ᖴEᗰᗩᒪE ᗪEKᑌ

By Yuyu_tzuyu9

81.3K 2K 468

•Completed• "Wahh!! Izuka-kun! You look so beautiful in the cheerleader's uniform!" Uraraka complimented as M... More

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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟭

3.4K 90 30
By Yuyu_tzuyu9

"- - -! Hurry up."

"Alright, alright, I'm grabbing her."


"Mm.." Midoriya moaned as she was waking up.

She got up and stretched her arms and let out a yawn.

"Morning guys.." Midoriya said as the League Of Villains looked at her with mischief eyes.

Midoriya then realized what she said as she quickly covered up and looked at them.

"Aww.. Izu-chan~.. you have such fear in your eyes~! I could just slice you up!" Toga said as she licked her knife.

"Ahah.. she's kidding right?" Midoriya asked as Dabi chuckled.

"Maybe, maybe not?"

Midoriya didn't know what to do, as she just sat there in silence.

Everyone then left as Midoriya was left alone with Toga.

"Now that everyone is gone~.."

Toga quickly jumped on Midoriya as Midoriya eyes went white and she was levitating Toga.

Toga was choking as Midoriya threw her across the room.

"Don't mess with me Toga, I'm not a weakling." Midoriya said as Dabi heard the crash and opened the door.

"Toga, I told you that she's powerful."

"Fine, fine. Hey Izu-chan! Want to do some shopping~? I need some new clothes and we have a lot of cash so~.. how bout it?" Toga asked.


"Cool! Let's go!"

Midoriya whimpered as she was dragged to the mall, and Dabi and Shigaraki followed after.


"So where should we go? This store, oh-! Maybe that one~! Izu-chan come on and pick one~!" Toga said as Midoriya looked all around as she saw a store with dresses.

'There is that prom that is coming up..'

"How about that one?" Midoriya asked as Toga looked and was excited.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Midoriya decided to look around as the boys followed behind her as Toga was trying on some red or black dresses.

"Hm.. what would suit me.." Midoriya mumbled to herself as Dabi grabbed a black dress off the racket.

"How about this?"

"Don't be an idiot Dabi, this dress would suit her." Shigaraki said as he had a kind of reddish dress.

The boys began to fight as they were attracting attention.

"Guys! Guys..!"

Midoriya moved in between them as they stopped fighting.

"People are watching.. please behave." Midoriya said as she pouted as Dabi and Shigaraki held her.

"Sorry.." Shigaraki apologized as Dabi just snuggled into Midoriya's neck.


Midoriya was back in UA as she had to sneak back in as Kurogiri teleported the stuff Dabi and Shigaraki bought her in her dorm as she now had a full closet of new clothes.

Midoriya was trying to detangle her hair as Dabi decided to help her with that before he left.

He brushed it out as Midoriya smiles.

"You seem.. familiar with brushing tangled hair." Midoriya said as Dabi smiles.

"Um.. yeah, I have a sister that always had tangled her so I was always there to help." Dabi said as his piercing began to open up and blood began to drop from his stitches.

"But she's old now so I don't really care what she's doing right now." Dabi said as the blood stopped.

Midoriya smiled as she thanked Dabi by giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Dabi, bye."

Dabi couldn't help but smile as he left into the portal.

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