Safe Haven

By lovedinsecretswift

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[your string of lights is still bright to me] More

Chapter 1 - Volunteer
Chapter 2 - I Won't Let Nobody Hurt You
Chapter 3 - Everything Has Changed
Chapter 4 - You And Me Forevermore
Chapter 5 - Home Is Where Your Heart Lives
Chapter 6 - Country Girl
Chapter 7 - Turning Tables
Chapter 8 - Room For One More?
Chapter 9 - A Shotgun Shot In The Dark
Chapter 10 - We'll Be Alright
Chapter 11- Haunted
Chapter 12 - This Is Me Trying
Chapter 13 - Moms Who Work
Chapter 14- Happy Families
Chapter 15 - Closure
Chapter 16 - Welcome To New York
Chapter 17- Peace
Chapter 18 - Tossing Pennies In The Pool
Chapter 19 - The happiest place on earth
Chapter 20 - Baby, Just Say Yes
Chapter 21 - The shape of your name still spells out pain
Chapter 23 - Don't leave me here alone
Chapter 24 - All I have are these beautiful ghosts
Chapter 25 - Hell was journey but it brought me heaven
Chapter 26 - You know you'll always know me
Chapter 27 - pick out a white dress
Chapter 28 - Sad, beautiful, tragic
Chapter 29 - Ladies and gentleman will you please stand?
Chapter 30 - Sometimes to run is the brave thing
Chapter 31 - This place is the same as it ever was
Chapter 32 - In doctor's office lighting
Chapter 33 - All I feel in my stomach is butterflies
Chapter 34 - Take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
Chapter 35 - A first glance feeling
Chapter 36 - Your very first date
Chapter 37 - Halloween
Help pls
Chapter 38 - You drew stars around my scars
Chapter 39 - You're still growing up now
Chapter 40 - Cause when you're fifteen
Chapter 41 - Family that I chose
Chapter 42 - What's past is past
Chapter 43 - Room for one more?
Chapter 44 - Unconditional love
Chapter 45 - August
Chapter 46 - Big Choices
Chapter 47 - Fever dream
Chapter 48 - I'm drunk in the back of the car
Chapter 49 - Holiday house
Chapter 50 - Five years old
Chapter 51 - Bumps and scrapes
Chapter 52 - At every table, I'll save you a seat
Chapter 53 - Third time lucky
Chapter 54 - I bet you think about me
Chapter 55 - Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it
Chapter 56 - There is happiness
Chapter 57 - Would've loved you for a lifetime
Chapter 58 - Take your kid to work day
Chapter 59 - Pink or blue, you're everything we've ever wanted
Chapter 60 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 61 - Gotcha day
Chapter 62 - Twin flame
Chapter 63 - The power in a name
Chapter 64 - Home

Chapter 22 - Windows boarded up after the storm

1K 55 16
By lovedinsecretswift

July 4th 2020

Taylor's POV

It's Saturday night and the kids are asleep, we spent the holiday with my parents and Austin, and everyone had a great time - especially Rosie who didn't even realise that the 4th was a holiday.

"Karlie," I laugh as the model pins me down and covers my face in kisses, "you're going to wake the baby," I very nearly let out a moan when she locks onto the sensitive spot on my neck and I can already sense her smirk. "Karls..." I gasp as she repositions herself so that her knee is pressing against my core, "shhh... you'll wake the baby," she pulls me into a deep kiss and I moan against her lips, rocking my hips against her as she bites my lip and swallows my moans, trying to be quiet so that we don't wake August.

"Quiet..." she smirks as she pulls away and kisses her way down my neck, leaving temporary marks along my collarbone before tugging on my shirt and I pull it off, her mouth immediately latching onto my nipple as she rolls the other one between her thumb and her finger, my back arching into her touch as I moan, trying to be as quiet as possible. "Oh god... please..." she kisses her way down until she's between my thighs, her soft lips brushing gentle kisses over my milky skin and neglecting the one place I want her mouth to be.

I tangle my fingers in her hair and nudge my hips towards her, and finally Karlie takes the hint and wraps her lips around my clit - eliciting a desperate moan from me even when I try to hold it back.

"Shit... shit... no!" I whine as my phone starts to ring and Karlie pulls away, "there's only a few people that would be calling you at this time of night, Teff." She laughs as she sits up and I whine as I push myself up too and grab my phone. "It's the social worker," I frown when I read the caller ID and Karlie throws me my shirt as I answer it. Our meeting with her isn't until Monday. "Ms Murray, good evening," I'm welcoming but cautious, these phone calls always scare me.

"I'm sorry for such a late call, I didn't wake you, did I?" I glance to the clock on the bedside table and frown - it's nearly midnight - "no, not at all. What can I do for you?" Karlie is sat beside me again and her fingertips are teasing their way along my thigh as I send her a warning glare. "I know it's incredibly last minute and you don't usually take emergancy placements, but we have a teenage girl here in need of a placement for a few days, at least until we find somewhere else." I frown as I listen to her, this isn't the call I was remotely expecting.

"Why us?" I put the phone on loud speaker so that Karlie can hear too, "she has come to us tonight from a hostile environment and ideally we would like to place her somewhere without an adult male present in the home, but unfortunately all of the homes who usually take emergancy placements that are available don't fit this ideal." I glance up to Karlie who has a deep frown on her face, "can I put you on hold for a minute while I discuss this with Karlie?"

The social worker agrees so I put the call on hold and look up to my fiance, "apparently they have a teenage girl who needs a home for a few days until they can find her somewhere more permanant." The model nods but her frown remains, "it sounds like she's had a rough time, Tay, we have the space..." I wasn't expecting that reaction, Karlie already thought I was taking on too much with August and Ro, but this is different I guess.

"You're sure?" I observe her features and Karlie nods, "if you're comfortable with it then so am I." I lean over and pull her into a gentle kiss, "you're a big softie at heart, Karlie Kloss, and that's why I'm marrying you." She rolls her eyes as she laughs, "yeah, yeah, I'm amazing - I get it." I shake my head at her again as I smile and pick up the phone again.

We share a few more words with the social worker who thanks us profusely and apologies again for the timing before letting us know she'll bring the girl over herself within the next couple of hours.

"I should run to Walmart, right? We only have stuff for the little ones," I frown as I get up, the panic setting in almost immediately as I grab underwear and sweats. "Hey, settle down," Karlie comes to my side, holding me at arms length as she gives me a soft smile, "do you wanna go to target or stay here with the kids and make up the guest room?" I know Karlie is anxious about leaving us so I didn't think she'd want to go. "Austin's Airbnb is only five minutes from here, why don't I get him to come over and watch the kids and we both go?" Neither of us is particularly keen on going alone and we don't wanna wake the kids, plus I know my brother and the chances of him still being awake at this time are high. "Okay, sure," she gives me a soft smile and I pull her into a gentle kiss, "get dressed, I'll check on Ro and call Austin."

We only have a few hours to prepare and two of us running errands is faster than one. Both kids should stay asleep till we're back but my whole family was assessed and approved to be around any kids that come into my care, and Rosie loves her uncle so it shouldn't be a very big deal if either of them wake up.

Karlie's POV

Austin was happy to come over once Taylor explained the situation, so he's currently at our place to listen for the kids for a bit while we get this done. We're just hoping that Ms Murray doesn't show up before we get back.

"It should be quiet at this time," Taylor sighs as i pull into the parking lot, it doesn't look too busy but we both get anxious about public situations, especially now we have the kids, and even if they aren't here - it's still the same.

We both get out of the car and the blonde immediately laces her fingers through mine, "we haven't done this in forever," I laugh as I look down to out intertwined hands, "I know, there's usually a child or a stroller instead," she smiles back at me and I smirk, I love these little moments that are just ours.

"I made a list but I'm sure there's more we probably need," Taylor pulls up the notes on her phone and I smile, she's always prepared for everything. I grab a cart and Taylor loops her arm through mine as we walk through the store. She really did her research on the ride over and we set out first to find a few things to make the guest room feel a little less like a guest room. We know nothing about this girl yet so we stick with neutral colours, and Taylor grabs a fluffy red blanket and some new grey towels, just so that the teen has access to everything in her room. We grab cosy pyjamas and fluffy socks in a couple of sizes, along with some snacks and hygiene products.

We probably go a little overboard since we're not sure exactly what or how much we need, but too much is better than too little. "I think we should get a nightlight," she peeks round at me as she walks by the side of the cart and I raise an eyebrow, "she's not Ro's age, Teff, why would she need a nightlight?" The blonde frowns, "I slept with a nightlight till I went on the road, then I kept a stuffed animal with me on the bus and in hotel rooms so maybe we should get one of those too."

There's no judgement in the thought, simply love and kindness - and anyway, it's better to be over prepared.

Taylor finds some fairy lights and since it's a four poster bed in that bedroom, we agree that we will wrap them around the top and it'd be the more mature version of a nightlight and it would save the teen any misplaced embarrassment if she does wanna use them to sleep. We pick out the cutest ginger cat cuddly toy and then a few essential grocery items we were gonna grab tomorrow anyway, and then we head for the check out line. Trying to get out without any hassle.

Taylor's POV

"How can you possibly be drinking coffee right now? I yawn as I pace the kitchen, Karlie sat at the island with a mug of freshly brewed coffee in her hands, "it's decaf, I'm just trying to convince myself I'm not tired," she looks to me as she laughs but that ends in a yawn.

Austin helped us organise everything which was a major help when Auggie woke up and started screaming for a bottle. It's after two now and everything is ready but we're both exhausted.

"They're here," my phone buzzes on the countertop so Karlie gets up to go and open the gate as I herd the animals into the living room, mainly Joe since the cats were already in there. "Mama?" Rosie comes wandering down the stairs as I close the doors and I give her a warm smile as I glance down the hall to where Karlie is showing the social worker and the teen into the family room. "Hey sweet girl, what's wrong?" She holds her arms up to me and I pick her up, holding the little one on my hip as she hides her face in my neck, "I had a bad dream."

I sigh as I kiss her forehead, she hasn't had a nightmare in weeks, I thought they were getting better. "Alright, sweetheart, why dont't I take you back upstairs and tuck you in?" She peeks up to me, "will you sing to make the bad dreams go away?" I chuckle to myself as I nod, "of course, come on."

I hold her tight as I carry her back upstairs, humming gently as we go to her room - the little one is already falling back asleep before I lay her down. I sing my way through Call It What You Want which is one of Karlie's favourites so it quickly became one of Ro's favourites too, and Rosie is fast asleep again before I even finish the song. "Sleep tight, baby girl," I leave her with a gentle kiss on her forehead and her stuffed toy tucked under her arm, and then I leave her door open just a crack as I go back downstairs.

I yawn again and try to shake it away, I already know August is gonna wake up again by the time we get up to bed so I'm already preparing to be exhausted in the morning. "Sorry, Rosie had a bad dream so I had to tuck her back in," I look between the three people in the room and get my first look at the girl on the armchair, but she avoids looking at me as I take a seat beside Karlie.

"Don't worry at all, I apologise again for the time," I shake my head as I smile, glancing to the teen again, "we were still up anyway, and with Auggie up at all hours, we're not strangers to a late night." I don't want her to think that she's inconveniencing us, but I'm guessing she's as tired as we are. "I should get going and let you all get settled, but would you like to introduce yourself before I go?" The girl hasn't said anything at all as of yet and she shakes her head as she stares at the ground in front of her, keeping her arms wrapped around herself. "Alright, I'll be in contact when we have a permanent placement, which should be within the week."

Karlie and I nod, so the model gets up to show the social worker out, leaving me alone with our new charge for the first time. "I don't know how much Ms Murray told you about us, but I'm Taylor and the other woman is my fiance, Karlie. We have two little ones with us, Rosie is five and August who is a little over a month old. The animals are running around, we're got three cats and Joe, Kar's dog." I kinda infodump on her a little, but I understand that she's probably uncomfortable in this whole situation. All we really know is she's newly in care and she's very nervous about it, so I don't want anything to come as a suprise.

"Can you tell me your name, sweetheart?" She glances up to me for the first time but quickly diverts her eyes to the ground again, "Delilah, but everyone calls me Lilah." Her voice is quiet and I give her a soft smile, "have you eaten anything today, Lilah?" I don't know how long she was with the social worker or what kind of situation she came out of. "Taylor's an amazing cook if you're hungry," Karlie smiles as she walks back into the room and I roll my eyes as I look up to her, "coming from the woman who eats rabbit food."

That elicits a hint of a smile from Lilah and I glance to Karlie, "I'm fine, thank you. I'm just really tired." I nod as I look to Karlie, "I'll go and let Joey out and make Auggie's bottle, I'll see you upstairs," the model kisses my temple before getting up again and I smile back at her as she disappears, letting the animals roam again now that there's no chance of the cats escaping.

Lilah gets up and follows me as I lead her upstairs, pointing out the kitchen and living room on the way. "Karlie and I are in the first room with August and Rosie is in the bedroom next door, but we thought you might prefer a little more privacy so we're still close but you're just in here." We put her in the second master bedroom just along the hall.

"There are a couple different brands of toiletries in the bathroom, towels in the cabinet under the sink. Extra blankets and pillows in the ottoman, the remotes for the lights and the TV are on the nightstand," I try to point out everything - telling her there's pyjamas in a few sizes in the dresser, along with a few basic clothing items since we weren't sure what she was going to bring, and that seems to be a good call because she only has a backpack. I show her the snack drawer too, just in case she really is hungry and just doesn't wanna tell us. "I think that's everything, but if there's anything you want or need then you can add it to the grocery list on the fridge or leave me a little note if you'd prefer."

Once again, I'm dumping a load of information on her at once, but I'm trying to get out of her way to let her settle and process everything without Karlie or I in her face.

Lilah looks around the room for a second, staying silent as I hover by the end of the bed. "We usually do breakfast around eight, but the kitchen is stocked and you're welcome to anything in there whenever you'd like. Get some sleep and we'll try and keep the little ones as quiet as possible, but Ro is usually a little ball of energy in the morning." She nods as she sits down on the edge of the bed, so I take that as my queue to leave her alone.

"Taylor?" I turn to leave the room and hear her quiet voice behind me, "thank you," she gives me a sad smile and I nod, "sleep tight, sweetheart, we'll be right down the hall if you need anything." The teenager nods again so I give her one last smile before leaving and going along to our bedroom.

I can't even begin to imagine how scary all of this must be for her, especially since we're not yet aware of the situation she was removed from. We just need to take this one step at a time and help her however we can.

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