s.p. characters x reader

By sarahscheerios

1.2K 48 2

It'll probably just be Sarah Paulson's characters x reader and I'll write whenever I'm sad:) any TWs will be... More

Billie Dean Howard x Reader
Cordelia Goode x Reader
Cordelia Goode x Reader pt.2
Billie Dean Howard x reader
Billie Dean Howard x reader (pt.2)
Billie Dean Howard x reader (pt.3)
Billie Dean Howard x reader (pt.4)

Mildred Ratched x Reader

175 7 0
By sarahscheerios

y/n is not feeling well and Mildred takes care of her (y/n will NOT be throwing up, however, because depicting vomit makes me want to cry)

I'm writing this because I feel like shit at the moment and I have to work all weekend lol send help. 

You grit your teeth in annoyance and pain as your alarm goes off next to your pillow, the ringing shrieking through your ears and rattling around your skull. You are normally somewhat of a morning person, however this particular Friday you desired nothing more than to hit the snooze button and try to fall back into what had admittedly been a very fitful sleep. You had not felt quite yourself these last few days, and last night your headache seemed to have tripled, along with a hacking cough and a stomach ache. You knew you were coming down with something, and despite your hatred for sleeping apart from her, you had sent Mildred to sleep in your shared bedroom while you took the couch in the living room, not wanting to cause your girlfriend any suffering by afflicting her with your symptoms. And who knew, maybe a good night's sleep could be all it took to curb your flu before it started?

Unfortunately, as your alarm continues to blare its wake up call, you realize you were in even worse condition than you had been the night before. Despite being wrapped in a blanket, you were shaking as if you had just been dumped in an ice bath, your teeth chattering and hands shaking so badly you can hardly get them to make your phone's constant chiming shut up. As you sit up, you become aware of the fact that you are coated in a layer of cold sweat (ew sorry) with your hair plastered to your forehead and the shirt you had worn to bed slightly damp. In short, you felt gross. With a groan, you threw back the blanket from your body, and roll off of the couch as goosebumps break out across your skin. Your legs shake under your weight as you stand, and you grasp onto the armrest of the sofa to steady yourself as you begin to make your way to the bedroom, nearly crashing into Mildred as she exits from the very door you are stumbling towards. "Whoa! Be careful, darling." Mildred chides you, not unkindly, as she says it with a soft smile on her face at the sight of you. The smile quickly falters however, after she swoops down slightly to give you a good morning kiss on the forehead, and discover that her lips are met with burning heat. "y/n? Are you alright?" You give her a quick nod in return, and try to force a semblance of a smile as you walk past her as quickly as your weak legs can carry you, not wanting to cause her to be late for work. Mildred was a nurse after all, and she already took care of sick people all day, she shouldn't need to worry about you as well. However your attempt at faking good health is immediately dismantled when your vision swims in front of you, and you feel your knees buckle as you fall to the carpeted floor.

Your eyes flutter open and you moan slightly; the pain in your head is still persistent. Carefully, so you don't pass out again, you sit up in your...bed? Yes, it was your bed. The sheets were crisp and pristine around your body, obviously the work of Mildred, and your pyjamas had been changed, and you were now dressed in a shirt that you recognized as Mildred's, and a pair of flannel pj pants. You look to your right and see a glass of water sitting on the nightstand, as well as Advil, which you take gratefully, hoping to dull the ache in your skull as soon as possible. You look at the clock, starting a bit as you really that it is afternoon. Were you really passed out for that long? Anxiety flickers around your stomach; what if you had made Mildred late for work? She hated being late more than almost anything, and any time she was caused even the slightest delay she would become worried, not knowing how any of her current patients were doing without her being there to care for them. Therefore, your jaw nearly drops as Mildred walks into your bedroom, dressed in leggings and a sweatshirt, eating a spoonful of soup.

"Oh good, you're awake!" Mildred smiles at you, handing you the bowl of soup she had been sampling. "I made you chicken noodle, I know it's your favourite." Still slightly confused, you take the steaming bowl from her, mouth watering slightly; you hadn't eaten yet today and you were just realizing that you were rather hungry. You thank Mildred quietly, sipping the broth until it is gone as she sits on the bed, next to you. Almost nervous for the answer, you speak what had going through your mind since you laid eyes on her. "Why aren't you at work?" Mildred looks at you incredulously. "y/n, you're sick. You passed out and then you slept for four hours. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I ditched the person I love most in the world while they're feeling this horrible?" You look down slightly. "I would have been fine. You have patients who need you more than me." She looks at you, almost sadly. "Nurse Bucket is in town for a few weeks, and she was happy to cover for me. My patients will be fine. YOU on the other hand, have a fever so high I was considering bringing you to the emergency room. It broke a few hours ago, I'll monitor it but we shouldn't have to go unless it spikes again."

Tears flood your eyes at her words. You can't believe you have somebody in your life who is this loving. This woman, who had been so hard to reach when you had first met, who could never be torn away from her work, was taking day off just so she could take care of you. Overcome with emotion, you bury your face in her neck, cuddling into her in your hazy state. She just smiles in return, murmuring an "I love you, darling." into your hair. The tears threatening to fall spill over at her voice, so full of adoration, and you pull yourself even closer to her, gazing up into your eyes. You don't even need to say anything, the expression on your face says it all. "What's got you all emotional, dear?" You avert your gaze at her teasing tone, she knows how much you hate crying. "It's the fever. Mostly."

Please excuse my lack of knowledge of all things medical. Grey's anatomy only teaches so much. If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading:)

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