Cordelia Goode x Reader pt.2

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possible tw? mention of death of a family member and hospitals

It's like a dam has burst, and try as you might, you just can not seem to stop crying. You're not sure how long has passed, in fact, when you feel a body sit on the curb next to you, wrapping careful arms around you and surrounding you with the scent of familiar perfume.

You know instantly that it is Cordelia, she always smells like this, slightly floral with hints of vanilla, and the occasional undertone of clay from any pottery she is working on. You feel your body sink into the physical contact, in fact you long for it, so you curl yourself into a tight ball and let yourself be held for the first time since you can remember. You and Cordelia sit like this, her with her arms wrapped protectively around you as you cry, murmuring reassuring words in your ear as your sobs begin to fade away. 

Once you have gotten your emotions under control, you manage a sheepish look at your teacher. "Sorry, Ms.Goode. It's been a rough couple of weeks." The look of understanding you receive as a response is almost enough to make you start crying all over again. "Y/n, please never apologize for feeling emotions, it's not fair to yourself. Now, would you mind telling me what has been going on? I'd like to help." Slowly, you begin recalling the events of the past month, with your grandmother's sudden death as well as your dads long and unexpected stay in the hospital, along with your mothers absence and by the time you are finished, tears are rolling down your cheeks, dropping onto the cement you're sitting on.

Ms.Goode is silent for a beat, then begins to move. She stands up swiftly, pulling you gently along with her. It is just then that you notice you're shivering, and without a word, Cordelia pulls a sweater out of her work bag and drapes it across your shoulders, surrounding you with soft warmth. Silently, you follow her, until you arrive behind her at a shiny black Volvo. She opens the passenger side door, and looks at you, and without hesitation you climb in. She gets in as well, and starts driving into the night, beginning to talk.

"First of all, y/n, while you're not in school please call me Cordelia, if you're okay with that?" You nod in agreement, unsure where she is going with this. "Second of all... I would like to help you. If you want my help, that is. You can stay at my house as long as you need to, okay? I'm going to make some calls in the morning and see if we can make a more permanent arrangement, if you feel that would be beneficial. I just want you to be safe, and from what you've just told me, your home is not providing that safety for you." You look at Cordelia, and in that moment, you want to throw yourself into her arms again and stay there. Instead, you smile softly at her, and say "Thank you so much, Ms. Go- Cordelia." you correct yourself quickly. " I appreciate that a lot, truly. I would love to stay with you" She smiles over at you from the drivers seat as streetlights whiz by. "I'm glad to hear that, darling."

When Cordelia pulls into a driveway a half hour later, you are so exhausted that you can barely lift yourself out of the car. Cordelia waits for you with a smile, and leads you to the entrance of her house. Well, house isn't quite the word you would use to describe what you see in front of you. It's a small cottage, with vines growing up the sides and around the square windows, with an overflowing garden in the front and a lithe black cat perched on the fence surrounding the path that leads to the front door. As you walk by, the cat jumps down, weaving in and out of your legs, purring quietly. "Oh that's Misty, by the way. She seems to like you." You giggle quietly, reaching down to scratch her soft ears, and she purrs even more. However, you are becoming increasingly more exhausted, so you follow Cordelia as she unlocks the door and ushers you inside.

Cordelia's cottage instantly surrounds you with the smell of more vanilla, and warmth, which you attribute to the fireplace that is crackling in the small living room. It's nothing fancy, but you instantly feel comfortable and at home, as you are once again hit with a wave of sleepiness. Noticing your stifled yawn, Cordelia takes you on a quick tour, pointing out her bedroom, the kitchen, bathroom, and guest room. "Y/n, I know you're tired, don't even think about trying to convince me otherwise. I'll set up the guest room for you, if you want to have a shower before bed? There are spare towels under the sink, and you can use anything in there." Too tired to protest her setting up your room for you, you thank her and shuffle into the bathroom, throwing your clothes into the laundry basket sitting in the corner and turning on the hot water to the highest temperature. 

After your shower, you wrap yourself in a towel and hurry down the short corridor to the guest room, where you find your bed fully made with a thick duvet, fluffy pillows, even an electric blanket. Folded at the foot of the bed you find a pair of thick sweatpants and a soft t-shirt, which you can only assume are Cordelia's. Smiling to yourself at her kindness, you put them on, and throw your hair into a messy bun. Then you pad back into the kitchen, where you find Cordelia, changed into similar attire and pouring hot water from a kettle into two mugs. When she sees you, she smiles fondly and gives you a choice of tea or hot chocolate, and when you choose the latter she doles out the powder into her mug as well, beckoning you to follow her into the living room. 

After a quick debate about what show to watch on Netflix, you settle on Parks and Recreation, and both of you settle onto the small couch, Cordelia throwing a blanket over the two of you so you can share. You don't think that you have ever been this relaxed, and as the two of you finish your hot chocolate, you feel yourself beginning to doze off slightly, slumping over and allowing yourself to fall onto Cordelia's shoulder. You feel gentle hands guide your head to rest in her lap, and her finger fiddle with your hair as you stay there, enjoying the first moment of absolute contentment that you have felt in ages. 

Later, when you awake slightly and go to the guest room Cordelia set up for you, she follows you silently and waits for you to crawl into bed, before leaning over to brush a strand of flyaway hair off of your forehead. You look deeply into her eyes, seeing only love and compassion there. "We're going to figure something out, okay? You're safe now, and this is your home as long as you want it to be. But for now, just get some sleep darling. Goodnight." She leans forward again, planting a soft kiss on your forehead as you murmur a goodnight in return, feeling safe, comfortable, and most of all, loved.

y'all I'm actually pretty happy with how that turned out. Thanks for reading!

s.p. characters x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang