Billie Dean Howard x reader (pt.4)

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hello. I think there is going to be some... ahem... *smut* in this (not a LOT, although next chapter...)  please go easy on me, I do not know what I am doing.

When you wake up the next morning, you are still tucked snugly in Billie's arms, her arms remaining surely around you, her chin nestled on the top of your head. You breathe slowly, and realize that it is the first time in months that you have woken up without an immediate sense of anxiety. Billie Dean's presence seems to have placed a new sense of calm over you; one that the stress of day to day life cannot penetrate. 

You can sense from the steady rise and fall of her chest that the medium is still sleeping, and when you glance at the clock over her shoulder you are able to see that it is just past 8:00 am. You aren't exactly an early bird, but Billie gives no indication of waking any time soon, and your body is already fully alert, so you decide to have a quick shower before your day. You allow yourself to burrow into Billie's chest for another moment, soaking up her warmth, before you carefully extract yourself from her grip, creeping to the bathroom and gently shutting the door. You brush your teeth while you allow the water to grow warm, before letting your pyjamas to drop to the floor stepping into the spray. You complete your shower routine quickly, and when you finish you step onto the bathmat and wrap yourself in a towel. Only then do you realize that you haven't brought a change of clothes into the bathroom with you, and you let yourself back into the bedroom to retrieve some jeans and a sweater. (yes I know I used this exact scenario in part two, cut me some slack please I am not all that original.)

When you are back within view of the bed, you realize that Billie is sitting up, scrolling through her phone while she hums softly to herself. You practically melt at the sight, this beautiful woman who showed you so much kindness last night, who made you feel so safe and loved. Suddenly Billie looks upwards, sensing that she is being studied, and you blush at being caught in your staring. "Good morning sweetheart. You look beautiful." You blush even more at the compliment, and pad over to her in order to retrieve your clothing. "Good morning Billie Dean. Thank you for helping me last night, it was very kind of you." Something softens further in Billie's gaze and she reaches forward to brush her thumb over your cheekbone. As you still at the contact, Billie replies: "Darling, I want you to feel safe with me, always. I'm glad that I was able to help last night, and I will be just as happy to do it again should the occasion arise. I am sorry that your dreams are so terrible though." You smile back at her, shaking your head softly. "Billie, this morning I woke up feeling safe. You made me feel safe. I can deal with some bad dreams, especially if you're there to help." 

Billie then pulls you into a hug, and you are suddenly hyperaware of the fact that the only thing covering your body is a thin bath towel. Nonetheless, you hug Billie back firmly, relishing in the feeling of being so close to the woman again. You go to pull away slightly, and as you do so your towel is caught underneath Billie's leg and it falls away as you straighten up. It takes a few moments for you to register what has just happened, but in that time Billie's eyes have widened to saucers, and she has dropped her gaze to her lap. Although your first instinct should, rationally, have been to grab the towel back and cover yourself, you find instead that you have remained completely composed, wet hair cascading down your shoulders, air prickling your damp skin. Let her see. I want her to see.

"Billie." you murmer softly, her name a breath ghosting past your lips. She begins to lift her head as you whisper one more word. "Please." At that, the mediums raises her eyes fully, dark brown orbs drinking in your body. They darken in colour, and she catches her plump bottom lip between her upper teeth as her gaze flicks up and down. "Y/n, are you sure..." You nod, before you move to perch next to her on the side of the bed. "I understand, if you don't feel the same way. We can just forget about it." Billie's gaze snaps back to you, and the look in her eyes is pure adoration, tinged with hints of lust. "Darling, of course  I feel the same way. I've always felt..." she tries to grasp a word to complete her sentence, floundering as her eyes continue to glance up and down your body, your breasts, eyes, torso, collarbones, lips and- "Oh my god just fucking kiss me." 

You blurt it without thinking, and within a second Billie has locked her eyes on yours, a moment of understanding passing between you both, before she surges forwards and crashes her lips to yours. Your body jolts at the feeling, her mouth feels better than you could have possibly imagined, and when her tongue gently parts your lips to caress yours you let out a gasp that leaves your cheeks burning and your stomach a clenched fist. Billie is everywhere, her lips burning yours, her hands roaming over your shoulders, down to meet your breasts and tracing their way back up to cup your cheek, one hand creeping to the back of your head and gently gripping your hair. You whine into her mouth, and you feel her smirk against your lips as she pushes you backwards, until you are lying on your back, sprawled underneath her as she straddles your hips with such ease that you are left momentarily speechless. Speechless, at least, until you realize her camisole is still on, covering her breasts that you so dearly wish to greet. Unable to form complete sentences, you guide your Hands to the shirt's hem, murmuring "Off." Over and over again in a fashion that even you can admit is quite needy. But you find it extremely difficult to care as Billie eagerly complies, pulling the camisole off of her body and allowing you to drink in the appearance of her topless self. You are unable to control yourself, and you sit up slightly from underneath the medium in order to attach your lips to her neck, nipping at the delicate skin, relishing in the moans and gasps that leave Billie's lips as she allows you to explore her body. You make your way down to her breasts, leaving a trail of hickeys you're sure are going to be a pain to cover later, and finally reach her peaked nipples, which you take in your mouth as if you have won a treasured prize, swirling your tongue around the hardened buds and listening in delight to the sounds Billie makes in response, as well as the feeling of her hips bucking slightly over yours.

Suddenly, a switch seems to flick in Billie's mind, and you are pushed back down onto the pillows as the medium takes control once again, and you have no complaints, absolutely none, because her hands are all over you and her mouth is everywhere, and you can feel her lips curl up in a grin as you gasp, as you beg for her to fuck you. And Billie Dean Howard, medium to the stars, is more than happy to comply.

I cannot believe I just wrote that oh my god.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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