speedily.

Queen Mandodari, who Maya's daughter be,

Then with good counsel pacified wittily,

Bidding all demonesses who there be,

He said still smarting unquestionably.

"Go intimidate and terrorize Sita totally,

And if she still unrelenting does be,

In a month I'll draw my sword surely

And behead her – none fearing truly."

दो॰ भवन गयउ दसकंधर इहाँ पिसाचिनि बृंद ।

सीतहि त्रास देखावहिं धरहिं रूप बहु मंद ॥ १० ॥


The ten headed Ravan returned finally,

To his palace with these orders sadly,

While her guards with ugly forms many,

Started intimating Sita unrelenting clearly.

चौ॰ त्रिजटा नाम राच्छसी एका । राम चरन रति निपुन बिबेका ॥

सबन्हौ बोलि सुनाएसि सपना । सीतहि सेइ करहु हित अपना ॥ १ ॥

सपनें बानर लंका जारी । जातुधान सेना सब मारी ॥

खर आरूढ़ नगन दससीसा । मुंडित सिर खंडित भुज बीसा ॥ २ ॥

एहि बिधि सो दच्छिन दिसि जाई । लंका मनहुँ बिभीषन पाई ॥

नगर फिरी रघुबीर दोहाई । तब प्रभु सीता बोलि पठाई ॥ ३ ॥

यह सपना मैं कहउँ पुकारी । होइहि सत्य गएँ दिन चारी ॥

तासु बचन सुनि ते सब डरीं । जनकसुता के चरनन्हि परीं ॥ ४ ॥

Trijata who devoted to Sri Ram's feet be,

A demoness with spiritual wisdom truly,

Told all her friends of her dream clearly,

Urged all to serve Sita for blessings only.

"I have dreamt of a very powerful monkey,

Who burnt Lanka - all demons killed be,

Ravan naked, with heads shorn clearly,

Twenty arms chopped - donkey riding be.

And so he went south on his way finally,

Lanka in hands of Vibhishan fell surely,

By beat of drums and proclaimed victory,

Of Sri Ram throughout the Lankan city.

Then Lord Sri Ram summoning promptly,

For his dear wife Sita authoritatively,"

- All dejected to hear her words clearly,

At Janaka Daughter's feet fell hopefully.

दो॰ जहँ तहँ गईं सकल तब सीता कर मन सोच ।

मास दिवस बीतें मोहि मारिहि निसिचर पोच ॥ ११ ॥


They dispersed in directions many,

And Sita was thinking but anxiously,

This vile monster will surely slay me,

After a month my ending will finally be.

चौ॰ त्रिजटा सन बोलीं कर जोरी । मातु बिपति संगिनि तैं मोरी ॥

तजौं देह करु बेगि उपाई । दुसह बिरहु अब नहिं सहि जाई ॥ १ ॥

आनि काठ रचु चिता बनाई । मातु अनल पुनि देहु लगाई ॥

सत्य करहि मम प्रीति सयानी । सुनै को श्रवन सूल सम बानी ॥ २ ॥

सुनत बचन पद गहि समुझाएसि । प्रभु प्रताप बल सुजसु सुनाएसि ॥

निसि न अनल मिल सुनु सुकुमारी । अस कहि सो निज भवन सिधारी ॥ ३ ॥

कह सीता बिधि भा प्रतिकूला । मिलिहि न पावक मिटिहि न सूला ॥

देखिअत प्रगट गगन अंगारा । अवनि न आवत एकउ तारा ॥ ४ ॥

पावकमय ससि स्रवत न आगी । मानहुँ मोहि जानि हतभागी ॥

सुनहि बिनय मम बिटप असोका । सत्य नाम करु हरु मम सोका ॥ ५ ॥

नूतन किसलय अनल समाना । देहि अगिनि जनि करहि निदाना ॥

देखि परम बिरहाकुल सीता । सो छन कपिहि कलप सम बीता ॥ ६ ॥

She said to Trijata with palms join fully,

"You my companion in hardship do be",

"Give me the means to shed this body,

As I am inept of enduring more misery.

Bring wood, create a pyre, light it fully,

So love for my Lord, I'll can prove truly,

Mother, I can't stand Ravan's words sadly

Like a shaft my ears they pierceing be."

Hearing so she touched Sita's feet firmly,

Comforted her by recounting absolutely,

Of Her Lord splendour, strength, glory,

Which but dares understanding wholly.

"Listen lady, at night no fire can be",

She left for her abode, so saying plainly,

Sita thought "Heaven but hostile does be,

Even the fire can not be curing my agony."

"In heaven sparks of fire visible do be,

Not a single star to earth dropping be,

The moon refuses to rain sparks clearly,

Yet it be glowing, knowing my misery.

Leaves bear flames' colour of Ashok tree,

Give me fire, unbearing is my agony",

This instant as ages to Hanuman be,

As Sita in grief he was forced to see.

दो॰ कपि करि हृदयँ बिचार दीन्हि मुद्रिका डारि तब ।

जनु असोक अंगार दीन्ह हरषि उठि कर गहेउ ॥ १२ ॥


Monkey chief Hanuman dropped clearly,

The signet ring within so thinking truly,

As if the tree flung a spark ever so kindly,

Sita sprang with joy, grasping the ring firmly.

चौ॰ तब देखी मुद्रिका मनोहर । राम नाम अंकित अति सुंदर ॥

चकित चितव मुदरी पहिचानी । हरष विषाद हृदयँ अकुलानी ॥ १ ॥

जीति को सकइ अजय रघुराई । माया तें असि रचि नहिं जाई ॥

सीता मन बिचार कर नाना । मधुर बचन बोलेउ हनुमाना ॥ २ ॥

रामचंद्र गुन बरनैं लागा । सुनतहिं सीता कर दुख भागा ॥

लागीं सुनैं श्रवन मन लाई । आदिहु तें सब कथा सुनाई ॥ ३ ॥

श्रवनामृत जेहिं कथा सुहाई । कही सो प्रगट होति किन भाई ॥

तब हनुमंत निकट चलि गयऊ । फिरि बैठीं मन बिसमय भयऊ ॥ ४ ॥

राम दूत मैं मातु जानकी । सत्य सपथ करुनानिधान की ॥

यह मुद्रिका मातु मैं आनी । दीन्हि राम तुम्ह कहँ सहिदानी ॥ ५ ॥

नर बानरहि संग कहु कैसें । कही कथा भई संगति जैसें ॥ ६ ॥

Seeing name of her Lord, Sri Ram clearly,

Engraved on the ring charming beautifully,

Recognizing it she gazed with wonder surely,

A tense heart, joy and sorrow feeling strongly.

"Who can conquer Lord, invincible be he,

His divine ring not by Maya conjuring be"

As Sita was clearly lost in her fancies,

Hanuman recounted Sri Ram's praises truly.

The moment Sita heard, her grief flew fully,

She was listening with rapture attentively,

As Hanuman re-counted Lord Sri Ram story

From the actual beginning – most truthfully.

"Why you telling his tale, which as nectar be,

To my ears yet not self revealing do be?"

Then Hanuman neared Sita, she amazed be,

As with her back to him was sitting plainly.

"I am Sri Ram's envoy Mother Janaki,

By the All-Merciful Lord I am swear truly,

O Mother, Sri Ram gave this ring to me,

As token for you that I serve Him surely".

Sita asked "What this fellowship be,

That between a man and a monkey",

Hanuman then clarified how this unity,

Between men and monkeys thrived fully.

दो॰ कपि के बचन सप्रेम सुनि उपजा मन बिस्वास ।

जाना मन क्रम बचन यह कृपासिंधु कर दास ॥ १३ ॥


As she heard the monkey's words fondly,

Her soul trusted him unwavering firmly,

He a servant of her merciful Lord does be,

In thought, word, deed - she certain be.

चौ॰ हरिजन हानि प्रीति अति गाढ़ी । सजल नयन पुलकावलि बाढ़ी ॥

बूड़त बिरह जलधि हनुमाना । भयहु तात मो कहुँ जलजाना ॥ १ ॥

अब कहु कुसल जाउँ बलिहारी । अनुज सहित सुख भवन खरारी ॥

कोमलचित कृपाल रघुराई । कपि केहि हेतु धरी निठुराई ॥ २ ॥

सहज बानि सेवक सुख दायक । कबहुँक सुरति करत रघुनायक ॥

कबहुँ नयन मम सीतल ताता । होइहहिं निरखि स्याम मृदु गाता ॥ ३ ॥

बचनु न आव नयन भरे बारी । अहह नाथ हौं निपट बिसारी ॥

देखि परम बिरहाकुल सीता । बोला कपि मृदु बचन बिनीता ॥ ४ ॥

मातु कुसल प्रभु अनुज समेता । तव दुख दुखी सुकृपा निकेता ॥

जनि जननी मानहु जियँ ऊना । तुम्ह ते प्रेमु राम कें दूना ॥ ५ ॥

She developed warmth for him certainly,

When seeing he as Sri Hari's devotee,

Her beautiful eyes with tears filled be,

A captivating thrill ran through her body.

"Dear Hanuman, you as a bark to me be,

Who in ocean of despair drowning be,

Confirm the welfare of all extensively,

Of blissful Sri Ram, Laxman I plead tell me."

"Why soft hearted Lord of Raghus be,

Now so hard-hearted towards me?

Who by nature a delight source be,

Does Raghus' Chief remember me?

Dear Hanuman will my eyes cheered be,

By sight of his delicate limbs swarthy?"

Her eyes with tears – words failing be,

"O My lord! You have forgotten me"

Then Hanuman spoke to Sita very softly,

Who upset due to separation from lord be,

"Beloved Lord and his brother Laxman be,

Both doing well I am apprising truthfully.

Except the all-merciful in mourning be,

Because of sorrow you bear profoundly,

Exasperate not my mother – I plead meekly,

Sri Ram loves twice as you love him surely.

दो॰ रघुपति कर संदेसु अब सुनु जननी धरि धीर ।

अस कहि कपि गदगद भयउ भरे बिलोचन नीर ॥ १४ ॥


Mother, hear message of Sri Ram fully,

Lord of Raghus, yourself controlling be,

In choked voice he said these words softly,

With emotion and tears overflowing be.

चौ॰ कहेउ राम बियोग तव सीता । मो कहुँ सकल भए बिपरीता ॥

नव तरु किसलय मनहुँ कृसानू । कालनिसा सम निसि ससि भानू ॥ १ ॥

कुबलय बिपिन कुंत बन सरिसा । बारिद तपत तेल जनु बरिसा ॥

जे हित रहे करत तेइ पीरा । उरग स्वास सम त्रिबिध समीरा ॥ २ ॥

कहेहू तें कछु दुख घटि होई । काहि कहौं यह जान न कोई ॥

तत्व प्रेम कर मम अरु तोरा । जानत प्रिया एकु मनु मोरा ॥ ३ ॥

सो मनु सदा रहत तोहि पाहीं । जानु प्रीति रसु एतनेहि माहीं ॥

प्रभु संदेसु सुनत बैदेही । मगन प्रेम तन सुधि नहिं तेही ॥ ४ ॥

कह कपि हृदयँ धीर धरु माता । सुमिरु राम सेवक सुखदाता ॥

उर आनहु रघुपति प्रभुताई । सुनि मम बचन तजहु कदराई ॥ ५ ॥

Sri Ram said "Sita, since separation sadly,

Everything has been reversing ever badly,

Even the tender leaves on the trees I see,

More like tongues of fire appearing to me.

Nights dreadful of final dissolution be,

And moon like the sun blistering to me,

Beds of lotuses as spears on ground be,

Rain as boiling oil pouring but painfully."

"Those who were pleasant and friendly,

Before have now ever only torment me,

The cool, soft and fragrant breezes be,

Like breath of a serpent burning fully.

One's agony eased by talking does be,

But to whom shall I but speaking be?

None understand my suffering truly,

It is you that I do miss undoubtedly."

The Chord of love binds us in reality,

This my soul comprehending only,

My soul abides with you certainly,

This spirit of my love you know surely".

Videha's daughter unaware of body

Was lost in Lord's message totally,

Said the monkey, "Fix thoughts fully,

On Sri Ram, my joy, self collecting be".

दो॰ निसिचर निकर पतंग सम रघुपति बान कृसानु ।

जननी हृदयँ धीर धरु जरे निसाचर जानु ॥ १५ ॥


"Demons as many moths only do be,

By Lord of Raghus shafts burning will be,

In your heart mother have valor, bravery,

Consider for demons - it their end but be."

चौ॰ जौं रघुबीर होति सुधि पाई । करते नहिं बिलंबु रघुराई ॥

राम बान रबि उएँ जानकी । तम बरूथ कहँ जातुधान की ॥ १ ॥

अबहिं मातु मैं जाउँ लवाई । प्रभु आयसु नहिं राम दोहाई ॥

कछुक दिवस जननी धरु धीरा । कपिन्ह सहित अइहहिं रघुबीरा ॥ २ ॥

निसिचर मारि तोहि लै जैहहिं । तिहुँ पुर नारदादि जसु गैहहिं ॥

हैं सुत कपि सब तुम्हहि समाना । जातुधान अति भट बलवाना ॥ ३ ॥

मोरें हृदय परम संदेहा । सुनि कपि प्रगट कीन्हि निज देहा ॥

कनक भूधराकार सरीरा । समर भयंकर अतिबल बीरा ॥ ४ ॥

सीता मन भरोस तब भयऊ । पुनि लघु रूप पवनसुत लयऊ ॥ ५ ॥

"Had Hero of Raghu's line known preiously,

Your whereabouts he wouldn't lingering be,

When Sri Ram's arrow glows as sun brightly,

Demons as night shadows will scattering be.

Mother, I could take you to him now certainly,

But for instruction am waiting despondently,

Wait patiently till Hero of Raghu's line be,

With monkey troops be arriving forcefully".

"He will but liberate you indisputably,

All demons herein he'll slaughter surely,

As Narad, other sages will glorify truly,

Lord Sri Ram, all shall revere definitely."

"Do all monkeys pygmies like you be,

I have misgivings, demons are mighty,"

He revealed his colossal, form mighty,

For Sita's comfort Hanuman showed fully.

दो॰ सुनु मात साखामृग नहिं बल बुद्धि बिसाल ।

प्रभु प्रताप तें गरुड़हि खाइ परम लघु ब्याल ॥ १६ ॥


"Mother, monkeys possess none surely

Strength or wit there be no doubting clearly,

Through Lord's might this only does be,

Snake swallowed Garud, king of birds truly".

चौ॰ मन संतोष सुनत कपि बानी । भगति प्रताप तेज बल सानी ॥

आसिष दीन्हि रामप्रिय जाना । होहु तात बल सील निधाना ॥ १ ॥

अजर अमर गुननिधि सुत होहू । करहुँ बहुत रघुनायक छोहू ॥

करहुँ कृपा प्रभु अस सुनि काना । निर्भर प्रेम मगन हनुमाना ॥ २ ॥

बार बार नाएसि पद सीसा । बोला बचन जोरि कर कीसा ॥

अब कृतकृत्य भयउँ मैं माता । आसिष तव अमोघ बिख्याता ॥ ३ ॥

सुनहु मातु मोहि अतिसय भूखा । लागि देखि सुंदर फल रूखा ॥

सुनु सुत करहिं बिपिन रखवारी । परम सुभट रजनीचर भारी ॥ ४ ॥

तिन्ह कर भय माता मोहि नाहीं । जौं तुम्ह सुख मानहु मन माहीं ॥ ५ ॥

Sitafelt serene on total devotion to see,

And Sri Ram's glory, strength hearing fully,

Recognizing him as Lord Sri Ram devotee,

She gave Hanuman her blessings happily.

"You a mine of strength, virtue, immune be,

From old age, death overcoming completely,

Of good qualities a storehouse my son be,

Lord of Raghus' lavish grace shower fully."

The instant "May Lord gracious to you be"

Reached his ears satiating completely,

Hanuman, the monkey chief was clearly,

With deep emotions overwhelmed totally.

He bowed his head at her feet repeatedly,

And with joined palms said pleadingly,

"Mother, I accomplished my task fully,

And your blessing ever unfailing be."

"Mother, on seeing these laden trees,

With fruits - I do now feel but hungry",

"My son, this grove guarded but be,

By the fearless and demons mighty."

"Mother, I not frightened of them be,

Nor is my strength ever wanting surely,

If I only have your approval heartily,

That is all I require, I wait hopefully."

दो॰ देखि बुद्धि बल निपुन कपि कहेउ जानकीं जाहु ।

रघुपति चरन हृदयँ धरि तात मधुर फल खाहु ॥ १७ ॥


Janak's Daughter said then said clearly,

Seeing him ideal in strength and wit truly,

"My son, with heart on Sri Ram's feet be,

Go and enjoy the abundant fruits tasty."

चौ॰ चलेउ नाइ सिर पैठेउ बागा । फल खाएसि तरु तौरैं लागा ॥

रहे तहां बहु भट रखवारे । कछु मारेसि कछु जाइ पुकारे ॥ १ ॥

नाथ एक आवा कपि भारी । तेहिं असोक बाटिका उजारी ॥

खाएसि फल अरु बिटप उपारे । रच्छक मर्दि मर्दि महि डारे ॥ २ ॥

सुनि रावन पठए भट नाना । तिन्हहि देखि गर्जेउ हनुमाना ॥

सब रजनीचर कपि संघारे । गए पुकारत कछु अधमारे ॥ ३ ॥

पुनि पठयउ तेहिं अच्छकुमारा । चला संग लै सुभट अपारा ॥

आवत देखि बिटप गहि तर्जा । ताहि निपाति महाधुनि गर्जा ॥ ४ ॥

Bowing his head entered the grove gleely,

And after eating, started uprooting the trees,

Warriors as guards, some slain by him be,

And the rest flew help seeking alarmingly.

"O Lord, appears a huge hostile monkey,

Who wastes the Ashok grove relentlessly,

He eats fruits and then uprooted trees,

Has crushed watchmen – slays cruelly."

King Ravan sent his champions many,

On hearing this news – very promptly,

Hanuman roared seeing them clearly,

Demon hosts he slaughtered quickly.

A few survived though killed many,

Who returned screaming very loudly,

For force of chief Hanuman monkey,

His might they now but fearing be.

Ten-headed King Ravan sent swiftly,

Prince Aksha for rectifying speedily,

Who attacked with a vast strong army,

Of best warriors - he commandant be.

Seeing them Hanuman uprooted a tree

And began threatening uncaringly,

He slew the prince and roared loudly,

Then began slaying others mercilessly.

दो॰ कछु मारेसि कछु मर्देसि कछु मिलएसि धरि धूरि ।

कछु पुनि जाइ पुकारे प्रभु मर्कट बल भूरि ॥ १८ ॥


Some he slew, some he crushed surely,

Some he seized with dust pounding plainly,

Some escaped cried, "Lord, this monkey,

Is just too strong for us and untiring be."

चौ॰ सुनि सुत बध लंकेस रिसाना । पठएसि मेघनाद बलवाना ॥

मारसि जनि सुत बाँधेसु ताही । देखिअ कपिहि कहाँ कर आही ॥ १ ॥

चला इंद्रजित अतुलित जोधा । बंधु निधन सुनि उपजा क्रोधा ॥

कपि देखा दारुन भट आवा । कटकटाइ गर्जा अरु धावा ॥ २ ॥

अति बिसाल तरु एक उपारा । बिरथ कीन्ह लंकेस कुमारा ॥

रहे महाभट ताके संगा । गहि गहि कपि मर्दइ निज अंगा ॥ ३ ॥

तिन्हहि निपाति ताहि सन बाजा । भिरे जुगल मानहुँ गजराजा ॥

मुठिका मारि चढ़ा तरु जाई । ताहि एक छन मुरुछा आई ॥ ४ ॥

उठि बहोरि कीन्हसि बहु माया । जीति न जाइ प्रभंजन जाया ॥ ५ ॥

The King of Lanka flew in a rage angrily,

On news of the death of his son visibly,

Called mighty Meghanath said heatedly,

"Kill him not, my son, bind him securely.

We need to ascertain from where he be,

And identify the real meaning actually",

Meghanath, who conqueror of Indra be,

Attacked forth, peerless, unafraid definitely.

Meghanath seized with passion totally,

News of his brother's death fumed fully,

When Hanuman saw him come intensely,

He ground his teeth roaring deafeningly.

He then uprooted a huge massive tree,

Smashed Lankan prince's carrage fully,

By his limb's weight crushed definitely,

The mighty warriors escorting bravely.

Killing them, faced Meghanath finally,

As lordly elephants encountering be,

Striking with fist Hanuman sprang truly,

And up a tree was climbing promptly.

Meghanath lay unconscious clearly,

Then to delusive device resorting be,

But son of wind-god, Hanuman not be,

Beaten nor wanting in any way clearly.

दो॰ ब्रह्म अस्त्र तेहि साँधा कपि मन कीन्ह बिचार ।

जौं न ब्रह्मसर मानउँ महिमा मिटइ अपार ॥ १९ ॥


Meghanath to his bow fitted finally,

Arrow known as Brahmastra surely,

Hanuman thought if I not submit truly,

Brahma's glory to wind but casting be.

चौ॰ ब्रह्मबान कपि कहुँ तेहिं मारा । परतिहुँ बार कटकु संघारा ॥

तेहिं देखा कपि मुरुछित भयउ । नागपास बांधेसि लै गयउ ॥ १ ॥

जासु नाम जपि सुनहु भवानी । भव बंधन काटहिं नर ग्यानी ॥

तासु दूत कि बंध तरु आवा । प्रभु कारज लगि कपिहिं बँधावा ॥ २ ॥

कपि बंधन सुनि निसिचर धाए । कौतुक लागि सभाँ सब आए ॥

दसमुख सभा दीखि कपि जाई । कहि न जाइ कछु अति प्रभुताई ॥ ३ ॥

कर जोरें सुर दिसिप बिनीता । भृकुटि बिलोकत सकल सभीता ॥

देखि प्रताप न कपि मन संका । जिमि अहिगन महुँ गरुड़ असंका ॥ ४ ॥

He shot Brahmastra on Hanuman truly,

Who in falling crushed a host plainly,

As he saw the monkey collapse clearly,

Tied in serpents noose controlling fully.

Now, Parvati, Lord's envoy certainly,

Whose name human bonds freeing be,

Can he be bond - but he allowed it to be,

As he was bound in Lord's servce only.

When demons heard of this captivity,

Rushed to court for the show enjoyfully,

The monkey saw Ravan's court mighty,

His superb glory description baffling be.

Gods and regents but stood by meekly,

His eyebrows in shock watching be,

But Hanuman serene at his power truly,

As Garuda amidst snakes unminding be.

दो॰ कपिहि बिलोकि दसानन बिहसा कहि दुर्बाद ।

सुत बध सुरति कीन्हि पुनि उपजा हृदयँ बिषाद ॥ २० ॥


The ten-headed monster saw the monkey,

He railed him and was laughing rudely,

But presently at heart felt very gloomy,

For death of his son he recalling be.

चौ॰ कह लंकेस कवन तैं कीसा । केहि कें बल घालेहि बन खीसा ॥

की धौं श्रवन सुनेहि नहिं मोही । देखउँ अति असंक सठ तोही ॥ १ ॥

मारे निसिचर केहिं अपराधा । कहु सठ तोहि न प्रान कइ बाधा ॥

सुनु रावन ब्रह्मांड निकाया । पाइ जासु बल बिरचित माया ॥ २ ॥

जाकें बल बिरंचि हरि ईसा । पालत सृजत हरत दससीसा ॥

जा बल सीस धरत सहसानन । अंडकोस समेत गिरि कानन ॥ ३ ॥

धरइ जो बिबिध देह सुरत्राता । तुम्ह से सठन्ह सिखावनु दाता ॥

हर कोदंड कठिन जेहिं भंजा । तेहि समेत नृप दल मद गंजा ॥ ४ ॥

खर दूषन त्रिसिरा अरु बाली । बधे सकल अतुलित बलसाली ॥ ५ ॥

Said Lankan King, "Who are you say clearly,

You destroyed the grove on whose authority?

Have you never hear my name previously?

You an exceptionally bold wretch defying be.

For what offense did you assassinate tell me,

The Lankan demons so uncaringly, callously,

Tell me fool, are you not scared presently,

Of even your life which you may losing be?"

"Ravan! Whose Maya  brings universes truly,

You but need recalling unquestionably,

His might Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv does be,

Creation, preservation, destruction surely.

Who thousand-headed serpent clearly

On his head the globe supporting be,

You need to remember Him for only

Then can now your redeeming be.

Who in various forms protects plainly,

Gods and lessons to wretches be,

Who broke Shiv's rigid bow clearly,

Pride of host of princes crushing be.

Who send Khara, Doosan, Trishira, Bali,

In strength all unequalling who did be,

You need to remember Him respectfully,

He compassionate, strength of all be.

दो॰ जाके बल लवलेस तें जितेहु चराचर झारि ।

तासु दूत मैं जा करि हरि आनेहु प्रिय नारि ॥ २१ ॥


By an iota of whose strength clearly,

Entire creation you conquered truly,

Whose beloved you stole foolishly,

I, His envoy, have arrived - know me.

चौ॰ जानेउ मैं तुम्हारि प्रभुताई । सहसबाहु सन परी लराई ॥

समर बालि सन करि जसु पावा । सुनि कपि बचन बिहसि बिहरावा ॥ १ ॥

खायउँ फल प्रभु लागी भूँखा । कपि सुभाव तें तोरेउँ रूखा ॥

सब कें देह परम प्रिय स्वामी । मारहिं मोहि कुमारग गामी ॥ २ ॥

जिन्ह मोहि मारा ते मैं मारे । तेहि पर बाँधेउँ तनयँ तुम्हारे ॥

मोहि न कछु बाँधे कइ लाजा । कीन्ह चहउँ निज प्रभु कर काजा ॥ ३ ॥

बिनती करउँ जोरि कर रावन । सुनहु मान तजि मोर सिखावन ॥

देखहु तुम्ह निज कुलहि बिचारी । भ्रम तजि भजहु भगत भय हारी ॥ ४ ॥

जाकें डर अति काल डेराई । जो सुर असुर चराचर खाई ॥

तासों बयरु कबहुँ नहिं कीजै । मोरे कहें जानकी दीजै ॥ ५ ॥

"I am aware of your distinction fully,

With Sahasrabahu, Bali contesting truly,"

Ravan heard Hanuman, laughed loudly,

"I ate fruits as I was feeling very hungry.

And I did break the boughs and trees,

As any monkey would do naturally,

One's body, my master, is tremendously

But dear to all the forms of living surely".

"Those wicked insist on but hitting me,

So I reacted with blows returning only,

Prince of Lanka your son, Meghanath be,

Still put me in bonds after capturing me.

I not ashamed of being bound clearly,

As my lord's cause I am serving truly,

Ravan, do give up your pride totally,

Heed my advice, I implore respectfully.

Think of your lineage, disillusion be,

Adore Him who fear dispelling does be,

Never provoke Him who terror source be,

For He even Death harbouring does be.

All creation, animate and inanimate truly,

Gods as well as demons devouring be,

Return Daughter of Janak I appeal humbly,

I am beseeching and bidding you actually."

दो॰ प्रनतपाल रघुनायक करुना सिंधु खरारि ।

गएँ सरन प्रभु राखिहैं तव अपराध बिसारि ॥ २२ ॥


"Sri Ram, Khara's slayer, pleader's protector be,

He the ocean of compassion unending certainly,

He will ever forgive your offences positively,

If His shelter and protection you seeking be."

चौ॰ राम चरन पंकज उर धरहू । लंकाँ अचल राज तुम्ह करहू ॥

रिषि पुलस्ति जसु बिमल मयंका । तेहि ससि महुँ जनि होहु कलंका ॥ १ ॥

राम नाम बिनु गिरा न सोहा । देखु बिचारि त्यागि मद मोहा ॥

बसन हीन नहिं सोह सुरारी । सब भूषन भूषित बर नारी ॥ २ ॥

राम बिमुख संपति प्रभुताई । जाइ रही पाई बिनु पाई ॥

सजल मूल जिन्ह सरितन्ह नाहीं । बरषि गएँ पुनि तबहिं सुखाहीं ॥ ३ ॥

सुनु दसकंठ कहउँ पन रोपी । बिमुख राम त्राता नहिं कोपी ॥

संकर सहस बिष्नु अज तोही । सकहिं न राखि राम कर द्रोही ॥ ४ ॥

"If Sri Ram's lotus feet in your heart be,

Your Lankan rule be uninterrupted surely,

Of sage Pulastya your grandfather's glory,

Like a spotless moon ever shining be.

Speech charmless without His name be,

Minus arrogance, infatuation seeing be,

A fair lady without clothes undoubtedly,

If adorned with jewels not self praising be.

Fortune and lordship of any person truly,

Who is hostile to Sri Ram will leave clearly,

Rivers without perennial source dry plainly,

As soon as the rains do end indisputably.

Do listen, I tell you on oath sincerely:

None can save who Sri Ram's rival be,

Many Shankar, Vishnu, Brahma surely,

Enemy of Sri Ram can't protecting be."

दो॰ मोहमूल बहु सूल प्रद त्यागहु तम अभिमान ।

भजहु राम रघुनायक कृपा सिंधु भगवान ॥ २३ ॥


Pride, as darkness rooted in ignorance be,

And source of pain you be leaving clearly,

When Lord Sri Ram, Chief of Raghus truly,

Ocean of compassion you adoring do be.

चौ॰ जदपि कही कपि अति हित बानी । भगति बिबेक बिरति नय सानी ॥

बोला बिहसि महा अभिमानी । मिला हमहि कपि गुर बड़ ग्यानी ॥ १ ॥

मृत्यु निकट आई खल तोही । लागेसि अधम सिखावन मोही ॥

उलटा होइहि कह हनुमाना । मतिभ्रम तोर प्रगट मैं जाना ॥ २ ॥

सुनि कपि बचन बहुत खिसिआना । बेगि न हरहु मूढ़ कर प्राना ॥

सुनत निसाचर मारन धाए । सचिवन्ह सहित बिभीषनु आए ॥ ३ ॥

नाइ सीस करि बिनय बहूता । नीति बिरोधा न मारिअ दूता ॥

आन दंड कछु करिअ गोसाँई । सबहीं कहा मंत्र भल भाई ॥ ४ ॥

सुनत बिहसि बोला दसकंधर । अंग भंग करि पठइअ बंदर ॥ ५ ॥

Hanuman then gave salutary advice openly,

Devotion, will, dispassion, wisdom flowing be,

Haughty Ravan laughed and said mockingly,

"I am seeing a wise Guru in this monkey!

Death hangs over you, but wretch you be,

And yet from you wise words flowing be,

O vile monkey! It is that fear in actuality,

That you have started exhorting with me.

"Just the contrary" Hanuman said calmly,

"You under some illusion laboring be",

Thus King Ravan nettled said angrily,

"Slay this fool of a monkey quickly."

As soon as demons heard this gleely,

They rushed forward to kill him quickly,

While Hanuman in grandeur and serenity

Was seen relaxing and calm completely.

Vibhishan, who Ravan's youngest brother be,

Came with counsellors kneeling respectfully,

Bowing said "This against all statecraft be,

An envoy must not be killed indisputably."

He in some other way, may punished be"

All then agreed with him unhesitatingly,

The ten-headed Ravan ordered jokingly,

"Then let's return mutilated this monkey".

दो॰ कपि कें ममता पूँछ पर सबहि कहउँ समुझाइ ।

तेल बोरि पट बाँधि पुनि पावक देहु लगाइ ॥ २४ ॥


"A monkey very fond of his tail be,

I tell you this secret" he said smilingly,

"Wrap his tail in oil soaked rags fully,

Set it afire"he ordered insensitively.

चौ॰ पूँछ हीन बानर तहँ जाइहि । तब सठ निज नाथहि लइ आइहि ॥

जिन्ह कै कीन्हिसि बहुत बड़ाई । देखउँ मैं तिन्ह कै प्रभुताई ॥ १ ॥

बचन सुनत कपि मन मुसुकाना । भइ सहाय सारद मैं जाना ॥

जातुधान सुनि रावन बचना । लागे रचें मूढ़ सोइ रचना ॥ २ ॥

रहा न नगर बसन घृत तेला । बाढ़ी पूँछ कीन्ह कपि खेला ॥

कौतुक कहँ आए पुरबासी । मारहिं चरन करहिं बहु हाँसी ॥ ३ ॥

बाजहिं ढोल देहिं सब तारी । नगर फेरि पुनि पूँछ प्रजारी ॥

पावक जरत देखि हनुमंता । भयउ परम लघुरूप तुरंता ॥ ४ ॥

निबुकि चढ़ेउ कपि कनक अटारीं । भइँ सभीत निसाचर नारीं ॥ ५ ॥

When returns the tail-less monkey,

His master with him will fetching be,

I shall, his master's might, see surely,

Whom he has but exalted so lavishly".

"Goddess Sharada be helpful to me"

Hanuman to himself said reverentially,

The rash demons did as bid gleely,

By Ravan now commanding totally.

Not a rag, drop of ghee  or oil be,

In the city remaining subsequently,

Yet the tail grew to length unendingly,

By Hanuman's playful gestures clearly.

The citizens thronged this fun to see,

Bemused, yet in awe watching keenly,

They kicked Hanuman, jeered rudely,

Living in ignorance unfearing foolishly.

With beating of drums, clapping loudly,

Had Hanuman walking around the city,

Then fired Hanuman's tail subsequently,

Unmindful, jesting, joking, uncaringly.

Hanuman assumed a tiny size instantly

When he saw fire blazing so furiously,

To shock of all after bonds freeing fully

Leapt to gold palace's attics openly.

दो॰ हरि प्रेरित तेहि अवसर चले मरुत उनचास ।

अट्टहास करि गर्जा कपि बढ़ि लाग अकास ॥ २५ ॥


At that moment, impelled by God truly,

All the forty-nine winds blasted fully,

Hanuman with a laugh roared loudly,

Swelled as though sky touching be.

चौ॰ देह बिसाल परम हरुआई । मंदिर तें मंदिर चढ़ धाई ॥

जरइ नगर भा लोग बिहाला । झपट लपट बहु कोटि कराला ॥ १ ॥

तात मातु हा सुनिअ पुकारा । एहिं अवसर को हमहि उबारा ॥

हम जो कहा यह कपि नहिं होई । बानर रूप धरें सुर कोई ॥ २ ॥

साधु अवग्या कर फलु ऐसा । जरइ नगर अनाथ कर जैसा ॥

जारा नगर निमिष एक माहीं । एक बिभीषन कर गृह नाहीं ॥ ३ ॥

ता कर दूत अनल जेहिं सिरिजा । जरा न सो तेहि कारन गिरिजा ॥

उलटि पलटि लंका सब जारी । कूदि परा पुनि सिंधु मझारी ॥ ४ ॥

Though huge yet Hanuman nimble be,

From palace to palace ran speedily,

The city was all ablaze and people be

At their wit's end, now fearing clearly.

Terrible flames burst in myriads surely,

Piteous cries now sounded loudly,

"Father! Mother! Save us, he no monkey,

But some god we do see definitely."

City consumed by fire - masterless it be,

For a noble soul despising clearly,

In a blink Hanuman burnt Lanka city,

Vibhishan 's house leaving only.

He scorched whole of Lanka fully,

Jumped into ocean tail ablaze totally

Shiv said - Hanuman's safe Parvati,

As fire creator's message bearing be.

दो॰ पूँछ बुझाइ खोइ श्रम धरि लघु रूप बहोरि ।

जनकसुता कें आगें ठाढ़ भयउ कर जोरि ॥ २६ ॥


He then resumed his appearance tiny,

After dousing tail and being fatigue free,

Stood before Janaka's Daughter meekly,

With joined palms now pleading humbly.

चौ॰ मातु मोहि दीजे कछु चीन्हा । जैसें रघुनायक मोहि दीन्हा ॥

चूड़ामनि उतारि तब दयऊ । हरष समेत पवनसुत लयऊ ॥ १ ॥

कहेहु तात अस मोर प्रनामा । सब प्रकार प्रभु पूरनकामा ॥

दीन दयाल बिरिदु सँभारी । हरहु नाथ मम संकट भारी ॥ २ ॥

तात सक्रसुत कथा सुनाएहु । बान प्रताप प्रभुहि समुझाएहु ॥

मास दिवस महुँ नाथ न आवा । तौ पुनि मोहि जिअत नहिं पावा ॥ ३ ॥

कहु कपि केहि बिधि राखौं प्राना । तुम्हहू तात कहत अब जाना ॥

तोहि देखि सीतलि भइ छाती । पुनि मो कहुँ सोइ दिनु सो राती ॥ ४ ॥

"Be pleased Mother, give a token to me,

Such as Lord gave, I pray respectfully",

She unfastened Her head jewel promptly,

Gave to the son of wind-god briskly. "

"Son, convey my obeisance to Him truly,

My lord who all sufficient being does be,

Recalling Your kindness vow to worry,

Relieve, my grievous pain stating fully".

"Repeat son, event of Indra's son truly,

And His arrows' might recalling totally,

If Lord arrives not in a month finally,

He will not find me living certainly.

How to preserve my life – tell me,

For you speak of going finally,

You gave relief to my heart surely,

But come days and nights dreary".

दो॰ जनकसुतहि समुझाइ करि बहु बिधि धीरजु दीन्ह ।

चरन कमल सिरु नाइ कपि गवनु राम पहिं कीन्ह ॥ २७ ॥


He calmed Janaka's Daughter truly,

In plentiful ways reassuring actually,

Bowing his head at Her lotus feet,

He set forth for Sri Ram's assembly.

चौ॰ चलत महाधुनि गर्जेसि भारी । गर्भ स्रवहिं सुनि निसिचर नारी ॥

नाघि सिंधु एहि पारहि आवा । सबद किलिकिला कपिन्ह सुनावा ॥ १ ॥

हरषे सब बिलोकि हनुमाना । नूतन जन्म कपिन्ह तब जाना ॥

मुख प्रसन्न तन तेज बिराजा । कीन्हेसि रामचंद्र कर काजा ॥ २ ॥

मिले सकल अति भए सुखारी । तलफत मीन पाव जिमि बारी ॥

चले हरषि रघुनायक पासा । पूँछत कहत नवल इतिहासा ॥ ३ ॥

तब मधुबन भीतर सब आए । अंगद संमत मधु फल खाए ॥

रखवारे जब बरजन लागे मुष्टि प्रहार हनत सब भागे ॥ ४ ॥

Leaving he roared with noise terriblly,

Demons' wives miscarried afraid truly,

Leaping reached opposite shore swiftly,

His fellow-monkeys greeting happily.

To see Hanuman they delighted be,

As if been born anew jubilating fully,

His face cheerful and his body shiny,

After Sri Ram's mission successful be.

They delighted as the fish in water be,

After writhing without water in agony,

They went to see Lord of Raghus gladly,

Latest events asking and telling happily.

Entering Sugriv's garden  cheerfully,

With Angada's consent fruits eating be,

When guards interfered, they beaten be,

With fists till they left running quickly.

दो॰ जाइ पुकारे ते सब बन उजार जुबराज ।

सुन सुग्रीव हरष कपि करि आए प्रभु काज ॥ २८ ॥


Came Sugriv, whined Crown Prince clearly,

As the royal garden was wasting totally,

Sugriv exulted for he resolved monkeys,

Returned after Lord's work doing fully.

चौ॰ जौं न होति सीता सुधि पाई । मधुबन के फल सकहिं कि खाई ॥

एहि बिधि मन बिचार कर राजा । आइ गए कपि सहित समाजा ॥ १ ॥

आइ सबन्हि नावा पद सीसा । मिलेउ सबन्हि अति प्रेम कपीसा ॥

पूँछी कुसल कुसल पद देखी । राम कृपाँ भा काजु बिसेषी ॥ २ ॥

नाथ काजु कीन्हेउ हनुमाना । राखे सकल कपिन्ह के प्राना ॥

सुनि सुग्रीव बहुरि तेहि मिलेऊ । कपिन्ह सहित रघुपति पहिं चलेऊ ॥ ३ ॥

राम कपिन्ह जब आवत देखा । किएँ काजु मन हरष बिसेषा ॥

फटिक सिला बैठे द्वौ भाई । परे सकल कपि चरनन्हि जाई ॥ ४ ॥

If failed to get news of Sita certainly,

They dare not eat Madhuvan fruit surely,

While the king so mused thoughtfully,

Monkey chiefs bowing came softly,

Lord of monkeys received them warmly

After their welfare enquiring hopefully,

"By Lord Ram's grace work done be,

We are well, now His feet seeing truly".

"Hanuman, did everything Your Majesty,

Life of all monkey hosts saving he",

Sugriv hugged him proceeded gleely,

With them to meet Sri Ram contently,

Sri Ram was overjoyed but definitely,

Seeing them and mission done fully,

The two brothers seated on a rock be,

All monkeys at their feet falling reverently.

दो॰ प्रीति सहित सब भेटे रघुपति करुना पुंज ।

पूँछी कुसल नाथ अब कुसल देखि पद कंज ॥ २९॥


All-merciful Lord of Raghus hugged freely,

With affection and welfare asking politely,

They responded "All well with us be,

After we do see Your lotus feet surely".

चौ॰ जामवंत कह सुनु रघुराया । जा पर नाथ करहु तुम्ह दाया ॥

ताहि सदा सुभ कुसल निरंतर । सुर नर मुनि प्रसन्न ता ऊपर ॥ १ ॥

सोइ बिजई बिनई गुन सागर । तासु सुजसु त्रैलोक उजागर ॥

प्रभु कीं कृपा भयउ सब काजू । जन्म हमार सुफल भा आजू ॥ २ ॥

नाथ पवनसुत कीन्हि जो करनी । सहसहुँ मुख न जाइ सो बरनी ॥

पवनतनय के चरित सुहाए । जामवंत रघुपतिहि सुनाए ॥ ३ ॥

सुनत कृपानिधि मन अति भाए । पुनि हनुमान हरषि हियँ लाए ॥

कहहु तात केहि भाँति जानकी । रहति करति रच्छा स्वप्रान की ॥ ४ ॥

Jambavan, "Lord of Raghus truly,

He on whom Your blessings be,

Is lucky and constantly happy;

Gods, humans, sage - gracing be.

Victorious, modest, ocean of virtues be;

His fame in all spheres shining be;

Everything is well by Your grace truly

Our birth fulfilled in so doing surely."

"Achievement of Hanuman  definitely,

With thousand tongues can't tell truly,"

Jambavan related to Sri Ram  totally,

Hanuman's exploit which charming be.

The All-merciful delighted with ecstasy

To his bosom clasped Hanuman tightly,

"Hanuman, how Janaka's daughter be,

How she passes her days and life be?"

दो॰ नाम पाहरू दिवस निसि ध्यान तुम्हार कपाट ।

लोचन निज पद जंत्रित जाहिं प्रान केहिं बाट ॥ ३० ॥


"Your Name guards her night and day truly,

Her thought of You as closed doors do be,

And Her eyes fastened on Her feet totally;

But her life finds no outlet for escape sadly."

चौ॰ चलत मोहि चूड़ामनि दीन्ही । रघुपति हृदयँ लाइ सोइ लीन्ही ॥

नाथ जुगल लोचन भरि बारी । बचन कहे कछु जनककुमारी ॥ १ ॥

अनुज समेत गहेहु प्रभु चरना । दीन बंधु प्रनतारति हरना ॥

मन क्रम बचन चरन अनुरागी । केहिं अपराध नाथ हौं त्यागी ॥ २॥

अवगुन एक मोर मैं माना । बिछुरत प्रान न कीन्ह पयाना ॥

नाथ सो नयनन्हि को अपराधा । निसरत प्रान करहिं हठि बाधा ॥ ३ ॥

बिरह अगिनि तनु तूल समीरा । स्वास जरइ छन माहिं सरीरा ॥

नयन स्रवहिं जलु निज हित लागी । जरैं न पाव देह बिरहागी ॥ ४ ॥

सीता कै अति बिपति बिसाला । बिनहिं कहें भलि दीनदयाला ॥ ५ ॥

"She from the top of Her head gave me

This jewel when I was leaving finally";

The Lord of the Raghus took it warmly,

And to His bosom pressed but lovingly.

"My lord, with tears in Her eyes clearly,

Janaka's Daughter spoke dejectedly",

"Embrace my Lord's feet respectfully,

And His younger brother" tearfully.

"Befriender of the distressed truthfully,

Reliever of all suppliant's suffering truly,

I devoted to Your feet in my thought be,

With word and deed unquestioningly.

Do tell me why have You forgot me?

My life didn't end after parting sadly,

That my lord, my fault in my eyes be,

Which averts my ending forcibly."

"Agony of our separation like fire be,

My sighs as a gust of wind fanning be,

In between my body as cotton heap truly,

Which should at once be burning fully?

But my eyes, in their own interest surely,

A flood of tears has been raining clearly,

So my body burns not unintentionally",

Sita's distress awful, overwhelming be.

दो॰ निमिष निमिष करुनानिधि जाहिं कलप सम बीति ।

बेगि चलिअ प्रभु आनिअ भुज बल खल दल जीति ॥ ३१ ॥


"Each moment, O fountain of mercy,

Like an age to Her is passing slowly,

Therefore, my Lord – March quickly,

Recover her by crushing her enemy.

चौ॰ सुनि सीता दुख प्रभु सुख अयना । भरि आए जल राजिव नयना ॥

बचन कायँ मन मम गति जाही । सपनेहुँ बूझिअ बिपति कि ताही ॥ १ ॥

कह हनुमंत बिपति प्रभु सोई । जब तव सुमिरन भजन न होई ॥

केतिक बात प्रभु जातुधान की । रिपुहि जीति आनिबी जानकी ॥ २ ॥

सुनु कपि तोहि समान उपकारी । नहिं कोउ सुर नर मुनि तनुधारी ॥

प्रति उपकार करौं का तोरा । सनमुख होइ न सकत मन मोरा ॥ ३ ॥

सुनु सत तोहि उरिन मैं नाहीं । देखेउँ करि बिचार मन माहीं ॥

पुनि पुनि कपिहि चितव सुरत्राता । लोचन नीर पुलक अति गाता ॥ ४ ॥

The all-blissful Lord's tears flowed fully,

From lotus eyes on hearing Sita's agony,

"In my thought, word and deed can I be

Dependent of dreaming adversity?"

Said Hanuman, "No disaster other be

Than to recall, adore You ceasing be,

The demons are no match definitely;

You'll bring back Ma Sita felling enemy".

"None as you Hanuman, with body,

God, human or sage so obliging be,

Even my mind shrinks to face you truly;

How, can I, your debt repaying be?

My son, I concluded my debt surely,

Cannot be repaid which I owe truly",

As Sri Ram gazed on Hanuman lovingly,

Eyes flowed, emotions overpowering be.

दो॰ सुनि प्रभु बचन बिलोकि मुख गात हरषि हनुमंत ।

चरन परेउ प्रेमाकुल त्राहि त्राहि भगवंत ॥ ३२ ॥


Hanuman hearing his Lord, felt ecstasy,

And at His feet was falling earnestly,

"From tentacles of egoism save me",

With love Hanuman was crying wildly.

चौ॰ बार बार प्रभु चहइ उठावा । प्रेम मगन तेहि उठब न भावा ॥

प्रभु कर पंकज कपि कें सीसा । सुमिरि सो दसा मगन गौरीसा ॥ १ ॥

सावधान मन करि पुनि संकर । लागे कहन कथा अति सुंदर ॥

कपि उठाइ प्रभु हृदयँ लगावा । कर गहि परम निकट बैठावा ॥ २ ॥

कहु कपि रावन पालित लंका । केहि बिधि दहेउ दुर्ग अति बंका ॥

प्रभु प्रसन्न जाना हनुमाना । बोला बचन बिगत हनुमाना ॥ ३ ॥

साखामृग कै बड़ि मनुसाई । साखा तें साखा पर जाई ॥

नाघि सिंधु हाटकपुर जारा । निसिचर गन बिधि बिपिन उजारा ॥ ४ ॥

सो सब तव प्रताप रघुराई । नाथ न कछू मोरि प्रभुताई ॥ ५ ॥

Lord sought to raise him repeatedly;

But rapt in love he not rising did be,

Emotions and love flowed uncaringly,

Lord's hand rested on his head tenderly.

Shiv  with emotions overcoming be,

Recovered, resumed narrating adorably:

Lifting Hanuman, embraced him warmly,

Seated him close, love flowing clearly.

"Ravan's stronghold - secure fortress be,

Hanuman, how were you burning – tell me?"

When Hanuman saw Lord so pleased be,

He replied with no pride flowing clearly."

"Any monkey's greatest valour lies surely,

From one bough to another skipping easily,

All my acts due to Your might only but be;

No credit, my lord, so coming is due to me."

दो॰ ता कहुँ प्रभु कछु अगम नहिं जा पर तुम्ह अनुकूल ।

तव प्रभावँ वड़वानलहि जारि सकइ खलु तूल ॥ ३३ ॥


"My Lord! Who showers in Your grace truly,

Unattainable can't be ever knowing certainly,

Your might - a cotton shred burns clearly,

A submarine fire - impossible nothing be."

चौ॰ नाथ भगति अति सुखदायनी । देहु कृपा करि अनपायनी ॥

सुनि प्रभु परम सरल कपि बानी । एवमस्तु तब कहेउ भवानी ॥ १ ॥

उमा राम सुभाउ जेहिं जाना । ताहि भजनु तजि भाव न आना ॥

यह संबाद जासु उर आवा । रघुपति चरन भगति सोइ पावा ॥ २ ॥

सुनि प्रभु बचन कहहिं कपि बृंदा । जय जय जय कृपाल सुखकंदा ॥

तब रघुपति कपिपतिहिं बोलावा । कहा चलैं कर करहु बनावा ॥ ३ ॥

अब बिलंबु केहि कारन कीजे । तुरत कपिन्ह कहुँ आयसु दीजे ॥

कौतुक देखि सुमन बहु बरषी । नभ तें भवन चले सुर हरषी ॥ ४ ॥

My Lord! You source of supreme bliss be,

Your devotion unceasing do grant me;

When Lord, O Parvati, heard Hanuman surely

His wish He was granting immediately.

Uma, he who knows Ram's nature truly,

Will but just His worship – relishing be,

Who takes Ram and Hanuman's talk fully?

To heart  - Ram's feet his blessing does be.

Monkeys cried, on so hearing emotionally,

"Glory to kind Lord who fountain of bliss be!"

Lord of Raghus summoned Sugriv finally,

And then stated to the King of Monkeys.

"Prepare to march, do not tarry currently,

Order the monkeys to proceed instantly,

The Gods rained flowers abundantly,

Then withdrew - this so witness did be.

दो॰ कपिपति बेगि बोलाए आए जूथप जूथ ।

नाना बरन अतुल बल बानर भालु बरूथ ॥ ३४ ॥


Sugriva summoned commanders promptly,

And in multitudes they were present clearly,

The troops of monkeys and bears seen be,

All unequalled in strength - gathered strongly.

चौ॰ प्रभु पद पंकज नावहिं सीसा । गर्जहिं भालु महाबल कीसा ॥

देखी राम सकल कपि सेना । चितइ कृपा करि राजिव नैना ॥ १ ॥

राम कृपा बल पाइ कपिंदा । भए पच्छजुत मनहुँ गिरिंदा ॥

हरषि राम तब कीन्ह पयाना । सगुन भए सुंदर सुभ नाना ॥ २ ॥

जासु सकल मंगलमय कीती । तासु पयान सगुन यह नीती ॥

प्रभु पयान जाना बैदेहीं । फरकि बाम अँग जनु कहि देहीं ॥ ३ ॥

जोइ जोइ सगुन जानकिहि होई । असगुन भयउ रावनहि सोई ॥

चला कटकु को बरनैं पारा । गर्जहिं बानर भालु अपारा ॥ ४ ॥

नख आयुध गिरि पादपधारी । चले गगन महि इच्छाचारी ॥

केहरिनाद भालु कपि करहीं । डगमगाहिं दिग्गज चिक्करहीं ॥ ५ ॥

The bears and the monkeys mighty,

Bowed at Lord's lotus feet roared loudly,

Ram surveyed the hosts of monkeys,

On them His gracious lotus-eyes be.

Stired by His grace, monkey chiefs vie be,

As mountains with wings equipping so be,

Shi Ram sallied forth glad of heart clearly,

With good omen occurring subsequently.

Good omens appeared at His departure

Whose glory embodies all blessings fully,

Videha's Daughter came to know finally,

Of Lord's march - her limbs throbbed wildly.

What good omen for Janaka's Daughter be,

Evil for Ravan forebearing unequivocally,

And who could fully describe this army,

Monkeys, bears roaring – countless be.

With no weapon but their claws only,

Rocks and trees enroute uprooting be,

Marching through air, water, land, surely,

Unhampered and unyielding unequivocally.

Roaring as lions - the bears, monkeys,

They marched ahead unafraid, plucky,

Elephants guarding eight key points be,

In fear were trumpeting very noisily.

छं॰ चिक्करहिं दिग्गज डोल महि गिरि लोल सागर खरभरे ।

मन हरष सब गंधर्ब सुर मुनि नाग किंनर दुख टरे ॥

कटकटहिं मर्कट बिकट भट बहु कोटि कोटिन्ह धावहीं ।

जय राम प्रबल प्रताप कोसलनाथ गुन गन गावहीं ॥ १ ॥

सहि सक न भार उदार अहिपति बार बारहिं मोहई ।

गह दसन पुनि पुनि कमठ पृष्ट कठोर सो किमि सोहई ॥

रघुबीर रुचिर प्रयान प्रस्थिति जानि परम सुहावनी ।

जनु कमठ खर्पर सर्पराज सो लिखत अबिचल पावनी ॥ २ ॥

Elephants trumpeted, earth rocked be,

Mountains trembled, oceans stirring be,

Gandharvas, gods, sages, Nagas, kinnaras be,

Elated to perceive troubles ending finally.

This formidable monkey warrior army,

In combative mood, teeth gnashing be,

Millions advanced His praise hymning be,

"Glory to Shi Ram, Kosala's lord" loudly.

Even Shesa  found himself unable clearly,

To bear weight of troops crushing surely,

Each time he the divine Tortoise be,

With hard shell clutching teeth surely.

Scratches thus made by his teeth finally,

Would make one imagine knowing truly,

This departure of Shi Ram   eventually,

Shesa on Tortoise's back inscribed lucidly.

दो॰ एहि बिधि जाइ कृपानिधि उतरे सागर तीर ।

जहँ तहँ लागे खान फल भालु बिपुल कपि बीर ॥ ३५ ॥


All-merciful marched this way evidently

And on arrival at seashore halted visibly,

This army of brave bears and monkeys,

Guttled fruits in surroundings unmindfully.

चौ॰ उहाँ निसाचर रहहिं ससंका । जब तें जारि गयउ कपि लंका ॥

निज निज गृह सब करहिं बिचारा । नहिं निसिचर कुल केर उबारा ॥ १ ॥

जासु दूत बल बरनि न जाई । तेहि आएँ पुर कवन भलाई ॥

दूतिन्ह सन सुनि पुरजन बानी । मंदोदरी अधिक अकुलानी ॥ २ ॥

रहसि जोरि कर पति पग लागी । बोली बचन नीति रस पागी ॥

कंत करष हरि सन परिहरहू । मोर कहा अति हित हियँ धरहू ॥ ३ ॥

समुझत जासु दूत कइ करनी । स्रवहिं गर्भ रजनीचर धरनी ॥

तासु नारि निज सचिव बोलाई । पठवहु कंत जो चहहु भलाई ॥ ४ ॥

तव कुल कमल बिपिन दुखदायई । सीता सीत निसा सम आई ॥

सुनहु नाथ सीता बिनु दीन्हें । हित न तुम्हार संभु अज कीन्हें ॥ ५ ॥

The demons there lived in terror clearly,

As Hanuman left after burning Lanka fully,

In houses they held meetings dreadfully,

"There no hope for demon race" fearing be.

"If His envoy so overwhelming did be,

What happens when Sri Ram comes finally?"

Mandodari  felt nervous when hearding be,

What the citizens were saying fearfully.

Meeting her lord she fell at his feet,

Addressed him in wisdom steeped fully,

"My lord, do avoid strife with Shi Hari,

I but give this advice most salutary.

Seek welfare, call ministers promptly,

Ask them to do your bidding clearly,

Sri Ram's consort  you must quickly,

Return to Sri Ram, without fail swiftly."

"Thought of whose messenger's be,

Cause of demons wives miscarriage be,

As to lotuses disaster a night frosty be,

Sita to your race becomes undeniably.

Listen, my lord: unless to Sri Ram you be,

Returning his beloved wife Sita sincerely,

Not even Shambhu  or Brahma  can be

Of any good to you I am stating plainly."

दो॰ राम बान अहि गन सरिस निकर निसाचर भेक ।

जब लगि ग्रसत न तब लगि जतनु करहु तजि टेक ॥ ३६ ॥


"Sri Ram's arrows as swarms of serpents be;

The demons as frogs comparing certainly,

Before serpents eat them - devise safety,

You must but now leave your obstinacy."

चौ॰ श्रवन सुनि सठ ता करि बानी । बिहसा जगत बिदित अभिमानी ॥

सभय सुभाउ नारि कर साचा । मंगल महुँ भय मन अति काचा ॥ १ ॥

जों आवइ मर्कट कटकाई । जिअहिं बिचारे निसिचर खाई ॥

कंपहिं लोकप जाकीं त्रासा । तासु नारि सभीत बड़ि हासा ॥ २ ॥

अस कहि बिहसि ताहि उर लाई । चलेउ सभाँ ममता अधिकाई ॥

मंदोदरी हृदयँ कर चिंता । भयउ कंत पर बिधि बिपरीता ॥ ३ ॥

बैठेउ सभाँ खबरि असि पाई । सिंधु पार सेना सब आई ॥

बूझेसि सचिव उचित मत कहेहू । ते सब हँसे मष्ट करि रहेहू ॥ ४ ॥

जितेहु सुरासुर तब श्रम नाहीं । नर बानर केहि लेखे माहीं ॥ ५ ॥

Hearing Mandodari's caution clearly,

The haughty Ravan but roared hilarity,

"Woman timid by nature, mind weak be,

Even on auspicious event fearing be.

If monkey army comes, demons would be,

Feasting on them and self-sustaining be,

Guardians of spheres shake in fear of me,

How silly you, my wife, so fearing do be!"

He laughed and embraced her fondly,

Left for his council-chamber uncaringly,

Mandodari troubled and disturbed be,

Thought heavens against her Lord be,

Seated on his throne, he got clearly,

Intelligence that the invading army be,

Had arrived on the other side visibily,

Of ocean - in numbers destroying be.

He then asked his councilors plainly

"Appropriate advice be giving to me",

They all but laughed overconfidently

Said "My Lord, remain but quiet only".

"Your Majesty experienced no difficulty,

On conquest of gods, demons formerly,

Of what account men and monkeys be,

In front of your standing – toweringly?"

दो॰ सचिव बैद गुर तीनि जौं प्रिय बोलहिं भय आस ।

राज धर्म तन तीनि कर होइ बेगिहीं नास ॥ ३७ ॥


If minister, physician, guided by fear be,

Or hope of reward use words to please only,

It results in dominion, health and faith surely,

All forthwith to dogs then but going will be.

चौ॰ सोइ रावन कहुँ बनी सहाई । अस्तुति करहिं सुनाइ सुनाई ॥

अवसर जानि बिभीषनु आवा । भ्राता चरन सीसु तेहिं नावा ॥ १ ॥

पुनि सिरु नाइ बैठ निज आसन । बोला बचन पाइ अनुसासन ॥

जौ कृपाल पूँछिहु मोहि बाता । मति अनुरूप कहउँ हित ताता ॥ २ ॥

जो आपन चाहै कल्याना । सुजसु सुमति सुभ गति सुख नाना ॥

सो परनारि लिलार गोसाई । तजउ चउथि के चंद कि नाई ॥ ३ ॥

चौदह भुवन एक पति होई । भूतद्रोह तिष्टइ नहिं सोई ॥

गुन सागर नागर नर जोऊ । अलप लोभ भल कहइ न कोऊ ॥ ४ ॥

Before Ravan presented contingency,

To his face all but extolling did only be,

Perceiving an opportune hour to be,

Vibhishan  arrived head bowed fully,

Bowing his head sat respectfully,

Occupied his seat but very silently,

When ordered to speak categorically,

Addressed Ravan stating emphatically:

"As Your gracious Majesty asks me,

My opinion I am so tendering clearly,

Dear brother, my knowledge but be,

In your own interest, am saying plainly.

Let him who welfare, good repute truly,

Wisdom, be seeking a good destiny,

After his demise and pleasures fully,

Of various kinds still yearning be."

"Turn his eyes away from brow really

Of another's wife – not yearning truly,

As the moon on the fourth night be,

Of a lunar month one not seeing be.

Even fourteen spheres sole Lord clearly,

Would fall if he hostile to beings be,

None speak well of a man with rapacity,

Even if ocean of virtues he having be."

दो॰ काम क्रोध मद लोभ सब नाथ नरक के पंथ ।

सब परिहरि रघुबीरहि भजहु भजहिं जेहि संत ॥ ३८ ॥


"Lust, anger, covetousness and vanity,

All but paths to hell ever leading be,

Shunning all, adore Raghu's Hero truly,

Who even saints be doting over gleely."

चौ॰ तात राम नहिं नर भूपाला । भुवनेस्वर कालहु कर काला ॥

ब्रह्म अनामय अज भगवंता । ब्यापक अजित अनादि अनंता ॥ १ ॥

गो द्विज धेनु देव हितकारी । कृपा सिंधु मानुष तनुधारी ॥

जन रंजन भंजन खल ब्राता । बेद धर्म रच्छक सुनु भ्राता ॥ २ ॥

ताहि बयरु तजि नाइअ माथा । प्रनतारति भंजन रघुनाथा ॥

देहु नाथ प्रभु कहुँ बैदेही । भजहु राम बिनु हेतु सनेही ॥ ३ ॥

सरन गएँ प्रभु ताहु न त्यागा । बिस्व द्रोह कृत अघ जेहि लागा ॥

जासु नाम त्रय ताप नसावन । सोई प्रभु प्रगट समुझु जियँ रावन ॥ ४ ॥

"Shi Ram the Lord of the universe be,

Death of Death, no mere human king be,

He is Brahma, the Absolute undoubtedly,

Free from woes of Maya abounding surely,

The unborn God, the all-pervading be,

Invincible, without end or beginning be,

Ocean of compassion, for goodness be,

Of Earth and gods, who but born be.

He but ever satisfies His devotees,

Breaks ranks of impious callously,

And He the champion of Vedas be,

Of true religion that man knows truly.

Surrender to Him, give up enmity,

Yourself you will but relieving be,

The Lord of Raghus relieves misery,

Of them seeking refuge in Him truly.

Master, give Videha's Daughter quickly,

To Lord Sri Ram unquestioning promptly,

Adore Him, who disinterested friend be,

Of all and who is ever forgiving certainly.

If approached leaves not even him truly,

Who sinned by world ill wishing clearly,

Lord whose Name destroys all agony,

Has revealed as human presently."

दो॰ बार बार पद लागउँ बिनय करउँ दससीस ।

परिहरि मान मोह मद भजहु कोसलाधीस ॥ ३९ क ॥

मुनि पुलस्ति निज सिष्य सन कहि पठई यह बात ।

तुरत सो मैं प्रभु सन कही पाइ सुअवसरु तात ॥ ३९ ख ॥


"Reverently I fall at your feet repeatedly,

And request you pleading persistently,

Adore Lord of Kosala – pride as be,

Infatuation, arrogance discarding fully,

Our grand-father  sent a message clearly

Through a pupil of his – fearing certainly,

Availing myself of this golden opportunity,

Which I am so conveying immediately."

चौ॰ माल्यवंत अति सचिव सयाना । तासु बचन सुनि अति सुख माना ॥

तात अनुज तव नीति बिभूषन । सो उर धरहु जो कहत बिभीषन ॥ १ ॥

रिपु उतकरष कहत सठ दोऊ । दूरि न करहु इहाँ हइ कोऊ ॥

माल्यवंत गृह गयउ बहोरी । कहइ बिभीषनु पुनि कर जोरी ॥ २ ॥

सुमति कुमति सब कें उर रहहीं । नाथ पुरान निगम अस कहहीं ॥

जहाँ सुमति तहँ संपति नाना । जहाँ कुमति तहँ बिपति निदाना ॥ ३ ॥

तव उर कुमति बसी बिपरीता । हित अनहित मानहु रिपु प्रीता ॥

कालराति निसिचर कुल केरी । तेहि सीता पर प्रीति घनेरी ॥ ४ ॥

Ravan's old, wise minister Malyavan truly,

Felt gratified on Vibhishan hearing plainly,

"Your brother the ornament of wisdom be,

Take to heart what he is saying correctly",

"These fools are glorifying our enemy!

Remove from sight?" Ravan irate be,

Malyavan returned home promptly,

But Vibhishan pleaded repeatedly.

"In all hearts dwells wisdom and folly,

Puranas, Vedas so declearing be,

Where there is wisdom prosperity,

Of all kind will always reigning be,

But where foolishness residing be,

Misfortune ever inevitable ending be,

Let light flow within and wisdom be,

Now on you enlightening certainly."

"You are possessed by perversity,

Your heart not differentiating correctly,

Your friends like foes seem to be,

Your enemies as friends you see sadly,

That ithe reason you fond of Sita be,

Who Ram's wife though knowing be,

She the night for demon race will be,

Yet you not comprehend this sadly."

दो॰ तात चरन गहि मागउँ राखहु मोर दुलार ।

सीत देहु राम कहुँ अहित न होइ तुम्हार ॥ ४० ॥


"Grant my prayer as token of affection only,

I plead at your feet I am clasping sincerely,

Restore Sita to Ram so that no harm be,

Coming to you I am imploring respectfully."

चौ॰ बुध पुरान श्रुति संमत बानी । कही बिभीषन नीति बखानी ॥

सुनत दसानन उठा रिसाई । खल तोहि निकट मृत्य अब आई ॥ १ ॥

जिअसि सदा सठ मोर जिआवा । रिपु कर पच्छ मूढ़ तोहि भावा ॥

कहसि न खल अस को जग माहीं । भुज बल जाहि जिता मैं नाहीं ॥ २ ॥

मम पुर बसि तपसिन्ह पर प्रीती । सठ मिलु जाइ तिन्हहि कहु नीती ॥

अस कहि कीन्हेसि चरन प्रहारा । अनुज गहे पद बारहिं बारा ॥ ३ ॥

उमा संत कइ इहइ बड़ाई । मंद करत जो करइ भलाई ॥

तुम्ह पितु सरिस भलेहिं मोहि मारा । रामु भजें हित नाथ तुम्हारा ॥ ४ ॥

सचिव संग लै नभ पथ गयऊ । सबहि सुनाइ कहत अस भयऊ ॥ ५ ॥

Vibhishan spoke wisdom unquestionably,

In words that all approved undoubtedly,

Of the wise, as well as of Purans surely,

And also the Vedas ever consenting fully,

Ravan, however, rose very angry,

When he heard them say so openly,

"Wretch, your demise impending be"

He with annoyance fumed heatedly.

"Fool, you lived on my generosity,

Yet, fool, you favour my enemy,

Tell me any one in this world be,

Who I have failed to conquer fully.

You cherish the love for hermits surely,

And yet in my capital you dwelling be,

Fool, go join hands with them instantly,

And wisdom to them you teaching be."

He kicked his younger brother roughly,

Who clasped his brother's feet earnestly,

Uma, here the greatness of a saint be,

Who good for evil is returning certainly.

"You, as a father, have clearly beat me,

Your welfare in Sri Ram depends fully."

Vibhishan with his ministers left quickly,

By air, proclaiming to all very loudly:

दो॰ रामु सत्यसंकल्प प्रभु सभा कालबस तोरि ।

मैं रघुबीर सरन अब जाउँ देहु जनि खोरि ॥ ४१ ॥


"Sri Ram, all-powerful, true to His resolve be,

Your councillors' end is coming undoubtedly,

Blame me not; I am to protection certainly,

Of Hero of Raghu's now surrendering surely."

चौ॰ अस कहि चला बिभीषनु जबहीं । आयूहीन भए सब तबहीं ॥

साधु अवग्या तुरत भवानी । कर कल्यान अखिल कै हानी ॥ १ ॥

रावन जबहिं बिभीषन त्यागा । भयउ बिभव बिनु तबहिं अभागा ॥

चलेउ हरषि रघुनायक पाहीं । करत मनोरथ बहु मन माहीं ॥ २ ॥

देखिहउँ जाइ चरन जलजाता । अरुन मृदुल सेवक सुखदाता ॥

जे पद पसरि तरी रिषिनारी । दंड़क कानन पावनकारी ॥ ३ ॥

जे पद जनकसुताँ उर लाए । कपट कुरंग संग धर धाए ॥

हर उर सर सरोज पद जेई । अहोभाग्य मैं देखिहउँ तेई ॥ ४ ॥

No sooner had Vibhishan departed finally,

Their doom was sealed and pending surely,

Disrespect to a saint, Parvati, immediately,

Deprives one of all blessings undeniably.

When Ravan discarded Vibhishan lastly,

The pitiful wretched but lost all his glory,

Vibhishan to the Lord of Raghus joyfully,

Proceeded and his hope reviving finally.

"I am truly blessed on reaching to be,

Sri Ram's lotus feet going to see,

I will behold those very feet dearly,

By whose touch Ahalya  redeemed be.

That Dandak , Janaka's daughter be,

Holding in Her bosom but positively,

That chased the delusive deer surely,

In Lake of Shiv's heart dwelling be."

दो॰ जिन्ह पायन्ह के पादुकन्हि भरतु रहे मन लाइ ।

ते पद आजु बिलोकिहउँ इन्ह नयनन्हि अब जाइ ॥ ४२ ॥


"I will but go today and presently,

With my very eyes beholding be,

Those feet, in whose sandals truly,

Bharat's mind is residing definitely."

चौ॰ एहि बिधि करत सप्रेम बिचारा । आयउ सपदि सिंधु एहिं पारा ॥

कपिन्ह बिभीषनु आवत देखा । जान कोउ रिपु दूत बिसेषा ॥ १ ॥

ताहि राखि कपीस पहिं आए । समाचार सब ताहि सुनाए ॥

कह सुग्रीव सुनहु रघुराई । आवा मिलन दसानन भाई ॥ २ ॥

कह प्रभु सखा बूझिऐ काहा । कहइ कपीस सुनहु नरनाहा ॥

जानि न जाइ निसाचर माया । कामरूप केहि कारन आया ॥ ३ ॥

भेद हमार लेन सठ आवा । राखिअ बाँधि मोहि अस भावा ॥

सखा नीति तुम्ह नीकि बिचारी । मम पन सरनागत भयहारी ॥ ४ ॥

सुनि प्रभु बचन हरष हनुमाना । सरनागत बच्छल भगवाना ॥ ५ ॥

Vibhishan crossed the ocean instantly,

Such fond expectations cherishing fully,

Where Sri Ram with his formidable army,

Had been encamping ever impatiently.

Monkeys seeing him approach swiftly,

Took him for an envoy of the enemy,

Detaining him but outside resolutely,

Approached Sugriva  informing fully.

Sugriva: "Lord of Raghus, Vibhishan  be,

Here to see You" intimating promptly,

The Lord "On this matter do tell me,

My friend, what your thinking but be?"

The Lord of monkeys replied simply,

"Wiles of demons uncomprehending be,

One does not know wherefore truly,

He comes to my understanding surely.

He fully capable of taking any form be,

He likes not-with-standing certainly."

"The fool but comes to spy obviously,

– So taken prisoner and detained be."

"You hold a wise course but positively,

Who seek refuge their fears I dispel fully",

Hanuman on hearing these words clearly,

Prized affection for His protégé happily.

दो॰ सरनागत कहुँ जे तजहिं निज अनहित अनुमानि ।

ते नर पावँर पापमय तिन्हहि बिलोकत हानि ॥ ४३ ॥


Those people who a suppliant forsake be,

Their very sight so repulsing but surely be,

Apprehending evil from him vile, sinful be,

It is rebuffing - unacceptable indisputably.

चौ॰ कोटि बिप्र बध लागहिं जाहू । आएँ सरन तजउँ नहिं ताहू ॥

सनमुख होइ जीव मोहि जबहीं । जन्म कोटि अघ नासहिं तबहीं ॥ १ ॥

पापवंत कर सहज सुभाऊ । भजहु मोर तेहि भाव न काऊ ॥

जौं पै दुष्टहृदय सोइ होई । मोरें सनमुख आव कि सोई ॥ २ ॥

निर्मल मन जन सो मोहि पावा । मोहि कपट छल छिद्र न भावा ॥

भेद लेन पठवा दससीसा । तबहुँ न कछु भय हानि कपीसा ॥ ३ ॥

जग महुँ सखा निसाचर जेते । लछिमनु हनइ निमिष महुँ तेते ॥

जो सभीत आवा सरनाईं । राखिहउँ ताहि प्रान की नाईं ॥ ४ ॥

"I abandon not murderer of Brahmans surely,

If they but be seeking refuge, shelter in Me,

The moment any being truly turns to Me,

His sins are washed away completely.

A sinner by his very nature averse be,

To My worship and ever unrepenting be,

Had Vibhishan been wicked at heart truly,

Would he dare to be approaching Me?"

"A man with a pure mind can attain Me

- Deceit and wiles I ever hating but be,

If Ravan sent to find our secrets actually,

We need not fear or lose nothing surely.

Laxman can dispose off demons fully,

The world holds in just a twinkling plainly,

If he of fear wants shelter with Me,

– I as My own life, cherishing him be."

दो॰ उभय भाँति तेहि आनहु हँसि कह कृपानिकेत ।

जय कृपाल कहि कपि चले अंगद हनू समेत ॥ ४४ ॥


"In either case bring him here promptly"

All-merciful Sri Ram said smiling clearly,

"Kind Lord Glory!" cried all resoundingly,

With Angad, Hanuman - Vibhishan ushered be.

चौ॰ सादर तेहि आगें करि बानर । चले जहाँ रघुपति करुनाकर ॥

दूरिहि ते देखे द्वौ भ्राता । नयनानंद दान के दाता ॥ १ ॥

बहुरि राम छबिधाम बिलोकी । रहेउ ठटुकि एकटक पल रोकी ॥

भुज प्रलंब कंजारुन लोचन । स्यामल गात प्रनत भय मोचन ॥ २ ॥

सिंघ कंध आयत उर सोहा । आनन अमित मदन मन मोहा ॥

नयन नीर पुलकित अति गाता । मन धरि धीर कही मृदु बाता ॥ ३ ॥

नाथ दसानन कर मैं भ्राता । निसिचर बंस जनम सुरत्राता ॥

सहज पापप्रिय तामस देहा । जथा उलूकहि तम पर नेहा ॥ ४ ॥

Monkeys positioned Vibhishan courteously,

Ahead of them respecting unmistakably,

Proceeded to the place unquestionably,

Where all-merciful Lord of Raghus sat clearly.

Vibhishan saw from afar two brothers plainly,

Who eyes of all were ravishing obviously,

Again as he beheld Sri Ram, home of beauty,

He stopped winking – stared open-eyed fully.

He stood stockstill with his gaze intently

Fixed on the Lord unwavering contently,

Who had very long arms exceptionally,

Like red lotus his eyes resembling but be.

Rid the beseeching His limbs swarthy,

Of all fear in all creatures, beings totally,

His lion-like shoulders, broad chest be,

Applying great charm empowering surely.

His encounter bewitched mind totally,

Of limitless love tears flowing clearly,

He in temperate accents said plainly,

After his mind composed subsequently.

"I, Ravan's brother of demon race be,

With tamas  element preponderating be,

And I, as an owl fond of darkness be,

For sins even having a natural affinity."

दो॰ श्रवन सुजसु सुनि आयउँ प्रभु भंजन भव भीर ।

त्राहि त्राहि आरति हरन सरन सुखद रघुबीर ॥ ४५ ॥


"Hearing Your fame I come to You truly,

Dispeller of fear of rebirth believing fully,

Sri Ram, the delighter of who seek surely,

Your refuge, distress relieving - Save me."

चौ॰ अस कहि करत दंडवत देखा । तुरत उठे प्रभु हरष बिसेषा ॥

दीन बचन सुनि प्रभु मन भावा । भुज बिसाल गहि हृदयँ लगावा ॥ १ ॥

अनुज सहित मिलि ढिग बैठारी । बोले बचन भगत भय हारी ॥

कहु लंकेस सहित परिवारा । कुसल कुठाहर बास तुम्हारा ॥ २ ॥

खल मंडलीं बसहु दिन राती । सखा धरम निबहइ केहि भाँती ॥

मैं जानउँ तुम्हारि सब रीती । अति नय निपुन न भाव अनीती ॥ ३ ॥

बरु भल बास नरक कर ताता । दुष्ट संग जनि देइ बिधाता ॥

अब पद देखि कुसल रघुराया । जौं तुम्ह कीन्हि जानि जन दाया ॥ ४ ॥

The Lord was very delighted to see,

Vibhishan so prostrate falling willingly,

He rejoiced at heart, clasped him fully,

To His bosom as he humbled did be.

With His younger brother  seated truly,

Him by His side he meeting evidently,

Spoke words that all fear of His devotee,

He was forever dispelling completely.

"King of Lanka, are you and your family,

Well, in your vicious surroundings truly?

You live amist evil-minded persons sadly,

I am but wandering how you keep piety.

You a past master in correct behaviour be,

And are averse to wrong-doing certainly,

Dear Vibhishan It better to live in hell be,

Than what you've been bearing definitely."

"But may providence never place us truly,

In such wicked company I pray sincerely,

Dear Lord of Raghu's, all is well with me,

Now that I Your feet am beholding clearly.

Since You have shown, showered on me,

Your mercy, I am pleading respectfully,

Forever, as Your sincere servant hold me,

And be ever so identify – recognizing me."

दो॰ तब लगि कुसल न जीव कहुँ सपनेहुँ मन बिश्राम ।

जब लगि भजन न राम कहुँ सोक धाम तजि काम ॥ ४६ ॥


There can be but no happiness certainly,

Unless mind in peace even in dreams be,

Relinquishing all the desires completely,

This an abode of sorrow - Sri Ram adoring be.

चौ॰ तब लगि हृदयँ बसत खल नाना । लोभ मोह मच्छर मद माना ॥

जब लगि उर न बसत रघुनाथा । धरें चाप सायक कटि भाथा ॥ १ ॥

ममता तरुन तमी अँधिआरी । राग द्वेष उलूक सुखकारी ॥

तब लगि बसति जीव मन माहीं । जब लगि प्रभु प्रताप रबि नाहीं ॥ २ ॥

अब मैं कुसल मिटे भय भारे । देखि राम पद कमल तुम्हारे ॥

तुम्ह कृपाल जा पर अनुकूला । ताहि न ब्याप त्रिबिध भव सूला ॥ ३ ॥

मैं निसिचर अति अधम सुभाऊ । सुभ आचरनु कीन्ह नहिं काऊ ॥

जासु रूप मुनि ध्यान न आवा । तेहिं प्रभु हरषि हृदयँ मोहि लावा ॥ ४ ॥

That villainous crew: greed, jealousy,

Infatuation, pride, ego haunts mind truly,

Until the Lord of the Raghus only,

Does not take His abode there clearly.

Armed with a bow and arrow plainly,

A quiver fastened at His waist visibly,

The attachment to the world but be,

Much like a dark night advanced fully.

Which so delightful to the owls be,

Of attraction and aversion certainly;

It abides in heart of a creature only,

Till sun shines not of Lord's glory.

Having seen Your lotus feet truly,

Ram, I am now quite well surely,

And my grave fears but certainly,

Has been set at rest now finally.

Threefold torments of humanity,

Cease to have any effect surely,

On who enjoys Your favour truly,

My gracious lord – that definite be.

I, a demon vilest of nature be,

Have done no good act surely,

Yet Lord's beauty - sages fail to see.

Pleased - to His bosom clasped me.

दो॰ अहोभाग्य मम अमित अति राम कृपा सुख पुंज ।

देखेउँ नयन बिरंचि सिव सेब्य जुगल पद कंज ॥ ४७ ॥


All gracious, blissful Ram, I blessed be,

In that I beheld with my own eyes truly,

The very lotus feet which are worthy,

Of worship even to Brahma, Shiv surely.

चौ॰ सुनहु सखा निज कहउँ सुभाऊ । जान भुसुंडि संभु गिरिजाऊ ॥

जौं नर होइ चराचर द्रोही । आवौ सभय सरन तकि मोही ॥ १ ॥

तजि मद मोह कपट छल नाना । करउँ सद्य तेहि साधु समाना ॥

जननी जनक बंधु सुत दारा । तनु धनु भवन सुहृद परिवारा ॥ २ ॥

सब कै ममता ताग बटोरी । मम पद मनहि बाँध बरि डोरी ॥

समदरसी इच्छा कछु नाहीं । हरष सोक भय नहिं मन माहीं ॥ ३ ॥

अस सज्जन मम उर बस कैसें । लोभी हृदयँ बसइ धनु जैसें ॥

तुम्ह सारिखे संत प्रिय मोरें । धरउँ देह नहिं आन निहोरें ॥ ४ ॥

Listen, Friend: I tell My nature truly,

Which known to Bhusundi certainly,

Shambhu (Lord Shiv) undoubtedly,

And Girija (Parvati) too definitely.

If a man, even though an enemy be,

Of full animate, inanimate creation be,

If he comes terror-stricken to Me,

But seeking My protection clearly:

Rids vanity, infatuation, hypocrisy,

And the various kinds of trickeries,

I will but make him most speedily,

The likes of a saint unquestionabily.

Ties of affection that bind man truly,

To mother, father, brother totally,

To his son, wife, wealth, body,

House, friends, relations actually:

But like so many threads do be,

Which a pious soul gathers surely,

And twists into a string strongly,

Binds his soul to My feet stoutly.

No! He looks upon all equally,

With same eye, no craving be,

And his mind is but free totally,

From joy, grief and fear surely.

A saint of this description be,

Abiding in My heart steadfastly,

Even as mammon resident be,

In the heart of a man greedy.

Saints of your type are only,

But in reality very dear to Me;

For the sake of none certainly,

Do I body Myself forth actually.

दो॰ सगुन उपासक परहित निरत नीति दृढ़ नेम ।

ते नर प्रान समान मम जिन्ह कें द्विज पद प्रेम ॥ ४८ ॥


Who worship My form good to others be,

Treading on righteous path very firmly,

Steadfast in their vow and devoted be,

To Brahman's feet - dear to Me as life be.

चौ॰ सुन लंकेस सकल गुन तोरें । तातें तुम्ह अतिसय प्रिय मोरें ॥

राम बचन सुनि बानर जूथा । सकल कहहिं जय कृपा बरूथा ॥ १ ॥

सुनत बिभीषनु प्रभु कै बानी । नहिं अघात श्रवनामृत जानी ॥

पद अंबुज गहि बारहिं बारा । हृदयँ समात न प्रेमु अपारा ॥ २ ॥

सुनहु देव सचराचर स्वामी । प्रनतपाल उर अंतरजामी ॥

उर कछु प्रथम बासना रही । प्रभु पद प्रीति सरित सो बही ॥ ३ ॥

अब कृपाल निज भगति पावनी । देहु सदा सिव मन भावनी ॥

एवमस्तु कहि प्रभु रनधीरा । मागा तुरत सिंधु कर नीरा ॥ ४ ॥

जदपि सखा तव इच्छा नाहीं । मोर दरसु अमोघ जग माहीं ॥

अस कहि राम तिलक तेहि सारा । सुमन वृष्टि नभ भई अपारा ॥ ५ ॥

"Listen, King of Lanka; you all virtues be;

Hence you are extremely dear to Me."

On hearing Sri Ram's words all monkeys,

Exclaimed "To the All-merciful - Glory!"

Vibhishan to hear Lord's speech eagerly,

Was nectar to his ears, knew no satiety.

He clasped His lotus feet repeatedly,

His heart bursting with joy endlessly.

Listen, my lord, Ruler of creation be,

Suppliant protector, all hearts knower be:

I had lurking desire in my heart formerly,

But washed by devotion to Lord's feet be.

Now, my gracious Lord, grant me,

Devotion which gladdens Shiv truly.

"So be it", replied the Lord staunchly,

And asked for sea water immediately.

"My friend, you without craving do be,

My sight on earth begets reward surely",

Sri Ram applied on head a mark plainly,

Flowers showered from heavens lavishly.

दो॰ रावन क्रोध अनल निज स्वास समीर प्रचंड ।

जरत बिभीषनु राखेउ दीन्हेउ राजु अखंड ॥ ४९ क ॥

जो संपति सिव रावनहि दीन्ह दिएँ दस माथ ।

सोइ संपदा बिभीषनहि सकुचि दीन्ह रघुनाथ ॥ ४९ ख ॥


Lord save Vibhishan from Ravan's wrath truly,

Bestowed on him but unbroken sovereignty;

Conferred same fortune on Vibhishan clearly,

Which Shiv bestowed on Ravan previously.

चौ॰ अस प्रभु छाड़ि भजहिं जे आना । ते नर पसु बिनु पूँछ बिषाना ॥

निज जन जानि ताहि अपनावा । प्रभु सुभाव कपि कुल मन भावा ॥ १ ॥

पुनि सर्बग्य सर्ब उर बासी । सर्बरूप सब रहित उदासी ॥

बोले बचन नीति प्रतिपालक । कारन मनुज दनुज कुल घालक ॥ २ ॥

सुनु कपीस लंकापति बीरा । केहि बिधि तरिअ जलधि गंभीरा ॥

संकुल मकर उरग झष जाती । अति अगाध दुस्तर सब भाँती ॥ ३ ॥

कह लंकेस सुनहु रघुनायक । कोटि सिंधु सोषक तव सायक ॥

जद्यपि तदपि नीति असि गाई । बिनय करिअ सागर सन जाई ॥ ४ ॥

They who worship anyone else sadly,

Beasts without tail and pair of horns be;

Recognizing Vibhishan as His man truly,

Lord accepted him in His service promptly.

The amiability of His disposition truly,

Gladdened heart of all host monkey;

Then the All-wise, who in all hearts be,

Manifest in all forms unquestionably:

Though bereft of all and unconcerned be,

Who in semblance with specific motive be,

And exterminator of the demon race be,

Spoke words observing decorum strictly:

Lord of monkeys valiant king of Lanka be,

How do we cross the deep ocean tell me,

With alligators, snakes, fish of many varieties,

Unfathomable, difficult to cross undoubtedly?

"Lord of Raghus" Lankan king said plainly,

Though Your arrow can dry oceans certainly,

Yet You should approach ocean respectfully,

Request deity to allow You a passage civilly.

दो॰ प्रभु तुम्हार कुलगुर जलधि कहिहि उपाय बिचारि ।

बिनु प्रयास सागर तरिहि सकल भालु कपि धारि ॥ ५० ॥


My lord, deity of ocean Your ancestor be,

Will give means of crossing ocean surely,

The whole host of the bears and monkeys,

Will cross the ocean without much ado easily.

चौ॰ सखा कही तुम्ह नीकि उपाई । करिअ दैव जौं होइ सहाई ॥

मंत्र न यह लछिमन मन भावा । राम बचन सुनि अति दुख पावा ॥ १ ॥

नाथ दैव कर कवन भरोसा । सोषिअ सिंधु करिअ मन रोसा ॥

कादर मन कहुँ एक अधारा । दैव दैव आलसी पुकारा ॥ २ ॥

सुनत बिहसि बोले रघुबीरा । ऐसेहिं करब धरहु मन धीरा ॥

अस कहि प्रभु अनुजहि समुझाई । सिंधि समीप गए रघुराई ॥ ३ ॥

प्रथम प्रनाम कीन्ह सिरु नाई । बैठे पुनि तट दर्भ डसाई ॥

जबहिं बिभीषन प्रभु पहिं आए । पाछें रावन दूत पठाए ॥ ४ ॥

"Friend, you suggest a superb plan truly,

If providence helps let us try it and see";

However Laxman did not favour it clearly,

To hear Sri Ram's words, was pained greatly.

On freak of fortune no trust can placed be,

Fill your mind with ire, dry up ocean fully,

Fate a crutch for mind of the cowards be,

Lazy proclaim their faith in fate surely.

Hearing, Hero of Raghu's line laughing be,

Pray, ease your mind, we but do accordingly.

Cheering Laxman  with these words clearly,

Lord of the Raghus went to seashore finally.

He bowed His head, greeted ocean firstly,

Spread Kusha , seated on shore He be,

As Vibhshan ensued towards Lord clearly,

Ravan sent his spies after him stealthily.

दो॰ सकल चरित तिन्ह देखे धरें कपट कपि देह ।

प्रभु गुन हृदयँ सराहहिं सरनागत पर नेह ॥ ५१ ॥


Assuming the false appearance of monkeys,

They witnessed all doings of Sri Ram plainly,

Praised in their heart Lord's virtues surely,

His fondness for who seek His security truly.

चौ॰ प्रगट बखानहिं राम सुभाऊ । अति सप्रेम गा बिसरि दुराऊ ॥

रिपु के दूत कपिन्ह तब जाने । सकल बाँधि कपीस पहिं आने ॥ १ ॥

कह सुग्रीव सुनहु सब बानर । अंग भंग करि पठवहु निसिचर ॥

सुनि सुग्रीव बचन कपि धाए । बाँधि कटक चहु पास फिराए ॥ २ ॥

बहु प्रकार मारन कपि लागे । दीन पुकारत तदपि न त्यागे ॥

जो हमार हर नासा काना । तेहि कोसलाधीस कै आना ॥ ३ ॥

सुनि लछिमन सब निकट बोलाए । दया लागि हँसि तुरत छोड़ाए ॥

रावन कर दीजहु यह पाती । लछिमन बचन बाचु कुलघाती ॥ ४ ॥

They openly applauded Sri Ram's amiability,

In their emotion forgot their disguise wholly,

Monkeys recognized them as spies certainly,

Bound and brought them to Sugriva  finally.

Said Sugriva, "Do listen, all you monkeys,

Mutilate the demons, dismiss them clearly";

Hearing Sugriva's command the monkeys,

Ran, paraded them in bonds in camp gladly.

They then started belabouring them totally;

Demons cried for help, yet they merciless be.

Who robs us of our nose and ears bluntly,

We adjure him by Sri Ram not to do so surely.

Laxman heard, called them to him promptly,

Laughed and had them released out of pity,

"Give this note to Ravan's hands state clearly,

Laxman says you destroyer of your race be".

दो॰ कहेहु मुखागर मूढ़ सन मम संदेसु उदार ।

सीता देइ मिलहु न त आवा कालु तुम्हार ॥ ५२ ॥

52 *

Further do convey to the fool very clearly,

By word my generous message evidently:

"Surrender Sita and make peace promptly,

Or your final hour now come undoubtedly.

चौ॰ तुरत नाइ लछिमन पद माथा । चले दूत बरनत गुन गाता ॥

कहत राम जसु लंकाँ आए । रावन चरन सीस तिन्ह नाए ॥ १ ॥

बिहसि दसानन पूँछी बाता । कहसि न सुक आपनि कुसलाता ॥

पुनि कहु खबरि बिभीषन केरी । जाहि मृत्यु आई अति नेरी ॥ २ ॥

करत राज लंका सठ त्यागी । होइहि जव कर कीट अभागी ॥

पुनि कहु भालु कीस कटकाई । कठिन काल प्रेरित चलि आई ॥ ३ ॥

जिन्ह के जीवन कर रखवारा । भयउ मृदुल चित सिंधु बिचारा ॥

कहु तपसिन्ह कै बात बहोरी । जिन्ह के हृदयँ त्रास अति मोरी ॥ ४ ॥

Bowing head at Laxman's feet spies directly,

Left – recounting virtues of Sri Ram openly,

With Sri Ram's praises on their lips certainly,

Entered Lanka, bowed at Ravan's feet surely.

Ten-headed monster laughed, asked nosily:

"Report Suka, your welfare and then tell me,

The news about Vibhishan, the fool surely,

Whom death has approached very closely.

The fool left Lanka where he ruling did be;

He'll be crushed as weevil with grains  be,

Tell me about host of bears and monkeys,

Who driven over here by a cruel destiny.

It is the poor soft-hearted sea that clearly

Has stood as a protector of their lives surely,

News of ascetics Ram and Laxman tell me,

Whose heart gripped with steady terror of me.

दो॰ की भइ भेंट कि फिरि गए श्रवन सुजसु सुनि मोर ।

कहसि न रिपु दल तेज बल बहुत चकित चित तोर ॥ ५३ ॥


Did you meet them or they beat retreat sadly,

On hearing my fair renown universally?

Why not speak prowess, strength of enemy,

Why your wits seems dazed absolutely?

चौ॰ नाथ कृपा करि पूँछेहु जैसें । मानहु कहा क्रोध तजि तैसें ॥

मिला जाइ जब अनुज तुम्हारा । जातहिं राम तिलक तेहि सारा ॥ १ ॥

रावन दूत हमहि सुनि काना । कपिन्ह बाँधि दीन्हे दुख नाना ॥

श्रवन नासिका काटैं लागे । राम सपथ दीन्हें हम त्यागे ॥ २ ॥

पूँछिहु नाथ राम कटकाई । बदन कोटि सत बरनि न जाई ॥

नाना बरन भालु कपि धारी । बिकटानन बिसाल भयकारी ॥ ३ ॥

जेहिं पुर दहेउ हतेउ सुत तोरा । सकल कपिन्ह महँ तेहि बलु थोरा ॥

अमित नाम भट कठिन कराला । अमित नाग बल बिपुल बिसाला ॥ ४ ॥

My lord, as you kindly put questions to me,

So do believe what I say and be not angry,

When your younger brother met Sri Ram truly,

Then Sri Ram anointed him as sovereignty.

When monkeys heard we your spies did be,

They bound and persecuted us remorselessly,

They were about to cut our ears and nose lastly,

But when we adjured by Ram - left us finally.

My Lord, you enquire about Sri Ram's army;

A thousand million tongues would fail truly,

It is a congregation of bears and monkeys,

Of diverse hue, gruesome, huge, terrible be.

Who burnt your capital, killed your son  be,

The weakest of all the assembled monkeys,

The army has many champions undoubtedly,

Fierce, tough, with strength of elephants many.

दो॰ द्विबिद मयंद नील नल अंगद गद बिकटासि ।

दधिमुख केहरि निसठ सठ जामवंत बलरासि ॥ ५४ ॥


Dvivida, Mainda, Nila, Nala, Angad be,

Alongwith Gada, Vikatasy unquestionably,

Dadhimukha, Kehari, Nishatha, Shath surely

The powerful Jambavan some of them be.

चौ॰ ए कपि सब सुग्रीव समाना । इन्ह सम कोटिन्ह गनइ को नाना ॥

राम कृपाँ अतुलित बल तिन्हहीं । तृन समान त्रैलोकहि गनहीं ॥ १ ॥

अस मैं सुना श्रवन दसकंधर । पदुम अठारह जूथप बंदर ॥

नाथ कटक महँ सो कपि नाहीं । जो न तुम्हहि जीतै रन माहीं ॥ २ ॥

परम क्रोध मीजहिं सब हाथा । आयसु पै न देहिं रघुनाथा ॥

सोषहिं सिंधु सहित झष ब्याला । पूरहिं न त भरि कुधर बिसाला ॥ ३ ॥

मर्दि गर्द मिलवहिं दससीसा । ऐसेइ बचन कहहिं सब कीसा ॥

गर्जहिं तर्जहिं सहज असंका । मानहुँ ग्रसन चहत हहिं लंका ॥ ४ ॥

Each monkey, as King Sugriva, mightly be,

Tens of millions, who can count correctly?

By grace of Ram unequalled in strength be,

Think three creation spheres - grass blade be.

I heard commanders of various monkeys,

Alone they eighteen thousand billions be,

In this host there is not a single monkey,

Who could not defeat you in battle surely.

They wringing their hands but passionately,

But Lord of Raghus restrains them clearly,

We'll suck ocean dry - its fish, serpents fully,

Or fill it up with huge mountains completely.

We'll crush ten-headed Ravan to dust surely,

The words that all the monkeys uttering be,

Fearless by nature, roared, bullied openly,

As if they would devour Lanka absolutely.

दो॰ सहज सूर कपि भालु सब पुनि सिर पर प्रभु राम ।

रावन काल कोटि कहुँ जीति सकहिं संग्राम ॥ ५५ ॥


All monkeys and bears born warriors be,

And have Sri Ram over their head truly,

Ravan, they can conquer in battle surely,

Even millions of Yamas  undoubtedly.

चौ॰ राम तेज बल बुधि बिपुलाई । सेष सहस सत सकहिं न गाई ॥

सक सर एक सोषि सत सागर । तव भ्रातहि पूँछेउ नय नागर ॥ १ ॥

तासु बचन सुनि सागर पाहीं । मागत पंथ कृपा मन माहीं ॥

सुनत बचन बिहसा दससीसा । जौं असि मति सहाय कृत कीसा ॥ २ ॥

सहज भीरु कर बचन दृढ़ाई । सागर सन ठानी मचलाई ॥

मूढ़ मृषा का करसि बड़ाई । रिपु बल बुद्धि थाह मैं पाई ॥ ३ ॥

सचिव सभीत बिभीषन जाकें । बिजय बिभूति कहाँ जग ताकें ॥

सुनि खल बचन दूत रिस बाढ़ी । समय बिचार पत्रिका काढ़ी ॥ ४ ॥

रामानुज दीन्ही यह पाती । नाथ बचाइ जुड़ावहु छाती ॥

बिहसि बाम कर लीन्ही रावन । सचिव बोलि सठ लाग बचावन ॥ ५ ॥

A hundred thousand Sheshas can't tell truly,

Greatness of Sri Ram's valour, intellect surely,

With a single shaft He could dry hundred seas,

Yet Sri Ram is being a master of propriety.

He consulted your brother Vibhishan plainly,

And in accordance with his suggestion lastly,

He is asking passage of the ocean surely,

With a heart full of compassion definitely.

Hearing so ten-headed monster laughing be,

As of such wits he , for allies, took monkeys,

"Thus on advice of my brother, who coward be,

He demands from ocean what not viable be.

Fool, why you bestow false praise on enemy,

Whose might, wisdom I have fathomed fully,

Triumph, glory in this world remote to him be,

Who has counsellor like Vibhishan cowardly."

Hearing so of his monarch, spy waxed angry,

He took out letter  - as apt moment it did be,

"Sri Ram's younger brother gave this note to me,

Have it read, my lord, soothe your heart totally."

The ten headed Ravan laughed uncaringly,

When he took the letter in his left hand firmly,

He summoned his minister commandingly,

The fool asked him to read letter out clearly.

दो॰ बातन्ह मनहि रिझाइ सठ जनि घालसि कुल खीस ।

राम बिरोध न उबरसि सरन बिष्नु अज ईस ॥ ५६ क ॥

की तजि मान अनुज इव प्रभु पद पंकज भृंग ।

होहि कि राम सरानल खल कुल सहित पतंग ॥ ५६ ख ॥


Enticing your mind with flattering words only,

Fool, do not bring your race to utter ruin sadly,

By enmity with Sri Ram you'll not spared be,

Even if protected by Vishnu, Brahma, Shiv be.

So discard pride, as your younger brother truly,

Either seek the lotus feet of the Lord as a bee

Or be consumed with your family completely,

As moth into the fire of Sri Ram's shafts lastly.

चौ॰ सुनत सभय मन मुख मुसुकाई । कहत दसानन सबहि सुनाई ॥

भूमि परा कर गहत अकासा । लघु तापस कर बाग बिलासा ॥ १ ॥

कह सुक नाथ सत्य सब बानी । समुझहु छाड़ि प्रकृति अभिमानी ॥

सुनहु बचन मम परिहरि क्रोधा । नाथ राम सन तजहु बिरोधा ॥ २ ॥

अति कोमल रघुबीर सुभाऊ । जद्यपि अखिल लोक कर राऊ ॥

मिलत कृपा तुम्ह पर प्रभु करिही । उर अपराध न एकउ धरही ॥ ३ ॥

जनकसुता रघुनाथहि दीजे । एतना कहा मोर प्रभु कीजे ॥

जब तेहि कहा देन बैदेही । चरन प्रहार कीन्ह सठ तेही ॥ ४ ॥

नाइ चरन सिरु चला सो तहाँ । कृपासिंधु रघुनायक जहाँ ॥

करि प्रनामु निज कथा सुनाई । राम कृपाँ आपनि गति पाई ॥ ५ ॥

रिषि अगस्ति कीं साप भवानी । राछस भयउ रहा मुनि ग्यानी ॥

बंदि राम पद बारहिं बारा । मुनि निज आश्रम कहुँ पगु धारा ॥ ६ ॥

King Ravan dismayed at heart did be,

On hearing the above message clearly,

Wore a feigned smile on his face plainly,

Spoke loud for all to hear without difficulty:

"The younger hermit's grand eloquence be,

As man on ground to clasp vault of heaven be";

Suka, "Lord, give up pride, every word true be,

Discard passion, avoid clash with Sri Ram surely.

Hero of Raghu's line mild of disposition be,

Even though He lord of the entire universe be,

Moment you meet Him, His grace on you be,

Not take to heart a single offence of yours truly.

Restore Janaka's Daughter to Sri Ram swiftly,

Concede this request of mine, I pray earnestly";

As Suka asked to give up Videha's daughter finally,

The wretch King Monster kicked him uncaringly.

Suka bowed his head at Ravan's feet visibly,

Went to where all-merciful Lord of Raghus be,

With obeisance to Lord, told Him of self truly,

By Ram's grace got his original state surely.

'He an enlightened sage; by Agastya's curse be,

Parvati – He transformed into a demon did be;

Adoring Sri Ram's feet ever but repeatedly,

The sage returned to his hermitage finally.

दो॰ बिनय न मानत जलधि जड़ गए तीनि दिन बीति ।

बोले राम सकोप तब भय बिनु होइ न प्रीति ॥ ५७ ॥

57 *

Although three full days had elapsed clearly,

Inane Ocean not answering Lord's Prayer be,

Lord Sri Ram thereupon said but indignantly,

"There no friendship without inspiring fear be."

चौ॰ लछिमन बान सरासन आनू । सोषौं बारिधि बिसिख कृसानू ॥

सठ सन बिनय कुटिल सन प्रीती । सहज कृपन सन सुंदर नीती ॥ १ ॥

ममता रत सन ग्यान कहानी । अति लोभी सन बिरति बखानी ॥

क्रोधिहि सम कामिहि हरि कथा । ऊसर बीज बएँ फल जथा ॥ २ ॥

अस कहि रघुपति चाप चढ़ावा । यह मत लछिमन के मन भावा ॥

संधानेउ प्रभु बिसिख कराला । उठी उदधि उर अंतर ज्वाला ॥ ३ ॥

मकर उरग झष गन अकुलाने । जरत जंतु जलनिधि जब जाने ॥

कनक थार भरि मनि गन नाना । बिप्र रूप आयउ तजि माना ॥ ४ ॥

"Laxman, bring my bow and arrows to me,

I'll dry ocean with missile of god of fire truly,

Plea before an idiot, friendship with rogue be,

Inculcating on a born miser – but liberality;

Talking wisdom to one steeped in worldliness be,

Glorifying dispassion to man of extreme greed be,

A lecture on mind control to an irritable man be,

A discourse on exploits of Sri Hari to libidinous be;

These futile as sowing seeds in barren land be";

So saying, Lord of Raghus strung His bow lastly,

And this stand of the Lord – which aggressive be,

Delighted the heart of Laxman unquestionably.

When Lord fitted the awful arrow to His bow clearly,

A blazing fire broke out in heart of the ocean surely;

Alligators, serpents and fishes felt distressed sadly,

Then the god presiding over the ocean certainly;

Did find all creatures burning interminably,

He gave up pride and surrendered tamely,

Assuming the form of a Brahman clearly,

Came with a gold plate with jewels many.

दो॰ काटेहिं पइ कदरी फरइ कोटि जतन कोउ सींच ।

बिनय न मान खगेस सुनु डाटेहिं पइ नव नीच ॥ ५८ ॥


Watering plantain bears no fruit unless hewed be.

Similarly, mark me, O king of birds, undoubtedly,

A vile fellow heeds no prayer unquestionably,

But yields, surrenders when reprimanded only. 

चौ॰ सभय सिंधु गहि पद प्रभु केरे । छमहु नाथ सब अवगुन मेरे ॥

गगन समीर अनल जल धरनी । इन्ह कइ नाथ सहज जड़ करनी ॥ १ ॥

तव प्रेरित मायाँ उपजाए । सृष्टि हेतु सब ग्रंथनि गाए ॥

प्रभु आयसु जेहि कहँ जस अहई । सो तेहि भाँति रहें सुख लहई ॥ २ ॥

प्रभु भल कीन्ह मोहि सिख दीन्ही । मरजादा पुनि तुम्हरी कीन्ही ॥

ढोल गँवार सूद्र पसु नारी । सकल ताड़ना के अधिकारी ॥ ३ ॥

प्रभु प्रताप मैं जाब सुखाई । उतरिहि कटकु न मोरि बड़ाई ॥

प्रभु अग्या अपेल श्रुति गाई । करौं सो बेगि जो तुम्हहि सोहाई ॥ ४ ॥

Brahman clasped Lord's feet in shock fully, 

"Forgive, my lord, all my faults completely,

Ether, air, fire, water and earth certainly,

All these, my lord, but dull by nature do be.

It is Maya  which brought them forth clearly,

For creation under an impulse from You truly;

So affirm all scriptures, one gets bliss only

By being where he placed by the Lord be.

Lord has done well in giving a lesson to me;

But You have fixed certain limits for everybody,

A drum, rustic, Sudra, beast and woman be,

All these deserve instructions undoubtedly.

By Lord's glory I shall dried up and the army,

Will cross over – but this brings no credit to me.

Your command, however inviolable it does be,

So declare Vedas, I do Your pleasure quickly.

दो॰ सुनत बिनीत बचन अति कह कृपाल मुसुकाइ ।

जेहि बिधि उतरैं कपि कटकु तात सो कहहु उपाइ ॥ ५९ ॥


On hearing his most submissive words truly,

The all-merciful smiled and said simply,

"Dear father, some device whereby tell me,

The monkey host may cross over easily.

चौ॰ नाथ नील नल कपि द्वौ भाई । लरिकाईं रिषि आसिष पाई ।

तिन्ह कें परस किएँ गिरि भारे । तरिहहिं जलधि प्रताप तुम्हारे ॥ १ ॥

मैं पुनि उर धरि प्रभु प्रभुताई । करिहउँ बल अनुमान सहाई ॥

एहि बिधि नाथ पयोधि बँधाइअ । जेहिं यह सुजसु लोक तिहुँ गाइअ ॥ २ ॥

एहिं सर मम उत्तर तट बासी । हतहु नाथ खल नर अघ रासी ॥

सुनि कृपाल सागर मन पीरा । तुरतहिं हरी राम रन धीरा ॥ ३ ॥

देखि राम बल पौरुष भारी । हरषि पयोनिधि भयउ सुखारी ॥

सकल चरित कहि प्रभुहि सुनावा । चरन बंदि पाथोधि सिधावा ॥ ४ ॥

"My lord, Nila, Nala, the two brother monkeys,

Got a boon in infancy from a sage formerly,

Touched by them huge mountains will truly,

But float, not sink on the ocean by Your glory.

Prizing Your greatness I'll help to my ability,

So, my lord, have the ocean bridged surely,

Your glory may in all three spheres sung be,

Lord, waste a vile race which on my north be.

Sri Ram, who as tender as staunch in battle be,

Relieved the agony of Ocean's heart instantly,

God presiding over ocean rejoiced, gratified be

To witness Sri Ram's amazing might, bravery.

He related to the Lord but completely,

All the doings of those villains openly,

And then bowing to His feet politely,

The Ocean took his leave respectfully.

छं॰ निज भवन गवनेउ सिंधु श्रीरघुपतिहि यह मत भायऊ ।

यह चरित कलि मल हर जथामति दास तुलसी गाउअऊ ॥

सुख भवन संसय समन दवन बिषाद रघुपति गुन गना ।

तजि सकल आस भरोस गावहि सुनहि संतत सठ मना ॥

God presiding over ocean left for home finally,

Idea of bridging ocean so to blessed Lord be.

This story which wipes in Kali age impurities,

Sung by Tulasidas according to his poor light be.

The excellences of Sri Ram abode of delight be,

Panacea for doubts, for sorrow unfailing remedy;

Therefore, giving up all other hope and faith fully,

Ever sing and hear them, O foolish mind sincerly.

दो॰ सकल सुमंगल दायक रघुनायक गुन गान ।

सादर सुनहिं ते तरहिं भव सिंधु बिना जलजान ॥ ६० ॥


A recital of the virtues of Sri Ram clearly,

Bestows all the blessings undoubtedly,

Those who do but hear them reverently,

Cross ocean of human life without bark truly.


इति श्रीमद्रामचरितमानसे सकलकलिकलुषविध्वंसने पञ्चमः सोपानः समाप्तः ।

Thus ends fifth descent into Manas lake surely,

That eradicates in Kali age all the impurities.

॥ सियावर रामचन्द्र की जै ॥

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